BourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEngelsGermanySocialismSocialist PartyViolenceWorking Class

6 The New York Communist the holding of Convention, but on the method of electing On the question of abolishing the reform cialiom, the conquest of the Party for the Commundelegates plenks in the Socialist Party platform, the fight ist International. We, of the City Committee, feel that we have in no way violeted the State Constitution or the Rules of tho between the two wings developed, ending in thirty The official vote on International delegates from City Committee. On the contrary, we feel that the State eight Left Wing delegates bolting from the con Executive Committee is unlawfully excrcising is power in vention when the Left Wing Manifesto and Pro Rhode Island, Maine, Kentucky, Arkansas, Minne eleven statesGeorgia, Virginia, Tepesce, Florida, up holding the rule of a small minority who, at the present Lime, in spite of the efforts of the majority, are unlawfuily gram, which embodied their principles on the sota, Michigan and Massachusetts, gives the fol.
paintaining their control of the Party machines in Local question at issue, was defeated.
lowing results: Together with the seventeen delegates who had John Reed, 7, 679; Louis Fraina, 7, 077; your aid to the violation of the most sacred Party principle been deprived of seats by the Right Wing Creden. Wagenknecht, 5, 423; Ruthenberg, 4, 523; tials Committe the bohing delegates formed a Ferguson, 538. These, the candidates receiving tale to initiate and determine for itself Party Policies and convention in a hall below. This convention was Tactice and to that catent, the accusations you make the highest vote, are all Left Wing candidates. The against the Left Wing of disrupting and splitting the So cialist Party is burled back al you and you will be beld Left Wing locals, who reported that as they were Victor Ber: 789; James Oneal, 778; I. Shipimmediately joined by twelve more delegates from moderates of the Right Wing received these votes: responsible to the Party Membership.
under instructions from their locals not to bolt 1, 139; Adolph Germer, 908; SeyFraternally submitted, they were unable to take part in the new conven: lacoff, 663; Algernon Lre, 565; John Work, 457.
mour Stedman, For City Committee, EDWARD LA RECRER, tion, but that they refused to participate in the MAURICE PAUL convention dominated by the Rights and were te In these eleven stales, Kate Richards Haro ALBERT PAILY.
turning hone. They further reported that they has overwhelmingly beaten Morris Hillquit for Inwere in complete sympathy with the Left and would ternational Secretary, Incomplete reports from other states indicate that the Left Wing has securod General Party Membership meeting of Local roquest their locals to join the Left Wing FoderaQueens will be held this Monday, June 16th, 15 tion then being formed.
a substantial majority in all state organizations.
It is stated that the sharp. The order of business for the meetumber of delegates appear. This is the election that the moderates on the ing will be as follows: ing at the convention did not constitute the full are trying to steal. General discussion on the present strength of the Leſt Wing, as many locals were In the District elections for National Exococrisis in the Socialist Party.
Torced to vote by proxy, owing to being unable to tive Committee, returns from Maine, Rhode Island And the policies and tactics lead.
meet the traveling expenses. Locals such as Seat. and Massachusetts give these results: Louis ing up to the same.
tle, which are Left Wing, were forced to accept the Fraina, 3, 130; Nicholas Hourwich, 2, 544; 2. Action of National and State Execuproxy given them by the Secretary. Most of the Lindgren, 1472; Ludwig Lore, 940; Morris Hill.
tive Committees expelling entire State western locals had to vote by proxy and in each quit, 838; James Oneal, 688; I Shiplecoff, organization, Language Federations and case the vote was thrown to the Right Wing al. 319.
though many of these western locals are definitely Revocation of the Charter of Local known to be Left.
The Second Jewish Branch of New York, which National Executive Committee Admittance to the meeting will be by membership has been reorganized by the Right Wing, sent five Rutherberg 1, 199 votes card only. Members are requested to be on time delegates, while eleven other members of the same Harwood as the questions are very pressing.
branch were present and voting as proxies, though Prevey 1, 120 votes 1, 058 votes MAURICE PAUL it was formed only a few days before the convenInternational Delegates.
Organizer, Local Queens.
tion, and the rules state that no branch can send more than one delegate, if it has been organised Fraina Reed 1, 396 votes less than three months.
1, 113 votes ONE hundred and thirty six delegates attended the Ruthenberg 781 votos opening of the Jewish Federation Convention Left Wing Section and elected temporary secreThe Left Wing Convention organized the Jewish Wagenknecht 760 votes which took place in Boston on June The Right International Secretary Wing got into action as soon as the proceedings tary and temporary Executive Committee of nine. Kate Richards Hare.
865 votes opened. It elected its own credentials committee It is planned to hold another convention shortly to Morris Hillquit 341 votes which organize on a permanent basis. That the National Executive Committee arrange proceeded to admit all Right Wingers, pass upon the validity of those holding proxies and defor an emergency Convention to be held as soon as prive seventeen Left Wing delegates of seats on va The Left Wing, as shown in partial election to can be arranged: rious flimsy pretexts. About fifty three Left Wing turns, has swept the Socialist Party. Early returns YES 1, 269 delegates succeeded in being seated.
indicate a complete victory for revolutionary So No 87 Why Political Democracy Must Go Reply to a Farmer unit is as a rule the state of the most powerful oconomic class that by force of economic suprem.
acy becomes also the ruling political class and (Continued from page 4)
the processes of political democracy became less thus acquires new means of subduing and exploit and less able to overthrow their absolute hege. ing the oppressed masses. The antique State, was, the American people to the position of debtors for half a century.
mony in other words, the center of Government therefore, the State of the slave owners for the pur.
Another way by which the Constitution framers has finally shifted completely from the Capitol and pose of holding the slaves in check. The feudal profited. Although pledged to secrecy in the Con during the Great War.
the White House to Wall Street. This became clear State was the organ of the nobility for the oppres.
sion of the serfs and dependent farmers. The mod.
vention, they used their knowledge of the proceed.
ings to speculate in land and government securities My next and last article of this series will pointern representative State is the tool the capitalist and currency, before knowledge was made public class preserves and strengthens its power.
out some ways by which the American capitalist exploiters of wage labor. In democracy the An analogy with the present situation regarding capitalist class exerts its power indirectly but with the Peace Treaty with Germany, which has got into (To be concluded. more certainty. Thus in America, through its the hands of the great financial interests before it wealth, the bourgeoisie corrupts officials, form gov.
ernment and stock exchange alliances, and has has reached the people, will readily suggest itself.
The Constitution so devised has been the framemore sure hold on the agencies by means of which the will of the masses is bafiled. Especially in a work of the American Government, and has consistently thwarted the will of the majority of the (Continued from page 3)
republic, for example America, what is good for the ruling class is alleged to be good for the whole people ever since it was adopted, except in cases In societies where the class antagonisms have of society with which the ruling class identifies itof an overwhelming majority: Patrick Henry, not yet been developed distinctly, this public power self. Thus we see that the American Socialist upon reading the document, exclaimed, It is, sir, a of coercion is small. This was formerly true in our most fearful situation when the most contemptible movement must be particularly on guard against own country. This public power of coercion inminority can prevent the alteration of the most opthe numerous sares and delusions of bourgeois creases in the same ratic in which class antagonisms democracy.
pressive government; for it may, in many respects, become more pronounced, and in which neighbor To be continued)
prove to be such.
Professor Burgess protests against the system ing states become larger and more populous. The for amending the Constitution, and in doing United States offers a splendid example of the truth of this. In the last two decades, class lines in wittingly criticizes the entire document: LEFT PROPAGANDA MEETING WI in a democratic political society, the America have become acutely pronounced. In the well matured, long, and deliberately formed will of same period the public power of coercion has in.
Under the auspices of the undoubted majority can be persistently and succreased in direct proportion to the sharpening class lat D. Socialist Party, Bronx County cessfully thwarted, in the amendment of the or divisions. The European class struggles and wars of conquest have also nursed the public power of ganic law, by the will of the minority, there is just coercion to a tremendous size. To maintain this This Friday eve. June 13, P.
as much danger to the States from revolution and violence as there is from the caprice of the majorpower the citizens pay, taxes, and the State contracts LETTISH HALL debts, loans, and makes drafts on the future.
371 Willi Ave. Near Land SL Breas So much for the foundations of the American Engels has clearly shown that the State is Speakers republic; so much for the most advanced political product of irreconcilable class contradictions and democracy in the world. However, there have conflicts. But having arisen among these conflicts, BENJAMIN GITLOW ISRAEL AMTER been times when the great capitalists in control of EADMONN MacALPINE the Government, deliberately violated the ConstiLEFT WING PICNIC LOUIS BAUM, Chairs tution, when it suited their interests; for example, just after the Civil War, wbrá the Republicans in Sunday, August 24th, 1919, Admission Free to AB Congress forbade the Supreme Court to pass upon at some of their reconstruction legislation, on pain of EASTERN BOULEVARD PARK being dissolved. Toward the working class, how Easter Boulevard and Fort Schayler ever the Supreme Court has become more and Road, Westchester, Bronx, more the obstructive instrument of capitalist Oriental Dances by Miss Katayama and class interest, and the Constitution an ever greater Troupe.
weapon against the workers; evea to the point where Other attractions to be announced later.
it has upheld the conviction of Eugene Debs. Red Picnic Great Time For a Red From time to time the Constitution bas been SUNDAY, JUNE 22, at Cause. Men, Woraen and Children of ameuded, and its provisions interpreted, so to the Working Class. Come and enjoy At Manhattan Lyceum widen and strengthen the political powers of the yourselves!
people in Government in other words, our Gov.
Picnic starts 10 66 4th Street ernment has become more democratic.
Arranged by the Loft Wing Members of Breas But this is only in proportion is the great capi.
Admissies te laden at gate Admission Free talists strengthen the Invisible Government, and as ity.
Left Wing Mass Meeting