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Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. III, No. 94 107 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1939 FIVE (5) CENTS POWERS IN UNDECLARED AGAINST WAR Another Squeezed League, Allied Council, Backing Finland Why Doesn Their Charity Begin At Home?
STALINIST HOLD SLIPPING IN CIO UNIONS 703 Lemon For Stalin AN EDITORIAL HODURILE CROOSEVELTVILLE RELEFON RIVES MONEY CREDITS PLANES ARMS FDR HOOVER WPA Strikers Enemies Lead Finland Day In Minneapolis The League of Nations has proceeded to carry out the task for which it was originally created to organize the interBrophy Joins Witch national struggle against the workers and colonial peoples and Hunt; South Bend against the Soviet Union.
Demands Ouster Undeclared War to Be Fought by Lending Many people have wondered more than once, during the last ten years: why do the French and British empires continue Money, Arms, Planes to the Finns to maintain this dessicated corpse of a League, which all the By GEORGE CLARKE imperialists flout?
The Stalinists have been walkSwiftly putting teeth into last week action of the League The answer is now at hand. The League serves its original ing tight rope in the unions of Nations against the Soviet Union, the Allied Supreme purpose: war against the Soviet Union.
said that in the SOCIALIST APWar Council, in a three hour session Tuesday, decided in It is able to serve this purpose very effectively, thanks to PEAL two months ago on the the words of the Associated Press to give all moral and Stalin. Workers all over the world were beginning to under of the Cro purge. In the last two material aid possible to Finland without weakening its own stand that the League was truly what Lenin called it: a league weeks several prominent Stalinof imperialist bandits. But five years ago Stalin took the ist performers have fallen off the war with Germany.
The decision means virtually war against the Soviet Union Soviet Union into the League. He and his hirelings explained tightrope and into the net of the to the workers that the League had ceased to be a league of except that, as with so many of the wars in the last two decFirst is the case John bandits, had transformed itself into an agency of peace. Stalin Brophy. few days ago Brophy ades, it is not officially declared.
helped recapture for the League of Nations the trust and faith turned up at a convention of the The day before the Allied move, the United States left CIO United Retail and wholeof millions of workers.
sale Employees in Detroit and the stage of propaganda and reliei and went on to direct The League of Nations turns out to be another one of denounced the Soviet Union and war moves against the Soviet Union, with the announcement the same Stalin squeezed lemons. a phrase made notorious twelve Nazi Germany by Charles Edison, Acting Secretary of the Navy, that FOR years ago, when Stalin boasted he would use Chiang Kai shek breath. Speaking as a repremore than forty of the latest and speediest fighting planes sentative of John Lewis, he until he had served his purpose and would then throw him said: built for the navy, were being released immediately to Finland.
FINNISH away like a squeezed lemon. Instead Chiang Kai shek used We condemn the brutality That these planes were but of a Nazi Germany on the Stalin support to massacre the Chinese revolution, then cast RELIEF march and we condemna HOW THEY FIGHT the first shipment of arms off Stalin.
Soviet Union turned imperiHITLERISM IN with others to follow was inSo, too, the League of Nations. What it would not do, listic.
dicated when Edison pointed after months and even years of haggling, for Ethiopia, Spain, Brophy Record DEMOCRACY out that because neither the Brophy was one of the leading China, Austria, Czechoslovakia, the League a single day Stalinists caucus engineers in the (Union News Service)
Soviet Union nor Finland has for Finland. In a single day the peace machinery of the top circles of the The TORONTO, Dec. C. Mu declared war, the Neutrality League was organized into machinery against the Soviet job of replacing good progressive lard, Canadian secretary of the Act provisions do not apply CIO, was arrested here Dec. and therefore Finland can Union. What is Stalin explanation? His organ, Pravda, bureaucratic Stalinist agents was ONU by Ontario Provincial Police on blandly announces: The League of Nations has been turned one of his special assignments.
charges based on Section 39B of purchase arms here on credit.
The defense of Communist from an instrument of peace into an instrument of war.
the Defense of Canada regula moral embargo on the tions, which were adopted when shipment of arms to the SoviStalin lies in order not to take the responsibility for his against the revolt of the rank dictatorships in the Co por squeezed lemon. From the day it was formed until today the and file was another little duty Millard is charged with maket Union has been requested League was and is what Lenin called it: a league of imperialist who engineered the appointment ing statements prejudicial to re of manufacturers by Secrecruiting during the CIO Mine, bandits. War against the Soviet Union was from the first of Harry Bridges as west coast Min Smelter Workers Union tary of State Cordell Hull.
and is now its fondest dream. Its war against Germany be CIO regional director which re.
organizing campaign in Timmins, Sending Troops Planned Ontario gold mining center The undeclared war was alcomes more and more a business of hammering Germany sulted in driving out the progSection 39B declares that: ready indicated last week, after until Hitler, or his successor, joins the anti Soviet front. It is the labor movement there wide able to take this road thanks to Stalin help; for five years open and plunging it into the Harrington Evasive in Answers labor former department com person shall by word of mouth the League of Nations expelled mander of the American Legion; spread reports or make state the Soviet Union and urged its Stalin was the tool of the League, scattering and confusing the most violent internecine struggle.
To Queries on Frameup Trial Mrs. John Dalrymple, fashion ments, false or otherwise, intend members to come to the aid of able anti laborite: Charles Bolles ed or likely to prejudice the re Finland, when the Associated workers of the world who are the only force really capable of blow for the Stalinists. For the Rogers of the Van Dusen Har cruiting, training, discipline or Press reported from Geneva defending the Soviet Union against the capitalist world. progressive rank and fle, howrington grain form, heading the administration of any of His Maj that in high diplomatic quarOne more terrible proof that Stalin is dragging the Sovietening of the Kremlin bureaucra Harrington, head of the man of the Finnish Roller Fund: hish Fund these and all sorts of ters here it was suggested that MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 17 Col. been appointed Minnesota chair program committee for the Fin esty Forces.
foreign troops now idling in the Union to destruction! One more perhaps the last warning sy and the strengthening of the wpa, was here this week for a Byam, president of the doctors and hawyers who have allied armies may become fightto the international workingclass to get rid of this monstrous Roosevelt. Lewis ing volunteers for the Finns. The his jingo statement officials and businessmen. The president of the First National of this city to support ONE 11bdespot who knows how to organize only defeats of the work, indicates will be no less faithful cotonet talked glibly about every Bank and treasurer of the Fin eral cause, are out collecting reSEEK AID FOR idea of an International Brigade for Finland. began to leak out ing class. Either the workers will overthrow Stalin and in the service of Lewis than he topic under the sun except the mish Fund; Andreen, anti lief for Finland.
of the League corridor converregenerate the Soviet Union in the spirit which once moved it was in the service of the Stalin ONE topic that the workers of sations. Military experts said the spirit of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 or the Soviet inists.
Minneapolis are interested in: that the French were eager South Bend Sours on the conviction of 88 WPA workfind a wide open battleground Union will go down under the blows of the imperialists. The second defection is that ers and the pending trials of the and that the Baltic states and The Soviet Union must be saved! It can become again of the South Bend CIO Industrial others 162 in all were indicted Western Russia might be viewed in Paris and London as the longwhat it was in Lenin time: drill ground of the world revo Union Council. resolution was for the crime of joining the presented by the Studebaker Lo nationwide WPA strike last July.
est but easiest way around Gerlution! In spite of Stalin depredations, the economic con cal 5, United Automobile Workers When reporters queried him many Siegfried Line.
quests of the October Revolution still remain, living proof of America, and unanimously for an opinion on the mass prosToledo Has Special Even before the League action, that the workers can oust the capitalists and transform private carried by the Council on Dec. ecutions, Harrington said: We Mr. Dies declaration December 12 on the reasons for his the Day for Poor property into state property, the necessary economic system of Finland, urging that the Com to do with that. That is fully in authoritative New York dropping the plan to have Trotsky come to the United States Times editorially declared: for the road to socialism. That nationalized propertyis the munist Party be removed from the hands of the Department of is absolutely false, Dieg claims that he failed to receive asLittle Finland Events are now moving with Soviet Union. That is what we must defend against the the ballot in state, county and Justice. It certainly is that surances from Mexico that Trotsky would be permitted to great speed. and setting in moFederal elections and prohibiting where Harrington and his chief, return to Mexico. Nobody is obliged to furnish such assurtion forces which, before they are capitalist world and against Stalin.
any known member of the com Roosevelt, put it.
ances to Mr. Dies, who is neither the President of the United TOLEDO, Ohio, Dec. 17 Ac spent, may radically change the munistic party from holding of States, nor the Secretary of State, nor a consular official. The cording to Governor Bricker, the whole nature of the war in fice in any St. Joseph county CIO Harrington got off a lot of United States consul in Mexico was given full assurances in Toledo Cleveland relief crisis has Europe.
local or any cIo affiliate which hypocritical statements about written form by the Secretaria de Gobernacion of Mexico that been satisfactorily solved. The Among the indignant demomay exist in said county. what the War Deal has done may freely go to the United States and return to this coun relief situation is now in good cracies coming to Finland aid The chickens are coming home for the unemployed. But he try. Dies attempt to unload the responsibility for his change shape, he told reporters in New are Mussolini Italy not conof mind upon the Mexican government is completely disloyal.
to roost with a vengeance. also let slip a few interesting York on the 15th.
By GEORGE STERN tent with student demonstracSouth Bend was a stronghold facts. He admitted that the 18I was invited on October 12 by the Committee to appear Two days later the Toledo tions for Finland, it has sent An year long we are fed pap killing, straving whichever our of the Stalinists almost since the months layoff clause, one of the before it at Austin, Texas, on November 12. Immediately reTimes carried a story which com already fifty bombers Franco from the pulpits and the press, masters decree we shall do. inception of the CIO. The stude chief measures which provoked quested two collaborators from the United States to help me pletely refuted the governor. Spain and Fascist Portugal.
on the screen and over the air The capitalist system that still baker local was considered their the WPA strike, would be serilocate the necessary documents, quotations, dates, to trans Ninety five families are facing The unexpected difficulties waves. But it takes Christmas to rules the world offers late them into English, and so on, because considered the role immediate eviction from their which the Red Army is experiplace all this sham in its proper blity the times bloodyware and mass revulsion and disgust with sion of Congress of the 750, 000 and duty of a witness in a case of such importance as very homes because of nonpayment of encing in its invasion of Finland, setting of sharply chiselled con mass starvation, dressing it up pulted in a reactionary direction. under that clause, less than 20 serious.
On November 2, the representative of the Committee, victims, more are to come. For the disorganization of the Red All the preachers and all the death head. You can deal with Beginning with Justified indig percent have gotten back on Matthews, informed my attorney, Mr. Goldman, that the hear to the horrors of no relief have Army by the loss of its leading inga had been postponed to December between the tenth and preachers men bleat about peace carriers of deadly disease unless nation against Stalin criminal WPA, the colonel admitted.
been added no payment of rent personnel as a result of Stalin and goodwill. But the gossamer You drain out the swamps where methods in Finland, the resolu. Anti Laborites Help Finland fifteenth, but assured him at the same time that my appear for relief clients. No, the relief purges, have enormously encourweb of their phrases falls to cov: they breed, and you can do tion concludes, however, with a The Minneapolis Citizens Alliof ance was assured one hundred percent. Mr. Goldman, in er a single gaping wound in the away with war and want unless denunciation of the Soviet Union gang the union busters full agreement with me, explained to Mr. Matthews, the Chief the contrary grows more acute the anti Soviet moves.
bodies of men rent apart on the you put an end to the capitalist tionary capitalist press the ide who pressed for the prosecution Investigator of the Committee, that my political aims of With poor little Finland as battlefields. It falls to cover the order of things.
For course had nothing in common with the reactionary political lack funds thea pretext, and immeasurably ological brothers of the maniac of the WPA strikers and who are Shading frames of the cold and The same people, the same Hitler and his crew of gangsters at this very moment fighting aims of Mr. Dies, that the only thing could promise was to schools have been closed for a aided by Stalin cynical and obstarving millions speak the truth. am afraid that this was the reason why period of six weeks. To solve viously false alibis for the inveEvery day every year men, newspapers, politicians, preach who now rule Germany. a Mr. Dies dropped his plan. If wished to give this a severe this problem, the Toledo Real sion, the imperialists have moved women and children are nailed ers, writers, radio commentators, policy of unlimited aggression tooth and nail against providing but authoritative characterization, would call it a sordid Estate Board has proposed to against the Soviet Union with a to the cross of war and greed and who all the Christmas air with and imperialistic methods. And relief to the army of the unemprocedure.
cut away from the schools all brazen boldness which scarcely privation. And on this under the their dripping phrases abeut finally the resolution reaches the ployed here are busy these days the Erills by which they mean would have seemed possible a pathetic figure of one such cru peace on earth are preparing to reactionary conclusion of the Dies providing relief for Finland: Mr. Dies says that he may send an investigator to Mexico the kindergartens, health service, month ago cified man the preachers try to veep the working men and wo Committee: outlaw the Com. Enemy No. of organized labor, to take Trotsky statement. But never invited his repretell us again that this is all in the men of this country into the holmeenist party.
sentative to Mexico, irrespective as to whether or not he preart, music, subject supervision. This move of the imperialists sick leaves for school employees, was however, projected long beorder of things, that this is part ocaust of war.
sented me with an assurance that he would be permitted to Stalinism waged a war against Governor Stassen, has proclaimInstruction in home economies fore they found a pretext. At one of the divinely ordained beauty. But if we are to take the idea militants and progressives in the ed a Finland Day. Mayor return to the United States. agreed only to make a public and Industrial arts, etc.
deposition before a Committee of the House of Representastage or another of this war, it and mystery of life, that after of peace on earth seriously, we ve trade unions. Its methods and Leach, whose police are this very the cup of pain shall come the got to work with might and main policies fed the most reaction week being used as strikebreakIn the face of this atrocious has been clear for years, the imtives with the full possibility of elucidating all obscure ques situation, Mayor Roy Start, perialists would attempt to fore soothing draft of salvation in a to prevent them from doing so, ary barrage. But we warn the tions through cross examination. If Mr. Dies wishes my opin with the sanction of both the idly smash the Soviet Union ions in written form only, he can read my books.
world better than man can build and we ll do this by thrusting progressives not to hop from the ers against the Puffer Hubbard city council and the substantial monopoly of foreign trade and And with that we re supposed them from the seats of power Stalinist frying pan into the re furniture strikers; HoltzerL. TROTSKY business elements. has issued a open to capitalist exploitation to pull in our belts go back and setting out to build a bewactionary fire.
man, merchant, Republican lead December 12, 1989 high pressured plea for funds this area, closed to the capitalist to another 864 days of dying. kind of world. Continued on Page 3) er, friend of the Nazis, who has Coyoacan, for. poor little Finland. world by the Russian Revolution.
to FINNS, NONE Trotsky Statement On FOR RELJEFERS Dies Backing Down Behind the Lines laaily.