The New York Communist Left Wing Notes cepted THE Left Wing organization has decided to sup municating with Maximilian Cohen, Secretary of resolution wu then rubmitted asking that we codorno port the following nominees and asks all re the Left Wing Section, 43 West 29th Street, New the Kampl us a Jewish Left Wing publication. motion was made to limit the sale of the Commande volutionary Socialists to do likewise: York City.
to Party member. The motion was defonted.
For the National Executive Committee, 1st Dis. motion was made to hold parade on May 1st.
starting at Rutger Square and ending a Union Square trist: Hourwich, Edward Lindgren, REGUN. Socialin Paris, held April 20, 1919, at Man EGULAR membership meeting of the Soc The motion was defeated Brooklyn, Louis Fraina, Boston, Mass.
The amendment to have a demonstration consisting of hattan Lyceum, 64 East 4th Street.
open air meeting ww. catried.
For International Delegates: Ferguson, ChiMeeting called to order at P. motion was carried to send a telegram of good chor Gitlow elected chairman and Lindgren vice chairman.
to Debe.
cago, III. John Reed, Louis Fraina, Boston, About 800 members were present, motion was carried to refer the election of delegate An order of business was submitted, and with one amend the Left Wing Conference to the City Committer. Car Mass. Ruthenberg, Cleveland, ment, to wit: that good and welfare be taken up before Tied.
The following branches and locals have affiliated adjournment, was adopted. motion was carried that the City Committee cal.
with the Left Wing Section: resolutions committee was selected, consisting of Wolfe, special membership meeting before the Left Wing Con Coben, Brodsky, Hourwich, MacAlpine, Lindgren, Blue ference is held, and submit the names of the delegato Local Queens: Entire Local.
glass, Pfanzer and Wilenkin.
elected and the instructions given them to be followed at Local Kings: 6th Branch A motion was carried to have the proceedings of the that conference.
7th Branch The 17th then reported that the Executive Commeeting interpreted into Rumian by Himmelfarb for those 9th Branch Russian members who are not familiar with the English mittee on its own initiative dissolved their branch and 13th Branch language.
then re organized it. That no charges have ever been 14th Branch The executive secretary reporied that the inception of preferred against the branch nor did the Grietence Com 14th Jewish Brunch the Left Wing Section dates back to the joint central com mittee take any action at any time on that branch.
23rd Branch mittee meeting where portion of the members bolted That the reorganization committee meeting ww held on All Russian Branches and then retired to another part of the building and held a Sunday, April 20th, and that only Right Wingers were All Lithuanian Branches meeting of their wwn. The Left Wing Section has now permitted to enter the hall and participate in the proMinority Groups in all other branche. membership of about 4, 000 in Greater New York, and ceedings. The 35 memben attended that meeting and Local New York: Ist that various local branches throughout the nation have be proceeded with the election of new delegates to the cen2nd come affiliated with the movement. The report was ac. tral committee, electing 13. That prior to this organi 3rd, 5th and 10th tion meeting on Thursday, April 17th at a regular meet 8th The financial secrethry reported the total receipts. since ing. 10 Lelt Wing delegates were elected to the Central 8th Jewish Branch the first membership meeting the Leit Wing. were Committee to replace the other. That in view of the of All Russian Branches over 1, 000. That the expenditures amounted to about 700 ganization meeting they anticipate considerable trouble at All Lettish Branches and the there is a balance of about 300. Report Was the next Central Committee meeting and asked for a comAll Ukrainian Branches accepted mii ne from the meeting to co operate with them in this German Hungarian Branch An appeal was then made by the chairman for a contribu figbt. motion was carried to elect such a committes, and Murray Hill German Branch tion, and collection was taken up, which netted 329. 43. the followng, were elected: Reed, Cohen, Joseph Brodals Esthonian Branch message sent by Comrade Martens, who was unable MacAlpine, Hourwich, Carl Brodeky and Hammocr.
Minority Groups in all other to attend in person, extending his allegiance and support The meeting was then adjourned branches to the Left Wing movement, was delivered by Comrade Local Brons: Entire Local.
The following are the Left Wing papers in New The minutes of the city committee were read and acNew York, April 9, 1919.
cepled with one correction. motion was carried to limit Mr. Maximilian Cohen, 43 West 29th. St, York: discussion on all questions to three minutes. The minutes Der Kampf (The Struggle. Jewish; Novy Mir of the last executive meeting were read and adopted. The My Dear Comrade Cohen: resolution committee then reported us follows: believe that made it clear in the conference (The New World. Russian; Elore. Forward. May It resolution asking for a demonstration and Hungarian; Robitnik. The Worker. Ukrainian; strike on that day. The resolution was adopted by rising with your committee that there has never been a vote.
difference of principle between your organization Uus Ilm (The New World) Esthonian.
2nd Lawrence strike resolution pledging moral and financial support to the Lawrence strikers. The resolution and myself. have stood for revolutivwry Social.
was accepted and motion made that a collection be taken The 2nd Manhattan, will hold ar open air ism, not only recently, but ever since became in up. The motion was carried and a collection was made active member of the Socialist movement. And mecting at Rutgers Square, on Saturday afternoon, which netted 143. 69 3rd Political prisoners resolution Declaring our soliApril 26th, at P. to protest against the while it is true that my views, as those of the endarity and unity with imprisoned Comrades and calling tire revolutionary movement everywhere, have beimprisonment of Debs. Prominent Left Wing on the members of our class to organize for the release of all class war prisoners; to oppose participation in bourgeois speakers will address the audience.
come crystallized during the last four years into liberal amnesty conventions and to define our attitude on Turning to the Left!
that question at the National Emergency Convention. a more definite program, can say for myself that The following locals throughout the country have been the same all the time.
Resolution accepted 4th Local New York resolution that Left Wing memOur differences have been in regard to tactis have adopted the Manifesto and Program of the ber of Local New York support the nomination of Max.
Cohen at the executive secretary of Local New York, and only. was of the opinion that an organization Left Wing: Local Boston, Mass.
as it exists here in New York. and understand delegates to the National Executive Committee and Fraina, Reed. Ferguson and Ruthenberg as the delegates to the Local Rochester, from your committee that nowhere else have such International Congress Remolution accepted.
Local Buffalo, 5:h Xw York Call Resolution to support the New organizations been formed would be a constant York Call, provided that ownership and control of the New Local Denver, Colo.
menace to the unity of the Party at this most critiYork Call is rented in the membersbip and that referendum Local Cleveland, on the question is taken immediately. Resolution adopted. cal time. am fully aware that there are tima An announcement was made at this time that the Local Essex County, Ukrainian Federation of the United States had joined the when to preserve party unity under all circumLocal Tiffin, Ieft Wing motion was made to protest a zainst the stances means a sacrifice of principle. Thus, if Fodcru calling itself Sox ialist paper until it lecomes Local Duluth Minn.
Party owned and controlled, and to demand the removal the coming National Convention should declare The following states have been captured by the of its name from the Party membership card. An amend. itself against revolutionary Socialism, a split in the ment was made referring the matter to the City Committee, Left Wing: which was carried. The meeting the proceeded with the Party would be not only necessary but inevitable.
Michigan hearing of the resolutions.
But since am still of the firm conviction that the 6tirciulist party Demanding a referendum on the Massachusettes questio cxpulsion of party members and repudiatiag party membership, in its overwhelming majority, ihe reactionary measure of the State committee, and to stands with us, thought that we took no chances in Minnesota hehind a member, branch or organization exOhio pelled, and to express condemnation and contempt against waiting for the convention to speak.
those attempting to expel revolutionary elements. Reso But now am confronted with a situation, not a lution accepted.
All Left Wing communications for this column 7th New York Executive Committee resolution to intheory. The organization is in the field and if the should be adressed to Maximilian Cohen, 43 West struct the membership of Greater New York to send full split is to be avoided at this time it can be done quota of delegates to the Conference of the Left Wing Sec.
29th Street, and should reach him not later than tion to be held in Boston in June. Resolution accepted.
only by so strengthening it that the conservative and Tuesday morning for insertion the same week.
8th Instruction to Left Wing delegater to empower the opportunistic forces in the party will not dare city committee to prepare and doing delegat de 16 the to force expulsions or employ provocative measures. In this connection must protest that cer. meeting of Jewish Left Wing members will Conference. Rezolution accepted.
9th. On Mexicn pledging our clam solidarity 10 the tain comrades of the Right have exploited my ro be held in the Forward Building, 175 East Broad Mexicana Resolution adopted and referred to the city way, on Sunday, April 27, at P. to consider committee for style.
fusal to join the organization of the Left by harlA motion was then carried to instruct the city committhe report of the newly elected Organization Com toe to draw up leaflet on the Mexican situation and to ing attacks at the revolutionary principles. And mittee with regard to the Jewish Foderation. All submit mame to the central committee for adoption. Re the circumstances that my position in this regard cess was then had and the meeting receveued one bour Jewish Left Wing Members must come.
has been misinterpreted and misused is not the later at about 7:30 The last resolution was taken up.
10th The New York Communist Pproving the action least among the reasons that cauod me to join the of the city committee in issuing the New York Communist rank and file at this time.
In view of the referendum on the State Executive and pledging our moral and financial support to wame.
Committee resolution to expel all branches and Resolution adopted. Comrade MacAlpine then submitted Our tactical difference must disappour before locals that have joined the Left Wing Section all the need of money for the inuance of the Communist, and the great task of transforming the Socialist Party asked for financial support. motion was carried to bold the branches and locals throughout the State should Red Week for the benefit of the Communist and the of the into a powerful weapon for the emanmako arrangements to have Left Wing speakers bearis, el completion ting dermed det en concrete batecipation of the revolutionary proletariat.
With fraternal greeting, date our CARC.
three to devine way and mode of raising additional funda the committee consisting of Comrada Salomon, Sacks und LudwC LORE Left Wing speakers can be secured by comVolodin