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All War Funds to the Unemployed. Socialist Appeal WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. III, No. 93 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1939 107 FIVE (5) CENTS ROOSEVELT FORGETS THE FORGOTTEN MAN. Minneapolis Unions Fight Frame Up Approaching the Breaking Point Stalin Real Crime In Finland RISING Ten Million Jobless Starving Amid Plenty; Fired from WPA, Get No Jobs, Almost No Relief COST OF LIVING AN EDITORIAL YE UNEMPLOYER JOBLESS FORCE THE REAL CASE RELIEF IN CLEVELAND RELIEF REDUCTIONS Carlo city by Friday of Put your capitalist newspaper aside, shake your head loose from the endless din of capitalist propaganda over the Federal funds for feeding the war machine for one year will shortly reach the Three Billion Dollar mark. Federal funds for feeding the unemployed for the same period will radio, the newsreels, the press, everywhere and ask yourself a few fundamental questions about what is really haphit a low of one billion dollars.
But the relief crisis exploding all over the country doesn bother Roosevelt, he made pening in and about Finland.
clear Saturday, when pressed by reporters for a statement on the relief situation.
Yes, Stalin committed a crime in Finland. But exactly Over and over again. the New York Times of Dec. reports, he stressed that what was the crime? And against whom was it committed. home relief cases were not the concern of the Federal government but were a peculiarly We know what answers are given to those questions by the state governmental problem. Federal responsibility ends, said this man who became presicapitalist press. But if you are a class conscious worker, you dent as the spokesman of the Forgotten Man, with the provision of WPA jobs for those don take your answers to political questions from the kept able and willing to work and unemployed through no fault of their own.
press of the capitalists.
What hypocrisy! Roosevelt never provided more than three million WPA jobs for Yes, Stalin committed a crime in Finland. Here is how fifteen million unemployed able and willing to work, and in the last year he has cut the we define and analyze his crime.
WPA rolls down, throwing into the streets a million and a half WPA workers. Over a Finland is an outpost of imperialism on the Russian border, million men now on relief rolls are certified for WPA jobs not to mention the millions a spearhead pointed at Leningrad. There is no question about that.
How would real revolutionists, if they were at the helm of the whom the authorities now refuse to certify.
Soviet Union, put an end to that hostile spearhead?
What has happened to the workers who got thrown off the WPA rolls? The social They would solve it hand in hand with the Finnish working work journal, Survey Midmonthly, made an investigation to discover what has become class. In the first instance, the Finnish working class itself would of this economically lost batsolve the problem. The Red Army of the Soviet Union would help them, if necessary. By making a socialist revolution, the Finnish talion and what effect WPA workers would transform Finland from a bourgeois enemy into a OF CONSPIRACY cuts have had on current reproletarian ally of the Soviet Union. Then, if the imperialists atlief situations. The October tempted to destroy the Finnish Workers Republic, the Red Army IN MINNEAPOLIS of the Soviet Union would defend its proletarian ally. Survey published its findThat the way the problem would be solved if revolutionists ings. Here are ten reports, stood at the helm of the Soviet Union. Certainly the Finnish workMINNEAPOLIS. Just what from among those made, ers have shown that they want to make a socialist revolution. In the WPA strikers were fightink shocking even in the staid lan1919 they tried to make one. They were defeated, not by the Finnish bourgoisie over whom they were victorious, but by German troops ed to jall for protesting, can be guage of a social work jourmade clear by a few figures.
placed by the Kaiser at the service of Mannerheim Finnish White nal: Guards. After the German Revolution of 1918, the Finnish bourPicket Line Crashes One year ago there were 14, geoiste remained in power thanks to the backing English and 379 families here on WPA. Now, 90 Get No Jobs Council Sessions; according to a report made by ATLANTA, Ga. Since early French imperasm. Glven the opportunity, it is certain that the Finnish would make their own revolution Compels Action Ole Pearson, city relief superin this year WPA employment in But in the intervening afteen years, the Finnish workers have tendent, on Dec. 8, there are only Fulton and De Kalb counties has been learning what has been happening across the border in the 6, 967 more than one out of two been reduced from 16, 000 to 8, Soviet Union since Lenin died and a clique of usurpers entrenched 800, with further reduction exCLEVELAND, Dec. 11 WPA workers have been fired.
themselves in Kremlin. They have learned, and they shrank Relief will be restored in this nad come back on direct relief, workers were affected by the. About 5, 000 project back from the Soviet Union of Stalin. That is when Stalin crime week, our total would be crowding 20. eighteen months rule and public against the Finnish workers began Afteen years ago. He drove them back into the arms of the Finnish bourgeoisie.
the City Council meeting this 000 families on relief. Pearson relief agencies are swamped with afternoon decided. Hundreds reported. But they haven come applications, most of them for Stalin Wanted No Revolutions of unemployed and WPA managed to find some private aid. Private agencies, without Stalin therefore could not appeal to the Finnish workers to session, means of support.
adequate funds to meet even protect Leningrad by making their own revolution. Nor would he despite a sneak play by the Which is just Pearson fancy swamped. Because of quota re normal needs, Mkewise are issue such an appeal. For Stalin fears nothing so much as revolutions. If the horizons of the Soviet Union were ringed with red Council, which held its meet way of saying that the people strictions it seems extremely unthrown of WPA by the Roose likely that WPA will be able to instead of brown and white, all the social hatred of the Soviet velt Woodrum Relief Law are be reinstate many of these people, workers against the Stalinist clique would overflow and put an end notice at p. instead of the ing denied direct rollef. There are and probably not even 10 percent to the Kremlin bureaucrats.
So Stalin added to all his other crimes against the Finnish regular evening session.
workers which are the same crimes that he has committed against Hand Picked Jury of Wealthy Farmers and Anticipating a huge and despite the today thaina year ago, ate employment even with the inmilitant demonstration called In addition, direct reflet per ta austrial pick up in the area.
the will and desires of the international working class. For the sake Businessmen Found WPA Defendants Has No Secrets to by the Federal Workers Un mily has suffered a 25 per cent Social workers say: In some mysterious way people are gethe dealt a terrible blow to the most important defense of the Soviet Guilty Before Conspiracy Trial Began Reveal; Gave No ion and Workers Security cut, put through in October nion: the faith and friendship of the international working class.
For daring to protest against iting by, but they are undergoing Federation for the regular these conditions, the WPA strik u process of slow starvation with Who can wipe out Stalin crimes, including this latest one?
Documents to Dies session in the evening, the ers and their militant leaders no means of making themselves NOT the army of Mannerheim, now backed by the political MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 11 The trade union movement support of the imperialist world, by considerable material support here has answered the guilty verdict in the third WPACouncil hastily passed legisla have been indicted 262 of them heard by those who control relief Leon Trotsky issued last from Mussolini, Roosevelt and Chamberlain, and tomorrow perhaps strikers trial by voting to recommend to the membership of tion authorizing the sale of convicted in the first three WPA so far and 33 of them so far appropriations.
week a statement to the BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Before backed decisively by imperialist armies!
press, explaining under what 1, 050, 000 in tax delinquency trials.
WPA layoffs began, the situation every union an assessment of per capita for the defense conditions he would appear bonds to finance relief for the already was critical with upWho Are the Real Belligerents?
fund. First of the unions to hold membership meetings and before the Dies Committee, wards of 5, 000 heads of familles Already it is clear that this is NOT a war between little Fio adopt the recommendation last week were the Furniture and characterizing as fabricertified for many months but cations the United States.
unassigned to projects. With the French Imperialism and of American imperialism. Already the Workers and the Private Chauffeurs Union.
press stories which reported Getting word of the layoff came hundreds of new re democratic Imperialists including Mussolini! are utilizing the In the past few days, the truth has come to light about that he would testify about lief applications every day. There war to the fullest extent possible for political and propagandist Stalinist activities in Latin Workers Union and Workers are no local relief funds and the America, preparation for a war against the Soviet Union. Already the propa what the jurors really discussed in the jury room. They didn only assistance available is sur (Continued on Page 2)
Security Federation put out a gandist stage is being overstepped by direct material support last minute call for the unemplus commodities. WPA is beginagainst the Red Army. Not merely by the Hoover led relief comning to make replacements, but Trotsky statement follows in ployed to mobilize, and organized mission which is primarily propaganda agency for preparing a colorful picket line before City the prospect is slight that these full war against the Soviet Union but by direct governmental interHall to greet Council memwill reduce greatly the reservoir vention. The ten million dollar credits provided by the Roosevelt In the Mexican press yester bers and city officials as they ar(Special to the socialvidence of growing distress is of accumulated certifications TOLEDO, Ohio, Dec.
day, dispatches from the United rived, government is only its first material step. declares a weighty spokesman for the American ruling class: off from relief for nearly three seen in the increase of evictions, States reported that might appear as a witness before the ComPicket Line Marches In months, Toledo unemployed now of patients at the pellagra cline This action, taken under a law whose purpose is to sustain By GEORGE STERN mittee of the House of RepresenBefore the Council convened, face the additional horror of evio and the children hospital, and farm prices, is highly commendable; but it will not meet FinRoosevelt showed a little more land most pressing need. It needs planes and cannon.
of his hand in the diplomatic gotiate a non agression pact make depositions concerning the banners which carried slogans in awalting execution, and another duced budget for the coming whether Japan intended to ne tatives of the United States and the entire picket line marched for tions from their homes. Some in irregular attendance at school.
Americans. hope and feel confident that ways can be found to give prompt ald where it is most needed. New York Times He has in effect informed Tokio evasively that such a pact was Latin American Communists, politics with relief. stop pass. the necessary three day notice. the relief situation, critical as it editorial, Dec. 12. Even more open is the declaration of British imperialism most that any improvement in Soviet not at present on the Japan particularly in connection within the buck. We refuse to Hundreds of other familles are is, will break through the surface ese program.
the oil question. These dispatches responsible organ, the Times of London, which on Dec. 11 declare: Japanese relations, e. conclu.
threatened with a similar fate by of public apathy and the tragic sion of a non agression pact. If Finland is to be saved, she must be saved now. But In connection with this inci are so worded as to imply that starve. etc.
would imperil the Friendly redent, the Foreign Office let it be for several years have turned on change for scopred meer watender and are unless their rent is paid docility of the relier population.
Russia has not declared war upon Finland is not on her showing warring against her now. Everything short of war, lations between Washington and known through newspaper chan documents over to the agents of officials first pleaded with, then this week Faced with this situation, the a slight improvement, but it Private employment is showing therefore, can and must be done by other countries to help nels that a few days earlier, on this Committee, that was visit threatened the leaders of the unFinland and the standard of what can be done without formal One aspet of this American in Dec. 4, Joseph Clark Grew, the ed in Mexico by the Committee employed to remove the banners, city fathers are doing exactly holds no prospect for the thouwar is very different today from what it was quarter of a negotiations was officially con informed Japan foreign minister implications represent a pure in raphers took dozens of photos. three months nothing. The Tol WPA assignment, continue to century ago.
The publicity of the past 26 days edo Blade a Paul Block newspa live Amid the voices of the imperialist powers are heard also the firmed.
that Japanese American and Jap vention from beginning to end.
anese. Soviet friendship were of relief crisis has been so damn per started a fund to give school na kamways that no one but they Eugene Dooman, the counMatthews Proposal shrill, screams of their lackeys in the labor movement. For such ing, that the city officials were children of the unemployed milk war mongering gangs as the Social Democratic Federation and the selor of the Embussy, mutually exclusive, or, as the Jap On October 12, received the trying to give the impression that once a day. But the schools have Apply, But No Relief Jewish Daily Forward, the latest events become merely an addi asked the chief of the Ameri anese newspapers put it, that following telegram from the their subsequent action in restor been closed for six weeks for CHICAGO, III. The great mational opportunity to demand the expulsion from this country of can Bureau of the Tokio For Japanese. American friendship Committee: ing relief was voluntary. lack of funds and the children jority of former WPA workers (Continued on Page 4)
eign Omce, Seijiro Yoshizava. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Conspiracy Trial In TROTSKY RAPS hershme ana Mpls. Aped Moscow PRE PRESS LIES ON ing without previous public DIES QUERY rest of the year until the 1940 UNEMPLOYED Sneak session, the Federal FACE EVICTION IN TOLEDO Behind the Lines