BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyGermanyLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietTrotskyWorking Class

4 Novenaber 16, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE EXCESSES AND DISORDER IN RUSSIA With the fall of the ancient governments which workers didn get control over the factories. It was The various Factory Committees elect delegates rested like an incubus upon the peoples of the central simply a political revolution, not an economic revolu a district Workomen Organ of Control, which reg Empires has come, not merely political change, but tion; the rights of the Czar and the nobles had been ates industry in a particular district. Then the revolution, and revolution which seems as yet to destroyed, and in their place were established the district Organs of Control are centralized in the Al!
atsume no final and ordered form, but to run from rights of the capitalists. The workers had no indust Russian Workmen Council of Control, which regul one fluid change to another, until thoughtful men are rial rights; they were still wage slaves, still an op ates and has charge of all the industries of Russia.
forced to ask themselves with what governments, and pressed class.
The Organs of Control decide what wages the of what sort, are we about to deal in the making of Then started a new revolution an economic revolu workers are to receive, how long they shall work, the covenants of peacel. Excesses accomplish no tion against the capitalists and the employers of labor. what profits if any are to be secured by the owner thing. Uuhappy Russia has furnished abundant re The workers and peasants had organized into Soviets, in other words, the workers through their elected sent proof of that. Disorder immediately defeats it Councils of Workers and Peasants, in which no cap representatives control industry, regulate industry, deself. If excesses should occur, if disorder should italist or owner of property could be a member. These cide under what conditions they shall work. This is for a time raise its head, a sober second thought with Soviets decided on November 7, 1917, that they would industrial democracy, the first in the history of the follow and a day of constructive action, if we help become the government of workers and peasants; and world.
and do not hinder. President Wilson, in his address that the capitalists, the owners of industry, should No boss can tell a Russian worker, You can have to Congress, November 11.
have absolutely no share in the government. All men a job, there no work for you No work, while miland women should become useful workers; if any lions starve! No boss can tell a Russian worker If Germany is in the midst of a developing proletar person was not a useful worker, he was a parasite, you don like my hours and the wages pay, get out; rian revolution. The course of this revolution, if it and as such should have no share in the government there plenty more can get. The Russion worker is definitely accomplishes its purpose is the conquest of the capitalist republic became a republic of the work no longer an industrial slave: the Russian worker is power by the proletariat, will in large measure parallel ers.
free in every sense of the word. Have you an industthe development and accompishments of the proleta The Soviet Republic represents full and fundament rial vote? Have you a say in your factory?
rian revolution in Russia. An understanding of what al democracy democracy in government and de The Soviet government is the government of the being done in Russia, accordingly, will assist in un mocracy in industry.
workers; everything that is done is done in the intcderstanding the probable course of developments in The capitalist repúblic, such as in Russia under rest of the workers. It is a workers republic, not a Germany.
Kerensky, gives the people political democracy that republic of landlords and capitalists and the sweaters Exoesses and disorder are simply the superis, you have a right to vote in politics: but you have of labor. And that is the kind of society that must be ficial appearance of revolutions, breaking loose in no right to vote in industry, no right to vote in the established in every nation, by means of Socialism every revolution. We must penetrate beneath the sur shops where you work, you have no industrial demon the world for the workers!
face of events, we must appreciate the real tendency cracy. Industry is the most important thing in our And because there is Socialism in Russia, every and accomplishments of a revolution.
lives the world depends upon industry. If you have brutal reactionary in the world is actively against There has never been a revolution in history that no democracy in industry, you are a slave, ruled by the Soviet Republic.
was not stigmatized at the time as a process of ex capital. Political democracy without industrial demo That is why capitalist newspapers in this country cesses and disorders; but history has always recracy is a fraud.
demand military intervention in Russia to crush the ersed this judgment. And this equally true of the So the Soviet government institutes a tem of workers republic.
roletarian revolution in Russia, the importance of industrial democracy, in which the workers have contThat is why the workers of this country and the which is international and will determine the destiny rol over industry, and not the employers, the owners, world must demand: Let Russia alone! Withraw of the world in the years to come.
the capitalists. The organized workers are the govfrom Russia! If they put over reaction in Russia, Russia is the biggest problem of the world. More ernment.
they will put over reaction in every country.
than any other problem it affects your life, your inThe Soviet government is a real democracy. The terests, your aspirations as men and women who work peasants get together in villages, the workers in their AGAINST INTERVENTION IN RUSSIA for a living factories, and elect delegates to a local Soviet. Every (Continued from page two)
The newspapers damn Russia. They lie about Rusthree months these local Soviets elect delegates to staining their names forever with such a crime as sia. They try to convince you that revolutionary Rusan All Russian Congress of Soviets, which meets in suppressing the great Russian Revolution, which in sia is your enemy. Revolutionary Russia is not your Moscow. This All Russian Congress, elected every spite of many blunders, is still an admirable force of enemy. Revolutionary Russia is your friend, the three months, is the supreme government authority idealism and progress.
friend of all men and women who work for a living.
in Russia. It elects the members of the Council of The workers and peasants of Russia are suffering People Commissaires, the executive organ of the We will not win the war by killing the Russian are fighting, are dying, not alone in their own cause, Revolution. By committing such a crime we shall government, and a Central Committee which sits perbut in the cause of the workers of the world.
not accomplish the task towards civilization which manently in Moscow during the period elapsing be the Allies have set before them, and we shall not realThe newspapers lie, but in their very lies they show tween sessions of the All Russian Congress. Leninize a democratic and just peace, the principles of what a big thing is the Russian Revolution. They confess that the Russian Revolution is a danger, the and Trotzky and the others, including the Central which have been enunciated by our Socialist Party greatest danger, to the tyrants of industry and capital Committee, make a report; if their work has been som and so eloquently developed by Wilson.
everywhere; and by that fact the Russian Revolution tisfactory, they are re elected, if not, they are throun The Ministers of the Entente, misinformed through the blindness of their Intelligence Service, were in is the comrade of the men and women everywhere out, and new persons elected in their place.
who are the wictims of the tyranny of industry and Is this despotism? It is real democracy, it is the a position to easily delude the masses of workingmen, work capital.
themselves making the government. By means and now direct them against the power of the Soviets.
The Russian Revolution marks the end of the old of such a government the workers are able to realise But the day will come when the lies will be swept world of Capitalism and the beginning of the new freedom, industrial democracy and the control of their aside and the truth proclaimed. What bitter reproaown lives in their own way.
ches will then be addressed to the guilty governments world of Socialism. It is the greatest departure in the world history, greater than the French Revolution. The Soviet Republic has given the land to the peafor not having known better, or not having wanted to know better.
For the first time in all history, the common people, sants, the factories to the workers preparing tha the workers and peasants, are in absolute control of industrial democracy of Socialism.
What resentment, what hatred will accumulate, and a nation, a nation of 160, 000, 000 people, using the Private ownership in land has been destroyed. The what terrible and unnecessary fights are in store for government in the interest of the workers of Russia, land belongs to all the peasants and any person fit and the future! But the crime will be irreparable! New and of the world.
willing to work can secure land. But no person can ruins will not make old ruins look less ugly.
This is why the newspapers, which represent the own land, or employ hired labor. The peasants get Men like you who have helped so forcefully in the intellectual and moral development of my generation, predatory interests of capital, lie about the Russian together in their local Soviet, and elect a Land ComRevolution, about the Bolsheviki, about the Soviet mittee. This Committee regulates the distribution and have the power to prevent this. It is also their duty Republic. This is why you should not helieve these tilling of land in its district. It is the co operative Accept, Citizen Romain Rolland, my fraternal an devoted sentiments.
lies; for these lies are against your interests as much organ of the peasants, and all together work together as against the interests of the workers of Russia. to produce. All the land in Russia (including mines Capt. Jacques Sadoul, Don be deceived. The truth the truth about the and forests, etc. belongs to all the people in Russia, French Military Mission, Moscow.
workers revolution in Russia shall make you free! used to make the people prosperous and happy, and July 14, 1918.
The important thing to remember about Russia is life worth living, instead of making profits and big that there have been two revolutions there since March fortunes for a few persons while the great mass of Council of Soldiere has been organized in thic 1917 and that these two revolutions are absolutely the people live in poverty and misery.
Cierman aring at the frort, and is to submit its dedifferent in character, and are fighting for control. The Soviet government has introduced worker mands to Field Narslial Ilindenburg. Front and rear The first revolution was a revolution against the control of industry. This means that the boss the Revolution is conquering.
Czar. The Czar and his blood stained government longer the boss, but that the workers are in control was overthrown. new government was established of the means of life.
The Socialists in Berlin have seized the capitalist a republican government, a bourgeois republic, in This is the way this wonderful system works: newspapers and converted them into organs of the which the capitalists and employers of labor governed All the workers in a factory elect a Factory Com Revolution. This is perhaps the Arst dent in private instead of the nobility.
mittee. This Factory Committee is in charge of the property. Instead of defending tyranny and ImperialThe government was changed, but that was all. factory not the owner. Everything that is done must ism, these newspapers will now promote revolutionary The peasants didn ret control over the land. The have the approval of this Factory Committee. democracy and Socialism.