The New York Communist The Plan that Went Awry Saved by the Bourgeoisie Tuesday, April 22, Executive Secretary Ger amendnient that a committee of seven, three from D. was present, and that they should be heard ber called the Central Committee of Local the Right, three from the Left and an impartial before the vote was taken. This caused further up New York to order about ten minutes before the chairman, be appointed to investigate the entire Toar, the Rights wasting to jam the matter through scheduled time because it was obvious that a ma matter of the 17th Vehement protests from without any hearing. Eisenbudd, a member of the jority of the early comers were Right Wing dele the Right greeted the amendment, which would have 17th committee took the floor, and insistod gates.
halted the now obvious plan to jam through the on his right to be heard. Violent opposition from The session was one of the most impurtant held reorganization scheme as a preliminary to the the Right caused renewed uproar, during which in recent months, it being understood that the mat. disenfranchising of the entire Left Wing. Gerber several fist fights took place, following an assault ter of the reorganization of the 17th Assembly then took the floor in support of the original mo from the Right op Hourwich. When the confusion District Branch (which is dealt with in full on tion, declaring that he had no wish to hide behind was at its height a Police Captain was brought in another page) would be the piece de resistance of the bush, and intimating that they were deter. by some of the Right Wingers and the meeting the evening. Solomon and Maximilian Cohen minul to oust the Left Wing completely. Renewed was adjourned.
were nominated for the chair, Solomon obtaining pandemonium greeted these remarks, applause from hurried caucus by the machine resulted in the a majority of the votes. point of order was the Right and protest from the Left.
announcement by Karlin, who had usurped the raised on the fact that the recalled delegates of the Copstein, a member of the Executive Committee, functions of chairman, that the Central, Committee 17th participated in the voting. This was got the floor and started to make a speech, when would not meet again until called by the Executivo overruled and an appeal was taken from the de the machine gave him the cue to call the previous Committee. The plan to force through the roor cision of the chair, in which the chair was sus question. This he immediately did, the chair at ganization scheme fell to pieces, and in a fit of tained the recalled delegates voting solidly tempting to place the matter before the house. pique the Right mad the falsc move of illegally against the appellant point of order that it is not permissable to call taking it upon themselves to suspend the Central On the reading of the minutes of the previous the question after starting to make a speech was Committee during the pleasure of the Executive meeting a correction was made to the effect that overruled. Appeal followed point of order and Committee. This is illegal, as the Central ComCohen and Joseph Brodsky had resigned from the point of order succeeded appeal until it was an mittee is a superior body to the Executive, but platform committee. The Executive Secretary pro nounced that the chair was willing to take a roll. whom the gods would destroy they first make ceeded to read the credentials for the seat ng of new call vote on the matter of the previous question. mad and the machine is going from illegality to delegates, an objection being recorded to seating Cohen protested this decision on the ground that illegality, until finally it must collapec of its own Algernon Lee, who was recently recalled as dele. a committee representing members of the 17th innate fatiiity.
gate from the 8th D, and who now appeared us a delegate from the 16th to which hranch he had transferred, although not living within its ter ritory. After the reading of the credentials of a few regularly elected delegates of both factions to whom no objection was made, Gerber read what By Nyemanoff purported to be the credentials for 13 ddegates from the reorganized 17th storm of dis the Socialist Party of America was not repre month a congress of representatives of all Socialist approval forced the reading of the entials sented at the Berne Social Patriotic Conference, parties of the American continent will take place.
of the 13 delegates who were clected at a regular its honor and dignity in this instance were saved, In the first place we must remember that the meeting of the 17th and whose credeatials not by the revolutionary uct of its leaders, but Argentine Socialist were signed by the regular secretary of the branch. through the action of the American Government, congress, was oficially represented at the Berne party, which calls this On a motion Beckerman moved that the action of which deliberately delayed the issuance of pass Conference. The representatives of that party, the City Executive Committee in handpicking 13 ports to the three opportunists who were ready to during their sojourn in Europe, made a number of delegates be concurred in, and that the little band start for Berne. In other words, the Party honor statements which clearly demonstrate the fact that of machine finished Comrades be seated. point was saved by its class enemies.
they heartily support the bankrupt second Inter.
of order was immediately made that the recalled And yet, have the Party leaders profited by the national. If this is so, then our ways part. Our delegates should not be allowed to vote on this Berne lesson. Have they realized that their ac comrades in Argentina are not there, but the Left question. The chair ruled the point not well tions in that direction have been detrimental to the Socialists, who in 1918 severed their relations with taken and his decision was challenged by Brahdy interests of the Party. the social patriots.
amid great confusion and continual interruptions from both sides For a time the noise was deafaNot a bit. One of the delegates to the Berne Con The National Executive Committee of the Ameriing, the members of the 17th who were to ference, the associate editor of the New York Call, can Socialist Party has decided already to particibe reorganized out of existence, and who crammed James Neal, went to Europe at the first oppor Pate and has delegated Dan Hogan, a member of the back of the hall, adding considerably to the unity. The aim of his trip is to find out the state the National Committee, to the Buenos Ayros congeneral excitement.
of affairs in the European Socialist movement. He greu.
Quiet was finally obtained by the booming voice intends to visit Huysmans, the Secretary of the In.
The appointment of Den Hogan was an act of of the non existent Internaof Sipos, who succeeded in having all delegates ternational Bureau from the 17th disenfranchised temporarily, tional, and have a talk with the Committee which fawning bervility towards the American goverment. In Party circles Dan Hogan is well known the Rights apparently feeling that the chairman was elected by the Berne Conference, which includes such personages as Troelstra, Branting and Hender by the New York Call, during the war he was activo as one of the most rabid social patriots. As reported previous ruling revealed a too obvious bias.
Beckerman then took the foot in support of his ly engaged in a number of affairs which had for motion, and after addressing himself to the subject It really means that after all, diplomatic secret their object the rousing of the patriotic spirit of for the space of a minute, launched into a bitter negotiations and the feeling of the ground will be the population. In short, he is one of the typical denunciation of the Left Wingers. Intoxicated by gin again for the purpose of effecting an understand War Socialists, of whom there are pure than plenty the power of his own vituperation he leaped from ing with the waitors. It means that compromise in Europe.
insult to insult, and finally succeeded in drawing with the declared enemies of the working class will By appointing this lackey of the capitalist state cries of objection from the Left; Brahdy, finally begin all over again. And all this will be done getting the floor on a point of order, asked the in spite of the will of the large masees of our Party, as a representative of our Party at the Pan American Socialist congress, so doubt the National chair to discipline the speaker. This the chair re who have on several occasions expreased themselves Committee hoped that the State Department would fused to do on the ground that unparliamentaryu against any union with the Renaudels and language had been used by both sides, and at the Scheidemanns.
put no obstacles to his departure for Buenos Ayrou.
same time expressed his pleasure at the way in But their calculations in this regard were wrong.
But in our Party kitchen there is being cookwhich Beckerman had given tongue to what the eod another dish which our National Executive ComThe State Department has refused. passport to tire Right was thinking. Renewed protests greeted mittee intends to offer to the Party members.
Dan Hogan, not because he wus considered an this decision, and Beckerpan finally announced his intention of yielding the foor, upon which the What took place in Berne on a large scale, the unreliable person, but because the congrces will Right: set up a violent protest, Grossman scizing American Social Patriots intend to duplicate in be held in such unreliable centre a Buenos him by the shoulders and refusing to let him take Buonos Ayros on a miniature scale.
his scat.
At the invitation of Argentina Social Patriotic Thus, once vain the honor of our Party has After Bockorman bad finished, Coben rose to an party in Buenos Ayres, towards the end of this boon saved by our clam memin son.