8 The International Movement Russia and the New Revolution cries: Enough of war! Bread and peacel is simple beautiful! No wonder th THE advent of the revolutionary proletariat in Incidents of this sort, together with the mass revolted.
Germany and Austria has immeasurably action of the industrial workers, brought the revThe British Preparing strengthened the power of the Soviets in Russia. olution, in spite of the conservative union bureauThe Bolsheviki have greatly contributed to the cracy and Socialists. Now that the revolution is with the government and the ruling THE British Labor Party has broko coming of the new revolution not only by their on, the conservative Socialists want unity. The vote of 1, 844, 000 to 891, 000. The ult ideas, not only by the force of accomplishments in Russia, but by the wide use requires Socialist unity, but that the radicals are any forces declared that severing rel: Austria. While the Brest Litovsk peace negotia means counter revolution, there will be unity for the release of John MacLean an agitators in Germany and brenking the unity. The Vorwaerts unity the government would prove a calan tions were going on, the Bolsheviki waged a tre after revolutionary Socialism conquers. political prisoners, including Conscie The Ideal Soldier German troops; after peace was concluded, this propaganda continued and spread into Germany imperialist propaganda published at Helsingfors imprisonment for revolutionary activ In No. 80 of Suom Finland, a paper of German Sncinlist, and in 1915 was sentenced to itsell, the centre being Bolshevik Ambasador Joffe Finland, there is an article on The Idenl Soldier, the war; he has been praised by Lenin in Berlin, who co operated with Rosa Luxemburg. which characterises the ideal of German militar. spring of 1918 was appointed Consul Franz Mehring and other revolutionary Socialists. ism and of that German maintained government viet Government in Clasgow: Macle Austria, Bucharin, editor of the Moscow has greeted: of Finland which public opinion among the Allies candidate of the labor Party for Pa the Social Democrat and an influential Bolshevik, Glasgow district. His constituent An impassable gulf separates the soldier, par. cally refused to nece rin declared: We have to share our knowledge ticularly the recruit, from his officers. The last Minister Barnes, cone of the absentere with the West European proletariat, whose movecoalition government of Lloyd George.
ment has no leader or system or determined nor perior. He must execute them blindly, without with a characteristic opportunistic an The soldier must obey the orders of his su.
The labor Party enters the comin licy. In this we must help them. Bolshevik thinking.
agents in Poland are developing a formidable re The soldier must not even desire to act inde. tionary masses.
form program, incapable of rallying volutionary movement, the centre of which is Carl Redek.
pendently since he is subjected to the will of his The Independent labor Party Nat The Soviet Government has organized a capable superior. The soldier must think, nor speak, be cil (the pulicy approximates Socialist army, which an official of the old regime, cause he is obliged to act upon orders of his sup policy of the Independent Suwinlists of recently arrived in Paris, was compelled to admit is crior.
has passed a resolution congratulatin disciplined and effective instrument. The fourth young soldier is not a man; it is only man Social Democracy upon the brilli All Russian Soviet Congress, held in July, decided through the orders of his superior that he he most bloodless revolution. The resolut upon the organization of a large army. Some time comes a human being.
that a Socialist governinent has been later the Central Executive Committee adopted Like a worm he must remain in the dust and And welcomes the agreement be the following resolution: The joint session of listen to the whistling of the whip over his hend. two sections of the German Socialist the Moscow Executive Committee and the Mos it is only after weeks and months that the grace This is characteristic of the Cow Soviet approves the policy of the Soviet Gov. of his superior raises recruit from the dust policy: why not congratulate the Sp: ernment which constantly puts into practice the washes him. dresses him and transforms him cialists? Before the proletarian roki decisions of the fourth extraordinary All Rus into a man and a moldier.
conquer in Germany, it must sweer sian Congress. The joint session assumes that The superior of the soldier is a magic mirror, unity of the sections praised by the the main problem of the Soviets, under the pre his image must not reveal any vices.
At a conference in London a sche conditions, is increased activity in the The superior is a god to the soldier. god prevention of strikes in shipyards a ing of all organizations which embrace the masses must respect and whose divine orders he must Federation and the representatives of of workers and peasants, the strenghtening of execute.
unions concerned.
internal harmony and discipline in the ranks The god of the soldier is never content and The Belgian Reaction Revea of these organizations. In the transitory period we are passing through, the Soviet Government never thankful for accomplished deeds. But he THE Belgian Socialist Party rece must strengthen the dictatorship over the bour: severely punishes insubordination.
a manifesto in which it cnergetically geoisie. By harmonius and energetic work of all Because the hands of the soldier superior the Belgian people not to allow the the comrades devoted to the task of completing holds the key to the enrthly hell.
war to develop into a war of aggressio the November Revolution, we will reach, in spite This is not satire, but serious propaganda. It ing parliamentary control over the go of all obstacles, the complete success of the activity.
world Social Revolution.
APPRECIATIONS AND BUSINESS This flicker of independence has per Bookshop. Chicago: Received your ten copies, too late. Belgian imperialists have ji ROSA LUXEMBURG and Kari Liebknecht aro and sold them in as many seconds. Send Afty more immediately. campaign for the annexation of working harmoniously in the great revolutionary Ellis Jones, New York: just got hold of Dutch territory, the left bank of Vol. No. of The Revolutionary Are. like its River.
struggle, emerging as dominating factors in the tone, its spirit and its contents. There should be tresituation.
mendous demand for just this sort of thing. We Even the rocinl patriotic Socialists The international revolutionary Socialists in must steer straight course at this critical time. should now realize that the Bremen recently issued a pamphlet declaring that am going to mention your paper in a speech which swindled them. They will yet he swer not only the Scheidemann majority Socialists, but am making tomorrow night before the am the rightcous wrath of the Belgian going to hold it up as concrete example of the kind han: also the Independent Socialists of the Haase type, of thing we need and the kind of thing we will get The Belgian Socialists, and others. are simply adepts in radical phrases while avoid in American journalism. If there is anything can immediate convocation of an Internatio ing deeds; the Internationalists and Communists dn for you, let me know.
ist Congress. What sort of Congress insist upon revolutionary action. Nasmyth. Boston: The night of your address of international social patriot at the Fabian Club the following memhers subPrior to the revolutionary explosion, the masses. arrihnil for The Revolutionary Age. The mlips were were. stirring into action, opposed by the union not all turned in. am sure, but those have rescued Renaudel, Maslov, Branting and Troc and Socialist bureaucrats. The Miners Union are as follows: a Congress of revolutionary Sociali issued an appeal to the workers in the Rhine coal ORDER BUNDLE!
knecht, Lenin. Trotzky. Lorint, Lazzari, basin calling upon them to be calm and not tole The Revolutionary Age must reach the masses; the active internationnlists?
rate strike propaganda. The appeal declared that it is a vital and a necessary thing.
The Development in France partial strikes had broken out in the industrial districts of Essen, threatening to spread to other Get subscribers; the subscription rate is 00 THE news that the international for three months (27 issues. Prepaid subscripallows to come from France concerns regions.
The soldiers also were uneasy. On August tion cards can be secured in quantity upon resentatives of the masses and not th German soldiers at Reval disarmed themselves ceipt of the price.
That there is a proletarian mass mov veloping, is certainty. The French to show that they were tired of war. The tele Particularly good work can be done hy means as well as the proletariat of Italy, is phone wires were cut, and at meetings held the of bundles. Get your local or your union to order for great things same day speakers denounced war. The cry was. Enough of bloodshed! We do not want to fight a bundle; order a bundle yourself for sale or dist The reactionary Socialists Deputies any longer! Two hundred soldiers were arrested. ribution among your fellow workers in the shops.
pealed to Premier Clemenceau for Soc At Felline, in Livonia, at the end of July, trouble Bundle orders are coming in splendidly, from presentation at the ence Conference, started in the garrison, which thereupon receiver has graciously promised to take ti New York, Chicago, Cleveland and other cities.
ed orders to place itself in readiness for the westunder consideration. Socialism has score ern front an order never executed. Detachments Everywhere the paper has reached enthusiasm victory!
sent to enforce the order joined the rebels, organand orders! We want to dispose of one hundred The renegade Gustav Herve, editor of ized a joint meeting, ending with singing rev. thousand copies an issue it can be done in the toire, formerly La Guerre Sociale, olutionary songs. After the meeting, the soldiers next month!
cently expelled from the party. Herve marched to the railway station, divested them.
Prices in bundles of ten or more: 2c. a copy, a violcrit social patriot: his attitude selyes of all military insignia, and boarded the all charges prepaid. Send that order now! infamous that it is not much of a cres trains. Upon their arrival at the Meisgkull depot.
rarty to kick him out. Now the job of they met detachments coming from Perman and Address the Augean stables should begin the Weissenstein on their way to the western front.
Manager Steinert of Thomas. Rennudel. Cachin, and the After a meeting, the new soldiers divested them885 Washington Street. Boston, Mass. tors, who have betrayed Socialism and selves of military insignia and dispersed with party, until recently, an ally of Imperia imperi: