AnarchismBakuninCommunismGermanyMarxPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartyWorkers PartyWorking Class

Tho New York Communist Marx Critique of the Gotha Program THE mçana.
HE manuscript published herewith the ac gress, while our own party holds its convention he lives upon the labor of others, and also acquire companying letter to Bracke as well as the post festum. Everybody knows how pleased his share of civilizaion at the expense of others criticism of the proposed platform was sent the workingmen are with the bare fact of a union, lacor.
in 1875, shortly Lefore uit Gotha fusion congress, but you are mistaken if you believe that this mo Instead of this, another sentence is attached by to Bracke, to be further communicated to Geib, mentary success is not bought too dearly.
means of the phrase and since, in order to draw Auer, Bebel, and Liebknecht, and later on to be Besides the platform is good for nothing, even a conclusion from this latter sentence, and not from returned to Marx. Since the Halle convention put irrespective of the canonization of the Lassallean the former.
the discussion of the Gotha program on the perty articles of faith Second par: of the paragraph: Useful laboris order of business, would consider myself guilty With best greetings, Yours, possible only in and through society.
of wrongful suppression were still longer According to the first proposition sbor was the hold from the public this important documentsource of all wealth and civilization; hence no COMMENTS ON THE PLATFORM OF THE GERMAN perhaps the most important document bearing on ciety was possible without labor. Now we learn, LABOR PARTY this discussion.
on the contrary, that no useful labor is possible But the manuscript has also another, and still Labor is the source of all wealth and without society.
more far reaching significance. Here, for the first of all civilization, and since useful labor is It would have been as sensible to say that only time. is clearly and definitely set forth the attitude in society possible only in and through society, the useless and ven publicly injurious of Marx on the course followed by Lassalle since labor become a branch proceeds (Ertrag) of labor belong, una.
industry, that only in his entrance upon the agitation, both in relation to bridged and in equal right, to all the memsociety can men live in idleness, etc. etc. in short, Lassalle economic principles and to his tactics.
bers of society.
to copy the whole of Rousseau.
The relentless vigor with which the proposed First part of the paragraph: Labor is the source And what is useful labor? Plainly, only the platform is analyzed, the inexorbleness with wbicb of all wealth and of all civilization.
labor that produces the desired serviceable effect.
the results arrived at are pronounced ard the weak points of the platform exposed all this can Do Labor is not the source of all wealth. Nature savage man is a savage after he has ceased to be an apema savage who kills an animal with longer offer. now, after afteen years. Specific is just as much the source of use values and these certainly form the material elements of wealth) as stone, who gathers fruits, etc. does useful labor. assalleans exist nowadays only in foreign parts, Jabor, which is itself only the expression of a Thirdly, the conclusion: And since useful lalike isolated ruins, and the Gotha platform was bor is possible only in and through society the given up in Halle by its own makers as altogether natural force, human labor power. The above proceeds of labor belong unabridged, in equal phrase is to found in every child primer and is inadequate.
correct ir so far as it is assumed that labor starts right, to all the members of society.
Nevertheless, wherever it was not essential to beautiful conclusion! If useful labor is pot out equipped with the requisite materials and the subject. have omitted some severe expressions sible only in and through society, then the proand opinions concerning some individuals, and in But. Socialist platform should not let such dual laborer receives only so much as is not necon ceeds of labor belong to society and the individicated the omissions by asterisks. Marx himself middle class phrases pass, and permit, by silence, sary for the maintenance of the prerequisite of would have done so had he published the manu. the conditions that alone give sense thereto to be labor society.
script now.
guage was provoked by two circumstances. In the suppressed. And in so far as man stands toward Nature the first source of all the means and obIndeed this has been the regular claim made by first place. Marx and were more intimately conjects of labor in the relation of proprietor, in so First come the claims of the government and all the champions of each succeeding social system nected with the German movement than with any other; hence the decidedly backward step evidenced so far as he treats Nature as belonging to bim, bis labor ba omes the source of use values, hence also that hangs thereby, since it is the social organ for in this platform was particularly calculated to excite of wealth. The capitalists have very good reasons the maintenance of the social order; next come us. But in the second place, we were then, hardly for imputing to labor supernatural creative powers, for the various sorts of private property are the the claims of the various sorts of private property, two years after the Congress of the International al the Hugue, involved in a most severe conflict with the course from this mature imposed necessity of labor foundations of society, etc. It is plain, uch hola Bakunin and his Anarchists, who held us responsible but his labor power must, under all. conditions of for everything that transpired in the Labor MoveThe first and the second part of the paragraph ment of Germany; we therfore had to expect that society and civilization, be the slave of those other men who have made themselves the possessors of lowing form: can have any sensible connection only in the fol.
the secret fatherhood of this platform would also be ascribed to us. These considerations have passed the material conditions for labor. He can work Labor can become the source of wealth and away, and with them has passed the necessity for only with their permission, hence live only with civilization only as social labr, or, what amol their permission.
the passages in question.
But let us take the sentence as it runs, or rather to the same thing, only in and through society.
This proposition is indisputably correct, for even asteriske. owing to considerations having to do with imprison. What should we bave expected as the con il isolated labor lits material prerequisites pret the press laws. Where a milder expression had to Since labor is the source of all wealth, no one supposed) can create use values, yet it can produce be chosen it is enclosed in brackets. Otherwise, the neither wealth nor civilization.
in society can acquire wealth except as the product publication is faithful to the letter.
of labor. Therefore, if he does not work himself, And just as indisputable is this other statemeat: FREDERICK ENCELS. In measure thai labor is developed socially, London, January 6, 1891.
and thereby becomes the source of wealth and NATIONAL LEFT WING civilization, are developed also poverty and degraMARX LETTER TO BRACKE London, May 5, 1875.
CONFERENCE dation on the side of the laborer, wealth and civilitation on the side of the non laborer.
Dear Bracke: to be held This is the law of all history up till now. Thers After reading them you will be so kind as to communicate to Geib, Auer, Bebel and Liebknecht, JUNE 21 22 23 fore, insteid of talking in general terms abou the subjoined critical comments of the fusion plat labor and society, it should bave been clearly AT MANHATTAN LYCEUM pointed out how, under present capitalist society form. am over worked and compelled to work East 4th Street ihe conditions, material and otherwise, are at last bevond the limits prescribed by my physician. It was therefore by no means a pleasure for me to produced, which enable, and indeed compel, the ADMISSION BY PARTY CARD AND IN. laborers to break through that social curse.
write such a tape worm. But it was necessary, 10 VITATION CARD ONLY But, in fact, the entire paragrapb faulty both that the party friends, for whom this communication Apply to Maximilian Coben, Atb st is intended, may not misinterpret the steps to be in style and contents appears here only in order to inscribe the Lassallean catchword of the untaken by me later on. It is indispensable, since outside of Ger abridged proceeds of labor. the watchword. the flag of the party, shall come back later to many the notion altogether erroneous, but fostered LEFT WING EXCURSION by the enernies of our party is entertained that we the proceeds of labor, the equal right. etc. secretly from here direct the movement of the soSaturday, July 12th as the same thing recurs in somewhat different form (To be continued. called Eisenach party. For instance, in a recent At 2: Russian publication, Bakunin makes me. res. From Market Street Pier to Bear Moratala ponsible for all the platform declarations, etc. of Under the auspices of that party.
First and Second Assembly Districta, Aside from this it is my duty not to rerognize. Left Wing Section Socialist Party even by a diplomatic silence, a platform that is in my opinion Altogether objectionable and demoral.
izing to the party.
Ticket, incl. Tax ISC Every real advance step of the movement is more On day of Excursion At Manhattan Lyceum important than a dozen platforms. If therefore, it 66 4th Street was impossible and the circumstances of the time did not permit it to advance beyond the Eisenach platform, then you should have simply concluded LEFT WING PICNIC Admission Free an agreement for action against the common enemy.
But when you formulate platforms of principles Sunday, August 24th, 1919, at (instead of postponing this work until such time EASTERN BOULBVARD PARK MASS PROTEST MEETING IN as you have become prepared for it through con.
tinued common action. then vou establish landEastern Boulevard and Fort Schuyler NEWARK marks by which all the worl. gauge the height Road, Westchester, Bronx, TO PROTEST THE CLOSING of the PORTS of the party movement. The chiefs of the Lassalle Oriental Dances by Miss Katayama and TO DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE Troupe.
ans came to you because the conditions forced them.
Had you declared to them from the outset that you Other attractions to be announced later.
OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS would not enter on any dickering in principles, Red Picnic Great Time For a Red Thunday, Jan 21, 1919 then they would have been obliged to content ther Cause. Men, Women and Children of Auditoria, Belacat An selves with a program for action, plan of or. the Working Class. Come and enjoy Morten SL, Newark, ganization for common action Instead of this, yourselves!
you allow them to come ormed with credentials us Picnic starts 10 M.
Auspices SOCIALIST PAKTT BRANCHES binding: and urrender al discretion to those Arraged by the Left Wing Members of Brus Speakers in lp. To cap tht climax, they Admission he in advance at gate English, Russian, Ukrainean and Polish but it before the compromiso con Left Wing Mass Meeting