DemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSubversiveURSSWorkers Party

Labors Worker!
Program: Job for Every Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. III, No. 95 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1939 FIVE (5) CENTS In order to meet the continuing employment and relief crisis, and to provide jobs and a decent living for the people of the United States, we propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for all employable workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
FDR TO GREET CONGRESS WITH RELIEF CUTS, ARMS INCREASES Seven Years of the New Deal British West Indies All War Funds to The Unemployed! MACHINE GETS BIG BLOW IN FOOD UNION in Canada, India and Will Slash Relief By One third Office ROOSEVELT WAR BUDGET CANADA JUDGE total for the coming fiscal REJECTS WATSON APPEAL PLEA The Socialist Appeal has received the following notice from the United States Post This office is in receipt of a communication from the Postal Administration of Canada, AN EDITORIAL Progressives Poll in which it is stated that the Roosevelt is presenting an Next week the regular session of Congress will convene Large Vote in Re publication entitled Socialist Appeal. has been placed on the economy budget Conin Washington cent Elections list of publications, the trans gress next week, he indicated Roosevelt has already announced the program that he will mission of which by post is to his press conference Tuesprohibited in Canada put before Congress. It boils down to three chief points: darge bundle order of the day. Billions for armaments probably half a billion more The Stalinist machine which Appeal, which has been going The cconomy, it was clear, during the next fiscal year than was appropriated at the last for three years has ruled sup to a company in Kingston, would be mainly at the exreme over the Hotel and Res Jamaica, British West Indies, pense of the workers and regular session.
taurant Employees International has been put under ban by the Three to five hundred million dollars less for WPA.
Alliance in New York was dealt British authorities who, in adfarmers.
severe blows in the past weeks dition, are Dictatorial laws, under the disguise of amendments to confiscating all Relief Slash Coming by the workers in three locals. copies they can lay their hands the Wagner Act and bills against aliens and subversive eleThe outlay for relief, In the recent elections the pro ments, designed to smash the democratic rights of labor and gressive groups polled sufficientThe British dictatorship in slashed to the bone last year, anti war militants.
ly large votes to seriously threat India has likewise confiscated will be chopped down stil GUNS AND AIRPLANES INSTEAD OF FOOD en the rule of the controlling copies of the Appeal and ban further. million and a half AND JOBS! POLICE CLUBS AND JAIL FOR ANYclique and to end forever the ned its further transmission, fairy tale that you can beat the The Appeal is also prohibited men and women were fired ONE WHO OBJECTS!
Stalinist machine.
from the WPA rolls during Italy, the Soviet Union, Japan the current fiscal year, to That is the Roosevelt program for Congress. Indeed, Progressives Win No. 42 Board and a number of other counRoosevelt started putting this program into effect more than In local 42, the chain restaur tries. keep WPA expenditures ant local, where the Stalinist ada year ago, and he has already marched a long way toward down to 1, 400, 000, 000. Now his goal.
ministration just recently signed a rotten two year contract with Roosevelt plans to propose a If you don think so, read the statistics on armament the employers, the progressives elected Walter Curry to the Viceyear building, and then compare them with the relief crisis in Ohio of 1, 000, 000, 000 Presidency and won a majority and elsewhere, or the drop of a million and a half in WPA.
on the Executive Board, besides which means to add to last Congress is going to carry out Roosevelt new orders if electing three delgates to the lo year cuts a further cut of cal joint board, two delegates to the workers of the country don turn the heat on. 400, 000, 000 and a further the central labor body, serg.
dismissal of about one out of We have got to have a program of our own to eant of arms and a delegate to the Women Trade Union three of those still remaining oppose to Roosevelt We have got to demand League.
on WPA rolls.
that Congress enact our program, and not RooseIn local 677, the Soda Clerks, Watson Scores Fake Farmers will be the victims where the rank and file revolt velt of sharp cuts in outlays for farm against the Stalinist administraWar for Democracy tenant loans, rehabilitation loans Our program has got to have for its goal: tion rose highest, the progres In Court Speech and parity payments.
sives came within firing distance job and a decent living for every worker.
Funds Go To Arms The SOCIALIST APPEAL puts forward the following clear Carlo istration for all officeset walmam TORONTO, Canada Frank The money saved at the exand simple emergency program for this session of Congress: Montgomery, the progressive Watson appeal against the first pense of the workers and farmers candidate for the post of Secre Canadian conviction for a breach will go to Roosevelt gigantic Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, tary Treasurer, lost by only sev. of the Defence of Canada Regu armament program. While almost en votes and was defeated for lations enacted under the War every other item in the prelimiat once jobs on housing and other public works projects for delegate to the local Joint Board Measures Act was rejected by nary budget estimates is to be all employable by only two votes. It must be Judge Honeywell in Appeal cut, the army and navy budgets added, the Stalinists counted the Court, Toronto on November have become the sacred cows of throughout private industry and public works a maximum votes. Montgomery succeeded 29th. The appeal was ably con Washington.
By GEORGE STERN in being elected delegate to the ducted by John Risk, but the That Roosevelt idea of a work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay Central Trades Labor Coun further evidence introduced by budget and it will, of course, be During the first month of the side BEFORE Stalin Invasion cil. The election campaign the moused was of no avail. backed before Congress by all of 30 dollars.
new year the crisis in Japanese of Finland, and began showing was carried on after two of the am not putting my judgement the Big Business lobbies.
leading progressives, Eddie Weg. against that of 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pen American relations will enter an signs of conciliation toward Magistrate is now the white haired boy of all acute phase. The trade treaty of imperialism AFTER the invaner and Pete Hutnick, had been Browne. concluded Judge Honey the reactionaries.
1911 denounced by President sion is an extremely significant illegally removed from their well, nor do see fit to alter CIO, AFL Proposals Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guaran Roosevelt six months ago wii fact. Even If sheer weight of LaGuardia Program posts as organizers and deprived the sentence in any way. Thus Congress will also have before tee either maintenance at school or jobs for all expire on Jan. 26. The negotia. numbers should bring belated Throwing Thousands of their right to run for office. the original sentence of six it the legislative proposals of the tions for replacing it involve not Soviet victories in Finland, the months plus a fine of 800 or cro and AFL Progressives Double Vote Out of Jobs in merely trade questions but the Japanese militarists along with an additional six months was youth.
The CIO is asking for In local 302, the cafeteria sustained.
broader and graver issues of hawk eyed observers throughout works program to public If anyone tries to tell us that this program is too ex. Japan position in East Asia, its the world, have had a chance to workers, several groups united on Asked for further details about million jobs. This is a modest, in to furnish three treme, or complains, Where will the money for it come relations with the Soviet Union, observe the much vaunted Red The Quill administration lead itant union under the banner of he had scored fascism in Ger spite the program of a democratic, mil his speech, Watson stated that Cul the war boom ballyhoo, proposal, for defrom? we answer and its role in the war.
Army machine in action. ers of Local 100 of the Transport (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
You seem to have plenty of money for battleships and throats of an embargo, supple lay back of the unusually swirt ed to office in It was what they learned that Workers Union have been returnten million jobless can find no an election where place in private industry. In genmachine guns.
mented by ostentatious additions and stiff retaliatory action again for the first time in the local eral, the CIO legislative program You seem to have plenty of money to pay more than a to naval and air strength in st the taken by England history, they faced the stiff comreveals no serious attempt to link the interests of the vast army of billion dollars a year to the banks and insurance companies the Far East, Japan has made a and France through the League petition of an opposition slate, and millionaires who own Federal securities.
token gesture of conciliation. It and by this country. It also must which was backed by the Associthe unemployed with the fate of has promised to re open to Am be playing no small part in the ation of Catholic Trade Unionthe trade unions.
Take that money to give us jobs.
erican and other foreign shipping decisions now being made in ists. William Connolly, opposiOddly enough, the AFL is now The big corporations have been coining money hand over the lower Yangtze River, which Japan inner councils concern tion candidate for secretary treapublicising one important defist since the war started. Take that money, and use it to pay bal and Nanking two years ago the coming fateful months.
it closed after conquering Shang ing that country course during surer, polled a vote of 8, 157 as mand which is far more progresagainst 12, 213 for the Quill back WHEREAS. on March 23, 1988, the Minneapolis Central La sive than any of those raised by pensions to the aged and the sick.
Japanese spokesmen represented incumbent, Faber.
bor Union adopted a resolution declaring its unalterable opposl the cro the demand for the sixFor in 1940 all those nations If the administration does not tion to war, war preparations and military budgets, and hour day and five day week with The first Sixty Families alone have got more money, ed this stop as a major yet directly involved in hot put up much more militant and WHEREAS, today the government, the employers press and out reduction in wages. The demuch more, than would be needed for this entire program. ed to look for some immediate tilities are destined to be forced the radio and newsreels are engaged in a systematic campaign claration for the 30 hour week one way or another. effective union fight today than to create a ſingolstie war spirit, utilizing Soviet Russia Inva without reduction in pay, adoptIf the Sixty Families whine too much about it, leave them a tude, which has grown extremely Many countries whose neutral Workers Union Faces the rosebroot sion of Finland for this purpose, and ed by the recent AFL convention, WHEREAS, organized labor was develved in the last War is the leading story of this week few million apiece so that they won run out of caviar. There tough during the last two tunt partiefpation like the u. some 3, 000 members and the reto Make the World Safe for Democracy, which destroyed mil issue of the AFL Weekly News will be plenty left over.
In this they are doomed to dis. Will take steps toward more Hons of lives and brought about reaction instead of democracy, Service.
Jobless El Workers and Our program is not at all extreme, and there is plenty of appointment. They will have to decisive Intervention in the con ening of the union as a whole.
The Class Issue year ago, the City of New WHEREAS, the government preparations for war are a Even the conservative leadermoney. It is a very modest program, in the light of the re come across with much more before a Washington Tokyo deal What Chamberlain told the York took title to the Sixth Ave mortal danger to organized labor and the unemployed, as re ship of the AFL puts the quessources and possibilities of this wonderful country.
can be consummated.
House of Commons a few weeks nue Elevated line of the Man vealed by a study of the Day plans for a military dictator tion in its barest class terms: If labor would get behind such a program, if the unions Meanwhile, as the counterfoil ago still remains the sallent fact hattan Railway Company. The ship in war time, now Machinery which enables workTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Minneapolis Cen ing men and women to produce and unemployed organizations would put their shoulders to it, to its dickering with the of the war: the final lineups are road was closed on December 5, 1938 and six hundred employees tral Labor Union again declares its unalterable opposition to any if the people would demand action from their liberal talking with the Soviet Union and in warring do not yet know or are were put out on the street withever larger quantities of wealth war launched by the government; that we again demand that shall not be mobilized by the and reactionary acting representatives in Congress, we would Japan itself a fairly broad divi not yet sure who will turn out out jobs. Borough President Is all war funds be transferred immediately to the relief of the owners of industry for the sole unemployed; that we opposo intervention by the United States purpose of profits regardless of soon see some sparks flying at this session which would wipe son appears to have taken place to be friends and who foes when ancs and Mayor La Guardia on either side the present war in Europe: that we declare social injury.
the grin off Roosevelt face, and put a big kink in his war lines of a Russian orientation on be lots surer, it is safe to say, vided for the six hundred work our support to the proposal for a national referendum binding Let Congress hear that deplans.
the one side, and an American long before 1940 in its turn joins ers.
on Congress for any and all wars.
mand for the 30 hour week with the present outgoing year in dark Quill, then a city councilman. Adopted December 18, 1939, by the Minneapolis Central Lno reduction in pay! minimum Jobs, not Guns! Job and a Decent Living for orientation on the other.
That the Japanese leaned for record of this epoch of capitalist urged the union membership to bor Union. Introduced by Miles Dunne, secretary treasurer, wage of 30 a week for everyEvery Worker!
more definitely on the Russian decline and disintegration. Continued on Page 2) Teamsters Joint Council. body who wants to work! amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide Behind the Lines QUILL FACES OPPOSITION IN SUBWAY UNION Minneapolis Labor Opposes Jingo Campaign for Finland conces