BourgeoisieCapitalismGerman RevolutionGermanyMarxismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietTrotskyWorking ClassWorld War

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe VOL. I, No. Wednesdy, November 27, 1918 Price, Cents The German Revolution in Action TH Chapters From My Diary By Ludwig Lore HE news from Germany is contradictory. fied people, they are the product of unbearable could not be deaf to the wonderful appeal that Now, as always, the correspondents cable political and economic conditions. Nevertheless lay in the great Russian uprising. There were a and the papers print what they consider successful revolutionary uprising cannot come few strikes in Germany and in Austria. But they satisfactory, regardless of the truth. There is as a bolt from the clear blue sky. Mere disantis were betrayed by the Scheidemann group togethdoubt, accordingly, concerning the state of affairs faction with existing conditions, no matter how er with the Legien trade unionists, the men and in the old Empire.
violently it may be expressed, can neither be women of Germany settled back for another peBut the Revolution is on that is certain. How successful in its initial onslaught nor can it rem riod of warfar. They looked passively on while far has it penetrated? And how deep?
edy the conditions that were the cause of its out their masters, at Brest Litovsk, committed the Considering the dearth of information, it is break. Such a revolt may have the effect of over. shameful crime upon the Russian Revolution.
naturally difficult to form opinions. Whoever throwing one class of oppressors in favor of They failed to respond to the impassioned plea of follows the cable reports will observe that for another. It cannot completely do away with eco the Russian proletarian leaders. Nothing seemed the greater part they are fabricntions. Petty, nomic oppression, because the oppressed and re able to arouse them out of the deadly apathy into immaterial occurences are reported again and bellious class is not prepared to assume the con which they had fallen.
again in the most varied forms, while presenting trol over its own destinies. Only when the mass But the revolutionary ferment that the Rus no picture of the situation as a whole.
es have become inculcated with an intense spirit sian Revolution had brought into Germany was But two facts in the reports, if they are facts, ated within them an indomitable confidence in of class solidarity, only when there has been cre working. The new, wholesome virile methods of challenge our scrutiny. The one is the report that the Russian proletarian government, the Soviets, the old Prussian generals, for example Hindenheld an appeal that the purely political, docburg, are still at the head of the armed forces, trinaire program of the Moderates could not acand that they are against the genernl Arming of complish. The revolutionary propaganda that the workers. It is apparent that these generals was conducted with the help of the Russian Amof the old regime, however they may emphasize Starting in This Issue bassador Joffee fell on fruitful soil. Starvation their loyalty to the new state of affairs, would and misery at home tanned the flame of resenteagerly welcome a return to the glory of the Junkment against the government into a conflagraers and the Hohenzollerns even though tartion, a conflagration that swept over the armed misherl by defent. This retention of the old gen.
forces at the front and broke the last shred of the trals is actually a challenge to the Hohenzollerns famous morale of the German troops. The to make the attempt at a counter revolutionary great ship of the German Revolution had been seizure of power. The old generals are tools of launched.
the Hohenzollerns, and there is the danger of a It true, hunger and war weariness are the coup etnt in their retention as heads of the forces that are driving its engines. But far from army.
And if the revolutionary government strives to maintain discipline antong the troops By Leon Trotzky foundering blindly about, it will steer directly forward to its ultimate destination, held true to returning from the front, it actually works into its course by the revolutionary understanding the hands of the counter revolution. disciof the masses. The theoretical Marxism training plined army, under the old lenders, means a that the German movement gave to its rank and Weapon in the hands of the focs of the republic, file in the past, the understanding, that, in spite Accordingly, replacing the army administra. of the great revolutionary struggle of which they overthrow of capitalism alone cat achieve the their own powers can they hope to reap the fruits of all political accomplishments, the complete tion by reliable men of the new regime should have been the bearers.
have been one of the first tasks of the new govliberation of the working class from exploitation ernment.
When the World war first broke out, nothing will save the social revolution in Germany from Equally, the government should have armed the seemed further removed from the range of possi many bitter and costly mistakes. With a clear.
bilities than a revolution in Germany. The comness and inflexibility of purpose that recalls the workers, which is the only class of the people plete defection of the Social Democratic Party, German movement under August Bebel and will upon which a revolutionary government can depend. The disarmament of the soldiers should session of all classes of the German people ferent phases of development within a short roca the incredible war madness that had taken pos helm Liebknсcht, it has gone through three difproceed with increased speed, because there is drowned the voice of the handful of men and riod of time: from bourgeois ministry with the no proof that these present revolutionists under women who upheld the international position of co operation of three social patricts, to a conlithe old lenders will not be counter revolutionists the Socialist movement. For many months, in the tion ministry of Socialists and Liberals under Socto morrow. And the arms, which are taken from face of the severest persecution, Karl Liebknecht. ialist domination, to a Socialist ministry reprethe soldiers, should be turned into the hands of Rosa Luxemburg, Klara Zetkin, Franz Mehring senting all wings and groups of the Socialist move.
the workers; they alone are the guardians of the Revolution and of the new order of things.
and Otto Ruhle fought the bitterest battle that ment, under the direct control of the Workmen men could fight, the struggle against attacks, rid and Soldiers Councils.
One appreciates the enormous difficulties which icule, the persecution of their own comrades. The Revolution in Germany is still developing.
the revolutionary government has to face. The enemy is at the frontier, and every regulation by another, the so called Moderates, the Centre ultimately place the revolutionary elements of Later this small group of radicals was joined and if the future realizes present promises, vill of affairs within the old Empire which does not of the German movement under Karl Kautsky, the German Socialist movement where they belong at the helm of the German Socialist Reand impose his will by armed force. This must steine, who severed their connection with the public.
be considered. But action must still proceed, the Scheidemann majority group, but rather because dismissal of the old generals and government of of their opposition to the war and because they Socialism sweeps Europe, brushing kings from ficials, and the arming of the proletariat.
their thrones as the autumn winds blow the overwere unwilling to become partners to the comBut these are isolated events. They are, probe plete abdication of every class conscious activity ripe fruit from the trees, uprooting capitalism as ably, not characteristic of the whole situation. that characterized the regime of the governmentthe winter gales lay low the blight struck trees of the forest. Mayor Hylan of New York hears a Revolutions develop, and as they develop acquire Socialists.
definite expression. The whole situation must be faint echo of these dread happenings and prepares considered.
The outbreak of the Russian Revolution once to guard the citadel of mammon. He bars the Red more aroused the hopes of the whole world in the flag.
Revolutions are not made. They come as German proletariat. Surely now they would What a pity the Czar and the Kaiser didn think spontaneous outbreaks of an intensely dissatis arise! Surely a proletariat with its glorious past of that!