BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismGermanyMarxSovietWorking Class

6 The New York Communist The Productivity of Russian Labor From the Russian Soviet Government First Annual Report (Continued from last week. By Lomov ment, do not notice the basic tendency to an increase At the beginning of 1918 a definite break became juni that the hourly productivity of lator in 1914 in the productivity of labor which has markedly obvious in the mood of the workers, in the senso has already been attained, must be considered more developed in the last few months.
of recognizing the necessity of introducing strict or leis established. In the future, with the elimi The workers and their government cannot man labor discipline and a readiness and willingness to nation of the technical and economic disintegration ige industry! Back to capitalism! Such is the have the piece wage established. At the same time the administration of the establishment undertook of production, and with an increased adaptabilisy revolutionary slogan of the Capitalist Menshivik of the workers themselves to more intensive labor, bloc the planning and gradual realizution of a project we must expect a marked increase in production of technical reorganization of the factory producAlas. merciless history here also laughe tion; the factory commiuce. at the same time select: irrespective of any changes in the technical aspects at them. In Ukraine and Siberia the power of the work.
ing the best methods of introducing labor disci.
pline, propagated the idea of the necessity of the Similar information we have regarding the Til. temporarily passed from the workers to the bour geoisie, and the latter immediately has replaced latter amongst the masses of the workers.
and Luberetskoye factories in the Moscow the economic plan of the proletariat by one of its districts. The reports of a number of chemical, Is the Spring of the present year there was or own. And what are the results of this change?
ganized a mixed committee of representatives of the powder and other factories show an increase in the administration and workers organizations, which productivity of labor to. norm approaching of the Paris workers of 1871, Marx replied. Doon To all the critics of the Communist program that of poace time.
worked out rules for the internal factory manage ments; these were later confirmed by a general At the present time when the most acute period capitalistic society still exist in its maiden state of meeting of the workers and the administration of of hunger must be considered as passed, when the purity and chastity? Have not its bases developed the establishment.
harvesting of the grain goes on in the main satisits self deceptions been revealed, its prostituted The practical introduction of labor disciplinary factorily, one may and should expect further im. reality been discovered?
rules which in the main correspond in the labor provements in this field. For was not hunger Back to capitalism! Here is the sole light house laws, having for its purpose the introduction of thing, as the workers representatives used to say? tion. Thus think Socialists suckled by a bour.
that merciless power which could destroy every. amidst the stormy waves of the Communist Revolothe piece wage, required a certain time for preThe proletarian gradually takes possession of in geois wet nurse in childhood fifty years after the liminary work and the improvement of the techni.
dustry. For the year of the revolution he can with experience of the Commune.
cal equipment of the shops; but during June, July pride view the past route and to look at the in The capitalists must return and August these problems were in a greater or to the factorios carnation of his slogans in ordinary practical and mills and pull the reins harder, because la lesser degree solved, and the factory now works life. There is much more for him to do, bor discipline and the productivity of labor have completely on the bases of piece wage scales.
but the most difficult has already been achieved.
The introduction of piece work was preceded by decreased. They forget that the fall in the proNow everything is clear: the road is found, the ductivity of labor is an incessant process that went serious doubts on the part of the workers as well work begun. With the greatest heroism the Rusus on that of the administration, because they feared on with gigantic strides both during Czarism and sian worker realizes his economic system of Com. Kerenskyism.
that at the beginning the wages of piece workers would prove insufficient as a result of the general munism, gradually and infallibly perfecting its mechanism.
Let the impartial language of the offcial statis That which the bourgeois world of disintegration of production, and also because the Europe could not manage, that which the Kerensky give a clear and exhaustive reply to the question se tics of the capitalist governnient of Skoropadsky workers themselves had lost the habit of more inband of chatterboxes could not handle, the Rustensive labor. The workers greatly doubted the issue sian workers are beginning to accomplish success success of the enterprise, particularly on account fully. At the time when bourgeois economy The output of coal and anthracite in the Donets of their physical exhaustion as a result of poor disintegrates more and more with every passing basin was sown in 1918 in the following figura Dutrition; it seemed that the general desire to hour, the proletarian people economy develops of millions of poode: establish the piece wage system was threatened by and becomes stronger. The first alreedy gives off no small dangers. It was decided that at the beJanuary 80 million poode the breath of a rotting corpse, the second is just be ginning, approximately for about three months, the ginning to live and to blossom. The dead are February rules of labor discipline would be applied with March 65. still clinging to the living, but with growing resoluthe necessary laxity, and that to ihe tariff scales tion does the young world push down the old one. April 45 there would be added, in case of necessity, pre payThe Russian worker no longer wants to live in a May coal 27 inent to individual workers in where May anthracite 20 the price fixing commission found that the failure kingdom of ghosts and shadows, be longingly stretches out his hands to the coming Spring, for June coal 12 to produce the output required was not a result of ever breaking with the old system. Without Degligence or lack of skill on the part of the workJune anthracite e himself, but the result of the general decline of compassion or pity he breaks with it, leaving to the bourgeois corpses to bury their dead.
For the railroads it became necessary to in efficiency in production.
It is necessary to note besides the economic, also port Silsian coal (from Germany. In July But finally, however, these fears proved to be the psychological significance for the workers of bourgeois genius proposes to increase the output considerably exaggerated, and the output of the the nationalization of industry. From the moment of the Donetz basin. to 18 millione poods workers turned out to be completely satisfactory of the transfer of industries into the hands of the. a figure, according to our conviction, greatly exso much so that the above mentioned correctives Soviet government, the worker no longer laborsaggerated. The Kiev flock of professors and bour.
had to be applied in rare cases only.
for the benefit of a capitalist, but for that of the geois, relying upon Austro German military and While establishing new wage scales, the latter whole republic of proletarians and poor peasants. capitalistic forces, for a half months were increased as compared to the rates of 1914 If before nationalization the worker had not suffi of its works, can only admit the completo proportionately to the average exchange, with an cient incentive to increase the intensity of labor to failure of its economic program. However, of additional 25 on account of the shortening of the the point of high eficiency, then, from the moment this speaks not only the impartial language of working day from 10 to hours, 25 on account of workers control, everything changes radically. figures, but the Austro German command itself, in of the decrease of labor efhciency as a result of pon him now depends the finding of raw materials whose control the coal mines were placed. Noe poor nutrition and about to 10 on account and fuel, the obtaining of orders, the delivery of long ago it unofficially put to the members of the of a somewhat lowered norm accepted for an aver.
the products, the financing of production and the peace delegation of the Soviet Republic the fol.
age daily output in 1914.
payment of the workers. The deep significance of lowing question: On what conditions would the Thus the accepted increase in piece wages for reg the November Revolution as it is prompted by the Soviet Republic be willing to assist them in organular work, to which class most labor belongs, showed class feeling of the workers, consists in nationaliza izing the coal output in the Donetz basin? To uk itself, as regards the hourly output, in an increase tion, which is becoming socialization, of the whole such a question means to confess their own imof 50. and in regard to a daily output an increase industry.
potence. But not only the coal industry is in a stato of 35. Some jobs, having no direct examples in Those who daily and nightly sing funeral songs of complete paralysis, the entire metaHorgy of the 1914, were revalued anew in accordance with the over the economic measures of the Soviet govern South is also dead since the day of the capture of experience of the daily output; in several factories power in Ukraine by the adventurous traitors who the above mentioned increases were made.
sold themselves to the sharks of German and Ad As a result of wages calculated thus, it was RUSSIAN VETCHERINKA trian capitalism proven that the average weekly pay of piece workers has exceeded the daily pay by 30 160. an TO CELEBRITX THE OPENING OF THE Under conditions of the present revolution the average of about 80. e, the average output of bourgeoisie is no longer capable of managing or NEW HEA! QUARTERS workers during the eight bour working day is al.
of reconstructing industry, while the proletariat Teady now about equal to that produced in 1910 Fill be riven by the cach day makas powcasion of them all the firme and better during a ten hour working day. The comparison 5th RUSSIAN UKRANLAN BRANCH of several separate operations has enabled us to 274 Grad Street Frightened, the bourgeois do not want to see the discover the average hourly production of latendency toward the strengthening of labor control; ON SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 bor. The time passed since the introduction of stubborn in their desire to overthrow the workers piece work is not suffocicat to warrant final conAdmission centa dictatorship, they close their ears when reality clusion of the results achieved, but nevertheless, the peale of an increase in the productivity of labor.
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