AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCommunismGermanyOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

The New York Communist Left Wing Notes.
THE THE Left Wing organization has decided to sup Editor of The Communist: In your article en mass action of the workers on both the economic port the following nominees and ask all to titled Pink Terror in connection with the ro or and political Gelds, that the final struggle for po volutionary Socialists to do likewise: ganization of the 17th you have blackmailed litical control is won, and For the National Executive Committee, 1st Dis. me, saying that have told the policeman in the Whereas: Revolutionary Socialism in practice trict: Hourwich, Edward Lindgren, front of Juliette Hall about the disrupters of the has demonstrated that the workers can Dot use the Brooklyn, Louis Fraina, Boston, Mass. old 17th, that they are anarchists and do not be machinery of the capitalist state to establish the For International Delegates: Ferguson, Chi lieve in the constitution and they should be deport cooperative commonwealth, and cago, III. John Reed, Louis Frania, Boston, ed. therefore demand conclusive proofs for this Whereas: Groups within the Socialist Party hard.
Moss. Ruthenberg, Cleveland, statement or an apology on your part for mis organized for the purpose of forcing the Social.
statement of fact. only recollect of one instance ist Party to take a stand in conformity with the In view of the referendum on the State Executive when was forced to leave the hall to help to pre teachings of Revolutionary Socialist in praction, Committee resolution to expel all branches and vent one of the members breaking the glass in the Therefore: Be it resolved that we the Young locals that have joined the Left Wing Section all front door. The name of the member who tried to People Socialist League of the United States in the branches and locals throughout the State should break the glass is Novick.
convention Assembled do urge upon the Socialist make arrangements to have Left Wing speakers Hoping that you will give space in your next Party of the United States the acceptance of the state our case.
issue to this correction following principles. EMANUEL BLUMSTEIN. 1) Elimination of social reform planks from Left Wing speakers can be secured by comtheir platform municating with Maximilian Cohen, Secretary of the Left Wing Section, 43 West 29th Street, New RESOLUTION adopted by the Young People (2) e racognition of revolutionary industrial Socialist League of Manhattan to be proposed vnionism, pot merely as mean of benefitting the York City.
by their delegate to the National Convention of the immediate, economic conditions of the workers, but All Left Wing communications for this column Young People Socialist League of the United as a weapon in their conquest of political power.
should be addressed to Maximilian Coben, 43 West general propaganda among the work29th Street, and should reach him not later than Whereas: The Young People Socialist League ear for the above purpose.
Tuesday morning for insertion the same week.
of the United States is avowedly an organization (3) a. recognition of the general mass action for the purpose of preparing the youth of the of the workers on all fronts as their final method The City Committe of Greater New York passed working class for the struggle of the workers with of seizing the political state.
the following motions at its last meeting, May 5, their oppressors and for the final conquest of pow. An educational propaganda for the pur.
1919: er by the working class; and to aid all other or. pose of guiding spontaneous mass action into rovo(1) That a general convention be held for the ganizations whose purpose is the emancipation of lutionary channels.
purpose of amalgamating the six Locals of Great the workers; and (4) recognition of the Dictatorship of the er New York Whereas: The Young People Socialist League Proletariat as the only form of state through which (2) That the representation to this convention of the various European countries now in revolu. the workers can function as a dominating class and shall be direct from the branches of each local, tion have been the militant expression of the revo establish the cooperative commonwealth upon the each branch shall have one delegate and an addilutionary proletariat there, and ruins of capitalism, and tional delegate for every 50 members in good Whereas: Revolutionary Socialism in practice Be it further resolved that we shall aid with standing, and that each local and each branch of has not only demonstrated the futility of social reevery means in our power the Left Wing the six locals shall be notified to this effect. form to strengthen the power of the workers, but groups within the Socialist Party in their work of (3) That the convention be held dot earlier has shown also that it is counter revolutionary, and capturing the party for Revolutionary Socialism, than six or later than eight weeks from May 6, tends to bolster up the power of the master clam, and 1919.
and Be it further resolved, that we shall aid Whereas: The Socialist Party of the United of education among the working clans youth shall The following letter was roceived from the 2nd States, whose declared intention is the emancipa. be based upon the recognised works of scientific Branch, New York: Comrades At a well. tion of the working class, has in the past, and is Socialism in theory, coupled with an interpretation attended special meeting of the 2nd Social. still pursuing a program of social reform, and of Revolutionary Socialism in practice as exprewed ist Party, called for the purpose of discussing the hereas: The Socialist Party of the United by the principles and tactics of the Communist Left Wing Manifesto and Program and the advisi States has never given full recognition to the Party (Bolsheviki) of Rusia, and the Spartacus bility of afiliating ourselves as a branch officially economic power of the workers as a means to their Groups in Germany, and all other parties with with the Left Wing, it was decided by a roll call conquest of the political state, and identical principles which the Revolution from vote after a long and deliberate discussion by the Whereas: Revolutionary Socialism in practice time to time developer members, that we officially so affiliate ourselves and has demonstrated that it is through the spontaneous elect two delegates to the City Committee of the DEAR JOHN REED: The Scandinavian Local DuLeft Wing.
luth (400 members) and the Duluth English Elections for two delegates will be held this LEFT WINGERS!
Branch (45 members) have indorsed the manifesto coming Friday evening, May 9, at our regular HELP THE 17th REFURNISH of the Left Wing and will give them much support.
ITS HEADQUARTERS We welcome the COMMUNIST and trust that or. Congratulating you upon our victory, am ery local will order copies of sama. We need the Fraternally yours, THEN the furniture was stolen from ELIAS MARKS, Organizer.
the headquarters of the 17 COMMUNIST and it must be backed up. The work the members found themselves confront ers are tired of opportunism and want action. Must Local Washington, C, has adopted the Manied with the task of rebuilding, reorganwe stand idly by and allow them to be kept dis foto and Program of the Lat Wing.
izing and at the same time continuing ganized or most we get busy and do something?
their propaganda. They refused an offer Sure ses you and to say all of Rose Pastor Stokes will speak at the weekly to return the furniture and set themselves More power to the left Wing.
meeting of the 17th unroorganized) to be to their task. They have worked untir The justification of the Left Wing being formed held in the headquarters, 1538 Madison Avenue, ingly and spent their money unsparingly, is seen in the tactics of its opponents. They bo Doar 104th Street, on Friday, May but without outside help, they may fail. long to the Right Wing, you my? About the only On Monday, May 12, the Branch will hold a win five handred Comrades dopate time they were Right man meeting at the Royal Lyceum, 10 Wost 114th One Dollar uch to help maintain this Fraternally yours Strodt.
vitally necessary organisation. JACK CARNET. Send to Jack Carney Rex Hotel, Duluth Wo have received the following letter from Addrew All Communications to Minn, 100 copiee wekly.
Emanuel Blumpstein, our informanta ineist that he JULIUS CODKIND, was correctly quoted. We suggest that he take 133 East With Street, CORRECTION.
the matter up with the 17th which, in spita We regret that in our last issue the pores ha of his valiant efforts in the contrary, still remains Time of War was erroneously redited to Lonine very much alive. We will be glad to publish the MAX. COHEN. for the 17th D. Bryant, instead of to Marguerite Vornch. We West anth Street result.
tender our apologio horowith.
or te