Andrey VyshinskyBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDewey CommissionEnglandFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalJohn DeweyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZhdánov

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 23, 1939 On Lenin Program Trotsky In the Labor Unions APPEAL ARMY Existence of Opposition In Revealed by Soviet Newspapers 1s Harrison Steel Workers Editor, The New York Times decisive battle.
New York City, On April 23 (1918) he said at Dear Sir: a session of the Moscow Soviet: On November 25, The New Our backwardness has pushed Comrade Editor: York Times published a letter us forward, and we shall perish want to urge every branch The return of the Appeal to in the country that has difficulty signed by John Stuart Hamilton if we cannot hold out until we which begins with the words: meet a mighty support on the once weekly publication can only in solving this problem to try Leon Trotsky letter in the part of the insurrectionary work.
signify for us an unfortunate and our tactics. 1) Exempt only inopportune retreat. At this time, those who have very valid oxTimes is replete with unproved era of other countries.
By WIDICK on the very eve of a world war, cuses. 2) let the leading cominsinuations. very serious ac For us it is easy to begin a cusation. You will permit me, revolution and harder to continue It is becoming more and more er collective in their territory. cal significance. Gamarnik was we reach an ever greater number the executive committee, etc. set is watching with considerable The American labor movement hope, to prove that it is false and it, he said in May (1918. In difficult to penetrate behind the Ons for the lag of this or anoth mame in this instance is of spe it is absolutely imperative that rades (this is most important. to unmask in passing some of the west it is harder to begin a thick veil of secrecy and official (Pravda, November 21, 1939. head of the Political Department of workers with our message and the pace and show by example anxiety the fate of the union the methods by which Moscow revolution but it will bo casier to verbiage of the Stalinist Russian of the Red Army, purged togeth our progam. The Appeal, as the what can and must be done. 3)
movements in England and and her agents bring into misap continue.
press, which now arrives weeks EXISTENCE OF DISSIDENTS er with the other Marshals of the best bearer of that message and impress upon every member the France in the present war.
prehension an important section On the third anniversary of the late. The newspapers are filled REVEALED BY PRESS Red Army. The fate of the Ga program, should, nay must, revital necessity of carrying on The facts of the situation in of public opinion throughout the October revolution, Lenin con with glowing reports of successes This drive against the local marnikites is of particular celve a wider and wider circula this work.
France have trickled into Eng whole world. This case is ex firmed this: We always staked in every field, pacans to Stalin party leaders undoubtedly meaning to the Red Army ranks tion among the working classes. stated above, the primary land and also America, and the tremely favorable because the our plan upon an international with the war news pushed to the closely connected with recent where thousands have been parg. Every comrade worth his salt reason for our retreat lies in the story of the strangulation of the theoretic and political question revolution and this was uncon background. The official tone is party purge which was in parted on that very charge. It can will agree with me on this failure of the branches, by and French labor movement is shock touched upon in my letter has ditionally right. We always that of calm assurance. op a blow against opposition to the only be a warning to dissidents What has caused this retreat. large, to carry on their share of ing. English unionists are won been, in and of itself, of great emphasized the fact that in one timism and invincibility Stalin Hitler pact. Very frequent within the Red Army itself! would lay the blame primarily the work. However, the National dering the same tragic lot is interest to every intelligent per country it is impossible to ac Interspersed with these ritual reference has been made in the upon the branches and not the office is not entirely blameless.
National Office. Let me cite the As the letter from comrade Curin store for them. American un son regardless of his ideological complish such a work as a so istic reports, however, are express to those who adopt an ovionists are confronted by similar tendencies; and because Mr. cialist revolution.
Industry atin suffers from case of Toledo (with which am tis testified, the Appeal in the tremely cautious comments ersimplified approach to Marx. acute labor shortage. Since Sep most familiar) as an example, not too distant past has not thoughts.
Hamilton through ignorance or At the tenth Congress of the which supply a key carelessnes seized wire high Russian Party, March 1921, Len situation. Hinter to the realism and onesided view on the tember there has been consist. During the time have been in been very suitable for popular are forthcoming methods of struggle against Fas ent campaign in favor of length the branch (approximately a consumption. The headlines deShop Stewards y charged with disagreeable sure in and day voted minority of workers in industry riculture are suffering from directed if not at the opponents menting it, has been a campaign taken the paper into the work mante campaign etc. are a case Daladier and the French mils prises for him as well as for and an enormous majority of pet many grave weaknesses. Who ls of Stalin datest policy tary machine recently ordered retainer, Stalin.
to draw in women into industry the abolition of the shop steward My letter contained the Affirm. ty land owners. In such a counto blame? No longer do we hear The clearest indication of actu and to remove outdated re ers neighborhoods. can offer in point. The last several issues is the fault of wreckers al opposition to Stalin moves is strictions for the employment of perform this fundamental task. which shows that the staff is folany excuses; just failed to have been decidedly improved, system, among other drastic de ation that Lenin and the whole try the social revolution could that crees. This is like cutting the Bolshevik party without a single achieve its final success only. etc. Nor does the blame heart out of a body and expect exception considered it impos y condicion de votutionely support them indisciplined and backward somolskaya Pravda, the official out of the 37, 000 unemployed in torou short period during the towing our criticisms and prodting it to function The shop steward system has in one country, all the more so several advanced countries. regional directing bodies are nist League. In issue No. 213 of ized) some eight thousand were streets. At the expiration of the do it. it can be done, let I limit myself to these few quo blamed, especially the party or this paper it is stated that in the removed to the Don Basin to campaign we relapsed back into been recognized the heart, and the backbone of a and that only at the end of 1924 tations not because they are the gans. We cite only the latest in ranks of the party and especially work in the mines. Pravda, No our old lethargy. Whenever the Toledo, Ohio the real life, in one as backward as Russia: DOYLE CLARK good union. In France, the crea aid Stalin make an about face of most striking far from that stance at hand of this new ap the youth are to be found many ember 21.
Appeal bill began to assume muddleheads tion and extension of the shop 180 degrees thereby branding his but because they are the short proach. In discussing lags in col scholastics and lective farms, Pravda has the who seize on the letter of Marx: dustry has not improved. The party or social and managed to IF THEY RE REACHED The situation in the coal in alarming proportions we threw a WORKERS READ APPEAL steward systems was one of the viewpoint of yesterday as coun est.
following to say: major victories of the famous ter revolutionary Trotskyism. THE DEWEY COMMISSION Everything is unloaded on the things as communism and the leading article in Pravda for No send in a few dollars. Then, with Editor: The political reason for Stalin DECISION ON THIS 1936 sit down strike In a recent issue of the Appeal, Protection for the rank and file turn was that the Soviet bureau Mr. Hamilton refers to the fact shoulders of the collective farm. existence of the) army are in vember 12 places the responsibil sighs of relief at the narrowness on the job comes primarily cracy had succeeded by that that Lenin quotation of 1915 is ers, but the leaders of the region compatible. The involved and ity for the shortcomings in coal of the escape, we went back into Curtiss discusses the problema through the shop stewards. They time in erecting their own so familiar to me and that conse and of the collectives seek in ev. cautious comment nevertheless production on the regional heads our comfortable inertia. In most of Appeal sales. While his letter respects we had a first rate contains some concrete suggest negotiate and settle the day to cialism, that is, in firmly assur quently am hiding it consciously ery way to shield themselves. Yet makes it quite clear that there is and the administration branch. We conducted classes, ions of value, it appears to me day grievances that constantly ing their power and well being from the readers of The New the real reasons for the lag of disapproval of the use of the Red irritate workers. In one country. This question York Times. As a matter of fact, the collective farm. are rooted Army in the execution of Stalin Millukov paper, Poslednya discussion groups and the like that many of the statements in tion however, the shop steward internal Marxist discussion. It is this quotation but with Lenin ership of the labor force both on sion of Poland! This is attacked carried an interesting interview morale good, and we had an ex lieve it to be true as Curtiss says In addition to that vital func long ago passed the bounds of am acquainted not only with in nothing else but the inept lead foreign policy, that is, the inva. Novosty. published in Paris) our attendance was regular, our the letter are unjust. do not be system in France was the basis not possible to understand either work in general and with his the part of the regional leaders as the viewpoint of Trotskyites with a recent arrival from cellent proletarian composition that a worker will not read our for the workers committees that the evolution of the ruling party whole historical conception. For as well as of the administration and Bukharinites. And the Kom Moscow who stated that Molotov But our definite and most para paper twlce. have covered some local fact that Daladier has not for of the present Soviet power for. is reduced to a falsified quotation of no small number of other re dissidents to bear in mind the outbreak of war and refused to ity to activize the comrades in trade union meetings with the gotten.
eign policy if clear account is not from 1911. The thing went so far gions can easily lay bare these fate of the Trotskyites, Bukhar believe the war news when Arst this one all important respect: Appeal consistently for the last Daladier seekst kill two birds taken of the question as to how that Prosecutor Vyshinsky Intro evils among themselves, if they e Inclusion of Gamarnik September 22, 1939. and Gamarnikites. reported. Poslednya Novosty, taking our paper into the homes three months selling from 15 to 25 papers at each meeting and of the workers!
The with one stone in his order abol and why, Stalin and company duced the 1915 quotation in his seek seriously to study the reaishing the shop steward system: broke with the tradition of Bol. indictment against me and othAbout three weeks ago, by dint repeating sales to the same workof concerted effort and determin ers week after week.
break the backbone of the unions shevism on the question of the ers.
ation, we succeeded in breaking Perhaps if Curtise would check and prevent the workers from international nature of socialist This necessarily made it the without the joint efforts of toe object of a special research by proletarians in several of the out of the rut. How did we do it? on the local situation which he having committees capable of revolution. ll tell you. First by establishing discusses, he may find that infunctioning in times of social un SINGLE QUOTATION the Commission of Dd. John Dew most advanced countries? No, AND THAT rest.
definitely who was and who was sufficient effort has been made to ey in its investigation of the Mos this is out of the question. The not exempted from the job. Here sell our paper to the same group Daladier remembers too well that the proletarian tofore everybody had claimed ex of workers consistently the embryo Soviets in 1936. It is Mr. Hamilton takes the follow in the sphere of philosophy and strength of one country alone how the shop committees became there was no break whatsoever, John Dewey and his collaborators shows emption on one pretext or an Capable and nationally known other. Clearly, all were not en leaders of our party often travel this eventuality that he tries to ing quotation from Lenin ar polities, that is precisely the case can overthrow the bourgeoisie of HARRISON, The New ner which served notice to the titled to exemption. After the hundreds of miles for the opporblock.
ticle written in 1915. The with me, but there is scarcely one that country. But for the final victory of socialism is possible reasonable man in the world who victory of socialism, for the or Jersey trade union movement company as to what will occur in members who had legitimate rea tunity of speaking to no greater capaWar Taxes first in a few or even in a single would dare to deny the outstand ganization of socialist production, will remember for years to come the future, the older men voted sons for exemption were deter number of workers than capitalist country. The victorious ing intellectual honesty of John the strength of one country (es the inspiring act of solidarity unanimously to work a four day mined we found that we had a ble and devoted comrade can inHow much social dynamite is proletariat of that country, hav Dewey, without mentioning his pecially a peasant country, such that has recently occurred among week and keep the new men at few who could go out and sell terview while selling the Appeal packed in the French Industrial ing expropriated the capitalists capacity to analyze textual mat as Russia) does not suffice. For the electric furnace men in the work. This was an act of solidar The next step was a motion that at union meetings. There is too system is indicated by two other and organized its own socialist ters. His collaborators: Professor this, the united strength of the Harrison plant of Crucible Steel. ity which will be remembered we mobilize on the following Sun much of a tendency to relegate decrees of the Daladier govern production, would confront the Edward Alsworth Ross, John proletarians several of the Several weeks ago, the com for years.
day morning at ten sharp. On the the sale of the Appeal to just ment. All industrial workers have rest of the capitalist world, at Chamberlain, Suzanne LaFol most advanced countries is need pany hired an extra force of With steel operations up to 94motion leading branch comrades anybody, instead of seeing in it to contribute Afteen per cent tract to itselt the oppressed lette, and the others are people ed. Leninism, by Joseph electric furnace men whom they percent of capacity, the swoc spoke of the absolute necessity an opportunity for capable com of their wages to a war chest, classes of other countries. of high intellectual and moral Stalin. New York: International intended to use as scabs if a has chosen an opportune time to of such action. Motion passed rades to contact workers. The and 40 per cent of all overtime is and so on. These lines express qualifications. more authorita Publishers, 1928. pp. 52 53. walkout materialized. Strike votes act on a national contract with unanimously. Next Sunday at ten problem of improving our paper contributed to this fund.
nothing more than the element tive Investigation, especially for Stalin concluded this explana are now being taken by the Steel Crucible Steel, as an opening gun sharp five comrades showed up. is an important one but in addiUnder the pressure of the ris ary idea that the socallist revolu American public opinion could tion with the words: Such, in Workers Organizing Committee in a drive for blanket organiza They disposed of the papers on tion, we must realize that our paing costs of living on the one tion cannot surge up at the same not have been made. Here are the broad outline, are the characterin all Crucible Steel plants. tion of big and little steel. As hand in a little less than twenty per, not any more than any of hand and the cut in wages on the time in all the countries of the findings of the Commission on istics of Lenin theory of the Join Protest Walkout one rank and filer put it, We minutes with enough money col our comrades, can succeed in conother hand, combined with long world but must inevitably begin this particulra point: proletarian revolution.
The newly hired workers, in ain depending on Santa Claus lected to more than defray the tacting workers unless they coner hours, speed up, and accumu flrat in a few or even in a Lenin article (1915. cost of the papers. Last Sunday sistently go to those workers at By the end of the same year he spite of the fact that the cro this winter.
lation of grievances, the French single country.
we had seven comrades on the their places of meeting and do can be taken to mean that social changed this explanation to read has fallen down miserably in or workers are building up a terri By the victory of socialism ism can be definitively establish as follows: Having consolidated ganizing the fight for adequate job. Next Sunday we feel confi not expect the workers to come fic resentment that will turn into Lenin means here, as is clear ed in a single country only if one its power, and taking the lead of relief standards for the unem.
Speech of dent that every available com to the party office for their paolder men in rade will be on hand.
the days of Louis Fourteenth of power by the proletariat and the beginning (or first in the the victorious country can and a protest walkout against comThe ice has been broken, dis take the liberty to speak in have the French ruling classes the nationalization of the means quotation cited by Mr.
Hamilton) must build a socialist society. pany attempts to institute the tribution turns out to be very this manner because know from been sitting on such a powder of production but not at all the and wrenches the quotation from Can and must! And this diamet. stagger system. The new men recorded on two discs; made simple and doesn take over an personal experience that the Sokeg for the New York meeting construction of an isolated so its context in the matter under rically contradictory explanation solidarized themselves with the hour or so, and the comrades ac cialist Appeal is today better reIS it a wonder that the French cialist society. On the contrary, discussion. 2) that Trotsky and of Lenin position ends with the determination of the men not to tually get a kick out of it! Which ceived by workers than our press Foreign Legion and other picked Lenta directly states that the Lenin are in essential agreement same words such, in breach out work Saturday and Sunday with celebrating the tenth anniver all proves that the Appeal can be has been in any former period.
sary of the founding of the circulated.
colonial troops are judiciously conquest of power would place in that the socialist revolution can line, are the characteristics of out time and a half for overtime.
Oakland, Calif. Elsie Meyer the front the hands of the proletariat begin on a national basis but that Lenin theory of the proletarian The stagger systemrequres these Fourth International in this lines?
means for the development of it will be completed internation revolution. Thus during the men to work these days for straight time.
revolution on an international ally.
England Too?
scate. The whole argument of Mr.
And further: careful study elapse of half a year Stalin as. When the management met to The rank and file workers in Hamilton like that of his Moscow of the relevant historical mate opposed conceptions on the most the grievance committee, on Dec. Only 50 sets available in teachers is based upon the iden rial has convinced this Commis fundamental question of revolu promise to the union, which inEngland are worrying about the tification of the victory of the so sion that Lenin actual view on tion. Yagode, the chief of the cluded a provision to fire the new 00 each per set probability that the Chamberlain cialist revolution with the con this subject was that while the was commissioned to men at once. Thus the company To the Editor: South, because they do not make government, with the approval of Get Yours To day. The Non Partisan Committee places much tougher for workers the labor fakers, will further cur struction of the socialist society. socialist revolution could triumpprove the correctness of the new hoped to precipitate split in the It is a grotesque sophism! More initially in a single country, it point of view.
for the Defense of Fred Beal and progressives than Crump tail the rights of the union move than once we called the October could not be ultimately success ranks of the men involved. Send check or money orderMr. Hamilton tried to accuse takes this opportunity to inform Memphis.
ment under the guise of war em revolution a great victory of so ful without the aid of successful Men Stick Togther not cash.
his friends and well wishers that suppose people in other parts The electric furnace men held cialism but we saw in it only the socialist revolutions elsewhere, me of the concealment of one Do they also face the signing beginning of a new historic epoch. We are not in the least con just seen with whát success. on the compromise proposals.
efforts are being continued unres of the country think that work quotation from Lenin we have a meeting that afternoon to vote mittingly for his release with ers here like to be slaves and do prospects that are distinctly en not care to build any unions, but ment and the labor bureaucrats tions would transform human so Lenin view. What does concern accuse the Comintern school not since most of the new men had of a pact between the govern, which over a period of genera cerned with the correctness of couraging.
which brings the application of ciety throughout the whole planus is (1) that the Prosecutor fal or the concealment of one quota not yet received a pay check and that is not so. We, no more than compulsory overtime and wage et. The quotation contains ne sified Lenin position; and (2) fication of ideas, facts, quota the union, the officers decided to tion but of the systematic falst were financially unable to join Pioneer Publishers Those who desire to express workers in the East and West, cuts, coupled with longer work. other meaning.
116 University Place that Trotsky, far from opposing their good will toward Fred want to be slaves, but circumNew York, Beal and the spirit of the Christ stances over which we have no ing hours? Are concentration Ts it moreover not Astonishing Lenin on the question of social tions in the interests of the The stagger system resuires these camps for militant workers, and that on the question of the con is in one country was in coton collection of such a series of talKremlin ruling clique. codified mas season by a gift or a letter control have made this a tougher may send same to him the Cal spot to unionize than the East a edonia Prison Farms, Hallfax, and Weat.
trol the next step in England country Mr. Hamilton is incap ously, if Trotsky had not hela sifications. The History of the And are the shop committees in able of finding anything aside this position he would have OD has been translated into all Communist Party of the North Carolina. Fred likes candy, There are lots of people in this cake, genuine Jewish pumper. town trying to organize progresinstead of vigorously sup: the languages of civilized man. Have the Time of conquerthat indicates how the English ed by the Bolsheviks in 1917. My emphasis. LT. Not Guil and abroad in tens of milof carphones for a radio, winter sive unions, but it isn easy to build healthy unions in a town, wear, etc.
where your leaders are either reaucrats agreed with an indus Lenin remained at the head on Harper Brothers: New York. Lions of coples. take upon my The efforts exerted thus far killed, jailed, or badly beaten and trial concern not to press for the the Soviet nation he expressed 1938. pp. 343, 348. self to prove before any impartial and the work entailed in the fu chased out of town, and many of solution Mr. Hamilton thus has only re of humanity there is not a single commission that in the library ture necessitate an appeal for people who are for them (es.
NEW YEAR REVEL and a wage dispute. However, the speeches and articles about the peated the long ugo unmasked book more dishonest than this funds. We can conceive of no pecially the CIO) have had very rank and ale through the shop conditions for realizing a social falsification of Prosecutor Vy History which serves now not Entertainment more worthwhile cause in the in itttle or no imion experience and committee organized a strike ist society. In my History of the shinsky.
terests of American labor toward all waiting for someone else that was averted only with the Russian Revolution, Vol. III, PP. HOW STALIN TRIED TO only as the basis of political which a Christmas contribution to tell them how to do it.
greatest difficulty. The shop 378 418, gave dozens of Lenin CHANGE LENIN THOUGHT tive for Soviet painting, sculppropaganda but also as the direcand Dance Music by can be made than to the Beal Destewards are still sore about the pronouncements during the years The initiative for the falsifica ture, theater, films, and so on.
fense Fund. May we urge readSeveral likely looking movesellout. Orders from the union 1917 1923. Permit me to quote a tion belongs however not to Vy. Unfortunately one can be certain SAVOY ers to send their donations to our ments started in this town rebureaucrats are being disregard few of them here: office, Room 610, 19 West 44th cently, but they are all suffering ed. Another strike is threatened. INSTANCES OF LENIN shinsky but to Stalin. In April in advance that my opponents Street, New York, NY.
from New Dealitis.
1924 in a pamphlet entitled The will not accept my challenge.
BEARCATS low more of these December 30 HUGO POLLOCK, Secy. As soon as enough people here EAL POSITION Foundations of Leninism Stalin TROTSKY Non Partisan Committee discover that the NLRB is not a events occurred which do not es When departing for Russia aft wrote: The overthrow of the December 6, 1989 Professional at 8:30 For the Defense of Fred Board whose sole purpose is to cape the censorship? Undoubted er the February revolution, Lenin power of the bourgeoisle and the Coyoacan, help the workers organize, but is Entertainment wrote in a farewell letter to the establishment of the power of the Mexico ly many. The seeds of unrest are Swiss workers: The Russian proletariat in one country alone Beal.
IRVING PLAZA just an organ created for the purIrving Place 15th Street Editor: Inherent in the war production proletariat cannot with its own does not, per se, mean the compose of preventing strikes, even schedules never see any letters from this town can become a good unforces victoriously achieve the plete victory of socialism. The YPSL XMAS SOCIAL 916 9th socialist revolution. But it can chlef task, the organization of soSouthern workers in the Forum, ion town.
Ave. at 59th St. Meet you un TICKETS (in advance) 49c AT DOOR 650 der the mistletoe at the greatbut know you must have some Let hear from a few SouthCOUPLE desires furnished room. improve the situation in cialist production, still lies ahead.
Auspices: est affair yet. Dancing, refreshreaders in the South because Iern workers occasionally.
in Bronx with comrades. Write which its chief, its reliable ally. Can this task be performed, can AdmisSOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, DISTRICT have met some in this town. If care of Stanley, 116 Univer the European and American 80 the final victory of socialism be ments, erences, New sion, 25 116 University Place you have them here, you must Just call me Memphis sity Place, cialist proletariat, will enter the gained, in one country alone, and York Division YPSL.
have them in other places in the Memphis, Tenn.
per Leon Trotsky WORKERS FORUM of Your Life!
at the Saturday Eve.