BolshevismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Movement

THE NEW YORK COMMUNIST Window on the World. The Telescope SAMUEL GONPERS COUNTRY to dumpi on fureign markets, and thus cap As it is alto march for the graft ture orld trade. The workers will strike lwhind any urdinance we are of the opinion VUEL GOM PERS, of the and there will be no unemployed to fill that soincidy is contemplating starting a Cuin Federation ved National Se.
their places. Shut down the mills and starve Course in public gesturing and of course City League, arrived in New York then They will take the mills.
jupile will pay well to be taught how Ist Thursda from Europe, where he has Stop immigration tu kecp out Polsheria. avoid guing to jail. Just think of a well.
In an interesting three months getting Then stop emigration to prevent Bolshevism. meaning real estate agent, overcouic by the thrown out of the Labor Movement.
Then let in all the parasites wi Europe flee beauty of the site he is trying to fuist upon The per report that as he walked down ing before the Dictatorship of the Prole a Hronx family, who thrus is arm towards the fans plus be ried, My country tis of tariat the horizon and who tualizeszli tatu. that thee sulet land ot liberty, while the tears What is the result Bill Haywood uses this sc same gesture.
rici di wo his checks. On the way over Hulshevism!
ur of the rate old gentleman. the back of hendetiree addresses on Patriotism.
hove ick has just stopped the violent Well, wil. it must seem good to get home flight of an uner ripre tomato, turning round PRUSSIANISM IN NEW YORK pun tu the only country in the world to take his fist at a group of small boys Wiliere the workers stand for him.
Like the French ci devants, the Isnerican when he suddenly remembers having seen a ruling class learns nothing but it forgets Socialist Alderman employ this same gesture KEEP YOUR EARS BUTTONED a god deal.
whicn refused tickets for a parade!
The American truops in Archangel have Mayor livlan and his illiterate Board of mutinie! It appears that they were pois. Aldermen furget that Bismarck, backed by oned by evik pr ganda. The papers the military machine of Imperial Germany.
say indignantly that when the boys were tried to put over a Red Flag Ordinance.
cridered to the front, they asked their officers le furgels that both the Kaiser and the Tirtial law for five Irish Cowties is mbartu sink questions, such as Why are Tsar tried to prevent persons why spoke one o! the glorious achievements fighting these people? What ha. e foreign language from huding public meet.
of the war for all nationalities, ties die US? Has the United States ingin Germany and Russia. In Germany I»ut then xtrikes in Limerick Cork and. creat declared war on Russia. The this was called Germanization: in Russia Dublin are thic achicuments of martial law.
sc: thai the officers couldn answer these Russification. and in America, with fatal te is minor matter; the horrible logic. it is called Americanization.
lung is that there are the same questions Recently, but not too recently for Mayor We learn on dubious authority that the which the Bolsbeviki have been asking, Hulan and his thugs to forget it something F. of is bringing pressure to hear on In in lung service. said General March.
Inappened to the Kaiser and the Tsar.
Some members of the Right Wing of the ei of Stafi. don recall another inSocialist Party to have charges preferred. Pane where American soldiers did not want. Ind now the ruling class of New York against Comrade Gerber for employing nonis renly arming against the workers. The fight They always have said Lead us uriun prorch clunbers to get the cít Wing Frening World, on April 12th, prints an minntes.
As a matter of fact, the propaganda prooi account of a new bureau attached to the New Yur. Police Department, to the known as ui which the capitalist press has been It is ninnred that the State Committee the Bureau of Special Service. At its head wastim late freen found to contain reason is Special Deputy Comissioner John 114 reduce its appropriation to the Call ble men nu want to know why they are Sinan of the New York Stock Exchange.
printing plant hy half in order that it may. hting Naturally the military authorities have funds to The personnel etween 000 and 000 start an enquiry into an amazed that Americans won go out and!
11 cn. rwbo ba te givrenne. rm nilrislis rm Lili anyone they re told to men, who are given police authurity and What talk done with them The Gore Kve without payis compromed of Wall In reply to Constant Reader we would ernment can allow them to come homeStreet men med prominent citisena.
state that the lest method of keeping the perhaps they would refuse to mos Socialist Commissioner Shaw days. Phe bureau: is Crops friendly on clection day would be the meeting and smash in the sye people who The puolitical, and its purpose is to forward establishnient of Party owned and reiused to buy Victory Long bonds.
inwricanism. The following answer to controlled cigar factory.
In the incantime, friends, look out for this a repiter question is Risificant: Pulshevik for ipaganda. It everywhere. If Reporter: Will the new service be used Xo. Old Subscriber, you have not got the You hear anybody whispering anything teniorce rohibition?
about Industrial Unionism, scream for a situation guite right. Canterist is Juiceman (wnmissiwer Shaw. Xo. indeed. It is to persuni ulio is too fastidcows to bckung to heep lucrics for Americans. It is also the Right Wing and not lasudcous. cdougta litciyun. litical in character and some for the Lek Wing IMMIGRANTS EMIGRATING the best men in Wall Street will see in livron Newton, Collector of the Port of We judge that be means keep. America In view of the fact that we art in a coodi New York nutes that the rush of aliens for Wall Street. robably based on the tion of suspended animation with regard to fra the nited States to Europe has therw. Set a thiei te catch a thief set a snembership in the Socialist Party owing to Wall Street man to cuiche worker trying rewird a total of 1, 000 day. The capitalthe action of the Suate Committee in moving steal lack his living int prest is beginning to get a little worried uur expulsion, we would like to haww if it about it. With immigration stopped to keep will he correct to speak of our friends of the It Holshe visin, and all the foreigoers here Right as semi corrades?
going home, the day will come when uber DONT SHRUG YOUR ISHQULDERS IN plement ceased then what will be SEDITIOUS WANNER come of the capitalist systems in America?
Lloyd George when making campaigu oppression, cowering from Idlerinan William Collins has intre to ask cxuntry, tinmatched anywhere in the world.
Aldermen making it a misdericanour for from (ermany: but it understuod that our disillusioned abiens are returning to their ihree or more persons tu assemble and England is now willing to give 80 discount own lands in tou step of Social Revolution. advise or advocate, whether by words off for cash. Small profits and quick returnst or illamined by its lightnings. The melting sign or getres against the enforcement pot is cooling of the laws of the tinited States or of this Premier (lemenceau inform the French Deportation? Let the Government deprat State, prescribing punishinept for crimes Depaties that everybody in France is us ten thousand foreigo born, itu throat and misdemeanours or against the public anxiqus as they are abegs. the. ol. pero ened to do. hundred thousand would wel peace of the. people of the Laited States of and for that schon, in the present sincuumrome deportation with open arms.
of this State. It is stated by the press that Hancca. have a right to the 40k inforAnd when they are one want then? this ordinance is satisfactory to Mayormation. Consequently nobody to any Will America. speed up in til produc Hylan but we refuse to believe that His information, which is one of the use of tion, manufactare hage marphes of products Honor is mecanih utisfied.
democracy we bad quite overlooked. the shamekus ja teoria de penny of this Alberto de ordine nici bersih peroration, for 120. 000. 000. 000 indeponity.