AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalyLiberalismSocialismSovietStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE November 23, 19 The Time For Action Has Come! ITH the refusal of the Supreme Court of the United But what have you, the workers of this country, to say? to capitalist interests: therefere away with him, but a States to grant Mooney a new trail the case now Painstakingly each movement demanded by the law with him in such a manner as will not awaken resentm enters its final stage. From a legal standpoint, has been gone through and ench time the machinery has away with him by lawful means, let him be hanged only by the executive pardon of the governor of the State been thrown out of gear, finally the repairing engineers of California can Mooney be snatched from the gallowe, of that machinery the Supreme Court of the United a legally constructed gallows not on a trestle bridge bat there is a power stronger than any law over placed on States have refused to function.
The workers of Europe have seen the significance of a statute book that may stop forward and cry halt to this Some of the highest persons in both the state and the fase. In Russia, Italy, Holland, England and Ireland ti murder the power of the will of the people.
federal executives have declared their belief in Mooney have contributed money to the defense fund and ha For nearly two and a half years Tom Mooney has suffered innocence, others, including one of the judges involved in the under one of society heaviest penalties; the denial of case, have expressed doubts that his guilt was proven, brought pressure to bear on their governments to mal association with his fellowmen. During this time his every while to the ordinary reader, from the evidence presented in them intercede on Mooney behalf, but with the exepi action has been dictated by the will of his jailers, when the case and the character of the witnesses upon whose ion of the committee of investigation appointed by th he shall lie down and when he shall get up, when he shall testimony conviction was secured, it is clear that not only President and his appeals to the governor of Californis eat and when he shall remain hungry, when he shall speak is Mooney not guilty but that he is the victim of a deliberate nothing has been done. The tedious legal line has beer followed until it finally led to the refusal of the Suprem and when he shall remain silent, when he must breathe frame up by the forces of Capitalism. President Wilson the fetid air of a prison cell and when he may walk in the has twice urged the governor of California to extend clemCourt to grant a new trail and now comes the end unles: prison yard and gaze upon that little tent of blue that ency to Mooney. Mooney has not asked for clemency nou labor speaks out.
prisoners call the sky. Cut off from all intercourse with does labor ask for it in his behalf. If Mooney is guilty Mooney, condemned to death because he loved his kind, those dear to him for two and a half years he has paced because he hated the distorting of their bodies and minds there is no reason why clemency should be extended to a narrow cell, counting his steps, listening to the clang of him, if he is not guilty then it is he who should decide in the cruel maw of Capitalism the mills, mines, factories iron gates and the harsh voices of command and wait whether or not he will extend clemency to his would be and fields because he hated the crushing of little children, ing.
murderers. And Mooney is not guilty!
the flowers of mankind, in the sweatshops, Mooney has Now he is told that all these weary months are to cul Labor has been patient long. Long has its back been bent nothing to say about the dreary days in the deathminate in a walk to the gallows, a binding of his arms and to the Llows of the master clss, but the times are changhouse. Shall labor also have nothing to say. Or will feet, a masking of his face, a word of command and a ing. The Mooney case clearly demonstrates that law and it speak with one voice crying: Stop this murder, set lurch downward. And he draws himself up, his lips justice are not meant for the workers, that the guarantees Mooney free or we will stop the wheels of industry not curl and he replies have nothing to say.
of the bourgeoisie break down in class conflict, that when only in California, not only in the Americas but throughout the entire world. have nothing to say. Mooney knows all the forces the issue is between capital and labor, capital throws of that have combined against him, he is aware of all the the velvet glove of justice and mercy and reveals the Will you speak, will you act, or shall Labor walk facts in the case and with a fine scorn he answers. mailed fist of domination and hate. Mooney was a danger beside the mules. The Coming Of The Final Struggle return.
By Gregory Weinstein THE fast revolutions took place once in a hundred sufficient quantity of combustible; praterial. For the Kaiser is but the vilest flower of a system, and years, generally speaking. There have been very few And first of all, ag was to be expected, the neutral it is the system and the spirit which underlies it that must in the history of mankind. Generations have come and countries have become contaminated.
the workers in these countries, as compared with the pregone without witnessing, much loss participating in, any The countries of the Allied cause at the present revolutionary relation of forces in Russia, Germany and great uprising of the masses against their oppressors; moment are wholly given over to the intoxication of vic Austria, is not wholly in favor of the bourgeoisie, that the learning about them only from the tales of old men the tory. which temporarily has affected the working of resistance of the bourgeoisie and the governveterans. or from school text books; and the conceptions for them, the moment of bitter disappointment, counting ments in these neutral countries is considerably lower than formed about them were that they were something semi the wounds. judging and mature thinking is yet far it was in Germany and Austria governments protected fantastic, something that had taken place years and away. However, it must be noted that, even at the present by the armor of militariam then it becomes clear that years ago. back in the heroic epoch, when, so it seemed, moment, there are indications of the approaching moment once the working class in these neutral countries rises it the people had been built of different stuff you are not of reawakening. It would suffice to mention, for example, will inevitably become a victor.
the warriors. a time that had been and never would the demand made by the French Socialists or the resolu And, of course, it goes without saying, that the victory tion of the British Labor Party concerning the end of of the workers in these neutral countries in spite of the But even these exceptional revolutions, scattered through civil poace and on the recall of labor ministers from fact that they play a secondary role in the family of the centuries, left an indelible mark on the whole future devel the Cabinet.
bourgeois states will have deep significance, politically opment of mankind, having given peculiar color to whole But the war, insofar as the workers of the neutral speaking, as to the general result.
epochs of history. In this sense, the influence of the great countries are concerned, has not brought them even the That victory, first of all, will strengthen and prolong French Revolution of 1789 has not yet been exhausted flickering, illusory victories. that could provoke at least the universal great unrest which was begun by the Ruseven to day.
a temporary intoxication. Instead the war has brought sian, Avstrian and German revolutions. It will bring new Now, by all indications, the world has entered a new them enough of suffering, misery, want and starvation, and faith, boldness and energy into the ranks of the working path of its development path fraught with revolutionary even more than enough, more than, according to the class fighting for its emancipation; it will be a new blow storms scale. they should have gotten.
and a great sign of the beginning of the end of the During short period of one year two such events of Hence it is not surprising, that from all neutral count domination of the bourgeoisie. This victory will increase world importance have taken place the proletarian rev ries come reports of alarming character about the grow the anxieties among the international bourgeoisie in the olution in Russia and, promising become a proletarian ing revolutionary ferment among the working masses. task of restoring order in the countries contaminated one, the revolution in Germany.
There was a general strike in Switzerland. In Holland with the Bolshevist anarchy. thereby considerably deCan these great events pass without leaving a mark on Socialists even moderate appeal to the workers to creasing their power. Besides, the attempt of the bourgemankind on the toiling masses because just now the war seize the governinent. In Sweden; the Socialists cisie to use the working regiments of the Allied counthas been brought to an end; the war which by its very issued a manifesto calling for the formation of Soviets of ries for pacifying the countries contaminated by the revexistence has awakened mankind from lethargy?
werkmen and soldiers deputies everywhere, in order to olution. an attempt which this time they will not be Certainly not! The spirit of discontent and protest, the establish a Socialist Republic. In Denmark: bourgeois able to disguise for politeness sake with beautiful contagious revolutionary germ will spread into the ad and governmental circles are beginning to get alarmed. phrases of fighting for democracy may well prove the jacent countries, where also, according to authoritative Such are the reports reaching here from neutral count last drop which will overflow the cup of patience of the statements in the bourgeois press, there is observed a ries.
workers of Allied countries.
Peace Where There Is No Peace remarkable, but misnamed, article entitled Peace at sots, the Armstrongs, the Whitworths, and our own lesser certainty which marks the progress of the glacier that no Last The Nation takes a stand long wanted in the liberal armor and gun makers. We desire no end to revolation human agency can stay.
press of this country. One of the disappointments of Ame abroad until custom houses everywhere have gone by the For the Kaiser is brut the vilest flower of a system, and rica part in the war was the slavish conformity to the psy board. We wish no end to democratic ferment in Europe it is the system and the spirit which underlie it that must chology of the mob of the liberal periodicals of the country. until the professional diplomat of the past has been ground go. The battle against Prussian militarism is not yet won.
When the English, French and belligerent European liberal flat, and with him those alleged statesmen who believe that Its first bloody phase is, thank God, at end. But if this press generally spoke out against injustice as they saw the backward or sparsely inhabited spaces of the earth exists war has proved anything, it is that the spirit of Prussianit the voice of this section of the American people was only to be exploited. We wish no end to the revolution until ism exists everywhere, in Paris, in London, in Rome very practically silent. What few papers were started as a re there shall no longer be talk of developing hinterlander, strongly and in Washington. Only in Moscow is it wholly action to this state of affairs were quickly put out of business spheres of influence, and colonies, but of some means of crushed to carth. Wie shall neither have made this the last without any protest from their contemporaries.
holding them in trust by joint international agreement for of wars nor safeguarded democracy, if we do not extirpate Now The Nation sponks clearly and unequivocally: the benefit of those to whom the soil rightfully belongs. Thus everywhere the spirit that would not only conquer other we should have England retire from Egypt and Persia, tho people lands as Germany conquered Belgium and Serbia. For if the mills of the gods have caught and crushed the Italians from Tripolli, and Japan from Kiao Chou, France and Italy conquered Tripoli, but would enslave their souls Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs and the Kings of Bavaria and from Cochin China and Madagascar, and Belgium from the and bodies as well. As long as it is left to a few men anywhatnot, they have still much crushing to do, it says. Every blood stained Congo, while the United States sets the example where to decide whether nations shall go to war, as long as remaining king. whether well meaning figure head or despot, hy retairing from the Philippines, Haiti, San Domingo, and there are men abroad like Mr. Taft to say that just when we should and must go. But these are now few in number. Nicaragua. We wish no limit to the spread of liberalism until have crushed German militarism we must war against the Then we agree with the German Socialists that no man who the vicious doctrine that a country shall protect by the force Russians and Germans to see to it that the revolutions there had anything to do with starting this war should remain of arms its citizens who invest abroad shall be forever dis result in precisely the kind of Governments that we prefer, in public life. In Russia, in Austria Hungary, and carded. For we are not of those who can see the mote only just so long is the war to end war merely begun.
they are gone. We hope and trust that the spirit of revolution in the eye of our Allies or enemies. There are those in plenty This is surely catching the spirit that is abroad in the land abroad will not die until all the makers of secret treaties are men like Taft and Roosevelt, preachers of reaction and waiting to find voice. It is not Socialism, but it is surely cast out, and with them, as ainong the worst enemies of hate in this country for whom the mills of the gods are the spirit of Americanism as America great dead: Garrison, mankind, the armanient manufacturers, the Krupps, the Creuturning slowly slowly, but with the terrifying, inescapable Phillips, Brown, Jefferson and the rest felt it.