BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLiberalismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

2 The New York Communist COMMUNIST The money 8he Now York strip of territory fifty kilometert eart of the this Debs will be released because of his advane Rhinc is forever demilitarizod.
ing years. But Debs has publicly stated that he Thus, peace on the basis of the Fourteen Points. does not want such a pardon, that he will not acpromised by our eloquent but ineffective President, cept it unless all political prisoners are frood, od and concurred in by the Premiers of the virtuous it is very doubtful if he would accept any relcamo Official Organ of the Left Wing Section, Western Powers. Thus the victory of democracy the hands of men like Duncan. He, like many Socialist Party over autocracy. As Bernard Shaw predicted long others of our imprisoned comrades, has stated that Owned and Controlled by Local ago, the victorious Powers have acted as Germany the workers themselves must relcaso him.
Greater New York would have if she had won and perhaps a little If the Party is really in earnest about the liber Editor worse. Again and again the lesson is being driven tion of the political para revolutionary labor linas then we must organJOHN REED home with terrible distinctness, for all the world to ize along Socialist and EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor read: Power is the only thing which counts; Mighs There has been enough talk, action is necessary MAXIMILIAN COHEN Business Manager is Right.
now, and we can safely leave the pleading and the pardoning to the Liberale.
Editorial Board The position of Germany at this time is an eloN. HOURWICH wasted in such quent indictment of Moderate Socialism.
a convention could be Having ZUCKER WOLFE WILENKIN chosen to make their bed with the capitalist class wilized to better advantage in organizing the more the Kaiser Socialists in control of the German ment to the end that its voice will be the voice of Publisbed Every Week.
Government must lie in it. Better to cringe under power, of the economic might of the class conscion workers. Let the Liberals take their own course; the whip of the Allied imperialist nations than to submit to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
our course is clear; the Socialist and revolutionary SUBSCRIPTION RATES labor movements must act on their own responsi 00 Year Russia having cut adrift forever from capitalism, bility. Only in this way can we achieve results, rose from defeat refreshed and powerful, with and give due honor to those who are suffering that Months 50 allies in all the countries of the world. Starving, the cause of Socialism may live and thrive Months. 75 disorganized, ringed round with enemy nations, she combats the world Germany, with thousands Tactics of a Desperate Oligarchy Single Copies, Cents of well trained troops, great quantities of war sup Bundle Orders of 10 or over, 37 Cents a Copy. plies, and even foods, leans upon the shattered THE statement concerning the Left Wing, issued West 29th Street. New York City only against her own proletarians, to subjugate and printed in The Call, is the crowning act of.
them to the cruel conditions of a conquered people series of illegal expedients to preserve the power of The Peace of Brest Litovsk defeated Imperial a little group of political bosses in Local New York Stabbing Soviet Russia Gerinany. It was the sudden revelation of the hyp Every branch where a Left Wing majority has ocrisy of German ambitions which destroyed the recently made its appearance has been ruthlessly SOMETIME ago we called attention to the recrudescence of friendly words about Soviet Russia mann, the German military representative at the the majority of the members of the 17th the morale of the German armies. Said General Hoff disrupted by the machine. Against the will of cananating from American Governmental sources. Brest Litovsk Conference, in an interview with the 2nd and the 8th the Executive Com.
Stall ans, Weyl and Bullitt, sent to Moscow by the correspondent of the Chicago Dally News, published mittee has ordered a reorganization. which means President, returned to Paris with enthusiastic reMarch 14: the disenfranchisement of most of the members of ports of the Proletarian Dictatorship, and semi Immediately upon signing the peace with the Bolsheviki those branches. Without daring to risk a referenofacial reports from Washington indicated that it we discovered that we had been conquered by them instead dum, the Executive Committee has dispatched puni.
was only a question of time before the Soviet Gov. of having conquered them. Our victorious army became tive expeditions, usually headed by Socialist more probable from the treatment accorded Com printing press of Bolshevist propaganda. We did not dare Aldermen, who have locked headquarters, and in rade Martens by the authorities, who flatly refused to send a corps of the German Bolsheviki to the westera one case, at least, carried off the furniture with the help of the police.
to prohibit his activities here.
The Peace of Versailles, heralded with so much However, we had noticed in the past that when idealistic cant, turns out to be more disgraceful raised a storm of protest wholly out of proportion These petty larceny proceedings, however, have ever the United States Government gave vent to than the Peace of Brest Litovsk. The masks have amicable sentiments toward Soviet Russia, this ac fallen; the oft repeated democratic war aims of Committee has dxided to make a clear sweep of to the results achieved. Therefore the Executive tion was almost invariably followed by some par. the Allies appear in their true colors an ignoble the entire Left Wing, and for that purpose has ticularly outrageous attack upon the Russian people. scramble for the loot, a bandits peace.
So we warned Russia to keep her hand on her We Socialists rejoice at it. We feared that per appointed a committee to reorganize Local New watot.
York. This means, to expel all branches and all haps Wilson smooth hypocritical phrases might members affiliated with the Left Wing organization.
The new offensive heralded by the Bullitt Steffens be embodied in the peace treaty, to deceive the Mission is now developing. In concert with the world as to its real nature. We were anxious lost The petty political bosees in control of the ExGovernments of England and France, the press re even now, after so many disillusions, the European cutive Committee, who dominate Local New York, ports that the Government of the United States is and American working class might be won again long ago steering committee about to recognize the Kolchak autocracy as the de by the plausible slogans of Liberalism.
of their own, which effectively blocked demfacto Government of Russia!
But now we need not worry. There lies the ocratic action in the Party here for years.
It is therefore hardly consistent for them Already the White Guard Government of Fin shocking document in all its coarse literalness. It land, headed by the butcher Mannerheim, has been matters not whether the German delegates sign accuse the Left Wing of action by caucus. They have deliberately opposed Party conrecognized by the Allies including America. The or no. The Social Revolution is certain.
trol of the othcial Party press; they have made papers report that fifty thousand Finns and Allied use of every parliamentary trick to thwart the will troops have been concentrated at Helsingfors for Coalition Convention of the rank and fle; they have held up for months an attack on Red Petrograd.
the application cards of new members, and put The new organ of the Esthonian League (which MR. JAMES DUNCAN, vice president of the them through the third degree as to their opinions of is quoted as saying that his organizais composed of eighteen bankers and business men who want on labor organization; they have acquienced in the Allied bourgeoisie to guarantee their tion will have nothing to do with the strikes threatened on July 4th in protest against the imprison and the establishment of a system of patronage. by formation of political cliques on the East Side, right to exploit their own people) announces that the United States Government has loaned the ment of Eugene Debs. He goes on to say: We means of which good Comrades were sen: Estonian Provisional Government some 20, 000, engage in fighty outbursts; we have agreements Socialist unione do things in a regular and legal fashion and do not lecture tours and given jobs u organizers in 000, with which to buy clothing, munitions and with our employers which we intend to cany out guns to supply the Esthonian White Guards in their attack upon Soviet Russia from the west.
Apart from the fact that Mr. Duncan by implicaIt is as protest against these methods that so tion thus does what Congress wanted to do but many of the rank and file have joined the Left Le the oast the United States Government is aid. dared not declares strikes to be illegal apart Wing. And to this perfectly legitimate movement ing she dictatorship Kolchak, the tsarist, the from the fact that he announces it to be the policy within the Party the bosses oppose strong arm lacmass assassin who destroyed even the remnants of of the of to support the employers against constitutional government in Siberia. Eight thou the workers where, through the legal trickery of At the last Central Committee meeting, when the sand American troops are being sent to murder union lawyers, the workers are used against cach police had finally been brought in by Right Wingers, Russian workers and peasants, and destroy the gov. other; apart from these facts we would like to know Karlin suddenly announced that there would be ernment set up by them, and restore the worst rewhat the officialdom of our Party expects to gain no more meetings until called by the Executive action of the Romanovs. In the west, the United from convention in which people of this stripe Committee. No motion to this effect was ever made States Government is co operating with the Finnish and organizations which support them, will be rep or voted upon. And no motion was ever made of White Guards who butchered seventy thousand resented? Debs has been quoted to support the voted upon to empower and instruct the Executive workers in one day, with Swedish, Danish and idea of the Amnesty Convention; The Milwaukee Committee to reorganize Local New York. These Norwegian bourgeois volunteers, many of whom Leader editoriallly chastises the Left Wing for op statements, as all other statement of fact in the fought in the German army during the war, and posing participation by the Party in such a con. Executive Committee manifesto, ao perversions with the exploiters of the people in the Baltic Provention, and suggests that we are obstructing the of the truth.
vinces, the pro Germans and the Tsarists.
work of releasing our imprisoned comrades by so doing.
The Left Wing is charged with ridiculing all The Allies Brest Litovsk Peace It is generally accepted that the political prison capitalist democracy, which is merely an instruideas of democracy. It is true that we ridiculo THE delegates of Socialist Gerimany. cbeaded by them. To those who do not accept this we world. It is this kind of democracy which is defended Brookdorf Rantzau, have reached Versailles, and ers can bring pressure to bear is through the exer: ment which permits them to retain control over the terms of the Just Peace are out.
cise of their economic power, through the general the Party for their private benefit, and prevents the By them Germany is dismembered, ruined, forced strike. But Mr. Duncan announces in advance that rank and file from dictating Party policia. This to pay staggering punitive indemnities (the first in the of. will have nothing to do with the is why the Right Wing, which has been for years stalment to be 5, 000, 000. and garrisoned by general strike for this purpose. The Liberal organ organized in close and recret machine, objects Allied troops until the payments are complete. izations who will be at the convention have po ocowhen the rank and file organizes openly and to West Prussia and Danzig are split off for the benefit nomic power, one of the spokesmen of the labor accordance with the best Socialist procedents.
of the mock State of Poland; the Saar Valley is movement says labor will not move, therefore the practically handed over to the French capitalists convention will simply be a talking machine, and It is because the Right Wingers are not rovo to exploit (besides Alsace Lorraine. the German at the best will pass a few weak resolutions plead. tionary Socialists that we refuse to submit any colonies are taken away; German army and ing for amnesty or pardon, which will be thrown longer to their domination; it is because they are Davy are reduced permanently to the size of the New in offcial wasto baskota. Perhaps it may even opposed to Socialism that they must go.
York police force; German rivers aro internation influence partial pardon, which indications point Let the Executive Committee try to roorganlah alised. German tariff walls are broken down; and will be the government policy, and maybe under Local New York if it dareu!