The New York Communist International Notes party in the country, has for the past two ganda.
Italy day strike for the general purpose of demonstrating should make op its mind to take the same action HE Italian Socialist Party, the most powerful Irish Labor solidarity with their comrades in this country us was taken by organised labour throughout the world, or whether May 1st is to see in Ireland when conscription was about to be months been passing through a crisis which has the initiation of a general strike aimed against the thrust upon the Irish people. Let us, therefore, divided it into two factions for and against the government. The reactionary independent unions commence by doing as Ireland did, and have a uni.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Prampolini, Turati of Belfast, whose leaders were responsible for versal stop day on May and other parliamentary leaders have flatly re breaking the recent general strike in that city, have The Miner: Federation are already pledged to fused to support the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, suggested that Labor down tools on May 3, giving a general stoppage for one day upon the first declaring themselves to be against bloodshed, and as the reason that Saturday falls on that day and Monday in May. Perhaps the Miners Conference considering revolution unnecessary to accomplish is a half holiday. Commenting on this action the at Southport, to be held on Tuesday and Wednes the few reforms the workers need.
Voice of Labour, official organ of the Irish Trans day, will give a lead to organized labour by de Violence is a crime, and futile, Prampolini port and General Workers Union, believes that the claring their stoppage shall take place on May. declares in a recent article in Avanti. There is rank and file in Belfast will stand with their We must all now choose between Karl Marx another way. We say that the bourgeoisie is a brothers for May and Winston Churchill. It is quite possible that minority, still they rule. We can rule, and the new factor is the Limerick situation, which if the Miners Federation make strong representaway to rule is to conquer the majority with propa. has developed since the National Executive Com tion to the Triple Alliance that body will back the mittee issued its call, and it is believed that Iria Miners action. It would therefore be incumbent Lazzari, secretary of the Italian Socialist Party, labor will now utilize May Day for a nation. upon all trade unionists to consider favorably such stands for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. In wide strike in sympathy with the Limerick Soviet a powerful lead as they would be offered.
an answer to Prampolini, in a subsequent issue of strike In every trade union there are resolute and Avanti, be writes under the head, Violence and Dictatorship: England courageous men who are as bitterly opposed to con Our fathers have taught us that the Social Revo Robert Williams, general secretary of the Trans. scription as the Miners. Unfortunately for the members of these other organizations there is not lution is not coup etat, but that the maturity port Workers Federation, sent the following mesof certain conditions call into action the revolution, sage calling for a May Day strike, to the London such strength of character at the head of affairs us there is with the Miners. The whole of the or.
which is necessary for changing the social relations Daily Herald: between men. We remain faithful to this teach As one actively associated with the Triple Inganized workers of Coventry, it is reported, have ing. If the bourgeoisie chooses violence as the last dustrial Alliance, let me congratulate you upon the determined upon this action. The workers of defense of its privileges, we will use violence to stirring appeal in the editorial today to that organ.
Britain want a lead; here is their opportunity. Do consolidate the rising power of the proletariat. ization to decide upon action, swift, sharp and not let us demonstrate in a wishy washy manner for the Workers International while Winston While this discussion is raging another question stern. The Triple Alliance and the Labour Party of more immediate tactical importance the ques. are asked immediately to summon an Industrial Churchill and his associates want to prepare two tion of participation in the forthcoming national Parliament to grapple with the present situation.
million bayonets to suppress the Workers Interelection is engaging the attention of the Party The Labour Party Executive has passed a strong national throughout Europe.
branches. Il Soviet, Naples, official organ of the resolution upon the terms of the Miners resolu The National Executive of the British Labor Party in Southern Italy, opposes participation: tion submitted to the Labour Party League of Party formulated a statement of its policy at To accept the elections, today, means the spend Nations Conference. The Parliamentary Commit the League of Nations Conference held in London ing of our energies for the continuation of the tee of the Trade Union Congress, however, is in the first week in April. We reprint the statobourgeois institutions we need to destroy. The standing directly in the way of the wishes of the ment in part: revolutionary conquest of parliament is today un organized work people of the country. Organized The Committee have also considered the Conavoidable. Every electoral action, now, is futile workers are determined that conscription should scription Bill now before Parliament to be unand dangerous and is better left to the bourgeoisie. be resisted by every possible means, but the Par. necessary, and a direct violation of election pledges The Party must not take part in the elections. liamentary Committee, as its name would indicate, given by responsible Ministers at the late general On account of the crisis brought about by these believes in lobbying and deputations.
election, and demand its withdrawal.
two questions the Socialist Party called a conven This matter of conscription concerns all or The Committee have also taken the Russian tion at Rome, in which it was decided that action ganized workers, both outside and inside the Triple situation into special consideration, and, in the was necessary and that the Party should call mase Alliance. Labour is accustomed to demonstrate on name of the politically organized workingclass and meetings to propagate the general strike for the May Day or on the first Saturday or Sunday in Labour movement, reiterate their demand that the release of all political prisoners, the withdrawal May, according to varying circumstances. Labow policy of military interference in Russia shal be of the tronps from Russia, the ending of the Tristopped forth with politan War and the immediate demobilization of They regret that the inability of the GovernThe general strike started in Milan, Rome, Turin. In Time of War ment to make up their minds regarding their attitude to Russia has meant that British soldiers have Bologna and many other big industrial centers, By Louise Bryant.
been left practically isolated in Murmansk and resulting, in many places, in civil war. The gev. With wonder read Archangel, and exposed to attack; the Committee ernment is using the question of Fiume to revive of those to whom this war has brought new the hysteria among the masses and thus stampede Love and faith in their fellows, express an emphatic opinion that an arrangement should be made which will lead to the immediate the revolution. will use Fiume for political For my soul that had these things Cessation of hostilitics and the safe withdrawal of purposes in the coming elections, and by this means Is slowly become desolate British troops from Russian soil.
the revolution may for a short time be postponed, As the hillside after the passing of the lumberman. The Committee have also considered the con.
but it cannot be averted. The forces which create revolution are active and the state is in complete sit idle, barten; Putiful with the wreckage of splendid visions tinued retention in prison of political and military bankruptcy.
offenders, inclrding Conscientious Objectors, and My restless hands pass over the listle things of life declare that an ambesty should be granted Another general strike is called for May Day and Seeking, all over the country the workers are massing for But that which once commanded them to create action. On the result of these demonstrations de and would not be denied, Spain pends the immediate future of the revolution in Asks nothing of them Italy; if the government ci a survive May Day the My eyes become cold, The preparations for concerted action by the revolution may be delayed for some months.
Tho Panty has decided sever connections with They res indifferensly on whe desolation of battle. Spanish workers on May 1, have so warmed the government that the workers have been mobolized fields, the reactionary Second International and align with. soldiers to carry on esential service under the Third International on the basis of the Bol. On the dead heaps of those who carried she unborn military law in the event of a general strike vision of the future.
shevik call.
But my foolisk wars will lister South Africa Ireland For what they once hoped to hear, The Jobannesburg municipal strike is ended, The National Executive of the Irish Labor Party For the one thing that could give them back their with the concession of the 48 hour work for the has issued a call for general striko on May Day. faith whites. Native labor is receiving the lash, jail, It is not clear whether it is proposed to have one The revolution of the armies of the world.
and onenal ballet.
the army anoc.