AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyGermanyLeninOpportunismSocialismSovietTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

November 30, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE ution, the Soviets after the accomplishment of their initial task, do not dispcrsc, but acquire new Bolsheviki and Mensheviki Bolshevikjabs strength and develop new action, usurping government functions, developing from instruments in Bulgaria KERENSKY has broken into the newspapers of revolutionary action into organs of revolutionagain giving a lot of advice to the Russians.
Teddy Roosevelt is continually acting in the same ary government.
TIJE recent revolutionary events in Bulgaria, way with regard to this country, and only the revolution is not static; the moment it be. ne spread of Bulshevismn, is of great interest. other day Carl Hapsburg gave some hints to the comes static, it stagnates. The initial aciion must Stambulevsky, who recently led a successful peate Austrians through the public prints, and while the Kniser is not saying anything he is doubtless all spheres of life, must completely alter the polic thority on agrarian matters, in admirer of Lenin thinking a good deal about what the Germans this is done the revolution becomes weakened, cul chicf proposal of Stambulevsky is the distribution tical and economic complexion ul nuciety. Unless and a student of lenin agrarian theories. The ought to do, We are glad to see these ex employees taking lapses, and reaction conquers. Limit the revol of the great landed esintes.
an interest in their old firms, but it can be over dead: only through the Soviets can the revolution The Socialist movement presents interesting done and these people shoull remember that they develop and conquer all power.
features, which were recently andyzed by things are never manged as well as they used have been fired for good. Of course we know that Consider two aspects of the revolutionary situ Asemanov in the New York Novy Miras to be, but even today modextyø is stilla viriuc.
ation in Germany.
The autocracy was overthrown, a revolution presented by two parties the Social Democra are really remarkable people. few days ago The Socialist movement in Bulgaria is re As we have remarked before these Bolsheviki ary governnient is organized which acts together fic labor Party and the Social Democratic ar. The papers told us that they had been overthrown with the Soviets, now under molerute domination.
ty. The former party is termed broud and Find that Lenin was en route to the frontier on But the old state machinery, the old bureaucracy, the old parliamentary forms for the deception and le termed Stenshevist opportunist and the lat made a triumphal entry into Dvinsk. Variety is the latter narrow. The former can rightly fast train, now comes the news that they have uppression of the musses is relained: the revoluthe state itself, has annihilatel the old personnci struggle between the two pirties, struggle of of the state but not the state itselt. and the propolicy is becoming ascendent. This was written menes. The workers mure. Mooney is released!
principles, and one must own that the Bolshevik The workers murmur. Mooney is printed cle.
letarian revolution has not conquered until this annihilation is accomplished.
before the Bulgarian revolution.
Nor hits the revolution fundamentally line The Bulgarian Mensheviki, the opportunist The high cost of living is going down. limous.
trated the army; just is Dr. Soll ind Dr. Erz. Secialists, are bluext of the blood of the interna ines have suffered a serious decline in price.
berger speak in the name of the revolutionary tional opportunists. They recognize wholly the It is wsitively denied that Henry Foril is going government, the old oflicers are still at the head principles of opportunism which allows couperine of the revolutionary urmy. The urmy should unification of the large democratic sextions of the unce.
tion with bourgeois liberals. They stund for the to be one of the celegates to the peace Center army organized, the military Red Guard of the pulation, rcfusing in reality 10 fullsithe pulicy The newspapers report that the United States Revolutionary masses, since the industrial and of a consistent proletarian class struggle; in this military might of the proletariat alone can de party the peasants provoninate and shades of Government has refuser William Tart ripplication for it pitssport to Europe. On the grounds, fend and extend the conquests of the Revolution, liberal intellektuals. Le can justls call this par. We suppose, that the league to Enforce eace has done quite cnough harm at hoxhc.
to crush the counter revolution, to crush militar. The Bulgurian Mensheviki, ns represented by ism, Capitalism, and reaction.
their leaders, accepted the world war in the spirit Owing to the spread of Bolshevism the price These are indispensable phases of the proletar of German social patriotism. In 1916 a few proian revolution, neither of which are, as yet, phases minent leaders of the brond party visited Ger something wrong; perhaps we have got it the of a proletarian revolution in Germany. And they many, where at big meetings they declared them wrong way round.
are, equally, phases of all power to the Soviets, selves faithful to the democracy of the Central all power to the revolutionary proletariat, all Powers who were fighting Czarism. The Bul. Duluth Truth observes that under Socialism power to Socialism, in Germany as in Russia.
garian government on several occasions declared the non producer will get the full profluct of his All power to the Soviets means that Germany that the support rendered by these broad So labor. There nothing like living up to one consciously and definitely initiates the coming of cialists had been very valuable. It is not surpris. name.
Socialism. instead of a bourgeois parliamentary ing. then, that the treacherous government of republic. Socialist proletarian republic. It means Ferdinand paid them in confidence and easy Royalty is selling out, says a newspaper headthe complete destruction of the old state machin jobs.
line. In other words: Dirt cheap.
ery; the division of functions between legislative The Bulgarian Bolsheviki of the narrow and arising between army of bureaucratic officials necessarily hostile masses, predominating in almost all industrial scas is largely typographicul.
to the masses and to any radical measures the centres, uncontested by the opportunists.
government might introduce these are instru In the question of internal and foreign policy Bulls are well known to cherish an aversion to ments of class rule. Necessary functions of govern our comrades, the Bulgarian Bolsheviki, have al the color red. but we are glad to see that none ment would be usurped by the Soviets, the pro ways been guided by a consistent conception of of the Socialist aktormen insulted the bulls.
machinery for the oppression of the workers, the of Bulgarian liberalisın.
Thev have never accept many are going to have a convention in Berlin of the old political state, organ of class rule, the enemies not only of Bulgarian reaction, but also The soldiers and workmen councils of Gercentral expression of the tyranny of Capitalism. ed the Menshevist philosophy of the unity of on December 16. lle would strongly urge that The new state of the Soviets would be a state the democratic forces. that is union with the the present government be given at least two based upon the organized producers in the factory radical and liberal bourgeoisic.
weeks notice and not fired on thic xpxt, as was and the farin, representing exclusively the uscful producers. The Soviet stale wouki recognize The Ferdinand government, of course, impri the case in Russiat.
no other class but the working class, would ex oned our comrades by the hundred. According clude the bourgensic from participation in the to the figurex of 1917, more than one thousand ostmaster tieneral Burleson has surred Lingovernment. Having organized a new state after mors of the aw party were in prison is clear the Soviets it work. it is iwwer to the Soviets, the new Serial and over six hundred men, under and love me lieved that the ostmistar contemplatex issuing ist government would proceed to the industrial litary sur hul leen inpressed into the arms. corrent decent of the work of the Soviets and exproprintion of capital, placing industry in the But they have alwa demanded on and of the that the stoppures of lani version was only control of the working class organized in the Soward demoratie peace. Instircel boy the Rus undertaken cause of its incrurier. lii suid viets, introducing the relations of the full and sian Cirvolution, they increased their properanda: that suche sullorities in Russi. is Cr. Sisson free democracy of Socialism.
and they are rallying the misses siiccessfully. and wir aiding the last mater in the prep uration of his complet and that clue thanks will All power to the Soviets would constitute a revolutiotury dictatorship of the proletariat, o dielo characteristie Nimple of how the American press rendered to these nen in the introductory note.
atorship in relation to the lwurgeoisie and at de gives information to the lat pulation almont RusThe New York luard of Aklermen has passed mocracy in relation to the proletariat. It would sia can lw gleaned from the article of a certain New be a temporary dictatorship, necessary until Cap York merchant in the World Work.
an ordinance making the displity of the Real Play italism had been completely expropriated econom.
an offense punishable by either fine or imprison.
Clic New York mercliant informs tis: ment because, as one of the learned city fathers ically and politically, after which the dictatorMartov has been appointed a Rolshevist Ambas said, it is a badge of unarchy and, of course, New ship would disappear because its functions would no longer be necessary.
sador to. Siam!
York would not tolerate anarchy. The black fing is als certain negro from the North Carolina is an also forbidden, presumably because it is the By means of all power to the Soviets, to the Councils of Workmen and Soldiers, and by this assistent Commisaire for internal affairs.
badge or Trotzky wife acquired millions and went to of course, we have long known the spirit of means alone, can the proletarian revolution in democracy that pervades New York City offGermany conquer all power for Socialism.
Stockholm to dissipate.
cialdom, but we must protest. This is carrying Mr. Williams, contributor to the respectable Times, democracy too far. Because it hecomes a regret CORRECTION again raises an aların about the fate of Russia and table necessity to bar the Red Flag of the internathis alarm is being echoed by the whole bourgeoisie no reason why Wall Street should be deprived of Owing to an error, the article in our third issue, American press. The Coming of the Final Struggle, was wrongly The Germans left Russia says Williams.
the pleasure of displaying its emblem. We sincredited to Gregory Weinstein. It should have Well and good. Now it is the Allies turncerely hope that the people of this country will not stand silently by and see the capitalists opbeen credited to Hourwich.
every logically thinking man will say.
pressed in this manner.
of piracy.