vember 16, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE he Revolutionary Age illegitimate union of Capitalism and Socialism bourgeois Socialists.
a This government, the bastard product of an tendency of the bourgeois liberals and the pett Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe. could not secure the confidence of the masses.
Three groups are clearly apparent in the revThe revolts of the masses, instead of being olutionary movement in Germany: UIS FRAINA Editor ended, were multiplied, and the bourgeois SocialADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor The Social Democratic Party, the party ist government collapsed. The new government, of Ebert, Scheidemann Co. This party is petty Contributing Editors with Ebert as Chancellor, appointed by grace of bourgeois in tendency and policy, aspiring simply SCOTT NEARING LUDWIG LORE Imperial Chancellor Max, now marched upon the after bourgeois democracy. At its Wuertzburg JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA stage of events. HOU RWICH WEINSTEIN Convention last year, Scheidemann expressed the What is this Ebert government? Ebert is a policy of the party by declaring that, in spite of Issued Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday moderate Socialist of the Scheidemann persuasion, all conflicts with the bourgeois state, the prole885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
an influential member of the Social Democratic tariat in bound to it, and that the coming of Party. The Social Democratic Party during four Socialism is a process of all the classes and not of Saturday, November 16, 1918 and one half years of war supported the govern the proletariat alone. This group represents ment and the war, declared that the proletariat petty bourgeois democracy, and is counter revolTHE WAR AGAINST RUSSIA owed a duty to the state, and was consistentlyutionary.
The Soviet Commissaire of Foreign Affairs Tchi counter revolutionary, acting equally against The Independent Socialist Party, the party cherin on October 24 sent a note to resident Wilson the oncoming proletarian revolution in Germany of Haase, Ledebour Co. This party, organized saying: and the accomplished proletarian revolution in in the spring of 1917, represents a secession from As a condition of the armistice, during which Russia. In tendency, and as an historical cate the Social Democratic Party on the issue of suppeace negotiations shall be begun, you in your note gory, the Ebert government corresponds to the port of the government and the war. It is not to Germany demanded evacuation of occupied terri Kerensky Socialist government in Russia.
definitely, uncompromisingly revolutionary tories. We are ready, Mr. President, to conclude an The Kerensky government was a Socialist party in tendency, being still dominated by the armistice on this condition, and request you to ingovernment, but it retained the fundamental ideology of the older Socialism. But it is not a forin us when you intend to withdraw your troops bourgeois relations of government, of industry.
unified party; it may develop a more revolufrom Murman, Archangel and Siberia.
and of society. Socialist government, the tionary policy under the pressure of events, or, There has been absolutely no official answer to Kerensky government played the miserable farco more likely, it may split, one faction going over this request. The newspapers have jeered Tchicherin of unity of all the parties. but excluding the to Ebert Co. the other faction going over to as cheeky, while proposing an invasion of Russia revolutionary proletariat. The Kerensky governthe revolutionary Socialists.
by way of Constantinople and the Black Sea.
ment was a Socialist government, yet it acted The revolutionary Socialists, not, until The Boston American, in its issue of November against Socialism and the revolutionary prole recently at least, organized into a political party, 14 published a Washington dispatch which declared tariat. The Ebert government represents the but represented by the Spartacus Group and the identical tendency.
among other things: Group Internationale, the movement of Karl Lieb It can be stated authoritatively that American The Kerensky government marked the final knecht, Otto Ruhle, Rosa Luxemburg and Franz troops now in Russia, both in Siberia and in the Ardesperate maneuvres of the Russian bourgeoisie Mehring. the conscious, uncor. promising Bolchangel territory, will remain for an indefinite period to retain its supremacy by using the camouflage sheviki of Gerinany. These groups represent the In addition, as soon as conditions in Germany make of Socialism. It marked a period of transition tendency of the revolutionary proletariat. Their certain the release of thousands of troops, the expewhen the final forces of the class struggle pre. Three weeks ago, wh le Independent Socialists in propaganda was a propaganda of Social Revolution dition in Russia will be reinforced. It will be the pared for action. It was impotent to act, deprived intention of the Allied governments and the United of all real power. The most important feature of the Reichstag taliced of defence against the ce States to win Russia back to her senses through symthe Kerensky period was the decision to convoke cessive demands of Poland, Rulle declared: pathy and not further bloodshed.
an All Russian Congress of Soviets, which when Only Social Revolution can settle these problems it convened decreed all power to the Soviets.
of peace. These Socialists are in favor of the Sympathy, and not further bloodshed? Then why governme:it of Councils, and have unreservedly keep the troops in Russia, and reinforce them? Bullets In Germany, the Kerensky Ebert government and arthusiastically greeted the Russian Sovet are peculiar agents of sympathy.
occupies the stage of events, but the actual des Republic.
Withdraw from Russia!
tiny of the Revolution is being determined by the organization and policy of the Councils of WorkGermany is at the Kerensky stage, but much men and Soldiers, the instrument of the revol Germany, said Lenin one year and a half ago, will more acutely developed. The Revolution in AT THE KERENSKY STAGE utionary masses. The division is now clearly ap be slow, very slow in starting; but once it starts, The German revolution is marching swiftly on parent, as in Russia, the moderates demand sup it will march on with the speed of a locomotive.
its way, much more swiftly than the proletarian port of the Provisional Government and the Conrevolution in Russia. But, while compressed into stituent Assembly, while the radicals demand all the Russians two months to secure a bourgeoisIn two weeks, the Germans secured what it took a shorter period of time, its stages are paralleling power to the Councils. It is this division and the Socialist government; in five weeks the Gerthe Russian revolution.
struggle it provokes that will determine the course mans secured what it took the Russians five When, about five weeks ago, the revolutionary of events.
months to secure a Kerensky government; it crisis developed definitely into revolutionary The revolution in Germany, as in Russia, was took the Russians three months to overthrow action, the German bourgeoisie attempted to pre made by the revolutionary mass action of the their Kerensky: how long will it take the Gervert a collapse of its rule by calling upon the soldiers and workers, snapping asunder the fetters mans to overthrow their Kerensky government Kaiser to abdicate, and by placing in the cabinet cf authority and dragging Kaiserism down in and place all power in the Councils of the revoluScheidemann and two other Socialists of his trait ruins. The instrument of action of the revol tionary proletariat?
orous type. Instead of averting revolution. this utionary masses is the Council, of Workers, of action simply hastened the revolution, which Soldiers, of Pensants. These Councils are necesrushed onward with a speed positively feverish. sarily determined in a strugzle for an economic In its proclamation of a republic, the SchleswigThe bourgeois Socialist coalition government and social revolution, while the provisional gov llolstein Council of Workmen and Soldiers said: was intended to halt the onward march of the ernment wants to tinker with political forms. The political power is in our liands. provisional proletarian revolution precisely the purpose of The moderates are united in favor of the Con government is in process of formation. Our aim is the bourgeois Socialist coalition government stituent Assembly, the radicals are uniting in a free, Socialist Republic along lines that will secure organized in Russia on May 19, 1917. Covernment favor of the immediate convocation of a National peace for the future.
Coalition between the bourgeoisie and the moder Congress of Councils.
ate Socialists everywhere is used by a desperate There is no revolution unless it is a mass rev French Socialists demand that the prevailing milourgeoisie to deceive the militant proletariat. clution; not simply in the sense that the masses itary administration of affairs shall end immediately; France, England, Russia, and now in Germany. make the revolution, but in the sense that the that a general election be held at once to take action ne awakening proletariat, at first, does not dis masses definitely march up on the stage of adminion problems of reconstruction; that union labor sh 11 guish between moderate, government Soc strative events, consciously become the govern participate in the work of reconstruction; that sm and revolutionary Socialism; but the im ment. This can be accomplished only by the international Socialist Congress be held and labor re able logic of the der coping class struggle German Councils of Workmen and Soldiers being represented at the Peace Conference. These are moi compels the proletariat to distinguish bet transformed from instruments of revolutionary cierate dmands; the proletariat and Socialism in the real and the false.
action into organs of revolutionary government.
France will yet speak in more aggressive and decisive e bourgeois Socialist coalition government, Bourgeois democracy has been conquered in terms: ined by Imperial Chancellor Max, was shat Germany: the capitalists and the parliamentary into bits by the impact of revolutionary republic are in power. Should the revolution It could not reconcile the Revolution cease now, it will have proven a failure, since the The National Civic Federation warns against le bourgeois government, nor the bourgeois resolution will be a success only if it establishes anarchistic agitation, and proposes that using the merit with the Revolution. The proletariat a Socialist Republic by overthrowing the bourgeois Red Flag shall be prohibited, and that the emergency :ot be e. ppcased by giving Scheidennan a parlismentary forms of government and erecting spionage laws shall be retained. By anarchist the honor in the government. the same the new Socialist state of the organized proFederation incans any person who does not thank nent which had ruthlessly oppressed the ducers a goverr:ment of the Councils.
Gorl three times a day for a system that produces lat and waged an infamous war of conThe Revolution will conquer hy means of the Morgans and Rockefellers, corrupting wealth and he same Scheidemann who had mobilized economic end social revolutionary tendency of degrading poverty. The espionage laws are strangsm ar. rkers in support of the the masses conquering all power for the prole lers of freedom of expression: y should end as the ient.
at, and annihilating the dominantly political war ends. Kepeal the espionag ws!