2 The New York Communist COMMUNIST 6he New York ers of country after country set up their Soviets ure afraid of split for a question of prin.
and establish the Proletarian Dicta! orship. Hun. ciple it is better to split and keep on splitting gary, Bavaria, then Italy, Germany. The rather than compromise with reaction but because great exploited masses of India, Egypt, China, stir we intend to capture the Party machinery and mold Official Organ of the Left Wing Section, and clamor. The basis of Finance Imperialism, the American movement into an effective weapon Socialist Party without which Capitalism is ruined. is crumbling with which to fight the battles of the working class.
Owned and Controlled by Local May Day for Russia is a holiday of the part. It is for this purpose that we have organized Greater New York But today Moscow, Munich and Budapest flower in into a group within the Party the Left Wing; it JOHN REED.
Editor streets of red, and ring to the tramp of the pro is for this purpose that we have formulated a proEADXONN MACALPINE Associate Editor letarian battalions, making celebration for us for gram and a set of principles, definitely opposed to MAXIMILIAN COHEN Business Manager the nations as yet pools of quiet water beside the the outworn principles and program actuating the Editorial Board torrent of the Social Revolution which rises, a red present Party ruling class; this is why we have world tide, and floods the face of Europe. HOURWICH ZUCKER joined in the call for an Emergency Convention, WOLFE WILENKIN May Day, 1919. Date forever memorable, the in which we can state our position, discuss it in world wide blare of trumpets announcing the fall open Socialist debate within the ranks of the Party, Publisbed Every Week.
of a great social system, Capitalism, and the emer and finally, register the decision of the rank and gence of the age in which mankind will be truly file by means of the regular Party machinery.
To this perfectly legitimate course of action the Year. 00 May Day. sumcons to the worker masses to Right Wing, in control of the Executive Committee Months 50 make ready for the last great war. Dark lies the of Local New York, opposes brutal strong arm tac3 Months. 75 cloud of history, shot through with terrible lightn. tica.
ings. But victory is inevitable.
Hundreds of workingmen who want to join the Single Copies, Cents Party are held up while a committee of miser.
Bundle Orders of 10 or over, 2Cents a Copy. Who Is Splitting the Party? abie Socialist politicians catechises them to find out 43 West 29th Street New York City THE chief accusation against the Left Wing is if they have Bolshevik tendencies. As soon as that it is attempting to split the Party. This Branch has a Left Wing majority, and takes action May First is the burden of every Right Wing attack upon us; to re elect its delegates to the Central Committee, IN Soviet Russia the first of May is no longer a like Bolshevism in the capitalist press, it covers a minority of the Old Guard is empowered by holiday in the sense that it is in other countries.
a multitude of sins. This charge has been hurled the Executive Committee to Teorganize that The Russian proletariat has conquered. The Dic.
at every individual or group who has dared to differ Branch, expelling most of the members, locking with the Party leaders, or protest against their up the Branch headquarters, carrying off the furnitatorship of the Proletariat is raising and equipping ture, and beating up delegates who protest. In great armies, and hurling them against the im. stultifying tactics.
perialist forces on all frontiers. Within the country, During the bitter fight between Industrial Union carrying out these measures the Right Wing do crippled as it is by the disorganization which in ism and of ism, those who stood for revolu not besitate to appeal to the police for help. The evitably succeeds war, and civil war in particular; tionary labor organization were reviled as separa. 17th Branch bas already heen reorganized starved by the invasion and blockade of Allied tists and disrupters. The adoption of Article in this manner; out of more than four hundred troops; inheritor of the collapse of Tsarism and Two, Section Six, in the Party Constitution, by the members, only thirty two have been accepted as Capitalism, and beset for a year by the ferocious Right Wing, drove the revolutionary elements out orthodox enough to remain. The same action is hostility of Moderate Socialism. the Workers of our Party, separated it from the class conscious being taken with regard to the 18th 20th.
and Peasants Government is increasing industrial workers, and threw it into the arms of the petit Branch as we go to press. In all this there is not the slightest trace of legality. Corber openly production, building railways, roads, canals and bourgeoisie.
The result of the internal strife at that time was says that he doesn care whether it is legal or not.
gigantic power projects, opening mines, and estab.
lishing thousands of new schools.
the expulsion or resignation of a great number of His letter on another page of this issue will provide That it is able to accomplish these miracles revolutionary Socialists from the Party, and its further illumination to the Comrades.
seems incredible to the bourgeois. But to the so complete surrender 10 moderate Socialism. But Who is splitting the Party we, the Left Wing, cialist there is nothing improbable about it. Capithe St. Louis Convention of 1917 removed Article who have announced our open intention of capturtalism obstructs development; Capitalism supTwo, Section Six from the Constitution, proving ing the Party by means of the majority vote of the presses human aspirations: Capitalism is inefficient.
that the rank and file realized what a disastrous delegates of the rank and file in Party Convention May Day, 1918, came at the darkest period of course the Party had taken.
assembled? Or the Right Wing in New York, Soviet Russia history, when the Treaty of Brest. We, the Left Wing, representing the vast major which is disrupting Branch after Branch, disfranch.
Litovsk had placed Russia at the mercy of Imperiality of the rank and file. who, no matter if at ising bundreds of Comrades, by illegal action of Germany, then victorious in the West, and the Al.
times they have been confused by the miserable the Executive Committee? The Executive Commit.
lies co operated with the German advance eastward tricks of Party politicians, are soudly revolution tee has indefinitely suspended the meetings of the by landing troops in Archangel and Vladivostok, ary by instinct we have profited by the lessons Central Committee, a superior body, because the the beginning of a vast international Offensive of the past. We have no intention of being forced Branches were electing a majority of Left Wing against the half understood menace of the new Rus out of the Party by the Right Wing. We have no delegates to that body. And behind closed doors sian Government. Industry and transportation were intention of splitting the Party; not because we the Executive Committee functions, hurling bulls almost at a standstill; food was scarce; and the of excommunication against all Branches in which Red army was still negligible.
a Left Wing majority appears.
The following telegram to Eugene Debs, od.
Yet it was on that dark May Day that Moscow dressed to Moundsville Jail, Moundsville, Va. The fundamental difference between Left and was decked with crimson, the young Socialist by the delegates of the Third Convention of the krainian Federation of the Socialist Party, repreRight Wings is summed up in the question of which troops passed in review through the streets, and senting 0, 000 members, was reluseu transmission by International shall the American Socialist Party thirty seven statues to the great dead of the interBurleson telegraph companies. The spirit of the join. The Left Wing declares clearly for the message will be transmitted to Debs by waves of national Labor Movement were unveiled. And the thought, born out of the solidarity of the awakening Communist International, the Third International Government announced that May Day, as far as workers, over which Burleson, and the junker class summoned by Lenin; all the sympathics and conof which he is a typical representative, can exercue it represented the revolutionary ambitions of the no control. The physical message will, no doubt, nections of the Right Wingers are with the bankreach Debs in the course of time. May Day Looms Russian workers and peasants, would henceforth rupt Second International, which has played havoc on the horizon.
cease to be celebrated as a holiday. Dear Comrade Debs: with European Socialism much in the same way Today, May 1st, the darkness over Russia is The Third Convention of the Ukrainian that the Right Wing has played havoc with the slowly lifting. Except for minor setbacks; the Federation of the Socialist Party of America American Socialist movement.
Soviet armies are everywhere victorious, not alone sends you hearty proletarian greetings. The These pet:y dissolctions and roorganizations with the weapons of war, but with propaganda. iron bars which divide you from us, at the of Branches in Local New York, these callings upIn all countries the working class, which at first sance time hasten our common ideals, and on the police for help in internal Party differences, was apathetic, has awakened little by little to the strengthen our courage in the mighty struggle thea suspensions of the Central Committee meet real situation. few months ago the workers of against capitalism.
ings, are perbaps in themselves of litle importance England, France, Italy and America were oppos Your example, dear comrade, inspires us; in the world Socialist movement. But they are ing intervention in Russis; tale they want y and we promise you to follow your path in symptomatic of graver things. They point with know why the Dictatorship of the Proletariat can. our proletarian struggle until we are victori fatal logic to the attitude of the Majority Social not be applied to their own countries.
ous. We believe the victory of our common Democrats in Germany, who, in time of revolution, Never in the history of the world has an idea ideals is near. We believe that The day of instead of calling upon the police for help, turned made such swift and thorough conquests. Amid Use people has come.
loose Noske and this machine guns against the the crash of bankrupt Capitalism falling, the work Spartacidon.