CommunismDemocracySocialismWorking Class

THE NEW YORK COMMUNIST The Left Wing and The Call Operatite Publishing Asseviation, an organ rights as a member until the next quartettin Theresirping oranization has decided every MONG the ridiculous accusations. or something similar! We are told by To our demands, the Board of Managers hurled at the left Wing by the Right members of the Board of Managers that answers just what the capitalist system anis the charge that we want to wreck the initiation fee and ducs restricts the swers to the workers, just what the Right the New York Call Assciation to those Party members who are Wing machine answers to the Let Wing: This is based largely on the fact that the really interested in the paper. What a Change it, then, by all means change the Left Wing has refused to support or con splendid reason for a Socialist!
but use the legal and constitutional machia tribute to The Call campaign to raise Why is it, as the Board of Managers says, ery, which functions to protect us against 90, 000 for a new printing plant.
that plenty of people kick about The Call. you.
but the kickers are never interested enough We reply: What is your reason for reThe Left Wing stands for Part owner to come to meetingst We have heard simi fusing to democratise The Call? There can ship and control of the official Party prees. ilar sentiments from captains of industry, be no honest reason. Do not talk to us about The Call is an official organ of the Party explaining why democracy is a failure. legality and constitutionality. us if you yet it is neither owned nor controlled by the Democracy is a failure chiefly because were afraid of the majority of the Cocialist Party. The Call is raising 20, 000 for a new the great mass of the people have nothing Party.
plant, and as an official Party organ, is ap to say about the Government. The de Why should the Left Wing want to wreck pealing to the rank end file of Party niem nuocracy of The Call doesn work for exThe Call? On the contrary: the Left Wing ders for funds. Yet when the printing plant actly the same reason. The constitution of wants to take over The Can, with the rest is bought it will be neither owned nor con the Association places obstacles in the way of the Party machinery, at the coming Emertrolled by the Party of Party control. In the first place, it costs gency Convention This is how The Call is owned and con money to be a member; in the second place, trolled an applicant for membership must be voted Left Wing Notes It is published by the Workingnien Co on, and cren then he cannot exercise his he to support the following ization of Party member Control is vested meeting, three months off.
asks ail revolutionary Socialists to do lileein the Association, and in a Board of Man To the rank and file, impat. ent with The wise. ager Call editorial policy, the Board of ManThe Association meets For the National Executive Committee, three agers and its supporters use strange argu Ist District: Hourwich, Edward months. Party members, and only Party ments.
meminin, may be elected members of the Lindgren, Brooklyn, Louis Fraina, For example, Party ownership and conAssociation, upon the payment of five dol trol is inefficient. This is the same argu.
Boston, Mass.
lars initiation fee and dues of one dollar per ment used by private capitalists against For International Delegates: Feryear Lindgren. Brooklyn. Louis Fraina, Governinent ownership. In a Party which The Tward of Managers is elected as fol aims at the public ownership of industry, it Ruthenberg, Cleveland, Ohio.
Boston, Mass. John Reed.
Inw s: fentir members elected by the Associa sounds a little incongruus and moreover, tion: four members chosen by the lour Lo it shows that distrust of the proletariat cals Jarcater New York, and the State.
characteristic of Moderate Socialism.
The following branches and locals in The Board of Managers is elected as folGreater New York have affiliated with the Another: The ownership of property lows: four members by the Association; Left Wing: makes the arty conservative. This is also five members by the four locals of Greater Local Queens: Entire local.
surprising: if it is true, then the ownership New York, and the State Committee. At Lucal Kings: 4th Russian Br of the Fed.
the present time there are five additional vi all private propertr. vihich is our aim will make the workers black reactionaries!
6th Branch members, who act in a more or less addWe were tok! by one membe. of the 7th Branch risors capacity, representing organizations.
forucat at one time to raise money for The Board of Managers. It takes time to AC9th Branchi 13th Branch Call: we are informed that these additional complish these changes. In the meanwhil.
it is vitally necessay for The Call to have 14th Branch membership will be abolished at the mect14th Jewish Branch its printing plant. llel us now, and then ing of pril 25th. 23rd Branek Twn facts are plain First, that it costs we ll talk about changing the ownership and control. This is the same argument Minority groups in all other branches money to enter the dinoeracy of the with which the Goveroinents of Europe perLucal New York: Ist Workingmen Cooperative Publishing Association. Second, that the official Party suaded their workers to support the War!
2nd reth delegates on the Board of Managers are in The credulous art impressed by another th D a bare majority five to four. Ser that by piece of specious reasoning. The Board of 8th Jewish Br siding with the Association members, one Managers says that Party ownership is All Russian Branches.
Local delegate could defeat the will of the dangerous, for if the Association were idenAll Lettin Branches.
three other Locals of Greater New York. tical with the Locak of Greater New York, All Ukraint Br.
Tarty members pay dues to the Party. then any ruit for damages against The Cani All lungarion Br.
For that they are entitled to a voice in Party would make it possible to attach the Party German Hungarian Br.
affair. The Call is an official Party organ: funds (if any. or, since the Party is not Estbonian Branch.
tout iure a Party member can have a voice incorporated, it might make every member and Russian Branch in the mangement of The Call he must pay liable. outside Federation)
six liars This is a mockery of Party Possikly That is not the point at issue Murray Hill Germe control here We do not demand the immediate Branch We have stated publich many times that abolition of the Workingmen Cooperative Minority groups in all if The Call would submit to Party control, Association: we demand that membership in other branches. would support the campaign oi ine of the Locals of Greater New York carry with Local Bronx: 3rd Russian Bench ficial Party organ for a new printing plant, it memtership in the Association Hungarian Branch and gladly Minority groups in all of branches.
How can the management of The Call be LEFT WING democratized? Among many plans, the folThe following are the Ict Wing papers lowing has been submitted to the Board of General Membership Meeting in New York: Der Kampf (Die Struggle)
Managers: Jewish: Novy Mir (New World) Russian; Sunday, April 20, 1919 Every member of the four Locals of Elore (Forward) Hungarian: Robitnik Greater New York becomes ex officio a at P.
Worker) Ukrainian.
member of the Association. If the money MANHATTAN LYCEUM paid by members of the Association is neces 66 East 4th Street 6th Branch, will hold. sary, an annual special dues stamp will yield the revenue.
Important matter to be discussed symposium debate on party tacties at the cluhrooms, Friday, at pm.
Why is there cpposition to such a scheme