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2 The New York Communist longer.
COMMUNIST Orhoudari Marehemah, afterme vahel line for this timidegom senaman ini tiden om die face in Carry the New York bers of the Right Wing who apparently desire to The statement closes with a declaration concern. have their names kept secret, covertly hint that ing the necessity of renewed organization and there to be an Americanization of the Socialist propaganda, to profit by the protest, discontent Parly, and that the Bolshevik elements are to be and smouldering revolt engendered by the re. oliminated.
Official Organ of the Left Wing Section, actionary policies of the ruling class and its gov. The Tribune, tell. how it learned at The Socialist Party ernment. But this is a general statement. It leaves People House that It is the demand of Owned and Controlled by Local it to be inferred that all the discontented eicments the Party leaders and the Right Wing as a whole, Greater New York in the country must be brought into the Party: that American Socialist movement be set free to nowhere does it mention the working class as the develop in accordance with American conditions, JOHN REED.
Editor only class with which the Socialist movement is EADMONN MALALPINE Associate Editor concerned.
with American reality and American Psychology.
Just as when Walling, Bohn, Russell, Stokes, MAXIMILIAN COHEN.
Business Manager Six months ago the would not have Spargo et al left the Party they used the prevailing Editorial Board dreamed of mouthing such revolutionary phrase psychology to incite the people against the move HOURWICE ZUCKER ology. It is now doing so only because the rank ment, so today the Right Wing is attempting to use and file of the Party is determined upon winning the rage worked up by the capitalist press against WOLFE WILENKIN the American Socialist movement to revolutionary the foreigners to discredit the Left Wing. But Published Every Woek.
Socialism. But no one can talk the language with they are misrepresenting the American section of out meaning it, or at least understanding it. And the Party. All through the country the Socialist by this time the Party membership knows enough Party is swinging to the Left, irrespective of naSUBSCRIPTION RATES to distinguish between phrases and facts.
tionality. Just as the Socialist Party has been a Year 00 composite of all the nationalities in the country, so Months 50 Deporting the Aliens the Left Wing is composed of all the nationalities Months. 75 in the Party. The Americans are not behind the THE THE National Executive Committee has han others. We of the Left Wing are not concerned Single Copies, Cents tened to obey Hillquit call for a split in the with the natiorality of the membership, nor do wo Bundle Orders of 10 or over, 37 Cents a Copy.
Socialist Party by the arbitrary suspension of consider that nationality is one of the issues now 43 West 29th Street. New York City seven Language Federations, approximating some being fought. Americans understand Socialism as 30, 000 members, or the third the entire meuber: well as any other nationality, and in the nature of ship of the Party. This action is taken without any things it is Americans who will dominate the sonotice and no hearing has been held to decide on cialist movement in America; otherwise the future Phrases and Facts the facts in the case. The chief crime of which of the movement in this country would be very these federations were guilty, according to the breck indeed. But in the past many Americans who mistook Socialism to be a return to the ideals of thousand members from the Socialist Party Chicago, was an organized systematic attempt to Jeffersonian democracy wandered into the Socialist because they believed in Bolshevism, the Na. pendling referendums in the interest of the Party, and naturally these will remain witte the tional Executive Committee wound up the proceed Left Wing. In other words the punislios Right Wing, and will ultimately swing it into a fu.
the world, which is a mixture of lies and hypocrisy ideas, just as the capitalist couris punish Socialists Party. For the loss of such as these we have no in about equal proportions. This statement confor propagating their philosophy regrets. Their place is not in the Socialist movo demns the Peace Treaty of Paris, declares its supWe are iníormed that this action was taken after ment and the sooner this is made clear the better port of Soviet Russia and Communist Hungary, nearly two days had been given to the matter, and for both them and the movement.
The American working class must be the back.
protests against intervention, repudiates the that it followed the consideration of a mass of Berne Conference, and goes on record as being in documentary material accumulated in the National bone of the Socialist Party, and we of the Left are indifferent as to whether the members of that favor of industrial unionism instead of craft union Office. We can imagine the bowl about democism. From this it would appear that the National racy which would go out from this same office if class are direct descendants of the Pilgrim fathers Executive Committee had adopted Left Wing prin the District Attorney announced that after consid or are the latest immigrants from the outside world.
ciples until one analyzes the document.
ering a mass of documentary material for nearly Socialism is not a matter of nationality; it is these The statement begins with the declaration that two days he had decided to indict the E: very leaders who encouraged the division of the the Socialist Party at all times consistently and Surely there are enough famous lawyers on the Party into Federations for their own political ends, uncompromisingly opposed war.
who are now endeavoring to discriminate against But we know 10 know that this method. where the prose: that many of our Party leaders, including the So cutor, judge and jury are one and the same, and these very Federations. The Socialist Party in the cialist Congres man, were at times in favor of where the defendant is not even apprised of the future will be a party of the workers in America, War to save Russia. for example.
fact that he is under charges, much less given and no divisions will be necessary, save perhaps an ll supports wholeheartedly the Soviet Republic hearing is not in accord even with the bourgeois occasional language branch where the non English of Russia and the communist government of Hun conception of justice. It is claimed that Stilson speaking members will be taught English and then gary, and vigorously protests against intervention, of the Lithuanian Federation, appeared and acted turned over lo function directly in the movement.
etc. But it opposes just as wholeheartedly any for the whole seven groups, but even the most gulli.
tendency toward Bolshevism or Communism in the ble will find it hard to believe that on such an im The Capitalist Press and the United States, and expels all Bolshevists or Comportant question the seven Federations would munists, stigmatizing them as anarchists. agree to only one representative, and particularly Party Crisis In Germany, Austria and countries similarly a representative of one of the numerically smaller situated, its sympathies are with the more advanced groups, to state their respective cases.
ALL the de Socialist groups space to the fight in the Socialist Party. in America it expels such The whole matter stands revealed as a shameless For instance, last Sunday the New York Tribune groups from the Party. in their efforts to force piece of bureaucratic high handedness and, in view their governments into a more radical and immedi. of the way in which the vote for the new Executive cialist Party Seeks to Purge Itself of Rods.
had a two column story headed, drolly enough, Soate realization of the Socialist program. This is Committee is swinging to the left, an eleventheither a verbal trick to deceive the Party rank and hour attempt of the old committee to perpetuate One of the grievances of the Right Wingers file, or it betrays the real incapacity of the National itself in office. If the rank and file of the Socialist against the Left Wing is that we are alleged to have Executive Committee to understand the situation Party condones this action, then we can congratu. carried the Party fight outside the Party. and in Germany, and the Social Revolution in general. late the seven Federations on being removed from confided our wrongs to the general public.
The Spartacides and Communists are not making the contamination of a Party, which peindiseraging headquartere have been besieged by reporters from During the past few weeks our editorial office and they are attempting to get control of the govern. the movement down to the level of the worst element the great prostitute newspapers, besceching us to in American machine politics.
story on menis.
Party situation. This It realizes the necessity of re organizing the In itself the action of the is enough for.
we have repeatedly refused to do, because we consider it none of the public business what goes on Socialist International along more harmonious and ever, to condemn its perpetrators, and the weak radical lines. The Socialist Party of the United chauvinism of the excuses it puts forward for that internally in the Party. However, when we refuse States is not committed to the Berne Conference, action merely adds to the poffense. It has been bly say, Well, suppose we ll have to go up to which has shown itself retrograde on many vital charged says The Call, that the Party has been the Rand School and get it from Gerber or Loc.
points, and totally devoid of creative force.
also it is not affiliated with the Communist Conrepresentation owing to the inability of English what the reporters have done. The Tribure story From the stories in the papers, this is evidently gress of Moscow. Certainly not! The rank and speaking members to read the various language file won stand for the Berne Conference, to which, publications and reply. Thus the Party has been above referred to gives the Right Wing arguments nevertheless, the made a determined at helpless because the English speaking members did in detail, including all the ridiculous and provocatempt to commit us. But again, the Moscow not know it was being attacked and therefore could tive accusations that the Left Wing is composed of Congress is dangerous. 80 we better wait for not reply. The foreign speaking members, we sup anarchists. that it is out to use violence. and a harmonious International.
pose, are incapable of judging facts for themselves that it expects the Revolution tomorrow.
COD In the field of domestic policies, the Socialist and are completely at the mercy of corrupt foreign tain tains, moreover, a good deal of intimate gossip Party is utterly opposed to the reactionary writers because forsooth nu English speaking to the when they moet. For example, the statement of leadership. In vague terms, the hopes comrade stepped forward and set them right. Poor, for the industrialization all national and inter: ignorant foreigners, no wonder the National Securthat the party leaders fear that the Italian Foder national unions. Not a word for the unskilled ity League despises you!
tion may have to be expelled, it is beginning to and the unorganized. Complete silence about the When the American Government began to deshow signs of Left wingiem.
port alien agitators The Call put a little picture of The extent to which The Tribune is in the confi Certain abuses have crept into some Locals of the Statue of Liberty on the front pago much as dence of the Right Wing may be judged from the the Party, due to an over valuation of the import Ms. Hearst puts little American flags in his paper following paragraph: ance of practical politics. but on the other hand, and began to sob about democracy. but now that The expellod foreign foderations, according to the political activities of American Socialism must the National Executive Committee decides to de such leaders as Morris Hiliquit, Julius Gerber, Al.
neither be abandoned or emasculated. Whatever port the foreigners from the Socialist Party, The gernon Loe, Goorge Goebel and Adolph Gormer, that may mean. We presume that this Call reveals its true sentimtuin in its headline over have long been a soro spot on the Socialist move unqualified endorsement of the Party Congressional the story. Suspends Defiant Groups of ment in America.
Platform for 1918, not apply to Foreign Born, it shrieks, stressing the fact that What may be good in Rosia may be very bad certain Locals, but to the whole Party. This is these groups are aliens, and implying that foreign in the United States, they say. And we recent the the kind of thing which has destroyed the Socialist born groups will only be tolerated if they are not attempt of people who are ignorant of America and movenient in America, and in amount of statements defiant. This is exactly the National Security her problems to dictato to us how we shall rum om from the on the one hand, on the other League idea foreigners can only remain here so hand will blind the rank and file of the movement long as they are submissive.
And so the National Ecocutive Committee ha.
to the evils of political social reformism any Interviews in the capitalist press given by mere palled several foreign toderations from the Party It an party!