BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

DECEMBER 23, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Indian Left Wing Stalinist Hold Flays Ghandi Slipping in CIO The Negro Question In This Corner to At Least Know Why Am Dying!
The 1917 Mutinies in the French Army by Spartacus Prosperity Is LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF Here! Don You WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN IS BRANDED KARL MARX Know It Yet. by MAX SHACHTMAN Prosperity came back By JOHNSON By SHERMAN STANLEY No Support To Britain. Continued from Page 1)
this country last month.
line they were instructed to Industrial production in NoThe struggle of India 375, third blow for the Stalin break with Zimmerman and go Ethiopia 1935. Finland 1939. What is being The Diplomatic The Congress Socialist Party, vember broke all records, done for brave little Finland, and what was 000, 000 people for their freedom India leading radical party, in dists was the defection of the top into opposition. They balked.
soaring to 125 in terms of the not done for Ethiopia, is causing some bitter from British tyranny is centered statement criticizing the Gandhi leaders of the Communist Party Hence the expulsion.
Federal Reserve Board offZimmerman says in a stateDouble Cross reflections among Negroes. Prattis, Pitts today in the struggle between the leadership for attempting to bar. fraction of Local 22 of the Intercial index. In the boom year of burg Courier columnist, expresses a widespread contending wings of the Indian gain with the British on the issue national Ladies Garment Work ment that the new line of the 1929 the index was 119.
sentiment in the issue of December 16th: BUT labor. saving machin England is reported sending airplanes and The conservative right wing. cannot conocive of any gesture from the Communist Party were: True. But was the old line, the ery, other technological adother equipment to Finland. Did she send Gandhi, inheaded by Mahadical talk and British Government that could Grossman, Meyer Kravetz all the unions concession on the part of the Ben Gerjoy, Sol Lipniak, Hyman rotten popular front that made vances and, last but not least, Although the second World War has been on dulged in much adjunct of the War any to Ethiopia. The United States is new methods of speed up for more than three months, it would be a miseager to play a hand. Recall our ambassador which squeeze the most out of take to suppose that the present division of the threats for a while, but has again possibly justify the Congress in business agents; Morris Rosen. Deal Roosevelt administration from Russia, our indignant leadership de staged a treacherous retreat and supporting the imperialist war. bers, executive board member any less injurious. Or is the workingman in the shortest two camps and their supporters is so fixed that mands. All right. Recall the ambassador. is doing ita utmost to prevent This viewpoint genuinely rep and Abe Fell and Isidore Gross. mere fact of unity with the Zimthe line will not be crossed in either direction any action. Utilizing the false resents the sentiments of all In adjustors.
merman administration sufficient possible time, make it possible Let us do anything we can to show our disfor the bosses to produce more for the duration of the fighting. Quite the congrounds that the country is not dian radical workers. No support The official statement on to make them (the business approval of Russia. But what did we do today than in 1929 with fewer trary. One of the reasons why large scale hosabout the Ethiopians Did anybody demand prepared for a campaign of civil to the British under any circum the expulsion accuses the ex agents) more welcome to the and fewer workers. In additilities have been so slow in developing between disobedience, Gandhi is pushing stances!
that we recall our ambassador to Italy? Did pelled of wavering in the face dressmakers. tion, the sons and daughters the two camps is that each of them is rather anybody become concerned enough to urge for further negotiation with the Meanwhile, the struggle of the of the war danger. The stateBritish authorities.
reluctant to engage the other decisively before of the workingmen insist on Which Way Now?
that we try to help Ethiopia. Indeed not!
masses continues. In the city of ment of the expelled counters having exhausted all possibilities of further alignThis is his conclusion. And he began: Subhas Chandra Bose, former Jubbulpore, 100 natives were with an accusation that the sta By breaking with the Stalin being born and growing up.
ment and realignment. Both sides are making However hopeful dark people may try to president So, the new peak of producof the Congress killed and wounded by British po linists demanded they put their ists, the business agents took a desperate attempts to cajole or coerce into altion means spokesman for the left wing Na lice who were exercising their party interests over the interests step in the right direction. But be, things are happening every day to show liance those countries which have not yet detionalists, has lately issued a democratic right to murder un of the union. Neither statement that was an easy step at a time At least ten million eating us just how hopeless is our cause and plight.
finitely committed their sympathies and those Nobody cares a great deal about ts. That statement blasting Gandhi and armed people when they held tells the story.
when Stalinism is as popular as their hearts out for non existwhich have committed them but not very firmly.
his supporters from stem to demonstration protesting against a crateful of skunks. The question ent jobs More plainly, at no time in modern doesn mean just in the United States nor history stern. It is one of the bitterest rising food prices produced by End of the United Front is: where do they stand today? Less relief than ever since does it mean dark people in the United has the dirty diplomatic game of duplicity, of denunciations of the Gandhi lead the drainage of India food supStates alone. It means that in the entire 1932 The statement of the expelled Obviously, their denial of the indouble and triple cross, been played so feverishly world in which we live the folk with dark ership ever to be made. In his plies for British war needs. Prav says nothing tbout the stalin famous Stalinist charge is true. Hunger and outright starva. skin aren considered. Maybe this obvious, statement Bose accused Gandhi da, publication of the Soviet Rus Hitler pact, nor about Stalin The charged they had debeen so cynically abused, their ideals and astion in every part of the counbut sometimes things happen that make you of sabotaging the desire of the sian government, reports mass invasion of Finland, nor about serted to the camp of the Love try.
pirations so cunningly subverted, their lives 30 feel it all the more keenly. If you are looking Indian people to struggle and of arrests of Congress radicals are their stand on the pro ally rego stoneites, Trotskyites, and Social But what are you kicking cold bloodedly used as pawns, as at the present.
out over the world, incidents, tragle Inci dissipating the revolutionary en now going on.
lution of the American Labor Democrats, the pro war, Redabout? Prosperity is here Take the single case of Stalin invasion of dents, occur which get you down.
ergies of the masses.
for the bosses.
Figures released by the British Party. But their opposition to the baiting stooges of the bosses and of still greater significance authorities dealing with strikes Stalinists is a direct result of the Dies Committee against the The Italian fascists, for example, worked up No Time For Tears. was Bose statement that the for the first six months of this these events. Up until the Stalin best interests of the working veritable passion over the war, organized semiCongress left wing would not go year reveal the growing activi Hitler pact and the new turn or class. Only an Egyptian contor Mr. Prattis tears do not deserve even the official pro Finnish demonstrations, and even along with the Ghandhists unless ties of India working class. the Communist party the expelled tionist could possibly get into all you broken with the Stalinist sent or promised to send a few airplanes to the loan of a dirty handkerchief. Negroes have shed they immediately adopted pro There were 109 strikes, involving business agents, following the those camps could have his dif Allies and Roosevelt? Or have war camp to join the camp of the many tears in the past, with good cause, but gram for action. Bose stated that 100, 000 workers.
Finns. Why? Because of their devotion to the total of Stalinist line, were in a united and even he sacred cause of national Independence and the if in 1939 they are going to shed new tears the left wing would go forward 1, 580, 000 working days were front administration with the ficulties.
you joined the Third Camp of on its own, regardless of Gandhi spent in these strikes. Textile and Lovestoneite manager of the lo Having denounced the Stalin struggle against imperialist war?
sovereign integrity of small nations? The sad whenever they have new proof of the treachery of what Mr. Prattis calls England and the ghosts of Ethiopia and Albania would laugh attempted sabotage. He likewise jute workers accounted for 40 cal, Charles Zimmerman. They ists, the expelled business agents United States, then they had better all trek accused Gandhi and correctly so of the strikes and 62 of the were preparing a united front owe the class conscious workers The progressive workers will out of court anyone stupid or cynical enough to the Grand Canyon and sit in a row on both to ascribe such lofty motives to Mussolini.
of more violently opposing the workers involved. The figures for slate again with Zimmerman prl an answer on their position to judge all those who break from sides. There they can appoint Prattis tearDespite his uneasy alliance with Hitler, MusCongress radicals than the Brit the last six months of 1939 wil or to the Stalin Hitler pact. Un wards the social patriots of the Stalinism by their answer to master and cry to their hearts content without ish imperialists.
solini knows that the Nazis and, for that matter, run far higher the risk of causing floods.
der the conditions of the new administration. Have these questions.
Stalin, have a yellow eye on the Danubian and What infinite stupidity is this! Who expects Balkan countries. His gesture to Finland is England to be friendly to an African state. Concluded from Mussolini way of telling Moscow and Berlin: week)
England is the greatest oppressor of Negroes We have seen that the immeLoire and the other is one of the Keep your dirty pig snout out of my cabthat history has known. Today England is chief diate cause of the mutinies which most important members of the bage patch (as Stalin would say. Or else, Jailer over sixty million blacks in Africa. Of the paralyzed the French Army in Bourse de Travall of Saintplease see to it that get another patch, else twenty billion British dollars invested overseas, may yield to the ardent advance of my AngloEtienne.
the spring of 1917 was the disasfive billion are invested in Africa. That is the French suitor. At the same time, he is saying trous failure of the Nivelle offenonly interest England has in Africa.
sive. To gain a few miles in The mutinica had one import quite unsubtly to countries like Rumania, Yugoant result: It was over year beCome nearer home. Let Prattis dry his tear Champagne, 100, 000 French solslavia, Greece and Turkey: Resist the Germans; Alled eyes and look about him. Doesn he read diers died and 150, 000 were fore the French high command resist the Russians; you will find in me a real dared to send its troops into an ally and protector. The help merely promise his own article, his own paper. Has he read wounded. As World War stanthe history of the Negro people in Amelca. dards went, this was not so other major offensive. The mutt to Finland will be very substantial in your case.
Presumably, before he started to cry so much bad. But General Nivelle had neers failed to make either peace Much the same practical objective is pursued he used to. Did Abe Lincoln love Negroes or raised high hopes in the army or a revolution, but the uprising by England and France. To be sure, one of the hate slave owners? Prattis knows. And yet he with his promises of a complete is an inspiring episode in the long aims by no means without importance of the comes weeping and wailing because the United break through and the end of the history of mass rebellion. And the democratic demagogues is to exploit Stalin States government didn help Ethiopia and now war. This time the incompetence but encouraged the spreading of trice, not a single customer beyond the front line trenches who faced court martial and exhundreds of thousands of poilus criminal invasion for the purpose of discrediting helps poor little Finland.
of the General Staff was more the news of the Russian revolu was left on the terrace. dep. they did not know that they the name of communism in the eyes of the masglaringly revealed than usual. tion in the trenches. It was a utation went in. The staff at ecution to make their protest were in no man land. The esses, who are rightly outraged by the latest abomAesop Knew the Answer cort was withdrawn, and the known, could say, with the anongreat mistake. The poilus cut once went on strike. The news The army was thoroughly fed through all the idealistic bunk to ination of the Kremlin gangsters. The demaLet Mr. Prattis buy a copy of Aesop fables.
was announced by a strike up with the slaughter by 1917, the real heart of the matter: one French artillery began to hamymous mutineer who told his gogues of course know that Stalin and his acts leader standing on a table. He There are many copies for children, with large comrades: If they shoot me, at mer to pulp into the earth least shall know why am dyhave as little in common with communism, with utterly war weary. Truck drivers of the warring governments had was chered. The shutters were print, which he will be able to read despite his revolutionary Marxism, as Hitler has with soof the Verdun road had a hard been overthrown, a loophole for rolled down with a loud noise.
these two hundred and afty ing.
present infirmity. On page he will decipher cialiam, but this does not prevent them from men. Steel and high explosive time keeping from running over peace had been opened.
the following table: Once upon a time there The whole operation took only making the most out of the situation for their and the hailing shrapnel came Infantrymen, who would try to were lots of lambs and a few tigers. Every day five minutes for each cafe. first, German machine guns own reactionary ends.
get in their way. Won you just Trotsky writes of a Russian each tiger would eat a lamb, and sometimes the woke as their sentries reported NOTICE TO ALL While England and France are just as little break a leg for me, old chap? soldier who, when he heard the Meanwhile the women strik tigers would fight with each other as to who a raid, then French machine they would plead. Troop trains Czar had abdicated, began to ers lolled on the deserted ter concerned with the right of self determination should have a fat, juicy lamb. One day one of guns, rifles, even bayoneta APPEAL READERS began arriving at the front with pack up to go home. Questioned races with an attitude of as Italy (see India, Indo China, etc. they are the tigers ate a little black lamb. Whereupon anfinished the tragedy. VIVE LA PAIX! and TO THE by his officer, he replied: The laughing independence. It made Subscription rates to the Sointerested in blackmailing or blackjacking the other little black lamb name was Prattis)
Hitler Stalin alliance into two parts. For a series SLAUGHTER HOUSE! chalked Czar sent me to war, and what one think of the French Revo LABOR UNIONS SAVED cialist Appeal are now uniform called all the other black lambs together and, on their sides. Corday, in Paris is the use of freedom 1f stilution, with the populace over LIVES OF MUTINEERS for the entire country.
of reasons that need not be dwelled upon here, his eyes streaming with tears, said, Isn it a Front, tells about a company of have to rot in the trenches?
they did not succeed in getting Hitler to play running the royal palaces.
shame? Those tigers over there allowed this bad The rates are 00 for The great pressure which the young recruits marching through Neither Miliukov nor Clemenceau The newspapers are unanimous the role of super Wrangel. of spearhead of the tiger to eat up this poor black lamb. It is because months; 00 for year.
a French village bag ing like (nor, doubtless, the officer) unworkers organizations were able in their claim that we must Imperialist intervention into the Soviet UnionThis includes the Bronx and he is black. Boo hoo.
at least not at this stage. If they could isolate sheep. Astonished, the villagers derstood the soldier logic. The suspect foreign influence in the to exert on the rare occasions England and France, by which we mean BritManhattan counties of New asked why the strange noises, poilus, cooped when they established contact Hitler and make him their tool without the exin their Althy strikes. They all demand a firm ish imperialism and Franch imperialism, stood by York City where the rate was with the troops, is dramatically What do you expect. was the trenches, badly fed, shivering in attitude.
pense and risk of a world war, so much the and watched Italian imperialism rape Ethiopla.
answer. Aren they taking us the cruellest winter of the warshown in the case of two non formerly higher.
better. Hence the alternate wooing and threatWhy? Simply because it is the nature of imperiening of Hitler Moscow partner. An example of to the killing peng?
they understood just what their It was the failure of the muti commissioned officers who were alism to gorge its appetites on all colonial counRussian brother meant.
neers to establish contact with condemned to death.
the wooing was what was tantamount to the tries. What they were quarreling about was not Morale had been going down in the workers and revolutionarle had to reprieve these men, XMAS EVE PARTY British whitewash of Stalin invasion Poland, whether the little black lamb should be caten, the army since 1914. That year The mutinies took place behind the lines that made the explained Paul Painleve, War UPPER WEST SIDE much to the discomfiture and anger of the lubut who should get the choice parts.
there were 509 desertions in against a background of unrest mutinies merely an episodic re Minister, because their execuHEADQUARTERS dicrous remnants of the Polish government in In 1936 a great revolution of the workers and 1917 there were 21, 174 officially and strikes on the home front. volt and not the prelude to a po tion would have provoked a genFrance. An example of the threatening is the recorded. On February 28, All through the first half of 1917 Hitical revolution. During the po: eral strike in the great city of DANCIN GAMES peasants burst in Spain, Germany and Italy 24, 1989 way England and France have rallied to Finpounced on Spain, to help Franco and gain con month and land. While practically nothing is excluded from cessions for themselves. And what did the other fensive began, General Nivelle delegates to the Socialist peace road station and road leading out Government would have been deAdmission: 250 possibility in these hectic and changeful times, imperialist tigers do? Chamberlain, the British wrote that more illegal tracts conference at Stockholm went on. of Paris was closely guarded, and fenseless for lack of police. One it is most unlikely at the present stage that Auspices: Tory, declared for non intervention. So did Blum, had been seized among the troops Corday records in his journal: no less than 1280 civilians were of the condemned is a member of Upper West Side Branch the democracies will launch war against the French labor leader. Roosevelt, the New Deal in the afteen days just past than Lunch with Jean Longuet, So: arrested at Paris stations as the Teachers Federation Local New York Stalin.
the er, clapped an embargo on arms to Spain. Stalin, in the last three months of 1916. cialist. He showed me letters suspects and agitators. News The British promise of material aid to Finland, the bureaucrat and murderer of Bolshevism and feel that severe measures must he has received: Go to Stock of the mutintes, likewise, was like the farcical expulsion of Russia from the Bolsheviks, sold some arms to Spain but on the be taken to prevent pacifist agt holm. If you succeed, your kept out of the Paris press until League of Nations, has primarily different aims condition that the workers and peasants would tation from seriously undermin name will be immortal, ran one. they had been gotten under conTOIVUVIUROINOOI ர பர for the moment. The countries of Southeastern not abolish landlords and capitalists. You have ing the morale of the troops. Another: They will settle you as trol.
Europe are teetering uncertainly between the only to look at a map to see how dangerous it they settled Jaures. The enGerman and the Anglo French camps. The miserThe War Ministry took severe couragement came from soldiers CONCESSIONS AND was for British and French imperialism to have able, reactionary bourgeoisie of these countries German and Italian imperialism dominant in measures. Leaves were cancelled at the front. The threats come SEVERE REPRESSIONS is saying to itself: If England and France do as Spain. But the democratic imperialists were. it was on their leaves that the from civilians.
New Year Gift Offer!
General Petain, who replaced little for us as they did for Poland or are doing prepared to allow even that, rather than give troops became infected with for Finland, then we might as well go over as arms to the workers and peasants, who might pacifist and revolutionary ideas. The government finally decided Nivelle 18 comander in chief, May we suggest that one of the following offers servants of Hitler before he crushes us comconquer Franco and transform democratic Mail from home was held up. But against allowing a French dele granted many of the immediate will make an ideal gift for your friends and comrades pletely and dismisses us even as servants. The Spain into socialist Spain.
these measures made the situa gation to go to Stockholm. In his demands: more leaves, better tion worse. One of the reasons memoirs, Poincare tells why: rations, more pay for the sol during the holiday season. democratie gestures of aid to the Finnish bour.
Not a Color Question geoisie are calculated to reassure the Balkan the troops finally mutinied was asked General Petain: If there diers families at home. He made These special offers hold good tertil DECEMBER 31. vassals of London and Paris, to encourage greater Then Britain and France sold out Czechoslo simply in order to get back home is an international Socialist Con a personal tour of the entire resistance to Hitler encroachments.
Suppose someone had said, It is because again and see their families. For gress in Stockholm, and if the front, assuring the troops that no the Czechs are white. Wouldn Prattis have (1) One year of the SOCIALIST APPEAL and At the same time, Stalin is being warned: years now letters from home had French meet with the Germans more offensives would be requirDon go much further; don tighten your allaughed at him as an idiot?
New INTERNATIONAL, told of increasing misery and pri there to discuss peace terms, ed. for the present, at least.
But liance with Hitler. We are still capable of making this time Germany was becoming too vation. Governmental allowances would you be able to hold your These concessions he combined 00 (reg. price 00)
it hot for you, if not today then tomorrow, unstrong. So that these tigers, who didn lift a to soldiers families were nig army in hand? Could you prevail with some severe repressions, to finger for Poor little Ethiopia, or Poor little less you break with Berlin and join us, as we (2) One year of the SOCIALIST APPEAL and bound Spain, or Poor little Czechoslovakia, are now gardly, as was the soldiers pay, upon it to continue fighting? Pe make an example. He demanded proposed last August.
The mutintes were strikes Lain answered very bluntly, No and got from President Poincare volumes of the SOCIALIST APPEAL for 1938 weeping almost as much as Prattis over Poor against not only useless slaughter. This monosyllable, uttered in a special order allowing the arThe warning is not entirely purposeless. But little Finland. Back of this there is another more and first months of 1939.
Stalin will part with Hitler only when Hitler but also against subhuman living strong voice, produced a pro my courts martial to condemn fundamental cause. All imperialists (Hitler instandards forced on the masses found impression on the members and execute men without grant 00 (reg. price 50)
has ceased to be a menace to him. And Hitler cluded) hate Stalin. So when they yell Poor litwill cease to be a menace only if the demoby the wartime government. Cut of the committee.
ing an appeal to the civil authortle Finland, what they mean is Down with ting off leaves thus merely agities. 3) Two bound volumes of the SOCIALIST APPEAL cracies reduce his military capacities by a series Rusala. But one way or the other, it is all a gravated the unrest in the army. the first time since the war, a tions was small, only twentyThat spring there was also, for The official number of execuof successful battles.
covering 1938 and the first months of 1939.
matter of imperialist power.
Like Chamberlain, Roosevelt is not only And any Negro who seeks to defend Finland RUSSIAN REVOLUTION great May Day demonstration in three. But there is reason to be 00 (reg. price 50)
warning Stalin to break with Hitler, but against Russia, along with Roosevelt, Hoover, INSPIRES MUTINIES Paris. Committee for the relieve Petain found other and even at least as important as that, he is warning him Mussolini, and the rest is making Himself the Another serious miscalculation held a mass meeting attended by ham tells this story, taken from newal of international relations more terrible means. Wintring. 4) One year of the New INTERNATIONAL and a not to make an alliance with Japan for the subignorant tool of imperialism. That is the truth.
by the authorities was in respect ten thousand people. wave of Barbusse, who insists it is one of 1938 bound volume of the New INTERNAjugation of China, which would temporarily proAnd all the tears of Mr. Prattis will not wash tect Stalin eastern flank and turn over most to the February revolution in strikes rolled over Paris. Corday many such instances: TIONAL out a word of it. The moment you begin to look Russia. When the Czar was overwrites: of China to the Japanese. to the exclusion of at world politics from the point of view of black thrown and a respectable bour Several battalions had mu 50 (reg. price 00)
American imperialism. At the same time, Amagainst white, you end up either in the imperialtinied, near Soissons, had taken May 26: The strikes.
bassa ist camp of loot and slaughter or the Prattis geois democratic government set Drew tells Tokyo that Washington will up, the Allied propagandista Joy.
Great excitement at the Labor and then had been surrounded not tolerate an alliance with Moscow at the camp of tears and despair.
fully hailed the event. Czarism Bureau. Endless processions of and disarmed. Two hundred expense of China (read: of Imperialist There is a third camp. Turn your back on imhad always embarassed them, laughing women. crowd and fifty were chosen at raninterests in China. perialist politics. Follow the road to the socialist Send all orders and payments to: and now they could welcome the dom, taken in trucks round and of strikers compelled the caſes As always in such cases, Finland is a mere revolution. long road? hard road? Yes. But new Russian democracy into the and restaurants in the Place de round about until they did not pawn of all the imperialist bandits, and its cause is there any other road? The workers and peasSOCIALIST APPEAL know where they were, and la Republique to shut. It was pious fraud on their lips. Not only its socialist ants in Czechoslovakia, in Spain, in Ethiopia, idealistic fraternity making war then marched under escort to 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, against Kaiserism. The author a swift move. The crowd shoutinterests but its democratic right to indepenlooked for help to the Imperialists. And where quiet part of the front. They dence are defended in reality only by us revoare they today!
lities, therefore, not only allowed ed: Off with the aprons! In a were told to wait at point lutionary internationalista, SUNDAY, DE York, Special mas mas and