THE NEW YORK COMMUNIST We re Gonna be Expelled! Help. cialista the Albany last Sunday the State Com Wing Maniiestu. and locked the door RU Ite declared himself a member of the Left mittee undeashed the link error. On his tess wouldn catch us.
Wings that inomentous date, which deserves to The Tobate lasted from morning until didn belore realize the necessity for rank in history with St. Bartholomew Eve, four thirty in the alterninn.
a leit Iling organization, he went on.
the State ities followed the uample Cunrade Wallman, who was so hot for But now realize the necessity, and have of the forman Majurity Social Democrats the Spartacides especially the dead ones in 1916, when they expelled Liebknecht and inade a speech that wunded like Soličitor juined it. Every German local and branh in the United States is with the Left Wring whe Spartacades they attenipted to expell the Lamar telling the Senate about Bolshevism. and will leave the Party if the left Ming Loft Wing!
The Left Wing, he said. had a secret organi is expelled.
The revolution was carried hy a vote of zation in the Party The Left Wing was The resolution was then voted on. follow24 tu 17. with three delegates absent and seducing young meinbers of the Party who Trachtenverk, as usual, nut vo:ing until tie didn know anything about Socialism. The in which tomrade Lindgren proposed to mees which way the cat is going to jump. Leit Wing was capitalizing revolutionary submit it tu a referendom, a motion which What do you think vi thut, Comrades enthusiasm. And finally, the left wing the gang did not dare to init down.
You ll have a chance to say what you think was a bunch of cowards.
about it, because it will be submitted to re. Comrade Theresa Malkie! said, among When news of the passage of the resolutferendum, thanks to Comrade Lindgren. Other things. Here comes the Left Wing tion reached the meeting of the Left Wing Meanwhile, beware of the Pink Terror. organization and takes the wind out of our City Committee Sunday evening, they utiNever you out at night without a copy of the ails, Where were these Comrades during animously passed a vote of thanks, as far Communist Manitost in your pocket. If you the war? Were they out on the street corners lows: talk in your sir; be sure to Inok under the advokating Socialism bed beibre you retire ne uf. Gerber spies But the most dramatic event of the day The City Committee of the Lett Wing may be cale there with a pad and was the seading. by Comrade Gerber, of the expresses its gratitude to the Right Wing for pencil to take down your sonnambulistic minutex. full and complete. of the last assisting our efforts by showing their hand muttering Anist trust the books in the so early in the game.
Rand School Library jahrases have torn from their context!
It was an historie occasion Several of THE STATE COMMITTEE REthe Raphitstok advantage of the opportun.
SOLUTION AGAINST THE ity tu derare teir wolidarity will the Ebert.
LEFT WING Scheidemann ging in litraay. although ater, in order to wifset the clicct of the Whereas, the constitution of the Pink Terpr. toe metin, pas ed a resolution Socialisi Party of the State of New bitterly demning the murder of LeYork provides (article 1, section 3)
knecht and Lunculourg by the reactionary that members and locals of the forces Ited by reactionary Socialist Party must adhere and conform to the national and state plat.
Conrad Juran, a chairman of the forms and constitutions; and Resolutions fonuttee. introduced Whereas, the spirit and machinery Liebknecht Luxemburg resulution Lui on the Socialist Party provide adequate spoke against it is being to vague nut channels for the fullest and freest disendorsing any une political party in Ger rreion of ideas through branch and many. ile linschi he wail was heart:ly and Party meetings, the Party pro in favor of the Santacides, and would enconventions, referendurns, repre endorse a motion is that ediret. It developed, tative bodies and other mediums for however, that. unrace Waldınan liad made the full exchange of opinions and the same wine is to the resulution in com.
sentiments; and milles: a Piedenkappe. the aisthur had Whereas, in violation of the spirit of requested todman to draw up a resolution the constitution, an organization calldefinitely. pporting the parlacides. meeting of the leit King (ity inmittee. ing itself the Left Wing section of the which Waldian reiused to do which had been stulen for him. 11 doubt, by Socialist Party has been formed, Comrade Varie MacDonald said she didn believe the charges made against one vi his porch. cimbers. pon this Comi endeavoring to force the Patty to take raude Esther Friedman was u ercume with certain positions without making use of Comrades Ebert and Scheideinann, and all(motion, and deciare that she wax con the existing channels, thereby divertnounced lier conviction that our Comrades vinced that the Left Wing was a secret, low. ing its energies and funds and paralyz are a real Socialint Cupertinent, and not wilgar, vile conspiracy ing its activities, therefore be it responsible for the deaths of Liebknecht and Conradt Watun said that he stond for Resolved, that the New York State Luxembourg.
unity, but unity on the basis of the Leit Committee of the Socialist Party is Conirade Theresa Malkisl. in the course attack upon the left Wing. Boudige said that the resolution was the Wing Maniſest, and Prograin. Corrade of a iearit definitely oppose to the organiration calling itself the Left Wing section of hirted darkly that provocators are anxious to disrupt the arty in this country.
very thing to spist the Party, The Left Wing. the Socialist Party, and to any group he said, was the natural outgrowth condi If it weren for these provocators, she within the Party organized of the same tions in the Party le was with the Left saici. in Germany, the Spartacan movement or similar purpose; and be it further wouldn have been formed, and our dear Wing in principle, and was tot opmsed to Resolved, that the State Committee Cornrades Liebknecht and Luxembourg sonally Ivelieve in it the organizationalthough he did not per instructs its executive committee to rade Bietenkapp. revoke the charter woulun have been killed.
of any local that made a spirited dose of the Leit Wing Proces were opened by the election affiliates with any such urganization The Right Winters. lic said. Cuteinn of the new Siare Executive Committee, so or that permits its subdivisions or the organization of th: Leit Wing, but they members to be affiliated.
that the night see just how much antido not condemn their own wang acts or Bolshevi Entineat it could count on. Only their crimes, which have resulted in the twch Vitra were cast against the machine, formation oi the Left Wing. The Lei: ing 60 the Riot: evidently thought they could The sadden rise to power of the Hungaria is due iv ile plitalary of Mever London and others. The action of honest workers as accomplished a quickis It was in the morning that Cemrade Comrades in getting together to remed complets that many cusutch it. Tref, Pero pale, desserate face, read there is now so need for Jout the the iatal resolution. Pore Berenberg! We abuses in the Party is not to be compared to this treachery.
know why he was suffering: he was reJourgeois press reports that the Hungarian men how he gave us his office in the But it was comrade Lore who threw the Soviet Administration has decided to Randol in which to draw up the Left real buntil sheil into the camp of the lights. nationaue wonen Criting be left lak suru fur Ivertet go ahead.