7 made rapid Wallings. believe that almost alone in Russia, behalf of the Bolsheviks, and cried, With this lic, they declared that they withdrew for one rensignificance and possibilities of the Soviets. It vika have nothing to do! And the Bolsheviks Constituent, and that they, the Bolsheviks, would firat raised the great cry, All Power to the Sovi. All Russian Soviets had been called to meet in leaders themselves were ets. As the soled away on the side of apa then it would more and more there coming the first week in November, and action in pria senting come interpryb with their later which was the stronger phasized by the capitalist press of all countries, try, or even opposition to the will of the masses: the bourgeoisie, intelligentsia and moderate sa which pretends to believe that the Bolsheviks are as the masses felt themselves more and more cialists. or the the proletariat.
as tyrannical as all bodies of men who achieve enia progress among them, culminating in battle for covernmental nower, which is by far simply because it opposed their wishes. But that that power, the spontaneous but abortive uprising of July 16 the most important question of revolution. The is not true.
Bolshevism, but accomplished two other intensely allics of the bourgeoisic tried every nossible Republic the masses knew the way they should so, have said that in leaving the Council of the of the prestige of the Soviets, and secondly, it forced the Soviets telegraphing their liutenants all over For example, there was a strong minority op modernte Socialiste over to the side of the hour Risxia to hinder the clection, declare against the posed to the insurrectionary policy of Lenin, who geoisie.
With the Soviets wenkened, the Bolsheviks an interview with the secretary of the Central the question of whether or not to make the No.
ruined, the burgeninie grew Puddenly insolent Committee of the Cadet Party. Ile said: vemier revolution. So it was concerning the and impaient. The agrarinn riots, caused by the Since the Kornilov affair we Cadets don dare question of the Constituent. Although after the Government refusal to keup its promises alnut to be very notive in public. Moreover, it is not establishment of the Pre parliament the masses the land question. were suppressed by Coxsacks; necessary. The Molernte Socialists are doing all knew instinctively that for them parliamentary everywhere the left oned. or rendered omlists were impris. the dirty work for us, although ton stupid to know democracy WAS mortal enemy, still they had powerless: cven in it. The lwurserisic wants everybody to co oper. bern educated for fifty years to believe that a the Soviets. Almost openly, and with the partic. ate with it, but it co operatex with nobody. Russian National Assembly would solve all their But, as a matter of fact, the bourgeoisin made problems, just as the French people thout in lov was invited to become a second Napoleon. the same mistake it had made in the divx of 1789 92. Lenin. of course, was avainst the conBut the bourgeoisie had not estimated the Intent Kornilov. Flushed with triumnh. it created stituent Assembly from the beginnine, but it was strungth of the revolutionary markes, who rose sort of parliament. Council of the Rrnuhlic) not until after the November revolution, when as one man no roon as the issue became clear, which had no power, and an irreponsible Minis the Soviets finally began to frel the power of the And the Kornilov attempt immediately revived try. In this marliament the Chairt mrmlers even great Russian mass pouring throuch all the chanthe Soviets, those extraordinarily ellicient instru derlared that it was illegal to derlore Russia a re nels of life, that the majority saw the utter fuments of mvolutionary action, and raised the public! The destruction of the Soviets. restora tility of a conventional territorial nasemlolv. electRolsheviks nt one bound into power. It was in tion of discipline in the army, protection of pri ed in the very midst of the November revolution.
Septemher thnt the Sovieta beran to chance their vate property these were the questions discueerd. from clectoral lists made un so long brfore that complexion over nivht first the Petrograd Sov. And to crown all. Terrestohenko. Minister of For the Socinl Revolutionist party was still spt down iet, then that of Moscow, Kirv, Olesen, follower in Affairs, stool in the trium apucintor 719 one rty with a single program, althouh in lor the smaller Sovirle. Al last thr mange kurw the pinility of war to annihilation whirh the Ortaler illud split into two grparnte and distinct thir war the should nlllomgh their course of linssinn tormwre lod fribinete repudiated parties, with two Arlinn nyel rinnr.
when the Milyok ministre fall programs in Mar Hluftor ligesinin kita per. ll. Rih. rint dalam Hofura thn Newcomer revolution this mannry Inil on loomuch wil. ring Fi. loint listine golden in lille led pool thailuaut, and thin winin Vremline it was vilnin hund ihn orin forro The only in the militar striny Brin. of Irine Ajit. lin. Swalit: Per llim Nurruling. while hul were the print. frli What Dollal in thin Ir volution movni. the leavinin nipotrol fivell with the 1909. Anul in the train Ilarra rubin Its tintituent, and the MABANG. weit illon ftris montowel to the limit, All the remain the mos follor pe for floor of all bolle. Til le client. einin inliale, that lo lu say. anti Italia man kerrol the ball Mimi III. Threach. toles el vik. bylo tohi, II. hely ha te mitul luoll, leto llor More in Hul the loviria wenn linkier ut of l, ll ll. The result the level min. Anul wil of the wins in the 1st bin tlori www. but the Tull thu the constituirul: maltlır Ir.
tl. Sie harew flint Ilir frente al mun of Spal 1511 th (ntral Executive. stituent Assembly woke of the Coalition Coverome as fol.
jily of the Constituent lindral followin all the list NiX 120 hs of the lievolution the kuwa Iliruisio Percom That it hun in the mir, like Molimmel coff.
temeratiellvell con And, indeni, blown upon by the rouh breth of At Inst. a truly democratic covernment, Iworn rituent Assembols, and were the date of its the impatient pennle, the Constituent Ascombly of the will of all classes of the Ruexian pronleunenin again and amin, while the demarency vanished like smoke, leaving no trace behind it.
the first much form of the future liberal norlin clune to it as the solution of all dificultira. FinalAs the when mentary recrime, has been formed. Ahead of us is the clamor grow so urrent that the hourreicia the Inst cffort of hourrcnis counter revolution is is the Constiturnt Arrembly, which will molve all was forced to form to the pening of the Constit crushed; when the resistance or itici urnt nt the end of November. Rut na late as Sep is finally crushed by the exnronrintion of all that position will be carentially democrntic. The fune tomber one of the Cadet lenders snid to me. If the Constituent shows any Ultoninn tendon. is Inrgely at an end, and their economic function feeds it: then the political function of the Soviets of the revolutionary machinery, from the star round the hall, with soldiers nnd arrest thc delc of the workers the nenannts, and leaving annmachine when they must retire. with the rest riesi, perinte a military coundrint for hreins uniting in themselves the oronnizations gatex.
free urge of life the creative imnulses of mankind.
sationereafter be the peaceful ones of political On the other hard. all the mnaere and their Out of these Soviets is coming a new and dreamormanizations were in favor of the Continent, ed of orennization of society: world in which At the onening meeting of the new Council of and as inte as the end of Ortoher. Whan Tentely government consists onlv in sunnlving man with the Russian Republic, Trotsky rose to his feet on and the Bolsheviks left the Council of the Repub the material for the building of happy cities.
۱۱۲ ۱۱۱ ۱۰م آن روزها را. اورا ورا ۱۱۱ ۳۸۰ ۱۱۱۹۰۱ مرام ۴۱۴۱۱۱ ۱۴۱۰. اره ۱۰:۰۹۰ را اله اه ۱۹۱ ۱۱۲ رااهزاده.
The Angel of Death THE angel of death whispers no more in the trenches death no Innger stalks the fields of Flanders what of nientary jar in the whirr of the machine. The of the Western front. The war to enl war the places where men built their prisons and call them angel of death whispers. The machine moves on.
is over the war that was to end for ever tlic slirick factories, elig sepulchres and call them mines? Dnes In Russia man conquered the machine and harnessed of the deadly shrapnel, the zip p of the Nesh tear the echo of death whisper not murmur here? it to do luis bidding the owners of the machine rush ing bullet. the carth rending crash of the explodling The war to end war is over. But away in the iceto its aid and the smoldering struggle bursts into slıcil, the wash of the hungry torpedo, the lurch of Inckerl north of Russia is not the battle line still far the open Name of war. War to destroy those who thie stricken ship, the drone of the terror of the skics, Nung? Does not the angel of death whisper over thic have fought not only the war 10 end war but the red glare of the bombed village, thc thunder of clefrozen steppes?
thic war to end the tyranny of the machine. Warto fiant artillery, the shrill whistle of command, that (lestroy those who not only would make the graves thud of flying feet, the lioarse shout of charging bat The war is over, but the struggle is on. The class called trenches useless, hut who would also sweep talions, the cold glint of onrushing bayoncts, the dull struggle the struggle of the machinc and its owners away the prisons called factories, the sepulchres impact of clashing trumps, the hiss of the liquid death. against man, the struggle which must make man the calice mincs, and in their places raise smiling fields, tive screams of the mangler dying, the curses and master of the machine or for ever its slave, the grim factories no longer prisons, mines no longer sepulmoans of the woundeel, the licart sobs of deserted battle between man and the machine, between life and clires. War to destroy those who would take the women, the wail of the lonely chill. a living death is legun and in Russia it Nares into tyranny called profit out of the machine and make it pen war.
The lowering clouds of the wintry sky 10 Innger 11:c servant of man in the end that the angel of death curreal a Monik nf lwunting planes, machine gums IK Inter the all of the machine pur the millions of slowl whisper nn nxire lecause of the machine ut liger lurk in the bushes, weer hill burger the world carlı laur. And the marlitir awakes and its owner.
maksa ficho later, the sinken liteles, wherr men lngry mar and the milliers prach in raer reins in Flaneers, the angelooflrath wliy oling their rarrs and call the truth are empty feel it willen wir mit lor peer en te leri lrt thiry arsin me in the frenches of the Western front, but a walks alread wleir leath leis triggere 11. Bulatr, for millation miralls death Ilir urim strap. ir helmeen man and the marline is Hlut what of the rest of the wall? If the angel of rol abstraction. shunick. inn und in Russia the battle live is far Aung 11