BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismGermanyImperialismLeninRosa LuxemburgSocialismSovietTrotskyWorking Class

vember 27, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Bolshevikjabs The Spartacus Group gonisms and makes the struggle more imcable relations and it looks as if the entire WorkLocable.
ingclass family would shortly be in complete acBy this agreement, the Provisional Governcord.
nent technically makes itself subject to the Coun ONE never knows what those Bolsheviki will do il, but it is still the government, there is still a next. Finding their imperial masters in Germademocratic government of all the classes, and ny have been overthrown they immediately get aot a revolutionary government of the proletariat. jobs with the German revolutionists. Or can it be Nor does the agreement necessarily mean that the that the our bourgeois press was wrong in the Council will no control the government, since the first place and that Lenin and Trotzky were not (In the first issue of The Revolutionary Age, in moderate policy of the Councils may square with the agents of Imperialism after all. our editorial At the Kerensky Stage. we declared that the Social Democratic Party of Scheidemann the government and the two come to an under: We live in an age of progress. In other times Co. was not a definitely, uncompromisingly revolustanding. The agreement is humiliating; but it the common people knew nothing about peace, or tionary, party, and that the revolutionary Socialists is not fatal to the Provisional Government. not peace conferences, until the whole affair was dewere represented by the Spartacus Group and the fatal, that is to say, except as it accelerates the finitely settled. Now things are different, secret Group Internationale, the movement of Karl Liebrecht, development of antagonisms and the determina diplomacy is an affair of the past the cards of Otto Ruhle, Rosa Luxemburg and Franz Mehring.
the conscious upcompromising Bolshevild of Germany, tion of the masses to end all compromise by plac imperialistic ambition are laid on the international representing the tendency of the revolutionary prole ing power in the Councils and the dictatorship of table. Everyone who can read a newspaper has tariat. These Socialists are in favor of the the proletariat.
access to all the details, the relative values of the government of Councils, and have unreservedly and enthusiastically greeted the Russian Soviet Republic.
By this agreement, the Council may advise the different places the conference might take place When that was written not a word had appeared in the government, is co equal with the government, but are publicly discussed, photos of the various Rews concerning the Spartacus Group and its policy.
it is not the government. The acceptance of ad buildings mentioned are openly published so that But the news is now justifying our analysis, showing that the Spartacus Group is the centre of the actual visory functions that is what the agreement the common people may decide for themselves revolutionary movement in Germany. We reprint beactually means is not an act of revolutionary whether the momentous proceedings shall take low extracts from a special cable dispatch, appearing energy, it is an act of stultification, a paltering place beneath the vaulted arches of medieval in the New York Times of November 24, concernwith the problems of the Revolution. The policy architecture or within the less impressive halls of ing the Spartacus Group)
of the Provisional Government is clearly not sat the mid Victorian period, the approximate date isfactory to the revolutionary masses, it is a pol of the sittings is common knowledge, even the IN one large room, from the silk hangings of whose wall a life size portrait of von Bulow and would promote a counter revolution. But the openly forecasted and homes have already been smiled benevolently down on them, sat the dele policy of agreement, of hesitation and compro broken up over the relative merits of Teddy Roose gates from the Soldiers and Workmen Council mise will prove equally unsatisfactory to the revolutionary masses unless they surrender. Yes, secrecy has filed from the realms of inter which they were to stand up for what they deemDivision of power promotes either revolution national politics.
ed their supreme authority or counter revolution; it cannot prevail. It cannot prevent the proletarian revolution; but it In another room was introduced to GeheimSome impossible persons are clamouring to have rath von Siemen, who made it quite clear that, can multiply the time and the intensity of the the peace delegates elected by referendum vote, although he had previously been attached to struggle. Division of power, since it means but of course that is impracticable. Anyway to Prince Max of Baden staff, he had the greatest neither power to the bourgeoisie nor to the prole read the papers discuss the probable appointees confidence in Ebert and his associates, and detariat, must necessarily mark time, evade all real is almost as good as an election.
clared his conviction that only a strong Socialist action, prove incapable of creative accomplishments. Division of power in Russia made the How are the mighty fallen Taft has been the German nation through the present crisis. He Government could safely guide the destinies of revolutionary path a thorny one and increased the asked to direct baseball.
said that they feared no reactionary plot by the demoralization of the country, complicating enormously the task of Socialist reconstruction. Mr. Lloyd George has again displayed that deep suscitation of a deceased body politic.
Kaiser friends, for nobody believed in the rein Germany, soft insight into the affairs of men that has so often ened by the fact that the revolutionary explosion marked his public utterances. He declares that the The only danger, he added, was that the present may break out much more speedily than in Russia. Irish question must be settled; he is not aquite tion of such irresponsibles as the Spartacus Group.
Division of power and the Revolution insist clear just how, but he is certain of two ways it This toleration was dictated by the Cabinet ear: Division of power and Germany wavering be pendence of Ireland nor the coercion of Ulster asserted, so as not to forfeit the good will of Pre co operation with Soviet Russia. Division of be considered for a moment. Now the whole af sident Wilson, of which the German nation was power and the international proletarian revolu fair is made clear.
so pitiably in need at present.
tion now depending upon the conquest of power am informed from other sources that the by the revolutionary proletariat in Germany.
The Soviet form of government would be quite Spartacus Group is really at the bottom of the Division of power and the problems of recon agreeable to many Irish rebels we know of. present differences between the People Commigstruction requiring a dictatorship of the Socialsioner: Ebert, Haase Co. and the Executive The Bolsheviki have at last pulled off the Committee of the Soldier and Workmen Counof the oncoming proletarian revolution preparing slaughter of the innocents and on St. Bartholom cil. Although the latter has expressed itself reto annihilate compromise and the representatives ew Day. Russian calendar. Isn that just peatedly in favor of a national convention, it of compromise.
like them, and so appropriate too? Such a delicate seems that members of the Spartacus Group have But revolutionary Socialism in the Councils is compliment to the French!
persuaded it to protest against an early date for the election, which it was said that the People acquiring ascendancy at a positively feverish speed. The Spartacus Socialists are compelling 2, 050 Germans are in imminent danger of Commissioners had decided on without first conthe moderates to make concession after concession death in Moscow says a newspaper dispatch sulting the Executive Committee of the Council.
to avert disaster but disaster will come. The dealing with the massacre. This would, of course, Hence the latter assertion that the People government of the People Commissaires is strenghten the reports that the Bolshevik leaders Commissioners form only its executive organ; now an executive organ of the Councils, but are all pro German.
neither Karl Liebknecht nor Rosa Luxemburg are 80 this official communication issued toin its personnel. Why? Because they would not The New York Evening Telegram has discover The information published Nov. 17 that reaccept positions in any but a government of the ed that the German Socialists are plotting to gistration for the election of a national convention Councile a revolutionary dictatorship of the pro bring the Kaiser back to the Imperial Throne of would begin Jan. and that the election would letariat. The opposition of the revolutionary sa Germany. Warned by Lord Reading, Sir George take place Feb. is incorrect, no proposition of cialists to a Constituent Assembly is not conse quent upon the desire to establish certain petty shown no change of heart and mystified by the Commissionering yet been decided upon by the to ratify, as the press reports. but because a Con opinion finds nothing extravagant in the suggest of the studies par to use Goprouvenind certe in elements stituent Assembly is the organ of the bourgeois ion that the Socialist Reds are providing a handy ning is to delay the national convention until cerrevolution, not of the proletarian revolution; not tool for projects cherished before the armistice tain radical measures of finance and equally rathe Constituent Assembly, but revolutionary was signed.
dical assessments of taxes and socializing of cermass action is the order of the day, the Consti. So that why the Kaiser put Liebknecht in jail! tain large industrial enterprises have been actuent Assembly is the negation of the dictatorcomplished in such a manner that not even the ship of the proletariat.
Some of our capitalist contemporaries seem to national convention will dare reconsider them.
And Scheidemann, Lackey of the bourgeoisie, be in doubt as to who this Herr Spartacus really Drastic reform in the inheritance tax as well as is. In order to prevent them from jumping to the restrictions of land ownership are also planned.
curity of the government is due to the undis conclusion that he is the Kaiser incognito we turbed activity of the Spartacus Group, who in hasten to explain.
All these measures, if perhaps in a more modetheir press and meetings are endeavoring to win Herr Spartacus is cousin to the Mr. Bolshe rate form, are also part of the program of the over the Soldiers to Bolshevism.
viki who made so much trouble in Russia. The regular Socialists, but they are willing to submit The agreement is a consequence of the strug: relationship is a double one, their mothers the it to a national convention, trusting that they will gle for state power, and is a compromise. But it Misses Social Revolution were sisters, but there elect a majority.
is a compromise indicating that the centre of is also a blood tie on the paternal side. The elder The bourgeois parties fear that the Soldiers power is shitting to the left, to the Councils and Miss Social Revolution married Russian Working and Workmen Council, aided by the Spartacus revolutionary Socialism. The problem of power class, while German Workingclass became and similar groups, will succeed in wresting the will fare up decisively in a final implacable strug enamoured of the younger. The Working supreme power from the People Commissioners gle and all power to the dictatorship of the prole class well known family and for and that the next few days will see a change in tarian and revolutionary Socialism. The prole some years showed signs of becoming very closely the Government unless the Commissioners alter tarian revolution in Germany will conquer on the united, but a little trouble developed in an equally their extremely tolerant attitude. It is more than day it decrees all power to the Councils of Work well known household called Upperclass and the doubtful that even in Berlin and a few other large menthe norms of the communist republic of Workingclass split as a result. Herr Spartacus and cities the Spartacus and kindred elements possess Socialism.
Mr. Bolshevill have, however, re established ami anything like a majority.