BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyGermanyImperialismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietTerrorismWorking ClassWorld War

The New York Communist An Outline of the Communist International Adopted by the Congress of the Communist International in Moscow (March 6, 1919 IIL the petty bourgeoisie of the cities will be freed from lution, in which role the Social Democrats of the THE breakdown of the capitalistic order and the economic bondage to usurious capital and land. Right appear, but also from the Party of the Centre (Kautskians. who desert the proletariat at the critimakes impossible the rourganization of pro nulment of the national debt. etc.
cal moment in order to come to terms with its open duction on a capitalistic basis. Wage wars of the The task of the Proletarian Dictatorship in the antagonists. On the other hand, there are essential workingmen even when successful do not bring economic field can only be fulfilled to the extent elements of the proletariat, heretofore not within the anticipated betterment of conditions of living; that the proletariat is enabled to create centralized the Socialist Party, who stand now completely and the workers can only become emancipated when organs of management and to instituie workers absolutely on the platform of the Dictatorship of production is no longer controlled by the bour control. To this end it must make use of its mass the Proletariat in the form of Soviet rule; for examgeoisie but by the proletariat. In crder to raise organizations which are in closest relation to the ple, the corresponding elements among the Syndithe standards of productivity, in order to crush the process of production. In the field of distribution calists.
opposition on the part of bourgeoisie (which the Proletarian Dictatorship must re establish com The growth of the revolutionary movement in all only prolongs the death struggle of the old regime merce by an accurate distribution of products; to land the danger of suppression of this revolution and thereby invites danger of total ruin. the Pro which end the following methods are to be consid through the coalition of capitalistic States, the at letarian Dictatorship must carry out the expropria ered; the socialization of wholesale establishments, tempts of the Socialist betrayers to unite with one tion, only delay the process of disintegration and the taking over of all bourgeois State and munici another (the formation of the Yellow Internationconvert the means of production and distribution pal apparatus of distribution; control of the great al at Berne. and to give their services to the Wil.
into the common property of the proletarian State. co operative societies, which organizations will still sonian League; finally, the absolute necessity for ca Communism is now being born out of the ruins have an important role in the production epoch; the ordination of proletarian action, all these demand of Capitalism there is no other salvation for hu gradual centralization of all these organs and their the formation of a real revolutionary and real promanity. The opportunists who are making utopian conversion into a systematic unity for the rational letarian Communist International. This Interna demands for the reconstruction of the economic distribution of products.
tional, which subordinates the so called national system of Capitalism, so as to postpone socializa As in the field of production also in the field interests to the interests of the international revolution, only delay the process of disintegration and of distribution all qualified technicians and special. tion, will personify the mutual help of the prolo increase the danger of total demolition. The com ists are to be made use of, provided their political tariat of the different countries, for without econommunist revolution, on the other hand, is the best. resistance is broken and they are still capable of ic and other muual helpfulness the proletariat will the vnly means by which the most important social adapting themselves, not to the service of capital, not be able to organize the new society. On the power of production the proletariat can be but to the new system of production. Far from op other hand, in contrast with the Yellow InternaKaved, and with it society itself.
pressing them the proletariat will make it possible tional of the social patriots, the Proletarian ComThe Dictatorship of the Proletariat does not in for the first time for them to develo intensive crea munist International will support the plundered any way call for partition of the means of productive work. The Proletarian Dictatorship, with their colonial penples in their fight against Imperialism, tion and exchange; rather, on the contrary, its aim co operation, will retrieve the separation of physi. in order to hasten the final collapse of the impe is further to centralize the forces of production and cal and mental work which Capitalism has devel. ialistic world system to subject all of production to a systematic plan oped, and thus will Science and Labor be unified. The capitalistic criminals asserted at the beginAs the first step socialization of the great banks Besides expropriating the factories, mines, estates, ning of the world war that it was only in defense of which now control production; the taking over by etc. the proletariat must also abolish the exploita the common Fatherland. But soon German Imper.
the power of the proletariat of all government tion of the people by capitalistic landlords, transfer ialism revealed its real brigand character by its controlled economic utilities; the transferring of all the large mansions to the local workers counciis, bloody deeds in Russia, in the Ukraine and Finland.
communal enterprises; the socializing of the syndi and move the working people into the bourgeois Now the Entente states unmask themselves as world cated and trustified units of production, as well as dwellings.
despoilers and murderers of the proletariat. To all other branches of production in which the de During this great transition period the power of gether with the German bourgeoisie and social pagree of concentration and centralization of capital the councils must constantly build up the entire riots, with hypocritical phrases about peace op makes this technically practicable; the socializing administrative organization into a more centralized their lips, they are trying to throttle the revolaof agricultural estates and their conversion into structure, but on the other hand constantly draw tion of the European proletariat by means of their co operative establishments.
ever increasing elements of the working people into war machinery and stupid barbaric colonial sol.
As far as the smaller enterprises are concerned, the immediate control of government.
diery. Indescribable is the White Terror of the the proletariat must gradually unite them, accord. The revolutionary era compels the proletariat to bourgeois cannibals. Incalculable are the sacriing to the degree of their importance. It must be make use of means of battle which will concen fices of the working class. Their best Liebknechi, particularly emphasized that small properties will trate its entire energies, namely, mass action, with Rosa Luxemburg have they lost. Against this the in no way be expropriated and that property own its logical resuitant, direct conflict with the governproletariat must defend itself, defend at any price.
ers who are not exploiters of labor will not be mental machinery in open combat. All other meth The Communist International calls the whole world forcibly dispossessed. This element will gradually ods, such as revolutionary use of bourgeois parlia: proletariat to this final struggle.
be drawn into the socialistic organization through mentarism, will be of only secondary significance. Down with the imperialistic conspiracy of aspi the force of example, through practical demonstra. The indispensable condition for successful strug ta. tion of the superiority of the new order of things. gle is separation not only from the direct servitors Long live the International Republic of the Pro and the regulation by which the small farmers and of Capitalism and enemies of the communist revo letarian Councils!
Clearing the Decks tional Emergency Convention. The present attitude of the rank and file forecasts that such a convention (Continued from my 1)
will be another St. Louis, and Comrade Hillquit and the other leaders doubt whether they can two gentlemen, and who during a revolutionary reforms, such as were advocated in the Congres weather another storm. The only thing left is to period would inevitably act in the same way as has sional platform for 1918 which Comrade Hill. split the Party before the convention.
disgraced the name of Socialism in Germany? If quit must mean when he speaks of the Party during This is exactly what Local New York is doing.
not, does he expect the Spartacans to meet with the the War as a vision of progress.
German Social Democracy in a Congress of interThis is why the reorganization of branches goes national solidarity. Comrade Hillquit answers It appears that the failure of peace, the govern on apace. Disfranchise the revolutionary section none of these quesions, he dismisses the question mental persecution and repression, the obscurant of the membership, expel its spokesmen and the of the Third International in a glowing generality!
ism of the capitalist press, terrorism, unemploy. Party is safe for the oficial junta! The Party of What, according to Comrade Hitquit, is the func. the American workers. Then will come the opporment and intensified exploitation will soon awaken ficialdom has found that it is unable to accomplish tion of the American Socialist Party in the imme tunity of the Socialist Party to convert them to Sothis purpose in time to save the National Executive Commitie, hence the leaders call for split.
diate future? The United States emerges from the cialism whatever that i, for Comrade Hillquit War the strongest capitalist country in the world; doesn say. But in order to prepare for this, we But we refuse to split the Party, that is not our our liberal administration has become reaction.
purpose. We will capture the Party and if the must concentrate on propaganda and organization Right Wing wants to split, it must do the splitting, ary: the progressive element in politics and 50cial reform has collapsed like a house of cards. The cluding political campaigns and legislative for file is behind our position, we are the Party, and. propaganda through all methods available, init must broak away from the Party. The rank and only voice of protest and the only vision of progums. This is the Left Wing position; this is the ress have come from the Socialist Party and Left Wing idea of political action for the pur handle the mop.
when the time comes for clearing the decks we will Degligible individuals.
group of industrial workers and radical pose of propagnda, and for no other reason.
The implication is that the Socialist Party is to But propaganda for what? Comrade Hillquit take the place of this bankrupt element, to conhas pointed out that there are two theories strug gling for control in the Socialist movement that of LEFT WING MEMBER tinue, as it has been in the past, voice of proest and vision of progress. Protest against the dictatorship of the proletariat, and that of SHIP MEETING what? Why against the failure of the capitalist with the capitalist class. during the period ONgovernment to be de:nocratic to protect the working class against itself. Vision of what? Of of transition. It is all very well to plead for a SUNDAY, MAY 25th, at P.
an infinite accumulation of petit bourgeois social be? Comrade Hillquit does not tell us; but he harmonious plan of action. but what shall it ATnints that we shall embrace the second of these two MANHATTAN LYCEUM ing to be Socialist institutions, are two places where plans of action, and he proposes to read out of the the rod card is not honored.
Socialist Party all those who disagree with him.
66 EAST 4th STREET In view of the facts enumerated, in view of the In its particular application to the present situaNEW YORK CITY deliberate distortions and lice published in the Executive Committee statement, the members of the adorsement of the tactics of the Right Wing in Socialist Party should demand the recall of the Local New York. Hitherto the cry of all loaders TO ELECT AND INSTRUCT Executive Committee, the resignation of the Ecocu has been unity, now Comrade Hillquit wants a split DELEGATES TO NATIONAL tive Secrelary and vote, No, on the State Commit. Why? After regths of agitation the Left Wing has tee referendum for the expulsion of Left Wing broken down the opposition and succeeded in hav.
LEFT WING CONFERENCE locals and branches ing a referendum takes on the Docsity for a Na