CapitalismFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe Vol. I, No. Saturday, November 30, 1918 Price, Cents and the Socialist Party The Crisis HE international situation is vecoming more sug.
Thesive, more potential of great success or Porces in the lalwr movement, that we secure a con policy, which is still a policy, whether one agrees with centration of the radical forces. The great require it or not. Clarity and the formulation of a clear profinite disaster. And events are moving swiftly; it is the wity of Sociais e ricaria torce gram is an absolute necessity at this nioment; but our the history of a day is now equivalent to the history of a common platforin and policy against Capi party is laugard in this vital matter. Events at any tens of normal years.
moinent may precipitate the convocation of an interThe European proletariat is preparing itself for the The problems are enormus, the requirements se 1:ational Socialist Congress: what sort of Congress final struggle against Capitalism and Imperialism. The vere; it is a situation that tests the energy and the shall our party participate in and what shall be its proletariat in Russia has conquered definitely; the initiative, the intelligence and the audacity of Social proposals?
proletariat in Germany and Austria is on the verge of ism. But the Socialist Party, as a party, is It is slot stillicient in say that our delegates woulil conquering all power for the revolutionary dictator silent, inert.
represent us: tloose delegates should have dcfinite inship of Socialist. But the class struggle within any Never, in tlic experience of our movenient, has a struction: and at this moment, these are lacking. Sor one nation inevitably produces reactions in other na greater wortunity offered itself; never could a con is it suficiunt to leave this vital matter o tlic National tions; and while Socialism is conquering in Russia centration of forreos and a real struggle against Cap Executive Committee: its attitude during the past two and Germany, the sinister forces of international Im italism develop mure than at this moment.
Cinchal months demonstrates its lack of initiative perialism are proposing and preparing an attack Instinctively, leals u individual members of the and energy. The membership must speak.
upon the Socialist natjons by means of intervention. Svecialist arly are reacting to the great opportunity. The Socialist arty resolution on the war, adopted These intervention proposals constitute a problem Tintthew are scattered; there is no unity of action or at St. Louis in April, 1917. is no longer a policy since of the utmost gravity, and a call to consistent, agrestrase, in centralization of the activity of the party. the coming of peace. It is now an historic document, shee action by Socialism and the proletariat in all na which, in spite of many defects, is a credit to the tions Call for a Party Convention party and which has linked up our party with the The coming Heini Ilution Klopted by the Central Committee of radical minurity in the Socialist niovement of france dangers. The forces, La tistul, Surialixt Party, November 26, 1918: and Great Iritain, and with the splendiil Socialist their appetite starp th l vi: The evolutionary crisis in Europe, the campaign arty of Italy. It is now necessary to supplement sorts of schemes where III. the imperialistie prenx for armed intervention in this eveniment, in formulate the implications of the impose an mhriali tie Hi, and for armed intervention in Germany and class policy it expresses a new program.
camouflage of data. 11. tsbull Sialism conquer, projects a crisis An emergency (mvention of the Socialist arty is :t, the movement of the American proletariat.
against the realmim in Tl. ternesjonal vituntion is a call to actionthe only inuly that can adequately express the attitun in Germany, again!
tude of tgl stule is coming between Socialism and membership on the momentos events that peace that not only would destroy the great hopes are at present shaping the destiny of the generations aroused by the coming of Socialism in those two na this ra arisis, it is inperntive that the Snc to come. Wir machinery now at the disposal of the tions, but that would carry within itself the threat of. Iroy prepare itself, that it unify itxell, that movement is qualificil to act at this moment. The new wars. Victory produces a tendency toward re1. policy expressing the requirements. Misis and the mnture judgment of the spokesmen of the Socialist arty must be elected by action, inevitably; and this tendency might conceivably the members, clerted for the sole purpose of speakbe strong enough to impose its will upon the peace Pot the core resolvel, Thnt the Central Coming upon the specific issues of the crisis through which conference. When the war ceased, the real struggle vi Luca. to, Socia! To avots allt third world is om polishig. So inic should be sustin started; and instead of peace being a call to taking molin emergency National Convention of the calling together such a body: An energency convenI call upon other locals to act in this things easy, it is a call to action.
itou shoull be summoned immediately.
In and through all these problems runs the red The Xatiemal Executive Committee, at its coming thread of the great issue between Socialism and Cap. Mighty currents of ideas and of action are pulsing session will probably issue a declaration on the interitalism.
through the party, the germinal sap of new ideals pro national situation. That is not enough; the problenis Already, reaction is shaping itself here. The ducing a new life. But the party, as expressed in fore our party to much deeper, the requiremerits Mooney case is a challenge, and the vicious insult of clemency is a new challenge to the proletariat. Re bitterly be confessed, measuring to the opportunity: ine para declaration on the war, instead of the through its national administration, is not, it must are broader than the mere issuance of a declaration.
Sul the Xational Executive Committee have issued actionary peace terms are being proposed, the cam The party, as a party, is not unified, vocal, definite.
Faign for larger armaments is acquiring enormous Never, in the history of the world, have more mo St. Louis (invention, the declaration would not have proportions. Action is developing against Socialmentous events developed than during the past two expressed the will of the membership. would not ism and independent proletarian activity. The commonths. The crash of thrones and of Capitalism, the have been vital, aggressive, historie.
ing industrial crisis will disarrange industry and coming of peace with all its hopes and fears, the deTlic problems that this convention would discuss cause enormous unemployment. The coming year or velopment of revolutionary Socialism in action, the are fundamental. There is the problem of an intertwo will bring the mightiest strikes and industrial emergence of the international class struggle between national policy of a national campaign of cclucation struggles in the history of this country, Socialism and Capitalism. these are unprecedented and int. rpretation of events in Europe, of a campaign And through it all runs the red thread of the einerghistorical events, the realization in life of the concepts against the sinister proposals for intervention, of the ing final struggle between Socialism and Capitalism.
of Socialism. Two months, in which hours repre. crming epoch of great indlustrial strikes, of unifying It is necessary in this crisis to study every peculiar sented years, in which cvery minute issued a call to tlie party opon the basis of a definite, uncyuisual pro.
alignment of the great struggle, national and inter international Socialism and our National Executive fram of international Socialism. nf reconstructing national, to adapt our aspirations to immediate ac Committee has been silent, inert.
the party organizations ravagcil luy the persccutions of tivity, developing reserves for the final conquest of It is tragic. It is symptomatic of the imperative the war.
In this crisis, the Socialist Party, secessity of the concentration of forces within our The European Socialist movements have hell reruas represented by its national administration, is not own party as a preliminary to the concentration of lar conventions during the war: our party has not measuring to the opportunity.
the general forces of the proletariat.
since thic American declaration nf war. The Burpean We must, morenver get down in the fact that the The Socialist Party is pulsing with life and new movement has licid, is holding conventions to disindustrial proletariat is the basis of Socialist action. ideals. But there is no focus; there is not the necessary cu problems of policy and action: our party should that the slopes, the mills and the mines are the centres concentration in a unified policy.
cdo the same.
of proletariin activity. We must impress on the The great task before our party is a task of educa An emergency national convention would accelerate workers that their control of inclustry constitutes their tion and of interpretation of intensive propaganda on the developinent of the party, would place the party real power, that they :st speak in the aggressive it national lasis, clear and co ordinated. This co Llion its feet, would concentrate the energy and action accents of industrial might. Ou nf the mass strikes ordination can he secured only through the national of the party locals, woulil prepare the Socialist Party of the proletariat, carrying a litical obicet, emerges administration, but the administration is silent and in In concentrate the awakening forces of the proletariat.
the power of the proktariat, that class power which active on these momentous issues.
An emergency national convention is necessary: it alune annihilates Capitalism.
The Socialist movements in France, Italy and would prove an historical event, the first chapter in a It is necessary that we study the alignment of Great Britait. are vocal. having formulated a general new book to he written by the Socialist Party.