BolshevismBourgeoisieDemocracyFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietTerrorismWorking Class

2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE November 27, 1918 very der matdemanding, labo can take, if labor uses uses its of action.
executive Allies have no business in Russia, unless it is The Revolutionary Age masses. The masses move, and the government counter revolutionary business. But alien troops totters; the masses act, and the government colA Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe.
are still in Archangel and Vladivostok! lapses.
The government of Ebert, Haase Co. under Louis FRAINA.
Editor DEVELOPING ALLIANCES pressure of the masses and the Councils, has comE. ADNOXX MACALPINE. Associate Editor. THE press reports that the new German and the designation, People Commissaires (after the promised again and again. Its assumption of the Contributing Editors Russian Soviet governments have concluded an Russian Soviet Council People Comm. is SCOTT XEARING LUDWIG LORE the German government has asked the Soviet to and solved nothing, since only a government exalliance. This is contrudicted by the story that saires. was an empty gesturc, mcant nothing Joux REED SeN KATAYAMA couse its agitation in favor of new revolutionary clusively of the workmen nnd Soldiers Councils JOURWICII Weissteix action in Germany against the government. This can be a government of the People Commissaires.
ISSTED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY is closer to the facts. The Ebert Haase govern. After having assumed plenary authority, Pru.
visional Government divides authority with the ment, being a bourgeois Socialist government, By Local Boston. Socialist Party 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
acting to prevent a proletarian revolution and Councils; after having decided to convene the proletarian dictatorship, would necessarily reject Constituent Assembly, the government, again un.
Wednesday, November 27, 1918 an alliance with Soviet Russia, except under very pressure of the Councils, postpones the governments ents of Great Britain, France and issuck directly out of the revolutionary masses MOONEY, STRIKES, AND THE of Italy, who are cqually prepared to act against a TUE bureaucracy of the American Federation queney with which Socialist Chancellor Ebert Assembly; necorelingly, the Provisional Governproletarian revolution. This is proven by the fre: republic can issue only out of the Constituent of Lubor is not in favor of strikes as a protest invokes the Allies as a means of preventing defi ment temporizing on the Assembly marks a ngainst the pending execution of Thomas Moo nite revolutionary action. There probably ir ney. Onicers of the Federation, says a press Russo tierman alliance, but it is an alliance bewerious derline in its prestige.
And now comes a xtill more serious comprocutive clemency for Mooney because they believe Bolsheviki; and should the revolutionary prole ernment. the acceptance of an ngreement with tween the Russian Bolsheviki and the German mixe, presnging the end of the Provisional Govthere is a rcasonable doubt of his guilt. tarint conquer all power in Germany and Austrin. the Councils of Workmen and Soldiers by which declaring for in sympathy the alliance would become official. That this al power is divider between the two. This marks with Mooney, are infected with tional proletarian solidarity, is undoubtedly a ism. Executive clemency! Instead of fighting fact, as it is corresponding increase in the power of the Counlabor pic:ads; instond of inber here serve it is caually a fact that a brancher lance elemente Labor, 11x stultified by of une of Europe The series of events culminnting in this agreeLohon demand. labor Labor can course, but that is not necessary, Should the rev men at kiel and Hamburg, whether by means of rial power as an instrument of Instead clemency! This is paltering. The Moo Russia, Ciermany and Austria would emerge, with revolutionary. This coincided with the resignamany and Austria, a Socialist United States of pudinted the Provisional Government ns counterney case was a splendid means of arousing the Lenin probably as its first President.
revolutionary. initiative and energy of the prolction of the reactionary, Social Scheidemann tariat; but all action was limited to the courts, from the government preraging the repudiation Division of Power of the whole Social Democratic Party of Ebert, Labor should have spoken, should speak, in the THE march of events in Germany is being acce mittee of the Councils in Berlin voted against the clear accents of industrial action. Get the men and women out of the plants, march into the ly than the news recently indicated, but in accord manded Congress of Councils, decision that plants, develop the political mass action of the German revolution would be slow, very slow in nnd a challenge to the bourgeois democracy, which industrinl proletariat that is the answer to op starting, but once started, it would move with clamors for the imrielinte convocation of a Con.
pression, to injustice, to legal terrorism. Capital the ระทาน recognizes might alone speak in the words e speed of a locomotive.
stituent Assembly. The Executive Committee of This acceleration is being accomplished by a the Councils in Berlin declared that the People of etrial might mon nman nih. he number of factors, material and moral. The full Commissaires are merely the executive organet working class!
shader and rage at the system that produced it; At Kiel und Dusseldorf the Spartacus Socialists the completion of the terms of the armistice pro usurped all authority, placing it in the Councils, THEY ARE STILL THERE!
jects the of a bourgeois IT IS clear that there should be no interventionele civilians approaching each other, the soldiers thinking in terms of soldiers and declarins ry dictatorship of the in Russia yet Allied troops are reported murchclass Toon ing on Kiev. It is clear that intervention in Russia province, including those and the civilians de proletanan with the nt Solingen and Remshaid. nccepted the Sparhas proven a disastrous fiasco yet alien troops soldiers; the disintegration of industry by the tacus program of proletarian dictatorship: the are still in Archangel and Vladivostok! Here and war imposes the necessity of a Socialist reconst Council at Brunswick unanimously declared there liberal American opinion protests ayuinst ruction. unless the workers are willing to accept ngainst Constituent Assembly nnd in favor of a the criminal proposals of intervention in Russia. the status of helots in the days to come; and hun Soviet Government: the Bremen Council exIn its November 16th issue, The New Republic per, that hunger which tears at the vitals and pressed ite complete accord with the Bolsheviki Now that Germany is beaten and prostrate organized hunger tolerated, it krumblingly, there and use Spartacus rocering in Berlin Liebknecht the most immediate need of the Allied nations is cause of the hypnotism of military glory, is now was acclaimed, the Russian Rolsheviki policy. nca new policy towards Russia. The existing policy the stark terrible thing that acts as the dynamite cented, and moderate Sncialists refused a hearing.
The bourgenis Socialist government of Ebert, an anst:er to German penetration in Russia and a revolutionary psychology and proletarian action Inaxc Co. tried by dicker and compromise to as an attempt with Russian assistance to restore that are transforming the revolutionary crisis prevent a crisis. The result was the agreement the eastern front. These explanations are ceasing into the Social Revolution. This transformation by which it nccepted division of nuthority with compromising and policy of revolutionary First All political nower is to be in the hands influence is penetrating Germany.
lonner penetrating Russia. Russian revolutiontion Socialism as represented by the Spartacus Social of the German Socialist Republic and the Solklid not succeed in restoring the eastern front, istx. The German proletariat is being mobilized diers and Workmen Council.
because it met with Russian resistance rather and organized by the education and discipline at Sccol Their nim is to defend and develop than with Russian help. It under such circum revolutionary experience.
what has been achieved by the revolution and to stances the Allied troops remain in Russia it can The issue in this great struggle, the issue thnt supresx all counter revolutinnary activity.
only be for one purpose a purpose similar to Third Pendling the clection of representa is developing the antagonisms of the Revolution, that which kept German troops in the Ukraine, is the issue comprised in the problem of power.
tives of the Solliers and Workmen Councils to Lithuania and the Baltic provinces. It will mean Shall power be vested in the liberal bourgeois de: An executive council of the German Republic, the that the Allied governments have decided to mocracy, in the Provisional Government; or shall Executive Council in Terlin is to exercise its throw the Soviet Government in Russia and es power le vested in the revolutionary proletarian functions.
tablish in Russia a government more to their lik democracy, in the Councils of Workmen and Fourth The appointment and dismissal of coa This military collapse of Germany, accom Soldiers Nclegates? And the slogan of the revo all members of the various legislative bodies of been a political revolution, has olutionary Socialists, A11 trengthened Bolshevism in Russia. Bolshev. is becoming ascendent power to the Councils! the Reruhlic and, until the final Constitution is nstablished, nf Prussia, are to be made by the in this coundemam Central Executive Council, which also has the The actual revolutionary power in Germany retry erroneously imagine, on the em did not thrive, as so many peondship of Ger Rides in the councils, the organs of the revolu. right of control.
many. It throve on the hostility of Germany.
Rut realization of this is not Fifth Refore the Cabinet appoints Assistant Just before the final downfall, the German gov: instant. Immediately after a rev lution a twi ministerx the Executive Council must be con ernment drove the Bolshevik representative out light zone emerges; the masses are dazed by sulted.
of the country, because it fenred him as an insti: events, bewildered by the brilliance of their nc Sixth convention of delegates drawn from cator of revolutionary agitation. Rolshevism will complishments, feeling that perhaps it niny nnt the Solliers and Workinen Courcils is to be not be weakened by the fall of the government all be truc. unaware of their decisive power. not summoned nx xnnn ns possible.
Rut it will obtain a substantianl increase in pre ion required, developing their action for the final Government: it is not all power to the Councils, This is not the overthrow of the Provisional time as a consequence of the advent of the revconnnext of power. The Provisional government not a dictatorship of the proletariat. The agree olutionary, proletariat in Austria Hungary and of Ebert, Haase Co. is a product of this twi ment represents a compromise equally by the Germany.
light zone. But the power of this government government and by the Councils, a division of This is an excellent, if conservative, summary rests on nothing more substantial than the im power which decides nothing, but which does ac.
of the situation. It is conclusive proof that the maturity and indecision of the revolutionary complish onc important thing: develops new an.
terrors the uns to over