The New York Communist The Productivity of Russian Labor From The Russian Soviet Government First Annual Report By Lomor Examinat Vyvien het voertung e per le monde de deporte computer politieke eien, Somerecided by inspire other persons were con XACTLY a year has passed since the prolo had to carry out without previous preparation, im.
No less an influence on the productive process is of the hands of the bourgeoisie and its lackeys. even a gradual transition from one kind of produce until the war, used an unlimited quantity of year of incessant, intensive effort by the proletariat tion to another, under normal conditions, is fol. bread, canaot exist upon an eighth or a quarter of to solve the problem of rehabilitating the disor. lowed by a period of some disarrangement, adap a pound of bread, and still, judging from reports ganized apparatus of National Economy has passed. tation to the changing conditions; it is ordinarily and information, he cannot always figure eve on The nationalization of the banks, the nationali connected with the receipt of new supplies of raw this modest ration. And the worker everywhere was occupied, not only with factory work, but also zation of industry, the regulation of the process of materials, and particularly with the receipt of new distribution, the transfer of industry to a peace machinery and tools of production. Under con with the food problem. At times a whole factory basis. the demobilization of industry. all these ditions, however, of inconceivable world economic (Viksa) brought by the lack of bread to the last reforms have radically changed the whole struc exhaustion, with an almost complete cessation of extremity, mobilizes and sends out detachments ture of national economy.
foreign trade and an immense decrease of the in armed with machine guns to obtain bread. There ternal exchange, the situation was becoming worse is no need of saying that a starving or half star ving In what way, then have these reforms reflected and worse. If we add to this the acute lack in worker is in general a poor worker; besides this, on the general economic conditions of the country?
the means of obtaining raw material and fuel and however, the insufficient and irregular bread supply Have they increased the national welfare or have of the paying of labor, then it becomes clear that breaks the continuity and organization of the prothey made it still worse?
for the proletariat to organize and carry on productive process, by causing mass idleness (which The bourgeoisie and its Socialistic satellites, duction under such conditions was a problem in numerically continued to grew in a series of facin resolute chorus, reply: conceivable in its difficulty and perplexity. torics of the Central district. The Soviet authority by its wild reforms has The reports and statistics from all factories in At the present time, when we are successfully destroyed industry; that is why the productivity of one voice point to the lack of fuel, to attempts at realizing the new harvest and are introducing everylabor has catastrophically faller. and continues to adaptation of new forms of it in connection with where the class ration, the situation may be confall. There is but one escape from this difficulty the transition, and to the lack of the whole series sidered much iniproved. The influence of this. it is necessary to call forth anew the bourgeois of parts end raw materials.
will be noticed in the factory work in the next spirits and give them authority over production.
Reality often presents us with difficult peculiar few months. We shall not speak at all of the in Not thus does the proletariat view the situation. ities a whole series of factories and mills are fluence of the civil war upon the productive proIt continues uncompromisingly to carry out its often incapable of putting out their full production cess when Makeelka, for instance, was twice occuplan of the economic reorganization of the whole as a result of the over congestion of their store pied by Kaledine Cossacks and the Ukrainians, system of bourgeois economy on the basis of a houses; this is to be seen in a whole series of ce.
and is now held a third time the Germans; the Proletarian Dictatorship, and insists that the eco. ment and textile mills; match and rubber factories same thing has also happened to the Petrovaky nomic program of Communism has proven to be have also complained of the congestion of their factories.
deeply vital and correct.
storehouses; the same complaint is often made Under such conditions an increase in production Which of the two is right?
even by our car and locomotive construction fac.
can come about only as the result of a titanic strug.
tories. Thus, the spokesman of the Kolomenskygle of the workers, as the result of an inconceiv.
Let us attempt to give our answer on the basis factory in the May factory conference of mills supable sacrifice on the part of heroic masses of their of an analysis of the material facts concerning the plying railroad equipment, brought forth the fol personal interests for the triumph of the common productivity of labor.
lowing data: The output of cars is delayed by cause. And none the less, it is exactly this pro In order to avoid inisunderstandings, we must the fact that there is no place in which to store the cess of increase that we are bound to admit on anamake a few preliminary remarks. In recent liter finished product. At the factory, cars stand lyzing the figures of a whole series of factory roature, very often two conceptions are confused in large numbers over the whole factory area; ports.
the productivity of labor and its intensity. As is there are now ready about tenders and 35 locowell known, however, there exists a wide difference motives. Financial dificulties have been and are Ordinarily, when it is attempted to prove between these two conceptions.
experienced by almost all factories. If delays in great decrease in productivity of factories, it is The productivity of labor. e. its ability in a the payment of the bi weekly wage which took done in an extremely simple manner: figures are certain time to produce a certain quantity of goods, place at the Kolomensky factory, according to the taken for the first quarter of the last pre revoludepends not only upon the worker skill and in evidence of the spokesman, have already caused tionary years, and are compared with the corro tegrity, but also upon the means and tools of promuch concern to the masses of workers and have sponding figures of the present year; or it is done duction at his disposal. Therefore, in the process greatly influenced the whsle productive process, even more simply by merely taking the figures for of increasing the productivity of labor, tremendous then what an influence would the non payment of Nov. and Dec. in a series of late years. The result significance inust be attached to the condition of wages for a period of two months. Vikunsky facis always the same; a colossal decrease of producthe means and tools of production, and the inces.
tory) or the periodic payment of only a third of the tivity is shown, and from that the inference is sant and sufficient supply of raw materials and fuel. wage. Reloretzky factories) have produced. drawn of the immediately forthcoming catastrophy.
In this respect, all districts of Russia, anks The reports of the managements of the national.
to the war and to the internal disorganization of the ized Petrovsky and Makeelka factories definitely None the less, not a single sane person ever doubted the fact that the greatest economic changes must The management of the renew their industrial equipment. The impossi question in the following words: The manage loterian revolution which has taken place in an mechanism of exchange, were unable to repair and Petrovsky factories formulates its opinion on this temporarily affect production. And therefore. it bility of obtaining new machinery makes necessary the continuation of work in the factories with the very beginning considered it its duty to increase ment together with the factory committee has from atmosphere of extreme economic exhaustion, there old, loosened machines, the inability to acquire new was to be noticed a decrease in the productivity parts for them results in substituting parts approxi.
the productivity of the factory, but all our endeavors in his direction could not be realized because of labor. What is important is how the curvemately fitting, etc. All these have seriously disline ran after the change. It is necessary to com of the lack of funds, therefore, to increase the proarranged the process of production.
ductivity of the facory appeared impossible. In pare the figures of the nearest months following the The lack of raw materials and fuel, particularly spite of the seeming simplicity of this position, discover the basic tendency which will enable us to change, gradually one after another, in order to after the occupation of the Donetz Basin by German many comrades, not speaking of bourgeois econoand Ukrainian troops, aggravated this industrial mists, do not take it into consideration; and yet it draw a conclusion as to whether we have to deal ruin. Under such conditions the productivity of is a fact that absolutely all factories, either systemwith a decrease of the productivity of labor us a labor could not but decrease catastrophically. atically or spasmodically, are suffering from great social structure of lifo or whether it is merely permanent phenomenon under the present changed Simultaneously with this, and with similar ef financial difficulties which bring terrible delays to fect, proceeded the very rapid demobilization of the productive process. At the present time the temporary condition. On ihe basis of this propo factorio the transfer of production from a war financial difficulties have been to a greater or Lenser sition, we will now submit some figura.
basis to a peace basis, which the Soviet Government degree solved. To Be Continued)