AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEngelsInvasionMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

8 The New York Communitet The Pink Terror tionalistic way.
of. The Abortive Massacre of the 3d 5th and 10th HERE had been rumors that the Pink Dictator fellows? Didn I say not to let anybody in with for order and proposed that, since the Executive of Local New York was marshalling his out a letter?
Committee refused to call the meeting, the Branch Cohorts for a descent upon the 3d, 5th and 10th The assault was delayed, how. placed himself at the door. When asked if he were senti comrade by the name of Fuchs then declare itself in session.
Comrade Brahdy was eleced chairman, and Comever, until there was a reasonable certainty of the a member of he 3d, Sth and 10th, as specified in the rade Coles secretary. Comrade Reed then proposed absence of Jim Larkin and Irish contingent, letter, he said defiantly that he was not, but would as the order of business that the delegates of the who, not being very well versed in parliamentary come in if he pleased.
Executive Committee present be asked to state their law, might wholly misunderstand the proceedings; Grossman asked the Comrades to walk up to his reasons for summoning this meeting.
and imagining that something illegal was going table and answer a few questions.
on, might impulsively vote against it in their naBeckerman replied that until the registration was Do you believe in an organization within an or completed, the delegates of the Executive Commitganization? he asked.
tee refused to make any statement. Comrade Reed The opportunity arrived. It was learned by Gerber spies that on Monday, May 12th, there would think The Call should be controlled by the Party!
One innocent Comrade responded firmly, No. then proposed that, provided the registration take place in the room, the meeting be suspended until it be a memorial meeting mes Connolly at Bryant Hall, which the Irish Comrades would atGrossman immediately noted on his list Member was completed. Whereupon Beckerman announced tend.
On May 10th, therefore, a chosen few members complied and she demanded it back shortly after the meeting would be called when he felt like it.
rades to give up their cards, only one Comrade tration would be carried on in another room, and Comrade Brahdy was elected chairman, and Combillet doux from Gerber, so familiar to all the contained about thirty names, with the monotonous formally demand from the Executive Committee faithful.
comment after all but two, Refuses to give up card. delegates their purpose in calling and At the appointed time on Monday evening, May Refuses to answer questions.
if they refused to state it, that the meeting adjourn 12th, a little group of Comrades, with pale but de Comrade Brahdy kept advising the Comrades in on Wednesday, termined faces, left the headquarters of the Branch a loud voice to pay no attention to Grossman. This May 14th. This motion was and proceeded down Broadway. Past the great finally irriated Grossman to such a degree that twenty seven being in favor and three against.
Victory Arch at Fifth Avenue and 26th Street, with after ordering Brahdy to leave the room, he finally In the name of the Branch, therefore, Comrade Murmansk sculptured on its side, went the brave summoned Fuchs, and said loudly, Run down Brahdy formally demanded from Beckerman that little band, thrilling with inverted pride to think stairs to the Cloak Cutters and bring somebody up he state the purpose of the Executive Committee that this great monument to the invasion of Russia here to clear this room of people we don want in calling the meeting. Beckerman flatly refused.
had been erected with money voted by Socialist al.
The Chair then announced that since there was no In a few moments a procession of sinister looking business before the meeting, it should stand adNo. West 21st Street was a low, evil looking individuals with cauliflower ears filed in. Ques journed. Whereupon the Comrades left the hall.
building; upon the steps lounged half a dozen plug. tioned as to whether they were members of the 3d, The mercenaries of the Executive Committee, uglies. who slowered upon our Comrades as they 5th and 10th, they evasively said that they belonged having failed in their reorganization scheme, de Cloak and Suit Cutters Union No. 10. As far as Potter appeared, followed by the strong arm must be made for the next meeting. Accordingly could be determined, most of the Union members squad from the 6th Branch. Asked when the letters were again sent out, and this time two and a seemed to be hanging around the corridors. meeting would begin, Beckerman stated that it half Comrades gathered in the safe precincts of the Upstairs in a low, evil looking sat Charley begin when the Executive Committee dele Rand School on Friday evening, May 16th.
Grossman at a table. He looked up in surprise as gates decided to begin it.
To date the proceedings have not been divulged.
the comrades entered; evidently they had arrived The meeting having been called for 15 But we understand that the 3d, 5th and 10th earlier than was expected; for having looked over and there being evidently no intention on the part Branch has been bloodlessly reorganized.
the aggregation, Grossman went to the door and of the Oligrachy to open the proceedings, at 30 Moral: The only peaceful way to reorganize a shouted down stairs, What the matter with you Comrade Brophy, organizer of the Branch, rapped Branch is not to tell the members.
the mecting until the regular Branch wnectored on by roll call, dermen.
room would whole mean.
T: The Party Congressional Platform Is this really the conception of the Rus.
sian Soviet Government, of the Proletarian Dicta. Continued from page 3)
torship? Is this really the conception of political action?
ples, and want an adequate. representation and of course that all we are aiming to avoid. of labor. We are afraid that it will not have But what complete transformation? Ah, here it is Workers Council enough power to move against Russia, and heņee. next to the last sentence. The main struggle of we demand legislative and administrative, as well the masses is to secure control of these basic insti; of the Waist and Dress Industry indicates a The recent conference of the Workers Council as judicial functions. We demand an international tutions (which. and this requires an education of healthy move on the part of a section of New regulation of the hours of labor, thus giving the the people to the necessity of such control.
League an York workers, toward industrial democracy.
But class consciousness? Why that all concendisputes. We believe that under Capitalism peace trated in the last sentence, which rhetoricians assure What was only a few weeks ago estimated at a and disarmament are possible, Marx and Engels to us is the most effective and emphatic place in a misrepresented by the yellow and so called radical mere handful of persecuted workers, libelled and the contrary notwithstanding. We worry about a platform or essay. Here it is note the class sheets alike, miraculously flourished at this conferuniform monetary system and, to phrauit in lines elegantly, we feel sure that that will put the pro In this work of education ence to the proportions of over fourteen thousand we invite the coletariat ten ahead. We even discuss coloniza operation of all who recognize the opportunities for delegates democratically elected in the various (half the recognized industry) represented by 320 tion and foreign investment, telling the League how re building the world on a basis of equity, democ workshops.
10 manage these two pesky matters, and then exhort racy and fraternity for all. Whatever that may At the conclusion of a two day sitting, the following manifesto was unanimously adopted: necessity of seeking continually and aggressively (as in the present platform) to secure control of their Using the Against respective governme. ts to the end. To what end. We, 320 Shop delegates of the Waist and Dress Why to the end that these policies (the League, The Left Wing Industry at a Conference held at the People House, disarmament, the universal monetary system, etc. HE SOCIALIST for May 13th reprints an ar7 15th Street, New York City, May 3rd and 4th, be officially adopted by all the nations concerned. ticle from the paper, One Big Union, about class consciousness and solidarity among the 1919, realize that Trade Unions, instead of bringing Heaven forbid that they should secure control of attacking an article in The Revolutionary Age workers and uniting them against their exploiters, their respective governments for any other pur. in particular, and the principles of the Left Wing break them into craft groups and thereby weaken poses!
in general.
The Platform speaks of the historic mission of This is precisely the same tactic employed by the We also realize that our emancipation from lifethem and serve the interests of the employing class.
the Socialist Party of the United States to prepare New York World to discredit the Russian Soviet long drudgery depends entirely upon our solidarthe workers of America to take part in the new Government by means of the dispatches of Bob ity and class consciousness.
fraternity of labor. And trust will be par Minor, the anarchist. We, therefore, proclaim to all the workers of doned for once more dragging in the antiquated The Right Wing has no more sympathy with the the Waist and Dress Industry the inauguration of a Marx, who once said: than The World has with Anarchism, or Workers Council. And to what does the party reduce its interna with Bob Minor in particular, who was forced to The Workers Council sets out to educate and tionalism? To the consciousness that the result of leave The World because of his radical opinions. organize the workers along class conscious and inof peoples a phrase borrowed from the bourgeois answer the article itself, but from a careful reading ing influence of craft union officialdom; to have the dustrial lines; to break the corrupt and demoralizleague of peace and freedom which is supposed to of it we are driven to wonder whether, after all, workers ready to pass for the equivaleift of the international fraterni. there may not be a difference between Wism time comes for them to take over the industries.
on with production when the zation of the working classes in their common We urge the workers in each shop to elect shop struggle against the ruling classes and their govern for after all, we did not imagine that in fundaments.
mentals we of the Left Wing were so very far committees which shall adjust all grievances between the workers and their CONCLUSION.
away from the revolutionary employers.
And now for the two paragraphs headed Con. Says the article in one place (italics ours. These shop committees shall meet in general conferences to adjust problems concerning the enclusion. Here we find the theoretical part of the Besides, why should we be in such a hurry to tire industry. The time has come when the workers program. It begins favorably. We warn the imitate the Bolsheviks? What have they done that must prepare to take charge of the industries.
masses (the first time we have noticed them) that should make us jump off our track and follow their We, therefore, call on the workers in every inthe above program (twenty three pages of it) has lead? They have overthrown autocracy and estab dustry to take matters into their own hands, form reference to a dying social order. We cheerfully lished political democracy for the proletariat. Po Workers Councils, and manifest their allegiance to announce that our reconstruction program is litical democracy has existed in this country for a the rising solidarity of the Workers the World designed to assist in the passing of this bankrupt long time. We do not have to make a revolution to system of capitalism. complete transforma get it. If we want the political power, control of The shop committees are self autonomous, but tion is necessary.
y. Anything short of this complete ihe parliamentary state, all we have to do is to voti are joined in an Industrial Federation for matters transformation will lead to another world tragedy ourselves into power.
pertaining to the industry at large.