BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyGermanyImperialismLiberalismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking ClassWorld War

Who New York stolcrarian state, can guarantee the workers Comrades of Local Boston, who have passed revolutionary victories.
a resolution providing that the paper, with The American Socialist Party, although its all its assets, shall be turned over to the stifferent currents have not been as clearly Executive Committee of the Left Wing ay Official organ of the Left Wing, defined as those of European countries, has soon as it shall be constituted.
Socialist Party, been for years controlled by petit bourgeolt Greater New York locals. clements. It has compromised with bourgeois But in the meanwhile, the New York Left John Reed Wing, which has taken the initiative in Editor Liberalism to a point where its campaign Eadronn Mac Alpine Associate Editor literature, and the writings of its leaders, forming a National Left Wing by issuing its Maximilian Cohen Business Manager sounded like a movement to return to Jefe Manifesto and Program, has no organ of Published Every Week.
fersonian Democracy; it has pushed re its own. The Revolutionary Age cannot fill formism to a point where the Progressive our needs. It is the organ of Local Boston; SUBSCRIPTION RATES Party could safely adopt planks from its so far it has confined itself largely to being Year. 00 platform; it has entangled itself with capita Chronicle and Interpretation of Events Months. 50 listic parlamentarisin to the point where in lurope. it has no space, nor should it Months. 75 Jeyer London could support the war and have, for the details of our fight here in New Single Copies, Cents.
still be renominated where Socialist Alder York; and it is published two hundred and Bundle Orders of 10 or over, Cents men could vote for Liberty Bonds and still fifty miles away.
be asked to speak at official Party meeting a Copy.
The Leit Wing organized in New York to greet the proletarian revolutions in Europe. where a Socialist Mayor could join members, the Left Wing is fighting for con In New York, with its thousands of Party 43 West 29th Street New York City Gompers Alliance for Labor and Democracy, and not be censured.
of the local Party machinery, against The Non Partisan League, the Labor Para fierce and unscrupulous resistance by the OMRADES! Across the sea the workty, the League of Free Nations, the People petty politicians who direct the Party maers are rising, wave on wave.
The Revolutionary Age has conThe Council to the support of all these our So chine.
tributed enormously to the education of the surf of Social Revolution beats on the cialist leaders instinctively rush to the crumbling dikes of the old order.
support of everything except Revolutionary rank and file in New York; but we need a The nations of the world are bankrupt. Socialism. They greet Kerensky as a revoThe Capitalist System is bankrupt. The lutionary proletarian; they endorse the After all. New York is the citadel of headlong competition of the two imperialist cialist Government; they hasten to send Ebert Scheidemann Government as a SoRight Wing resistance. As long as the cogroups of nations, resulting in the great war, tire machinery of the Party is not in our has wrecked the international credit system delegates to the Berne Conference of social hands, a New York Left Wing paper is esupon which Capitalist Imperialism is based, patriots, who are as responsible for the war sential as Wilhelm and taugʻlit the industrial proletariat that there is no hope for the world but in the SoWe of the Left Wing declare that we reBe it understood, however, that The New cialist Commonwealth.
pudiate Moderate Bocialism and all its York Communist, as it now stands, is a 1t the same time, that Socialism in more or less temporary affair. When The bourgeois affiliations, whose activities, howcver sincerely meant, are nevertheless di Revolutionary Age is turned over to the which the working class of Europe so conidently trusted to avoid a world war, went rected towarů patching up the capitalist sysCentral Committee of the Left Wing, The down like a house of cards before the first ton and avoiding the Social Resulution.
New York Communist will probably comserious conslaught of international capitalism.
We semnand that the American Socialist isine with it, as we hope other Left Wing gans will, into a national weekly inter The Second International joined the Army! Party adopt this attitude.
Bewildered and betrayed, the workers were We take our stand with the Russian Co:n preting and expressing the revolutionary divided and conutiered hurled into the munist Party (Bolsheviki. with the Spar class conscious proletariat of the United trenches, slaughter and be slaughtered.
Hullues of Cor. nany, and the Communists of States, interpreting revolutionary erents in Moderate Socialism revealed itself in its Hungary and Bavaria, believing that only Europe, and conducting an active propatrue colors. Having adopted the tactics of through the Dictatorship of the Proletariat ganda for Socialism among the American workers.
paliamentary action within the capitalist can the Socialist order be brought about.
state, the Moderate Socialist leaders found And in token of our position, we have At the present time we must strengthen themselves forced to uphold capitalism in named our official organ The New York and spread our Left Wing propaganda Communist.
its grand climactic crime, and consoled For amony Party members everywhere.
themselves by preaching that the War was that reason the more Left Wing papers, the the last great reform a step in that slow Why the New York merrier so long as they hold to true Leit and peaceful evolution from autocracy to Wing principles.
parliamentary democracy, and then to SoCommunist?
cialism, in which they believed.
Kate Richards Hara has entered Jefferitie disillusioned proletariat rising to over establish another paper? Isn The son City prison to serve her sentence of five throw the parliamentary state, between Revolutionary Age enough to represent the years if the American working class stands whom and the Kaiser the workers saw little Left Wing? Are we fighting The Revolufor it. The war is over. In no other country to choose. And the Moderate Socialists, tionary Age? If not, if we intend to publish in the world would the government now dare in Russia and Germany, found themselves a paper which cannot compete with The to imprison a working class champion for on the capitalist side of the barricades, Revolutionary Age, why do we call it The expressing anti war opinions, Only our shooting down workers to preserve their New York Communist? All over the country economic powerlessness makes us powerless petit bourgeois theories.
a multitude of little Socialist papers is to rebuke the insolence of the master class.
Capitalism is bankrupt. And Moder? springing up, all professedy advocating Left Before the American Socialist Party can Socialistu, an integral part of the capitalist Wing principles and tactics. With the re remedy such evils, it must enlist the ceonsystem, is also bankrupt. Therefore the sources of the Left Wing so weak, why do omic power of the workers.
question of moderate versus revolutionary we divide our forces still further. Socialism is no longer debatable. The sum First, let us make our bow to The Revoand substance of parliamentary democracy lutionary Age, which, with the support of 411 Socialist news for The New York is the World War, now happily ended with Local Boston, and under the brilliant editor Communist should be received at the office all the belligerents defeated and among ship of Comrade Louis Fraina, has, from the at 43 West West 29th Street not later than them, the Moderate Socialists.
beginning, been the best expression of tevo Tuesday evening at P.
The workers know now that only by lutionary Socialism ever published in this Comrades everywhere are requested to means of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat country and indeed, has created a new type send us reports of all Branch and Local can they achieve their ends. And the ex of Socialist journalism here.
meetings, and all Central and Executive perience of thxc Rassian Soviet Republic, at The Revolutionary Age is to be, without Committee meetings, at which action is tacked on all sides by the combined capital any doubt, the official organ of the National taken upon the Left Wing Manifesto and ists of the world, has shown drilliantly that Left Wing, which will be created by the Program; or at which matters of interest only the destruction of the capitalist forms National Left Wing Conference. This is to members of the Left Wing are acted of govercment, and the erection of a new made more certain by the generosity of the upon.
Wallies the New York Left Vins