BourgeoisieCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

DECEMBER 30, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL The LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN 18 BRANDED. KARL MARX Sir Stafford Cripps Goes To India To Pour Oil On Troubled Waters Negro Question Socialist Call Mobilizes World For Finland a MUTINY!
CANADA JUDGE Government Outlaws APPEAL PLEA By JOHNSON By BRITANNICUS began the Labour leaders shouting the leaders of the Labour a real effort to bring in Rus Since that appeared the Indian Sir Stafford Cripps is going to ed for war under the flag of the Party. At that time Cripps was sia, a militant Popular Front workers and peasants, pushing Hoover has already sent 100, 000 to the Fin India. The press dispatch report League of Nations. Cripps op the most popular labor leader in War was near and the Labour Gandhi before them, have made nish bourgeoisie. Let no Negro give one red cent to this counter revolutionary campaign on be non it clear that they have no contiing his projected trip states that posed the war. He said the England, forvadership in in sense. They expelled him. dence in anything the British By FELIX MORROW half of the enemies of the Finnish workers responsibility for him. So does ands. He wanted action against spiring terms. He repreReading the articles and editorials on Finland movement. The road for the workers is a differ the Labour Party. But the dis Mussolini, but action by the When the government tried to sents constituency of Erister government, however, sees that in the recent issues of Norman Thomas paper, ent road the road that should have been fol patch (and common sense) shows workers. In the House of Com whitewash a great mining disas and nobody can defeat him there, it has to make some concessions. The Call, was reminded again and again of an lowed in regard to Ethiopia. That road was point that all the war parties in Eng mons he made some masterly ter, Cripps exposed them and not even a candidate with the Who so suitable to put these appropriate comment provided by a sentence in ed. Preparations were made. But the working land will deny responsibility for speeches on the inevitability of made rings around the govern. full weight of the official Labour over as Cripps? The whole world War and the Fourth International, the theses class and the Ethiopian leaders made the fatal Cripps if he fails, but will no war in capitalist society. The La ment lawyers. The miners loved Party behind him.
thinks of Cripps as a revolution on war adopted by our movement in 1934.
mistake of putting their trust in imperialists. doubt hail him as a hero if he bour Party leaders were not go him for it. In the House of Com As was to be expected, he sup ary. For years he has been in succeeds.
ing to have this in war time. mons, when bills affecting the ported the war but opposed the fierce opposition not only to That sentence reads: Only a hopelessly dull bourgeois from a god forsaken Swiss village When Italian fascism began its attack on EthiIndia resistance to being They threatened to expel him. workers came up for discussion, Chamberlain government. On Chamberlain but even to the Laopia, workers all over Europe felt great sympa used by British imperialism is Cripps capitulated. Our differ Cripps always led the attack, November 5th he spoke to his bour Party. He is for the freelike Robert Gecan seriously think that the thy with Ethiopia.
world war into he is drawn is waged for one of the greatest difficulties of ences, he said, are not funda getting them altered where pos constituents in Bristol: dom of India, with only one proIn 1935, as in 1914 and 1939, the leaders of the defense of Swiss independence. That senthe British ruling class today. mental.
sible in favor of the working Had my advice been taken vision, As soon as she is ready tence must now be modified to include Norman the big labor parties, Blum in France, Attlee in The Indian revolution is on the As the European situation class. He posed as the friend of in the Spring of this year and to take over. That is exactly Thomas, Lillian Symes, Gerry Allard and the Britain, and the leaders of the trade unions, Jou order of the day. Gandhi and sharpened and Chamberlain colonials, spoke at their meeta Popular Front organized to what Chamberlain says. But rest of the National Executive Committee of the haux in France, Sir Walter Citrine and Ernest Nehru fear that revolution as sought collaboration with the ings. George Padmore, the Negro defeat this government, we coming from Chamberlain it Socialist party, The political and intellectBevin in Britain, Lewis and Green in America, much as does Chamberlein. fascist powers, Cripps initiated revolutionary in his book Africa should not now bei twar. means one thing. Coming from ual characterization hopelessly dull bourgeois cely reactior They always sup Cripps can get them out of it, another revolt in the Labour and World Peace, called for the Russia is out to protect Russia Cripps it looks as if it means fits them like a glove. They live in New York and port their capitalist government in any really if any man can. And this is why. Party. With Cripps was a group colonial revolution against all and the new civilization of her something else. Gandhi and Nehserious struggle Cripps is one of the ablest men chiefly of wealthy or well to do imperialism. Cripps wrote an inChicago, but that does not abate one bit their own country. She has in ru now have a chance to use revin England. lawyer, he makes men: George Strauss, atroduction to the book.
hopeless political provincialism.
fact dealt a great blow to the olutionary words on the same But in Britain, France, Belgium, Spain, among perhaps 100, 000 a year. His millionaire; Harold Laski, the But the Unity Agreement (and strength of Hitler. As for platform with Cripps and put a If these remarks seem harsh, the alternative ia the second and third ranks of the leadership, and wife is a millionaire in her own university professor: Pritt, merimpers popularity the testo nists the Government, they are reactionary settlement over on even more damning. Either Messrs. Thomas, Allard Co, do not have the political and mental there arose a strong feeling for working class pounds; and his father is Lord ment. They wanted a more vig in Spain began to murder the Lloyd George war time coali tiest job that any workers lead horizon to understand that the Finnish events action on behalf of Ethiopia. All the capitalists Parmoor, one of the peers con orous Labour policy, they want POUM. But the POUM was al tion at its worst, even er can take on at this time. are an incident in the imperialist war for the and the labor fakers were babbling about League nected with the Labour Party. ed genuine collective security. Hled to the LLP. 80 that in Eng more reactionary. This re division of the earth; or they are agents of So near is India to revolution of Nations in other words, looking to the League Cripps himself was Attorney a genuine League of Nations land Stalinists and the Government represent those the democratie imperialista.
that the British government has of Bandits to arrest another bandit for doing General in the last Labour gov Also, they wanted a Popular were soon at daggers drawn. The whose one desire is to preserve what all the bandits wanted to do themselves. ernment. He is not a fool like Front. The Stalinists formed a Popular Front in France began th colonial and social status But the rank and file workers, and the leaders Major Attlee or Labour left wing. In any real Knights In Shining Armor like unity agreement with them. Vic to collapse, and the English La quo the old order, things as the late Ramsay He tor Gollanez, the publisher: bour leaders pointed to it in de. they are.
crisis all these lefts always are nearest to them, were saying that the seamen, The editor of The Call greeted the Finnish who were carrying off to Italy should, supported went to Eton, which in England Haldane, the Cambridge Uni rision. Came the Moscow Trials, But what to do? Oppose the against its colonies. Cripps has ready to help imperialism events with an article entitled Support the Finns! He concluded with a ringing call: In by the International Federation of Trade Unions, is much more important than 59 versity professor: John Strachey, and the Stalinists began to stink. war? Not at all. Cripps is busy eene back to his masters stop carrying that oil.
ing to Oxford or Cambridge that struggle every human being who cherishes of the clique. Those were the chance and threatened to expel aims of the war. In his paper, freedom will support the heroic Finns. In anThere is a lesson in all this If the workers stopped carrying it, both Mus WHY CRIPPS IS SO swer, the Allied Supreme War Council has hearkthe Tribune, Nov. 10, an editorial for American workers as well as solini and his brother bandits would be in serious USEFUL TO CHAMBERLAIN days when the Stalinist Utopia Cripps. Cripps capitulated.
ened to his words.
was still collective security. The WEARS HALO dealing with war aims says of for British. Many people comdifficulty. for these gentlemen fear nothing so The economic crisis threw him Labour Left Wing, the Stalinist OF EXPULSION India: plain that the Fourth Interna The next issue of The Call (Dec. 16) carried an much as the independent action of the working to the left. He began a struggle Party, the Independent Labour But he was soon attacking the India has provided us with tional attacks most fiercely appropriate eight column banner across its front class.
against the leaders of the Labour Party signed a Unity Agreement Labour Party leadership again. the immediate test, and the those who are supposed to be page: Finland Fight: World Cause. The Party. When the Ethiopian crisis and toured the country attack. He wanted a radical program, demand of the Congress Party nearest to us. The reason is leading article, by Norman Thomas, left no doubt Why Mussolini Got Oil for the definition of the war once more exemplified in the where he stood in this world cause. Of course Eugene Jagot, official of the War Resisters aims of this country enables us case of Cripps. Those who play the United States ought to do all that our govInternational, a small political organization, went to make it clear beyond doubt with revolutionary policy are the We ll Make Peace.
to the Brussels meeting of the International Federnment and people have done to express their that we are prepared to give most dangerous enemies of the horror at Stalin crime, that includes foregoing India her freedom, ils soon as eration of Trade Unions, to urge the trade union working class3. Cripps can de Finland debt. Thus wrote Norman Thomas.
bureaucrats to sanction this international workshe is ready to take over the ceive where a Chamberlain could ers boycott. Naturally, Citrine, Bevin, Jouhaux, governmnet of the country. not. full dress editorial told the world that: Only among the Stalinists and those even more did not want any such thing. But the pressure was strong, the workers were aroused. There was talking about poor little Finland, or poor little Trotskyists is there any illusion left that Russome possibility of at least a partial success, or sia is a Socialist or even a Workers state. No, even, given certain circumstances, of a great vicCanadian Strike said The Call, the real Utopia is Finland: tory.
What certain circumstances? The Soviet Union The Mutinies in the German Fleet The White Guardist generals, including ManTORONTO, Ontario, Canada nerheim, were deprived of virtually all economie had been clamoring for both action by the League of Nations and independent action of the workby Spartacus has notified the steel workers of ers. Now you cannot do both. Either the workers the St. John Drydock and Ship fiscated and divided. Mannerheim has played no role whatever in politics for many years.(The act by themselves, or they support some action building Co. that their strike for by the ruling class or by some section of it. But Cutting the soap ration was VERY SECRET hope for peace aroused by the higher wages, to meet mounting editorial neglected to point out that Mannerheim has been reduced to commander in chief of the the Stalinists claimed that they could support the last straw. The sailors of the living costs due to wartime inThe events that have occurred Stockholm Conference and, above the League of Bandits and at the same time have Friedrich der Gipsse had been in the course of the past few all, the Russian revolution.
Finnish armies. flation, is illegal. Continued from Page 1)
independent workers action. If, at this critical getting a monthly ration of three months among the crews of the year and a half later, the many and Italy and the totaliMcLarty added that the strike The editorial went on to vigorously denounce moment, when the Federation of Trade Unions tablets of synthetic soapcrum: conditions behind the lines. German Fleet was again in the tarian regime in Russia. said was Wegal because under the the pretense that Finland was acting as the was actually meeting, not the Soviet Government bling, sandy stuft, made without Measures but the Soviet trade unions had decided on a boy any fat and one packet of new Questions of internal polley, grip of mutiny but this time the workers in Canada should not council Nov. extended bans on teresting information that the British and cat paw of Britain, and to give us the very inwhich just at that moment were political situation behind the rely on the Communists because cott and called on all seamen, railwaymen, min powder. In the spring of 1917 it ers, to refuse to ship any materials to Italy, then was announced that this wretch ostupying followinds in Germany lines was such that the mutiny by their recent pact with the strikes to cover Shipbuliding French governmerits since the (Nazi) pact hava edly inadequate ration was to be board the naturally found a lively echo on developed into revolution. On Oc Nazis they had betrayed the and repairs intended for the use those who were fighting at Brussels to break disclosed their determination to appease Russia, fleet, particularly tober 29, the feet was ordered workers of the world.
of the forces of any of His Maj even at the price of throwing hall of Poland, and cut down. The stokers, who had among the older men already ao out to sen in a last desperate at At that time did you know forces, or for the use of the forces the resistance of the European Lewises and esty naval, military or air Greens would have been enormously strengthen to wash from head to foot every customed to political activity. tempt to break through the Brit of the Defence of Canada Regu of any of His Majesty allies in problem into the lap of the League of Nations.
possibly all of Finland, into its maw. They were even visibly annoyed when Finland threw its ed. What happened was exactly the opposite. time they came off duty, were And in this way several of them, ish blockade. The officers talked lations? he was asked. No. the present war.
The Stalinist bureaucracy is today and has They have since, presumably, expressed that anstokers and sailors met in the them from the others, aequired ing, but their words awakened no be in this war? asked the crown.
been for many years the most dangerous enemy machine room.
noyance by expelling Russia from the League.
of the workers revolution. Stalin and the Stalincertain ideas, such as those for response in the ranks. strike of No, don approve of the war.
ists had been calling for this independent work It was finally decided that one example of the Russian revolu stokers forced the postponement Everything else The Call has had to say is of of the attempt. Again came the atson Fight Continues ing class action. This was for the record. But the watch of the black squad tion.
the same stripe. Lillian Symes (Dec. 16) cannot moment there was a possibility of getting the contain her contempt for the Trotakylsts who (stokers and engine room men)
Frank Watson now faces the The movement became danger order to put to sea, and this time would strike. Sachse, the leader ous as soon as contact was made mutinies broke out on several possibility of a year in prison, millions of trade unionists moving, they sacrisay that Finland is a pawn of the imperialists. This, she counters triumphantly, in spite of ficed this to their alliance with Britain and of the stokers and the brains of with leaders of the Independent vessels, Admiral Von Hipper, in unless 300 can be raised for his the fact that both England and France have France. hasty telegram came from Moscow to shown their complete willingness to let Finland Brussels, stating that under no circumstances ashore at Wilhelmshafen and got. The aim was to be to gather put back to port again this time tence by six months.
would the Soviet Union support independent acgo the way of Czechoslovakia and Loyalist Spain in touch with some revolutionary in the Fleet as many signatures for good.
The only possibility open for tion. They would support the League of Nations, and have been assiduously courting Stalin ever On November 1st, the sailors rect appeal to the Minister of a more lenient sentence is a disince the Stalin Hitler pact.
and the League alone.
leaflet appealing to all the black members of the Reichstag would began to go ashore on shore Justice at Ottawa The Frank hand, five hundred coples ot as possible, with which these With this blow from Moscow, the movement go to the Stockholm peace con Icave. At once they got into con Watson Defense Committee is squads in the fleet.
ference. They wanted to tact with the trade unions of addressing such an appeal to Mr. ough President Harvey and city Members Protest NEW YORK As Queens Borfor working class action was killed.
THE FIRST BREACH prove by means of these signed Kiel.
It is no secret that the foregoing reactions of There were meetings, Ernest Lapointe, and urges all Councilmen Conrad and Christenpetitions that the crews of the speeches, parades, endless frater. sympathetic individuals and or sen settled down to enjoy their The masses of the workers, especially in Eu the Socialist Party leadership did not sit well OF DISCIPLINE rope, meant well toward Ethiopia, but they were German Fleet were in agreement nizing between sailors and work ganizations to do likewise.
with considerable sections of the membership.
misled by the labor fakers, assisted by the Stal The Friedrich der Grosse put with them and accepted their ers, all through the next few Even a congenital reformist like Raymond HofChristmas dinners, the Jamaica The committee suggests that ses, editor of the Reading (P. Labor Advocate, inist bureaucracy.
torsen Sachse save the word for me. And this al was peace days. At some point in this peri the following message be for merupelose picke lese litt front of wrote in: What worries me is his (editor Allard)
Try to Save Ethiopia Again lined up for duty. The lieutenant est possible moment. With Workers and sailors councils Rt. Honorable apparent belief that it has at last become the the doors Ernest in charge gave the order to these fine words of peace soon. were set up, police and marines LA business of American Socialists to take the side There was another attempt made to save Ethi to their places. No one moved. It was not difficult to seduce wide were killed or overpowered when Minister of Justice, Ottawa.
pointe Mr. Harvey, you eat turkey of war and that, however we may have rejected while the Di Bernardo family of opia by the masses of the people. As soon as the Again the order. Still not a move circles among the crews, given they tried to restore order. the proposition that the conflict between Britain war broke out, thousands of young men black from the silent lines of men. The thelr state of morale. sailors from Kiel went out to all We strongly protest convic sixteen starves, said one picket and France on the one side and Germany on the and white, volunteered to form an international officer of the watch was sent for, fighting units under my com parts of Germany bearing the tion of Frank Watson under sign. Another. kidding Harvey other was a holy war, we shall not take the brigade, to fight with the Ethiopians against from the bridge. Present your mand are now known in their message of revolution.
War Measures Act and severe who is constantly spouting about same viewpoint when the opponents are GerItalian fascism. Mr. Garratt, a British offsentence of one year and urge 200 per cent Americanism while requests. Sachse stepped a pace smallest details.
many totalitarian ally and Britain potential himself cial in India and a correspondent of the Man forward, as the regulations pre IN THE DAWN LIGHT that you reduce his sentence.
immigrant read: pawn. Various branches of the Socialist Party chester Guardian, states in his book Mussolini scribed, and asked for the old On all the vessels in the High OF THE REVOLUTION Immigrant Harvey, we want We also urge repeal of Secadopted resolutions attacking the pro war line Over Spain that in the list of names sent into jobs at union wages, not rubber soap ration. The officers hesitat. Sea Fleet command, just as in tions 39 and 39A of Defence of The Call.
the Ethiopian embassy there were, after all necesed, consulted and then, spon the German Empire and at the The young Sachse, condemned of Canada Regulations as a sary deductions, five thousand men who could Under pressure of the protests, the official restaneously, the entire front rank fronts, the conditions of subsist to fifteen years at hard labor for violation of elementary demo During the picketing. Preslhave been organized into a powerful corps, ready stepped forward and men began ence were defective during the his part in the 1917 mutinies, cratic liberties.
dent Harvey came running out olution on the Finnish crisis adopted by the Nato stiffen Ethiopian resistance in those early diftional Executive Committee of the Socialist Parto talk all along the line. The summer. Visits home and heard a great hooting of ship of his house and, peering into the Permanent Defense Group ty (The Call, Dec. 23) retreats from the previous ficult days.
war machine had suddenly disin complaining letters gave an Idea sirens one morning. Looking out eyes of one of the plekets, shoutNeeded tegrtaed into its human parts. It that was not cheering of living of his cell window, he saw a vesod: know you. You are one of Why did it not materialize? Because the Empositions but only verbally. Where Allard wrote sel move slowly along the nearby Finns, the resolution says Finnish workers. peror of Ethiopia and particularly Mr. Martin was the first breach of discipline The committee is now contart Popovitch boys. Harvey and in the High Fleet.
The violence of the revolution canal, its siren at full blast and ing other groups interested in otto Popovitch, Jamaica unemit explicitly disavows the proposition that Finland the Ethiopian Minister in London, were tied up ary movement is a socialist state, but then defines it as not with the British Foreign Office officials those Hastily, the officers promised and it is necessary that all ranks a red flag at its masthead. That civil liberties defense work with ployed leader, have clashed on capitalist state either: We believe that the demimperialist bandits, and were looking to them for the ration would be restored. The ot officers should pay the great day two sailors wearing red arm a view towards a coordination many occasions Threats by Harvey neighborocracy of Finland differs from that of England assistance and not to the masses of the workers. promise was kept. But later. est attention to preventing a new bands came to the prison. Sachse of efforts in this direction. As it predicted, present developments hood vigilantes against the pickand France in degree of workers control. It is The result was that this splendid beginning, writes Wintringham in Mutiny, explosion. It is important for was set free.
indicate that many flagrant inets were followed by the appear this, taken together with the fact that Finland when men were washing after commanders to teach their subhas no imperialist ambitions and is free from thousands of volunteers and millions of dollars, their four hours below, they were ordinates to remain always, as Later on he wrote the story of Justices will be committed. Recance of police, who confiscated ently Millard, Canadian the picket signs. The pickets left any taint of colonial exploitation, that is a dewas rejected by the Ethiopian Government in. arrested under threat of arrest but not termining factor in our attitude. It asks for order not to offend the imperialists, those same tion of cleanliness, and lost their high mission to regard he sumarized, there was a move under a similadoende voring see to it that the DI Bernardo the formation of independent labor committees three quarters of an hour sleep. events with candor and assur ment against the worsening of the committee 1a imperialists who were plotting its downfall.
before the police had promised to to aid Finland in contrast to committees headed standing naked while an officer, ance, to know not only their duty conditions of life on board. But to hasten the convoking of a con family would be taken care of by capitalist politicials and perhaps used by them So that today when these same rascals start for their own interests. That perhaps is pertalink about poor little Finland, or poor little over them to see that the soap inferiors, and strong in this light of the Revolution. the ization which will vigilantly very slowly and carerally, went but their rights in regard to their when Russia shone in the dawn ference to establish an active, by the relief bureau.
fect. We support the move for the cancellation anybody, let every Negro ponder over the lesson of Ethiopia. Imperialism is on one side. We are was really being used woment knowledge, to act resolutely and movement in the Navy received guard against undue representing Alexander Barmine of Finland debt e. they support American governmental actions on behalf of Finland.
on the other. We look always to ourselves. What without fear of responsibility.
was needed, what we need today, is an internaFrom this beginning, mutinies also a great political impulse. It instances What is the difference between the lateat reso tional revolutionary organization, which will agi(signed)
spread through the whole fleet in began to go along a revolution all too numerous.
Coming to America lution and the previous position taken by The tate in the working class movement for interna the summer of 1917. At one time, SCHEER ary political path. The struggle Call? Verbal only, that is clear. But that raises tional working class action for working class fifteen battleships and cruiseys on the Prinzregent Luitpold for Alexander Barmine, who the question with which we began: are Messra.
aims, actions such as Eugene Jagot proposed. were in the hands of the mutin INSPIRED ABOVE ALL Thomas, Allard Co, simply lacking in the pothe liberation of mutineers, the BY RUSSIAN REVOLUTION eers. The whole affair is well decharge affaires of the Soviet litical and mental horizon to understand that the Such an organization as it grows stronger will scribed in the report Admiral Von These 1917 German fleet muti struggle on the Friedrich der ANNOUNCEMENT Union Legation in Athens resign Finnish events are an incident in the imperialist organize international brigades, not to carry out Scheer wrote after the mutinies nies arose out of the same genGrosse. were already political NEW YEAR EVE Celebra ed on Dec. 4, 1987 in protest war? Or are they becoming agents of the demothe counter revolutionary Stalinist policy, as was had been brought under control: eral causes as the mutinies in the struggles. Confused and wa tion: Philadelphia, Pl. Decem against Stalin trials and purges, cratic imperialista, like the rest of their brothber 31st at 949 Fullmore st. is coming to the United States ers of the Second International? Precisely when done in Spain, but to fight for the socialist revG. 6025 B1 French army: rigid discipline and vering, our fight nonetheless was p. until. Refresh soon.
they abandon their cruder formulations and olution and the independence of the colonial Headquarters of the miserable food, the economie pri a political effort that reached its ments, Entertainment, Novel He is now in France, where he over to more subtle, more confusing, but definiteCountries. Such today is the Fourth International.
High Sea Fleet vations of the sailors families at consummation in 1918 through ties, Dancing, Noise, Breakfast has worked in an airplane fac ly chauvinistic formulations, it becomes more difOctober 7, 1917. home, war weariness and the the Revolution. All for 50 cents. Don miss tory ficult to think of them as merely honest, fot heade Jamaica Jobless de Picket Officials Homes on Xmas