The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe Vol. I, No. Saturday, December 7, 1918 Price, Cents The Stranglers of Socialism?
The internationem ingredientemente en esence and is being propose des pour sale that the cialison makes tions of the Center and one her omary het en the completion of a proletarian revolution in the world safe for democracy is to become a war to ers are sinister proposals of Imperialism, a call upon Germany. Which comes first will determine largely crush Socialism and make the world safe for Im the American people to make sacrifices of blood and the character of the peace and the course of events perialism.
treasure to assure the supremacy of Capitalism and in Germany itself.
If the proposal to refuse negotiations with a Social Imperialism in Germany!
Just prior to the revolution, it was a race between ist proletarian government in Germany is because of The peculiar mental jugglery and the defense of armistice and the revolution, between Marshal Foch the democratic proposals of peace that this govern Imperialism requires the most peculiar, insolent and and Karl Liebknecht. The Revolution and Liebknecht ment would make, then the American press declares shameless mental jugglery by which the Times conconquered. But it was a conquest that marked simpin so many words that it wants a reactionary peace, cludes that making the world safe for democracy is ly the first stage of the Revolution; the next necesand that all its declamation about a permament peace synonymous with crushing Socialism, is indicated iff sary conquest, which alone will make the Revolution is contemptible camouflage. Already sinister forces the following words: a real revolution, is the conquest of Capitalism and of reaction are proposing an imperialistic peace, are The Bolsheviki, whether Russian or German, do Imperialism, the establishment of a Socialist prole suggesting making peace in the good old way of the not want democracy. They want a Government in tarian government.
past, with indiscriminate annexations and indemnities which the proletariat, one class, shall rule all other The reactionary press in this country and the reac and the threat of new wars. These forces of reacclasses; and in Russia they have shown that this rule tronary press in Germany are equally against the comtion contral influential newspapers and influenis not to be a mild one, but one of bloody tyranny.
ing of this new revolution. It is being declared by tial personages, and their campaign for a reactionary The Bolsheviki, in fact, adopt the same principles as the American press and repeated in Germany by the peace and larger armaments is assuming formidable that of the Middle Ages, in which one class ruled all reactionary moderates, that in the event of a Socialist proportions.
cther classes. The only difference is that in the Midproletarian government the United States and the AlThe issue, as expressed in a portion of the Ameridl Ages it was the aristocratic class which ruled, and lies would refuse to negotiate with such a governcan press, is an issue of Socialism against Imperialism the Bolsheviki propose to substitute the rule of the and Socialism must conquer. ment and perhaps declare war upon it.
The New York Times, in its December issue, working classes. The aristocratic class ruled mildly In other words, our reactionary press proposes that editorially says: in some places, harshly in others; the proletariat bethe United States and the people of the United States gins, at least, by ruling ferociously everywhere that it Again and again, at the meeting of the Central should become the stranglers of the Resolution in Soldiers and Workmen Council at Berlin, Hugo ably clear on this difference between Bolshevist rule gains power. Mr. Mueller is perfectly right and desirGermany, the stranglers of Socialism. This is a Haase and others warned their comrades that PresiDionstrous proposal, the consummation of which dent Wilson would only conclude peace with a stable and democratic rule, which last is not the rule of any vould make the United States the executioner of declass, but the rule of the whole people: We don want democratic government in which all classes were repnocracy, usurping the functions of Czarism.
resented. Richard Mueller, Chief Executive of the a democratic republic. We want a socialistic, nay, a It is a serious proposition. The American press is Council, described this assertion as an invention of Froletarian, republic. Enough has been said. No trying to distort the problem of the coming peace democracy; democracy is spurned.
the reactionary press. Yet, since President Wilinto a problem of action to crush the German proleson meant what he said about making the world safe This is a rare specimen of logic. The Bolshevik tarian revolution.
for democracy, Mr. Haase is absolutely right and principle of government is the same principle as that In its issue of November 25, the Boston American Mr. Mueller is not only wrong, but he knows he is of the Middle Ages, in which one class ruled all other published a Washington dispatch, which said: classes. That is a formidable indictment; it evukes wrong and is whistling to keep his spirits up. Accepting as true the reports that the radicals In other words, the Times declares that it is the visions of a small class of aristocrats, very small in under Karl Liebknecht have gained control of the purpose of the Allies not to conclude peace with a number, who toiled not, neither did they spin, thrivgovernment, it was pointed out today that an under Socialist Germany, and intimates that making the ing in wealth and luxury by exploiting the mass of the standing between the new German control and the world safe for democracy is synonymous with crush people. That was the Middle Ages the mass of the Lenin Trotzky domination at Petrograd is almost ing Socialism.
people, the workers and producers, denied all share certain. That this would mean very serious compliWhat is the attitude of the government? And what in the government and the enjoyment of the fruits of cations in the effort to arrange a permanent peace was their labor. But the Times proceeds: The only difference is that in the Middle Ages it was the aristocratic the general opinion of officials here.
Why? Why should a Socalist proletarian governclass that ruled, and the Bolsheviki propose to subment. in Germany complicate the efforts to arrange a stitute the rule of the working classes. Well, well, well! The only difference. But it appears a big permanent peace?
Is it because this Socialist government would proand fundamental difference. The aristocratic class pose a reactionary peace, would act against permawas an idle class of robbers and murderers, a very nent peace? On the contrary: it is only by means of small part of the population, performing no recessary social function; the working class is a producing class, this government, it is only by means of the annihilation of capitalist Imperialism, that permanent peace the overwhelming majority of the people, performcan be secured. The proletarian revolution in Gering the fundamental social function of production is not a tremendous difference comprised in this? Moremany, in accord with the proletarian revolution in Sunday, December 8, 1918 Russia, adheres to the program of a real democratic over, the mass of the serfs could not become aristoat 30 o clock peace. The Bolsheviki and the Russian people have crats; but the members of the very small class of fcught and starved and died to assure this peace; and nobles and non producing bourgeois in Russia, and we the proletarian revolution in Germany and Russia is hope soon in Germany, can become members of the a real guaranty of a people peace, of the coming of Cor. Washington and Dover Sts. working class and participate in the Government by becoming useful producers, workers performing sopermanent peace.
Would a Socialist proletarian government in Gercially necessary functions. The Bolsheviki ideal is not SPEAKERS: many complicate the peace problems because the Al government by one class that is Capitalism; but lies could not negotiate with such a government? But JOHN REED the abolition of all classes, a society in which all perwhy should the Allies refuse to negotiate with a SoRecently Returned from Russia sons are comprised in the communistically organized cialist proletarian government? If this government roducers.
LUDWIG LORE proposes democratic terms of peace, if this governThe development of a Socialist proletarian governEditor of the Volkszeitung German Socialist Daily ment seeks to make peace secure and permanent, then ment in Germany will not complicate peace unless the proposal that the Allics should refuse to negotiLOUIS FRAINA the purpose of the coming peace is to assure the suate with this government means that the refusal would premacy of Capitalism and Imperialism.
be based upon the fact of this government being a ADMISSION FREE Self determination of peoples, in word and in deed!
Socialist revolutionary government. If the German Auspices, Local Boston, Socialist Party Self determination for Socialist Russia and for the people decide in favor of a Socialist government, that coming Socialist Germany!
MASS MEETING German and Russian Revolution Grand Opera House