BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyInvasionItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe Vol. I, No. Wednesday, November 20, 1918 Price, Cents The Trend Of Socialism in Europe TH HE decision of the German government to put in favor of a Soviet government, and pledging its not only on the Bolshevik terms, by Bolshevik meoff the Constituent Assembly until February solidarity with Bolshevik Russia. The Dutch govern thods. Some months ago, at a convention of the pe.
suggests that the Scheidemann group are finding ment is apprehensive of oncoming Bolshevism. Inten the extreme Bolshevik forces secured control.
themselves in much the same predicament as was Kesive revolutionary propaganda is being carried on.
The report that Turati, one of the Socialist centerrensky, while the demand by the soldiers that the Assembly be held immediately parallels the action of The Social Democratic Party, the party of Anton Pan ists in the Italian parliament, had gone over to the the Bolsheviki before the November revolution. necoek, Henriette Roland Holst, Herman Gorter and government and was shortly to leave Italy on a governGerman soldiers returning from the front are dis Wynkoop is completely Bolshevik, and one year mental mission has been denied.
posing of their arms and munitions to the civilians ago was designated by the Soviet Government as its In France, the Socialist Party is becoming more for a few marks and the fact that the left wing Social agent to secure news from neutral and belligerent and more radical. The reactionary Socialists, led by ists are the purchasers would point to the possibility nations.
Albert Thomas and Marcel Cachin, have lost all inof an armed demonstration along the lines of the Bolshevik precedent. The report that the present governA few days ago, Wynkoop made a speech in the fluence. The party is now transforming itself, the second chamber of the Dutch parliament demanding ment is attempting to exclude the Russian delegates Bolshevik forces represented by Loriot becoming more or ambassadors would tend to strengthen this belief the abdication of the Queen. He urged that the troops and more powerful. Last year there were serious under demobiliation should refuse to surrender their as it is only when these propagandists are achieving arms and called on the workers to declare a general revolutionary disturbances in France, in the army and success that such measures become necessary. The strike. Following the refusal of the Queen to abdicate in the cities.
capture of the censorship by the Soldier Councils is a demonstration was staged in Amsterdam that refurther evidence that the Soviet idea is spreading as The British proletariat is restive. The miners, led sulted in an armed clash between the soldiers and the this means that the councils will now control the agenby Robert Smillie, have been aggressive all through revolutionists in which several persons were killed and cy of propaganda.
wounded. The street fighting lasted for several hours.
the war. Shortly after the start of the great German Such news as comes from Austria would indicate Wynkoop is the editor of the Socialist left wing offensive in March, Smillie, at a tremendous meeting that all is not well with the bourgeoisie there; the fail daily The Tribune which is published in Amsterdam. bitterly denounced the war. In an article in the Meture of the last sitting of the Austrian Council of the Apparently, the Russian, Austrian and German ropolitan for August, Arthur Gleason declared that Empire, the storming of the parliament building in common unorganized labor the overhelming majorVienna by the Socialists, and the subsequent hoisting Revolution inay develop into a general European revof the red flag together with the capture by the Social lution a revolution against Capitalism and Imperial ity of the workers had caught fire from Bolshevism ists of the Neue Freie Presse would indicate that the ism.
and were out to wreck the existing social system.
people have no intention of allowing their will to the In Italy, no recent news is at hand, but the Socialist The decision of the British Labor Party to withraw thwarted.
from the government would support this contention.
The Revolution in Germany has an ally in the So Party there, the majority party, is completely BolsheThere are at present several labor men members of cialist Soviet Republic of Russia; and it is developing vik. It opposed Italy entry into war and acted against the coalition government but it is authoritatively stated the government during the war. After the military that if they insist on remaining within the government new allies among the proletariat of the other European disaster at Caporetto, the Socialist Party declared ranks they will not be allowed to stand for re election nations.
that, in spite of the invasion of Italian territory, it at the forthcoming general election as members of the In Switzerland, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and British Labor Party. This decision of the Labor Party would not cease its propaganda against the war. In Spain strikes, riots and demonstrations are sweeping December 1917, the Socialist deputy in the parliament, through which may emerge more aggressive mass while not very radical in itself, may cause a breach onward, symptomatic of a developing revolutionary struggle everywhere in Europe against Capitalism and Morgari, declared that the Socialists wanted peace, lectionet The general election in Ireland is expected to pracImperialism. Bolshevism in Austria seems to be tically end the career of the ill fated Irish Party, and sweeping onward almost as rapidly as in Germany.
to introduce as a factor in Irish politics the Irish Labor While these governments of Europe are intriguing To Our Readers.
Party. The laborites will contest four seats in the against the Soviet Republic, eager to crush Bolshevcity of Dublin, and about fifteen other constituencies ism in Russia, the European proletariat is accepting throughout the country. Jim Larkin, the general sethe revolutionary Socialist struggle against Imperialcretary of the Irish Transport and General Workers The Revolutionary Age has been founded to Union, who is at present in this country and is pro ism.
interpret the great change that is at present takhibited from landing in any part of the British Empire, In Switzerland strikes and riots are raging, while ing place not only in Europe but throughout the has been nominated for the strongest seat in Dublin entire world. Its interpretation will be strictly the Bolshevik Legation has been expelled. general and is expected to carry the clection in spite of his from the Socialist standpoint and is intended to railway strike has been declared, strikers and troops exile. All over the island strikes are in progress, the offset the volume of misinformation at present Teachers Union declaring a one day general strike in have clashed in Zurich, and trade and industry is being spread broadcast by the capitalist press.
which 95 of the teachers joined as a demonstration paralyzed. The Swiss revolutionary Socialists have We will have among our contributers the best of their power in case their demands were not comacted as purveyors of information between the Social informed Socialist writers in America as well plied with. The Irish Socialist and labor movement ists of the belligerent nations, and to the neutral world. as men and women in close touch with the Eurois in complete sympathy with the most forward elepean Socialist movement.
They have particularly rendered service in spreading ments of the English, Scotch and Welsh movements information about Soviet Russia. They are now Real success in a paper such as this depends according to the Voice of Labor, the official organ however primarily upon the readers and we of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union.
turning to action.
therefore place ourselves i: your hands. If you In Norway, the Socialist Party is now completely Denmark is seething. Strikes and riots have broken are interested in having a journal such as this Bolshevik, the revolutionary Socialists having secured out in Denmark. Independent Socialists in Sweden survive you must work for it.
control at the party convention months ago, their have issued a manifesto urging the formation of To Socialist locals and branches we appeal program being revolutionary mass action, organization Workmen and Soldiers Councils in order to estab for co operation in bringing the paper before of Soviets and proletarian dictatorship.
lish a Socialist Republic. General demobilization of the attention of their members and urging that According to a dispatch in the New York Times the each member becomes a subscriber.
trouble in Brussels was not entirely due to ti. prethe army and an eight hour working day are demanded. The Socialist paper Politiken urges the conTo individuals we appeal for help in securing sence of the German troops but had in it the purpose subscribers and contributors. Distribute the pa of securing certain reforms under the monarchy. vocation of a Constituent Assembly elected by general per in your shop, your club and your union.
delegation of Belgian Socialists visited the king at suffrage.
Ghent and laid their demands before him.
The Revolutionary Age will be issued biA demonstration against the crown and the dynasty weekly; Wednesday and Saturday. Order bundEurope is seething, Europe is a fire. Should the was held Monday in Copenhagen.
li from the Business Manager, 885 Washing European governments attempt the desperate task of The Social Democratic Party of Holland, represent un Street, Boston, Mass.
crushing the German Revolution, they may have their ing the revolutionary group, has issued a manifesto own proletariat to deal with!