AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyMarxismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

2 The Revolutionary Age SE: the of Socialism Arrested. threatened capital. This the uccess of boursemaintained assist these troops. In Vladivostok the Allies dis The Independent Socialists do not oppose the persed the Soviet, and a new election was held: Assembly, but they oppose its immediate con the Bolsheviki won an overwhelming victory. But vocation. Faithful to their moderate policy, they Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe. their administration was dispersed. Is this the want certain reforms to be introduced which the LOUIS FRAINA Editor sort of assistance that Senator King has in mind? Assembly would be used to ratify as accom The mass of the Russian people are loyal to plished facts. Hugo attitude is comprised EADxoxx MacALPINE. Associate Editor the Soviet Government. Alien troops are still declaration that the in most vital interests Contributing Editors in Archangel and Vladivostok!
the proletariat that the ground gained SCOTT NEARING LUDWIC LORE Bakhmetieff and Money by revolution while the proletariat still has the power to do so.
must first be fortified securely JOHN REED Sen KATAYAMA Upon the overthrow of the Czar, the Milyukov. But Haase wants the Assembly to convene, with HOURWICH WEINSTEIN Guchkov government appointed Boris Bakhmetieff the proviso that it must not convene before the ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY as its ambassador at Washington. He remained prisoners of war return and can vote! This is By Local Boston, Socialist Party ambassador during the government changes, bc petty, hesitant, wavering between the govern 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. ing retained by Kerensky. Upon the assumption ment and the Councils, between proletarian dicdie over hos Soviete Ambassadore Boris was tatarship and bourgeoise dans le mobilya Saturday, November 30, 1918 revolutionary Socinlists of the Spartacus ernment and his dismissal; he retained possession Group, on the contrary, are categorically opposed of the Russian Embassy in Washington, and of all to thic Assonibly, since it is an instrument of Clemency is for the Guilty!
THE clemency to Tom Mooney granted by enment and carried on an anti Soviet propa. of the Socialist proletarint, the annihilation of the maintained relations with the United Stnter gov. revolutionary. Their program is the dictatorship Governor Stephens of California is an insult and can a disgrace. It should rally labor to a new determination. In commuting the sentence of Mooney function does Bakhmetief perform which reThis fact suggestes a number of questions. What inary to the coming of the communist democracy to life imprisonment, Gov. Stephens spenks about quires mosiey, since he no longer represents Rus the impossible tenets of the anarchists, whose Xia? What cheek is there upon the expenditure is the insuc comprised in the problem of whether The issue is fundamental, and not technicnl. It sympathy for the German cause is well known, of this money? Where does the money come and that after the homb explosion a number of from? Is this money being granted him by the im that is the issue, in spite of wavering.
should be vested in Socialism or in Capitalpower persons of pronounced anarchistic tendencies were United States Government direct, or is it coming hesitation and compromise. Should the program This contemptible camouflage. It out of credits to the old Russian government? It of the Spartacus Group meet defcat, it would mean is an appeal to the lowest passions of the mob, a perversion of the truth, and a gross indecency un the purpose of maintaining de facto diplomatician and Socialist revolution. This issue of the the later, who is to repay this money? What is the defeat of the German revolution as a proletarworthy of the chief executive of a great Why clemency?
relations with an Ambassador who has been disAnd what is the clemency comcrisis and problem of power will come to a head prised in being sentenced to a living death for the is Bakhmatier doing these days?
missel and represents no one but himself? What at the Congress of Councils which convenes Dec.
cmber 16 rest of one life? Mooney himself has askedeither acquittal or death the relius paliciner favor All Power to the Soviets!
Accordingly, the revolutionary problem of the moment in Germany is All power to the Counshall allow capital to murder an agitator who The crisis of power is developing in Germany, cils!
als it was All power to the Soviets! in RusIt is a crisis that cannot be postponed, but must sia. The program is identical, the crisis of power clemency should be a breach must nour the indignation of the Am pugh which clefinitely be disposed of, since it goes to the duce the proletarian revolution in Germany the same as that crisis which proican people heart of the problems of the Revolution, determin This clemency, disgraceful and indecent as it is ming whether Germany shall cmeræc into a par the Councils, or Soviets, of Workmen. Russia.
What is comprised in the slogan, All power to still direct result of working class pressure. liamentary democratic repulslic, as in France, or Let the pressure increase until Mooney again be a Socialist epublic, as in Russin.
All power to the Soviets is the necssary decomes free! The Seattle labor unions have adopt At a meeting of heads of the various German ment alone wouki mund of the proletarian revolution, its accomplished the right course in their declaration that the states it was decided unanimously that a Consti olution. clemency of Governor Stephens will not alter tuent Assembly should be held, and held immeditheir plans for a strike of protest.
ately. This Federal Conference urged The Soviets, or Councils, are class organizethat unity be and all They are Still There!
tions, characteristic of the proletarian revolution.
separatist iriged in spite of the fact that They are mass organization of the proletariat, separatism is a THE other day, Senator King of Utah introduced the dynamic expression of the proletariat in is a bourgeois movement to avoid a action. Workmen Soviet bases itself directly a resolution pronosing recognition by the United Socialist Republic and annihilate the Revolution, upon the workers in the factories, the working States and the Allies of a de facto government of as in Russia. The proposal for a a speedy sum Russin in harmony with Allied aims.
moning of the National Assembly meets class its constituency. Each factory, each shop, that is nctually in power what government is bourgeois liberals and the more sinister forces clect delegates proportionately to the Soviet, de facto government means a government approbation. the Conference declared. The cach mill and other industrial establishments the Soviet the executive organ of the actually in power in Russia? The Soviet Govern skulking behind their democratic screen, are ment, indisputable, which has maintained and united in favor of an immediate National Assembumanized producers.
strentbenet itself during the past thirteen is. The Constituent Assembly constitutes the The Soviet, or Council of Workmen, first develmonths, and whose authority is disputed only in recessary class policy of the capitalist class. oreil in its present form during the Russian Rev.
a few counter revolutionists anel Senator King.
As is natural, the majority Socialists of the olution of 1905, and acquired definite character Social Party Ebert, during the Revolution of 1917. Rut the germinal in the King means one of the many governments org.
anized in Russia lwhind the stoon of alien bayon. mand for a Constituent Assembly, and innmedi Xpression of the revolutionary proletarint. Dur: Sche. The most ambitinus and imposinc peticiam oblicir concepts mobilizing the masses for the bourkcois gainst the hesitancy and trenchery of the bourof Socialism, their Lcais National Assembly, the masses developed of as their instruments of revolutionary action, narment. When Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs morale and activity are the most dangerous ticularly in in aris, the sections and the comTchicherin proposed an armistice to the Allies the counter revolutionary force, since tñey camoumunc. These were mass organizations of the work American press which always knows the right Nage reaction in the colors of Socialism. Scheidemann and Vorwaerts are actively campaigning ers, not based upon factories because of insuffiembly, attacking cient indlustrial development, but comparable doubt declared that the proposal should be made for the Constituent to the Omsk Government. But now this partic clutionary Socialists. Scheidemann whole rev. purpose to the Soviet, since they were mass organ.
izations unified by a class policy Against the ular government no longer exists, having been olutionary activity seems to be engaged in provbourgeoisic and the state. The Paris Commune verthrown by Admiral Kolchak, who proclaimed innehih hem vocation chi the bossembly: 1871 was further development, since besides be: with the Soviet Government because it is not a splendid Socialist task! He argues that Soc ing an instrument of revolutionary action, it congovernment and lacks stability in spite of havialist state cannot be established at a time of dis stituted itself an instrument of revolutionary govo ing had power for thirteen months; but it is pro order and this is characteristic. petty bourgeois ernment, dispensing with the bourgeois state, its posed that the Soviets nexotinte with a govern Socialism conceiving revolution ns disorder parliamentary forms and bureaucratic machinery.
the will of the people, that one counter revolution establish Socialism. One year ago the Social De revolution is to form its own class organizations ary adventurer can overthrow it mocratic Party purged itself of the Marxist independent of the bourgeoisic and the bourgcois Woul Colchok as de facto government in king recognize the dictatorship inlism was and is simply a decoy of the bourgeois When the masses break loose in revolutionary to betray the masses. And that Scheide action, they must organize. unless they break accord with Allied ainis? This would mean to recognize the worst reactionary and infamous elemann is opnosed to the Revolution is proven by apart and are dispersed. The old organizations his declaration of opposition to a class parlia and the old machinery are fetters upon the massments in Russian lifc. since Admiral Kolchak is ment such as the workmen and Soldiers Councs, activity. not comprehensive enough, and the a notorious retainer of the former Czar. cil. In his love for the bourgeois, the Junker, the masses often must act against these organizaThe resolution of Senator King, moreover, re.
commends joint military nid to overthrow the to see represented in a democratic government. istic organization of the proletarian revolutionBoshevik government and assist the Russian Scheidenan forgets that governments are neces.
people in sarily class rovernments, either bourgeois or Soc. the revolutionary significance of the Soviet in Order over whom. by whom, and in the inter ialist, and that the requirement of the moment in Germany: It seems that the uncurbed agitation ests of whom? Military assistance. from what Germany is the revolutionary dictatorship of the for Soviets among soldiers and sailors behind the Russian people. Such as Admiral Kolchak? proletariat as an instrument for the introduction actual front developed the revolutionary spirit Alien troops have been in Archangel and Vladi of Socialism. The assembly means the victory that finally broke loose in the overthrow of Wilvostok for some time; the Russian people as a of the bourgeois republic and Capitalism: a liber. liam Hohenzollern.
mass have given no indiction of being willing to al Capitalism perhaps, but still Capitalism. But if the revolution is a real proletarian revolrevof Admiral liberals