BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 30, 1939 LEON TROTSKY Hollywood Epic Film APPEAL ARMY Gone With the Wind Why Consented to Appear Glorifies the Old Before the Dies Committee Slaveholding South Newark Oakland ocracy WORKERS FORUM Board.
QUILL FACES OPPOSITION IN SUBWAY UNION as THE BRANCHES AT WORK: copies per issue. We are doing We have had little trouble in very well with our distribution getting subscription renewals. and find that the old order is not its reputation in the eyes of the tion to the rule, a temporary re technique in the interests of hu All those we have contacted have enough. Toledo Appeal It is absolutely false that workers as a persecuted fighter gime.
manity. We hear from Harold been prompt in renewing their agent.
am now answering questions against the ruling classes.
are getting It is true that the dictatorship Ickes, Homer Cummings, Lewis subscriptions. We put to me by Mr. Matthews, ALL SUPPRESSION USED Chief Investigator of the soin the Soviet Union did not die Douglas, and other outstanding some more this week. Lots The following lists represents AGAINST WORKING CLASS out, but on the contrary took on representatives of the present re Lowell, Philadelphia Appeal subscriptions received in the Eighty million Americans visit ticed that on the morning after called Dies Committee. have past two weeks: the cinema every week, and, in the premiere they acted strange neither the slightest knowledge exhausted by this consideration. This is explained by the fact that contradict the ideas of democ We want to pass along an NEW YORK CITY the course of the next year or ly to her. On being questioned, of Mr. Matthews whereabouts Under the conditions of the bour out of the revolution arose a new racy. However, nowhere in the idea to the other branches. San Minneapolis so, pehaps ninety million will see the elder said he had overheard nor the slightest connection Philadelphia the film Gone with the Wind. his parents, who had seen the with him. accepted and am political rights and freedom, no ble of maintaining its regime ex attained such power as in the ers reading room. Trade union Foreign Millions will get from this film film, discussing slavry and the ready to acept again the Invi matter whom they are directed cept through measures of a hid United States. Where are we to papers, radical papers, magaAkron their most powerful impression Civil War. This small boy conMontana of the greatest Civil War in his tinued, You be a slave too, if House of Representatives to gai niste vin the beginning, in the den civil war. It was precisely look for Americanism: in ab aines, etc. We are building a long end inevitably bear down upon over this question that broke stract ideas or in the reality that table, paper racks similar to the New Haven tory and one of the decisive turn it wasn for the Yankees. And appear as a witness before it kind in libraries, shelves, good the working class, particularly with the Kremlin ruling clique. contradicts them? Further, is Washington ing points in modern civilization then my Daddy wouldn have to in order to give the American its most advanced elements. That was defeated because the work chronic unemployment an Amer lighting over the tables and a Massachusetts public correct What will they see? At the pay you.
Los Angeles information is a law of history. The workers ing class, as a result of internal tcan or an un American phenom literature stall where current maabout questions which are must learn how to distinguish be and external conditions, showed enon?
terial is sold.
very start we are informed that Oakland.
Even in the making of this probably more familiar to me tween their friends and their en itself to be too weak to liquidate This reading room has capNew Jersey the film is a tribute to the grace picture, the natural resentment than any other person. But emes thecording to their own its own bureaucracy. have, how which Mr. Dies defends have a where comuniceed wil wekkert St. Paul and gallantry of a vanished civ. of the Negroes showed itself. The never accepted and don ac judgment and not according to ever, no doubt that the working long history in the European many other neighborhood workDetroit ilization the age of chivalry. Pittsburgh Courier claims that cept any Invitation to discuss the hints of the police.
class will liquidate it.
countries where they began theers. If nothing is going on they Ossining The South was a land of grace the script as originally written these questions with Mr. Dies It is not difficult to predict an But whatever the situation in transitional period from demo can sit and read for an hour or Flint and plenty (our quotations are was even more offensive to the or Mr. Matthews behind closed ad hominem objection: But just the USSR may be, the working cratic to totalitarian regimes Illinois literal. The Civil War took Negro people and it was only be doors.
place, God knows why: as far as cause of the Courier agitation Connecticut TROTSKY that Soviet government in which class in the capitalist countries, during the last twenty years. The so. Checkers, chess and a radio can be made out from the film, that some of the offending parts Coyoacan, you yourself took part proscribed threatened with their own en representatives of the Youth Later on we hope to have a kitu all political parties except the slavement must stand in defense Congress openly accused the chen going where coffee an can Woodstock owing to the hotheadedness and were taken out. The Amsterdam December 17, 1989 Bolsheviks? Entirely correct; of freedom for all political ten Dies Committee of scorning be Kansas sold. BUI Morgan, San chivalrous gallantry of the News, December 16, states that and to this day am ready to dencies including their own irre Americanism.
It would take Francisco SWP organizer.
Maryland Southern cavaliers, and the during production many Negroes, Southerners lost because, blind irritated at the role that was a This statement was prebear responsibility for its actions. concilable enemies. That is why me, a foreigner, at least a year pared by the author as a But one cannot identify the laws do not feel the slightest sympa to study this complicated prob almost exclusively in front of unTotal ed by their excessively martial tributed to their people, refused qualities, they did not notice that to go on with their parts; there press release upon his arrival of civil war with the laws of thy for the aims of the Dies Com lem; but don know whether on meetings. Wonderful contact Chicago has increased its buneven fist they had no munition factories. were quarrels and in the United States. Dies peaceful periods; the laws of the mittee.
such a prolonged sojourn in the has been made that way. Elsie dle order by 50 copies and now dictatorship of don have to explain that United States is compatible with Meyers.
and his committee decided, proletariat fights.
literature takes a total of 200 per issue. SLAVE OWNERS however, to withdraw the in with the laws of bourgeois dem did not come here in order to de the principles of Americanism. agent.
TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT Toledo doubled its present or vitation. They demonstrated fend American activities again PICTURE OF SLAVERY Please increase Toledo bun der from 25 to 50 copies per isSTALINISTS ARE REAPING THE CIVIL WAR clearly by this that in their If one considered Abraham st un American activities. am WHAT THEY SOWED dle order of the Appeal to 50l sue.
of the slaves themselves, old The historical statements and own opinion appearance Lincoln policy exclusively from rather badly prepared for that Hara tells Scarlett, You must implications of the picture are of Comrade Trotsky before the point of view of civil lib task. Even worse, all my at It is necessary to recognize, of be firm, but you must be gentle. false from beginning to end. the Committee would proerties, then the great president tempts to understand just what course, that the Comintern itself especially with darkles. The few thousand slaveholders in the vide no help to its reaction. Negroes, not only the house ser. South exploited the millions of In justification of course he could must be defended, have led to persecution against it. For severary aims, but would hinder vants but the field hands, are all slaves, while a few thousand them. More perspicacious say that he was compelled to ap nothing up to this day. America al years it systematically defaithful unto death. Negroes are others bred slaves for the slave people had no doubt about it ply civil war measures in order great contribution to the treas manded that its political enemies all right 80 long as they are market as today people breed from the beginning. We print to cleanse the democracy of slav ures of humanity can be describ of the left be repressed by the LOUIS FISCHER DENOUNCES kept in their places of the old horses and dogs. If house ser Comrade Trotsky state ery, Civil War is a state of tense ed in one word technique. This democratic governments. This NEGRO MILITANT STALIN, MOSCOW TRIALS Negro mammy. Rhett Butler vants were often treated kindly, ment because, quite apart social crisis. One or another dic Americanism is evident and gen shameful behaviour gave us the BREAKS WITH STALINISTS Editor: says that there are few persons the majority, the Negroes in the from the panicky retreat of possibility to predict a long time Editor: tatorship, inevitably growing out erally accepted. Cornelius Kennard, have Louis Fischer spoke here on of the conditions of civil war, ap But the question still remains, ago that in the end the Cominwhose respect he so much values. field, were worked to death and the Dies Committee, it shows When Scarlett OHara sees the terrorized in order to be kept in pears fundamentally as an excep however, how to apply American tern itself would be caught in the resigned from and have no con Dec, 10 at Ford Hall and electrifaithful Negro man servant in submission. By the middle of the how tilized thstitutions trap it was preparing for others. rection with the Communist Par fied his audience for he was forcan be for revoluAnd so it happened. Browder ty or any of its organizations. merly Moscow leading apolotears, she says, can stand any nineteenth century the slave sys.
tionary purposes. Editorial didn weary of demanding police reject its policies. find the Stal gist. by his denunciation of body tears but yours. When tem was bankrupt. But the Slavery Still Exists measures against the so called inist group of leaders have be Stalin frameups and purges.
Ashley remonstrates with Scar slaveowners wanted to establish lett about exploiting white con. their domination over the coun Trotskyites. In the end the po come vicious enemies of the Hundreds of thousands of com Why did agree to appear beIn Southern States lice proceeded impolitely against working class, mynists have been shot. With victs, she retorts that he wasn try in order to shape its course fore the Dies Committee. NaturBrowder himself.
The economic conditions of the official who but one exception every Soviet 80 particular about for no other purpose than the ally not in order to facilitate the slaves. Ashley replies that slav maintenance of their rotting and realization of Mr. Dies political An advertisement appeared We are not revengeful in this working class today are worse has been executed trom Spain ery was different; we treat them reactionary system. The North aims, particularly the passing of last week in the North Carolina respect. His utilization of a false than in 1933. Evictions, unem les have created a deep gult be. The purgwell, and besides he intended to ern industrialists, in that age federal laws against one or anMessenger which read: passport does not fill us with pl ployment and relief face them evfree all his. When Scarlett is at progressive, crushed the South other extremist party. Being an ous horror. happened to use a ery day. The Stalinist leaders tween the workers of the USSR tacked by louts, a white and a because the South was a check irreconcilable opponent not only NOTICE forbid anyone to false passport myself in the sold out the tollers and unfortu male selge ostalon bureaucracy. The masses no Negro, it is a Negro, a former on capitalist slave, who rescues her at great war 220. 000 Neuction. In the of fascism but also of the prescolored, during the year 1939. action of all kinds. The misforder the disguise of a lot of fancy They. These were some of the but as fought on ent day Comintern. am at the (Continued from Page 1) Dabbs, Route 1, Yance tune does not consist in the fact phrases and political hokum. The danger to himself.
the Northern side.
same time decidedly against the have faith and trust in the Mayville.
of the carpetbaggers, robbers that Browder succeeded once or struggle of Ethiopia against the significant statements by FisThat was the Civil War. It is suppression of either of them.
or, But after all the smoke cleartwice in deceiving the fascist or Fascist armies of Mussolini and He said that he and other corof the South in Southern myth the duty of all revolutionaries Such notices, reminiscent of The outlawing of fascist groupsed, the six hundred unemployed ology, we get a brief but em wherever possible to point out would inevitably have a fictitious transport workers remained un slavery, are not uncommon in thie other police, but in the fact that the fight of the Spanish workers respondents, such as Vincent Browder is systematically des against Fascism have been be Sheean, had kept silent about the phatic indication with a particu the gross historical falsifications Character: as reactionary organ employed.
ares, according to the Chapel ceiving the American workers. trayed by the Communist Party. Moscow trials, not because they larly gaudy and fat looking car of this picture, and to do all in izations they can easily change petbag to symbolize Northern ra their power to counteract the color and adapt themselves to vote of any opposition candidate, ally outlawed by the Sup task. Congressional Committee sold out by the Stalin Hitler cause of the Spanish workers.
Today the Transport Workers it prevalent although it is form tion is an elementary political masses have been completely they had not wanted to hurt the HIN, Weekly, which found The struggle against this decep Now, the Russian and German believed the trials, but because pacity. And, glory be to the God pernicious influence that it is any kind of organizational form 2300 votes as against 3000 votes reme Court. Peonage is aided and is just as suitable for this fight love pact.
who rescues Scarlett is thankful the people, who, knowing no bet the ruling class and of the gov. ist incumbent. The progressives judges in the interests of the tional legislative bodies.
Fischer declared that Trotsky to leave the south because he ter, may be tempted to accept ernmental apparatus sympathize more than doubled their vote plantation bosses.
Through my experience as had always stood for the defense has had enough of these carpet this as history membership director of Unit 3C of the USSR, never directing or baggers.
sympathies inevitably increase perate situation. The city adminNO SUPPORT TO National Negro Dept. of the Communist Party, as a supporting any movement againIn 1922, the World con OUSTING OF STALINISTS Negro World War veteran, and st it, having always fought only Incredible as it may sound, the Socialist Workers Party during times of political crisis.
istration, having concluded its ducted a campaign against such decisive result of give no support, however, to 25 a worker, find the Commu the corrupt Stalin bureaucracy war, the As for the Comintern, suppres transport unification deal with peonage conditions, which resultabolition of slavery, is not directsion could only help this com the bankers, is anxious to raise ed in the indictment and convic those leadersof unions and labor nist Party policy dangerous to and its policies.
ly mentioned in over three hours.
pletely degenerated and compro all available cash in order to tion of a big plantation boss. His patriotic sentiment redrewexcludes who are trying to organize the added to the security of the SoviSpeech of The South would not have been able to stand that. And for good in the comintern situation is a ure. That is why they are rush ending peonage but it grows up ing Communists from their or workers to rebuild the world on et Union but, on the contrary, reason. As the article by Robert result of the frreconcilable con ing through proposals for the de over and over again, as part organizations. consider this pol Pahigher plane. The Communist said Fischer, has exposed the Birchman on Southern agricul.
recorded on two discs; made tradiction between the interna molition of the second and Ninth the the viclous system of exploit icy as harmful as repressive laws Ranty corrupting and disorgan USSR to a greater danger of attack than it has had to face in ture in the December New Inraise ation of the Negroes.
for the New York meeting ternational) shows, the essenunion can carry out its task only My resignation from the Commu this act Stalin has destroyed the am a revolutionary Socialist. all the years of its existence. By the interests of the Kremlin rul eleven million dollars in increastials of Negro slavery sin re celebrating the tenth anniver ing clique. After all its zig zags ed assessments on the adjoining insofar as it is constructed on the nist Party does not mean that Third International main over large parts of the and deceptions, the sary of the founding of the Comintern properties. The city needs the adSouth has obviously entered its period aitional sum of money to pay to It is easy to drive out the Stalin am giving up the fight for the Fourth International in this of decomposition. The suppres the bankers the exorbitant sums ists by bureaucratie measures. It working class. left the Commu gullible Stalinist asked whether NEGRO PRESS COMMENT is more difficult to liberate the pist Party so can continue this a firm stand by the Third Intercountry.
sion of the Communist Party agreed to in the scandalous uniON THE PICTURE would immediately re establish fication deal workers from confidence in them. fight. My aim in life is to do all national against Stalin policy But only this second road can can to help build a society of would not force him to alter it.
The picture is a stimulus to Only 50 sets available The demolition program will cure the workers movement and equals. SOCIALISM. That is expecting the tail to. SOMETHING NEW. Sincerely, the old prejudices and hatreds put three thousand more translead it to a higher stage.
wag the dog. Fischer answered.
which were the natural outcome 00 each per set Cornelius Kennard Boston, Mass.
in connection with the New port workers, all members of the The Comintern has led, de Chicago, Jack Espra of chattel slavery and which Year Revel in New York unton, out on the streets. The ceived, and committed treason to must continue on the basis of Get Yours To day. There will be a bazaar not La Guardia administration consuch an extent that the open truth PULVINUDUTONOOMULUI the sharecropping system of tobig but very interesting. tinues making promises about is the sharpest weapon against it.
TALOUVUVEVILOLVIVIRUS day. Writing in the Amsterdam Send check or money order comrade has donated a bunch providing jobs for the unemploy(Continued from Page 1)
It is just this task which have News of December 23, St. Clair not cash.
of the native products of coun ed men. But the Civil Service taken upon myself to tell the Bourne notes the fond illusions tries south of us, from Mexico Commission Journal immediate the United Opposition and suc truth about the activities of the of the days slavery reinforced to the Straits of Magellan. To ly gave the lie to these promises ceeded in cracking the existing Kremlin and the Comintern. do in many Southern whites since give you an idea. There is a by stating that applications for bureaucratic machine wide open, not promise any sensational revethey have seen the picture at the hand carved gourd from the Atlanta premiere. Bourne reports jobs on the city subway lines, Besides achieving an average of lations. But they are not necesPioneer Publishers Andes, some hand woven runwhich are to be opened in 1940, over 42 percent of the total votes sary. What new revelations could May we suggest that one of the following offers that a Negro girl who takes care 116 University Place ners from Guatemala, a hat will be available to the public in cast, the Progressives elected to surpass the proceedings of the will make an ideal gift for your friends and comrades of two little white boys, one of New York, and bag from Nassau; some January. In addition, about three office two business agents, Juan Moscow trials, the liquidation of during the holiday season.
them eight and the other ten, nopottery, of course, and wait hundred workers, all members of Aviles and Joe Diaz, three mem the Old Bolshevik Guard, the ligtill you see what the Brazil the Transport Workers Union, bers of the General Council and uidation of the Red Generals, the These special offers hold good until DECEMBER 31: ians do with Brazil nuts. You Street Power House which feeds Board of the Independent Store the scandalous zig zags of the employed at the important 74th five members of the Executive sudden alliance with Hitler, and will not be able to resist these (1) One year of the SOCIALIST APPEAL and and many other unique and New INTERNATIONAL attractive things. Come with nuel lines, face the loss of their tion candidate for the secretary. Kremlin? But can help to asHave the Time the wherewithal to buy.
jobs when the elevated lines are Treasurer, received the record semble all the different parts of 00 (reg. price 00)
over last year.
this picture into one whole and to disclose its internal meaning (2) One year of the SOCIALIST APPEAL and bound Why Workers Revolted It is plain as a pikestaff that When tthe workers understand volumes of the SOCIALIST APPEAL for 1938 MARXIST SCHOOL the great friend of Labor, La These revolts of the culinary the reactionary historical role of Guardia, in collusion with the workers against the Stalinists Stalinism, they will themselves and first months of 1939.
NEW YEAR REVEL The Week Courses state officials and the Wall Street came as a result of three years turn away from it with aversion 00 (reg. price 50)
bankers, is driving through an misrule. The Stalinists rode In order to help the workers in Entertainment The following classes will anti union program designed to roughshod over the interests of this agreed to appear before the (3) Two bound volumes of the SOCIALIST APPEAL be given at the Marxist School, 125 West 33rd St. eventually destroy the Transport the membership. They signed Dies Committee.
and Dance covering 1938 and the first months of 1939.
Music by Workers Union agreements which are a disgrace Dec. 11, 1989 Room 201, New York City Trotsky to the labor movement. In many Coyoacan, 00 (reg. price 50)
It is obligatory for the Trans locals they have given up union during the remainder of the SAVOY term: port Workers Union to immedi control over hiring and firing. 4) One year of the New INTERNATIONAL and a The Negro in America ately rally the whole union men. They have signed two and three NOTICE TO ALL 1938 bound volume of the New INTERNABEARCATS. Tuesday January at 7:1 December 30 bership for a finish fight against year contracts which make no GEORGE NOVACK. the double crossing LaGuardia provisions for the rising cost of TIONAL, Professional The Elements of Socialat 8:30 administration. It is obligatory living. They ruthlessly aquelched APPEAL READERS 50 (reg. price 00)
ism Tuesday, January at for the Transport Workers Un the voice of the rank and file Entertainment IRVING PLAZA 8:50 ROBART. ion to inaugurate a great cam which cried out against this Subscription rates to the So3. The Economics of Faspaign to expose the Mayor treachery.
Irving Place 15th Street cialist Appeal are now uniform for the entire country.
cism Monday, January at drive to weaken and eventually 7:15 DEMBY. destroy the Transport Workers Many of the culinary workers The rates are 00 for Send all orders and payments to: TICKETS (in advance) 490 AT DOOR 650 Problems of the Second Union, and to call upon the whole believed that the Stalinist ma months; 00 for year.
Auspices: World War Monday, Janu labor movement of this city to chine was so well intrenched, it This includes the Bronx and SOCIALIST APPEAL SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, DISTRICT ary at 8:50 Lecturer rally to the cause of the trans was impossible to dislodge it. Manhattan counties of New 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, 116 University Place to be announced. port workers and save the jobs Now they know that this ma York City where the rate was of over three thousand union chine can be beaten.
formerly higher.
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