BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFranceSocialismSocialist PartySpainWorking Class

2 The New York Communist The Telescope COMMUNIST The New York Nevertheless, that is not our Left Wing position We recognize that this is the period of the Social Revolution, and that our various Federal and Municipal Governments, which are getting ready IT is really surprising how much some people believe in a phrase. after all this time the ChiOfficial Organ of the Left Wing Section, to outlaw even legal Socialism, have in fact alSocialist Party ready outlawed it, and do not intend to protect nese are appealing to the 14 points.
Owned and Controlled by Local Socialists of any stripe from the fury of the Black Greater New York Hundreds and their White Terror.
We are pleased to be able to announce that The JOHN REED Editor We know that the dark clouds are lowering Socialist, the official organ of the Pink Terror, has EADMONN MACALPINE.
Associate Editor at last made its appearance.
above our cause, and we welcome the coming of MAXIMILIAN COHEN: Business Manager that time when it shall be clearly seen by the Editorial Board working class that its salvation is in its own hands. It is anxious to know where the Left Wing gets HOURWICH ZUCKER We must be so strong by next May Day that its money. We can well imagine that the presence WOLFE WILENKIN these Dark Forces shall not dare to attack usor of any money over which the Right Wing has no Published Every Week.
if they do, that they know we shall be prepared to control is a source of considerable annoyance to defend ourselves with something better than law many Comrades.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Year The editors of The Socialist are not a very well 00 All honor to the Comrades who dared to resist!
informed bunch, to judge by their paper. They 50 Months are continually asking questions. We being gen3 Months. 75 The Emergency Convention erous of our store of knowledge would like to put them on the right track. Thus we would reply to Single Copies, Cents Bundle Orders of 10 or over, 37, Cents a Copy.
IN its first issue The Socialist, the organ of the re. the question: How many of the rank and file will 43 West 29th Street be fooled? by saying that we don know the exact New York City the Party membership to support the call for a Nanumber but that the steady growth of the Left tional Emergency Convention which is at present Wing seems to indicate that the number is daily before the Party for referendum vote. This call diminishing.
The Golden Ruin of Capitalism was initiated by the Left Wing immediately the CAPITALISM in America is smothering beneath armistice was signed, though some time elapsed be Where then is the Right Wing of which the its piles of gold. Gold from all the world has fore the proper machinery was set in motion, and poured into the country in unceasing streams since has been strenuously fought by the Rights up to self styled Left talks so much? is somewhat of a 1914. Europe has given gold for food, for muthe present time.
poser to us as we have not yet perfected our spy system. But we would hazard a guess: In the nitions of war, for clothing, for credit. And Europe The change of heart which The Socialist note soup.
is destitute alike of gold and credit today. So deswould seem to indicate would therefore be welperate is the condition of the Allied Powers that come if it was inspired by honest conviction, but We must congratulate The Socialist on one disItaly is admittedly bankrupt, France cannot secure bearing in mind what happened at St. Louis, when We are informed that Rule or a loan unless it is underwritten by America and the leaders apparently fell in line with the wishes covery at least.
England, and England, until the war the usurer of the membership and subsequently violated all ruin is our policy and we are glad to know from of the world. has been reduced to making conces the principles of the St. Louis resolution, it is well Wing is ruin. We admit it is. And us we believe this authorative source that the rule of the Right sions to Spanish trade in consideration of Spain to seek for the joker in the present Right Wing atlending her a paltry 75, 000, 000.
itude. In the first place this new attitude is the Right be known as Rule and Ruin.
in unity we would suggest that the official policy of America is rich with the blood moncy of a de.
confirmation, if confirmation was needed, of the vasted world. So rich that she is smothering. No Left Wing contention that the rank and file of the country can buy her products. Mills, factories, such a convention for the purpose of clarifying the Party stand for revolutionary Socialism and want For the more lurid tactics of the Right Wing noe our special yellow supplement, The Socialis.
workshops are closing down all over the country. Party position. In the second place it indicates The most desperate efforts are being made by unthat the leaders are up to their old game apparprecedented advertising campaigns to sell ever ac Who is the rank and file? asks The Socialist.
cumulating stocks of commodities. But goods of ently accepting the will of the membership while We are stumped, we don know who they is.
all sorts pile up upon a suffocating country.
relying upon their control of the Party machinery to carry out their own purposes.
America has lost the markets of Eastern Europe because of revolutions. Every other market in the The big issue before the Party at the present moWe have been informed that charges have not world is too poor to buy, and in self defense the ment is: Which International? The Party official been preferred against Gitlow as reported in our greatest of them have proclaimed embargoes. The dom has already declared itself by accepting Huys last issue. We are investigating the matter and credit system, the life of trade, has collapsed in the mans invitation to participate in the reactionary hope to have Gitlow arraigned before the Left Second International and illegally appointing dele Wing to explain why the Rights have not preferred absence of a basis for credit. And according to the gloomy forecast by Fred Kent, Vice Presi: gates to that body. Finding, however, that the sen charges against him.
dent of the Bankers Trust Company of New York, timent of the memhersbip is overwhelmingly opAmerica must go on accumulating surplus gold posed to any cooperation with the Scheidemann The bomb plot having now served its purpose from its foreign credits at the rate of 1, 000, 000. Huysmans Branting clique, and being saved from is backed off the front page and although there are the disgrace of actual participation in the Berne 000 a year!
now no bombs in the Post Office, it is hinted that Capitalism is ruined in America by its piles of Congress by the delay in obtaining passports, the the usual number of boobs still fill executive Party bureaucracy now pretends that it is anxious geld.
to have a convention where the matter may be fully discussed, and so hopes to regain the confidence of Our Position Regarding May Day the rank and file to the end that it may dominate It seems strange to us that the Peace Conference of uniformed mobs such convention.
should be held on the banks of the Seine.
upon Socialists on May Day were The attempts in New York to disfranchise the wholly unexpected. These demonstrations were Left Wing through reorganization schemes, and Standing Headline: Peace Ready For Signatures deliberately organized by the sinister reactionaries the New York State Committee resolution calling Early Next Week, representing lawless plutocracy, and represented for the expulsion of Left Wing Branches and Lothe beginning of an offensive against Bolshevism. cals, through which it is hoped to suspend the revo.
The Rebel Worker reprints the following under With the innocent sufferers from these outrages lutionary section of the membership while the votthe head, Socialist Education. we have the profoundest sympathy, and we share ing for delegates to the convention is taking place with them their rage and horror.
are a part of the general plan to control the coming night workers branch had been organized, but that Organizer Valentine Bausch reported that a However, is it not one of the ironies of fate that convention.
the Socialist Educational Club will not allow the by far the greater number of those attacked were It is vitally necessary that the revolutionary secbranch to meet in the club because its members do not Bolsheviki at all, but those who believe that tion of the Party be on its guard against these atSocialism can be achieved by peaceable and order tempts and sees to it that the delegates to the not belong to the American Federation of Labor, ly legal methods? When we consider this fact, Emergency National Convention shall be men and but to an independent organization. Minutes of it is perfectly understandable that the Call should women who will once and for all sever our Party Hudson County (N. Committee, Socialist Party, threaten to sue the city for damages, and demand relations with the gang of bourgeois thugs who are Call, April 18, 1919.
We would like to amend The Rebel Worker head. police protection for Socialist meetings and at present disgracing the name of Socialism in Eu.
line Moderate Socialist Education.
THE brutal attacks not