The New York Communist Moderate Socialist Legislator Left Wing Notes TN the Spring of 1918 e member of the Socialist has been referred to me, and have asked to have Thanks very much indeed for your of June 6th Party was drafted and taken to Camp Dix, New inquiry made as to your sentence to determine am glad to know that you have been released from Jersey, where he refused military service, claiming whether it is in accordance with the orders of the the Guard House, and now have the freedom of to be a Conscientious Objector. Instead of being Secretary of War. knew sometime ago of your the camp with the other objectors. may be down classed with other conscientious Objectors, this having been placed in the Guard House, but have at the camp within the next week or ton days, and Comrade was seized, after taps, when the rest of such confidence in Captain Termini good sense will certainly look you up.
the camp was asleep and thrown into the Guard and judgment that didn feel like calling it to With best wishes, House, where the officers in charge threatened to the Department attention. would write him Sincerely youn, beat him up. When he protested, he was told that now about it except that believe army regulations ROCER BALDWIN.
he was entitled to no consideration from the author. require any complaints of this sort from citizens to ities, because he was a Socialist; the officer in be made directly to the Secretary of War.
Thanks to the iberties urcan the charge informed him that if Socialists were given Sincerely yours, rade was finally released.
consideration, they would do in this country what ROGER BALDWIN.
This is only one of the counts in the long indict.
they had done in Russia.
ment of the Congressioual representative of the June 8, 1918 most advanced and resolute section of the work Having refused to salute an officer, this Comrade Mr. Mclass parties. Nevertheless, the Right Wing in was then starved and again threatened. He replied Carp Dis, Local New York renominated him of the last that he had not signed any enlistment papers, and Dear Mr. Melection was therefore still. civilian. He then appealed to the Socialist Congressman, Meyer London. The following letters, signed by Congressman London secretary, are illuminating. It will be noticed that out the United States in the form of a referendum, the writer ignored tie Comrade contention that THE Left Wing organization has decided to suphe was still a civilian, and addressed him as port the following nominees and asks all re MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE LEFT WING SECTION, HELD APRIL 27, 1919. Privare. thus helping to fix his military volutionary Socialists to do likewise: Chairman, GITLOW For the National Executive Committee, Ist Dis.
status: Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted trict: Hourreich, Eduard Lindgren, submitted, and the following delegates seated.
Minutes of the membership meeting iad and credentials MEYER LONDON, 12th Dint, New York Brooklyn, Louis Fraina, Boston, Mass. Left Wing Group, 20th Br Kings Co. Wm. Beck House of Representatives For International Delegates: Ferguson, ChiLithuanian Bp. 19 joins Let Wing delegates Yurell, Washington, cago, John Reed, Louis Fraina, Bos. Zilenkas, also contribata 10.
ton, Mass. Ruthenberg, Cleveland, Minority Group May 6, 1918. Br. 2, 23rd Kinp Co. Devid Aber.
Pvt. Additional Locals and Branches that have joined Sth Russian Ukrainian Br. Schwartz and Matserlick 153rd Depot Brigade, Left Wing: German Br. Ridgewood, Cottehulk and Reichart.
Motion carried 10 bave roll call by giving sergeant etGuard House, No. 2, Kansas City, Missouri arms lists of delegates who must sign on arrival a meeting Local Tonawanda, New York and if any fail to attend, branches be notified Camp Dix, Kessler sealed lemporarily for 2nd pending reguler election Dear Comrade:Lithuanian Branch, No. 19, Kings Branch Ridgewood, No. 2, New Jersey Herman scated temporarily for Br. 4, 16th King Under separate cover am mailing you a copy Motion carried to take up instruction of membership of the Oficial Bulletin containing the President German Federation of Kings and Queens Counties meeting after Executive Secretary report.
Executive Committee report (minutes. Proclamation with regards to the rights and duties Spanish Branch, New York No Left Winger shall debate on platform with Waldsen.
of conscientious objectors. You will realize, if you 17th Branch, New York Leaflets submitted by Russian Branch be turned over 18th Branch, New York to Special Committee of have not done so already, that there are rules and Motion carried to elect committee of five to comply with recommendation of Executive Committee minuter Hanregulations governing ihe conduct of men in the The following Left Wing mass meetings and mer, Wilenkin. Larkin, Coror und Schachter elected military service, and also, that there are punish Motion carried that the secretary should not receive up open air demonstrations on May 1st:ments provided for any violation of those rules and plications for membership with reservation Queens County at Queens County Labor Lyceum, Committee from the 17th asking for 150 chain for regulations. o clock.
which they will pay later. Carried.
Fraternally yours, Motion carried not to bold any special meeting but to speaker to meeting MARK LEWIS, Secrelary.
o clock.
Astoria Local, 458 Broadway Astoria, suppowing Dominated for manged by the branche City Committee: Lovestonc, 121h Hourwich, Russia Br.
5th Russian and Ukrainian Branch, Rutgers Cohen, 8th Brodsky. 8th AD: Brodsky. 8th June 2, 1918.
Square, o clock. Horowitz, 8th Brabdy, 35 10th Pvt. ME. MacAlpine, 5 10th Kemalet, 2nd Hilt.
Jewish 2nd Forward Hall, o clock. zick, 2nd Jewish Br. Michaels, German; Langnicki, 7th 12th Battalion, Guard House, 4th Kings at headquarters, o clock. Chapchick, Ukrainian Br.
Camp Dir, Following nominated for City Committee from Brooklyn: Branch 2, 6th Kings (Jewish Branch. Lindgren, Weinstone, Mn. Jacobs, Mr. Milper, De Milt, Dear Comrade: Zucker, Wichenson regret very much that did not make myself opeu air, o clock Executive Secretary report: sufficiently understood in my reply to your com14th Kings, at Bridge Plaza, Grand St. Requests that all volunteer speakers for May 1st mobilise Ext. o clock a beadquarten municatior.
Motion carried that all Left Wing branches recall all Your case will not be taken up here. Your im.
8th 10th Street and 2nd Avenue, officen. Adjoursed for F. HOROWIT Recording Secretary mediate superiors have entire jurisdiction in a case and Houston Street and 2nd Avenue, o clock.
17th open air, o clock.
HELP THE 17th have mailed you an additional copy of the President Proclamation concerning conscientious There will be a general rally of the Left Wingers Refurnish Its Headquarters objectors, and also, supplementary instruction is of the 23rd on May 1st, at 12 o clock before One day after the furniture, including sued in the same connection, the Brownsville Labor Lyceum in order to form a the electric wires, was stolen by the load.
ers, the members of the branch socceeded Fraternally yours, unit of the Left Wing for the parade that will take in holding a meeting in their headquartplace during the afternoon.
MARK LEWIS, Secretary.
Gra. The next day they received werd All Left Wingers are urged to gather and prosent that the furniture would be returned, but At the same time the Comrade wrote to Roger strong front.
they united in the reply, that now they wanted neither the furniture or the Baldwin, of the National Civil Liberties Bureatleaders not a Socialist organization. And almost immedi On Sunday, April 20th, the Eastern District ConAt the present time they have coly.
ately he received the following answers, which fur. vention of the Hungarian Federation of the Social few olu wirs and set of beautiful new nish a glaring contrast to those quoted above: ist Party, adopted the Left Wing Manifesto and electric lights. They need about five National Civil Liberties Bureau, Program. This is the third District Convention hundred dollar to restore the head 70 Fifth Avenge, New York of the Hungarian Federation to join the Left Wing.
quarters Will five hundred Left Wingers May 7, 1918 There remains only one District, the smallont, which donate One Dollar each for this Mr. is in the west, and which, up to this time, has not purpose?
Camp Dix, had an opportunity to vote on the question. The Send no mail to the beadquarter Deur Mr. Manifesto and Program will be submitted to the Address all communications to Your letter of April 30th, addressed to the Call rank and file of the Hungarian Foderation through. Julius Codkind, 133 97th Street ocks.
such as yours.