BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyHitlerImperialismInvasionRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Labor SOVIET UNION Unions to him!
AftLlarge mail order house athell the Superior Coal Co. will be set. car. No one happened to be on looked around and saw a man ey to THREE STRIKES STAY SOLID IN CAIRO, ILL.
diviAPPEAL ARMY Chicago Madison TWO AUTO WORKERS BE lo Joe. Don you know me? Here LIEVED REINCARNATION am, Joe, your old friend Bill hitched up to this ice wagon. Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) out of four in the second; twentyEditor: And Joe sees this horse talking workers of Russia to free themI see by the papers that the selves of this grotesque beast torney Victor Anderson, prose five out of twenty five in the Special to the Socialist Appeal)
New York City police have a incarnation is authentic, came Yes, Joe, says the horse, rethat has fastened itself upon cuted the case in a flag waving third. Those convicted today are Negroes Arm Against GILLESPIE, II. United ac: Reincarnation File of finger back.
their backs. And we say at the orgy. Federal Judge Joyce among ninety charged with con Ku Klux Terrorists tion against the Superior Coal prints of people wishing to es. By WIDÍCKƏers: fight the bosses at home. conspiracy broad enough to hang One hundred and sixty two men Cook Out. miners mus heen tablish their identityewone werkuren lucky. Remember how you and Fight starvation and misery at the strikers. The jury itself was and women have been indicted so Terroristic Ku Klux Klan lock out of announced by the CIO United lows who believed in Reincarna hours. Well, sure wish had parades through the Negro Behind the headlines of the home. That the way we ll end hand picked from rural parts of far on federal charges of conMine Workers and the AFL Pro tion and if what happened to that easy job on the trim line.
news that the Hollywood techni wars and the threats of wars.
the federal district to insure a spiracy. It is not yet known section of Greenville, are gressive Mine Workers, cians obtained a ten per cent What a foul travesty it is to minimum of sympathy for or when the fourth trial will get un being answered: the Negroes Righting united front climaxes York fingerprints won do no work those long hours, anymore, Joe said: Why Bill, we don der way. All the cases are to be wage increase from the movie near Roosevelt crying over poor shortly before midnight Sun appealed to the higher courts by sre arming to defend them series of unity moves on the part body any good.
selves, says a report in the producers is the story of a long little Finland. we got a union now and get These two fellows worked next twice as much dough. Gee, says struggle conducted by rank and Roosevelt Foul Record day jurors in the third trial of the AFL WPA Defense Commit Dec. Chicago Bee, Negro of these two unions in the state weekly file movements within the AFL When Spain was being crushed WPA strikers arrived at their de tee.
Ray Edmundson, President of to me at the Fisher Body plant the horse, Wish us horses had unions there.
under the Fascist boot, the Dem ision, 36 hours after receiving The Klan has been parading District 12 (Illinois) of the Umw here in te huis. They made a union. get hitched up to this nightly through the Negro disFor nearly two years, the agi ocratic hero in the White House the case. The court was notified trict, hunting Jim Brier, wholl pledged the support of his organ he should come back and let the ing. haul ice until noon, and wagon at three in the mornMINNEAPOLIS, Dec. tation among the membership of ruthlessly choked off in this this morning and at ten o clock ization to the strikers.
the American Federation of Stu country the sources of material all 25 defendants took their seats er five weeks of testimony, the was active in getting Negroes other know In this situation, Edmundson then get unhitched from the dio Workers, an affiliate of the supplies that would have helped in the federal courtroom. third WPA trial ended today to register for the recent elecstated, the UMW of does not One of the fellows, Bill, was ice wagon only to get hitched up International Alliance of the The the Loyalists to equalize the Palmquist, leader of the Federal when Judge Joyce gave the case ion.
Workers Section and one of the to the jury. Colored citizens are reportintend to be used as an instru playing pinochle, he got a 1500 to a coal wagon. Until six or sevatrical Stage Employes, rocked struggle.
the hide bound conservatism of od this week as heavily armedll mentality for breaking down con hand, it was too much for his en, and then the bosses kids When his friends Neville defendants in the present trial, Two Defendants Collapse ditions of employment prevail heart, he passed away, that was hitch me to the old buggy, they the union leadership.
Chamberlain and Edouard Dalad audressed his fellow workers, inand their patience almost ex ing in the mines of this state. We in 1933. The other day Joe the run me around until twelve During the last week of the ier made a deal with Hitler over structing them to remain silent hausted, says the Bee. hope that the dispute between lo other fellow was going to work, o clock.
Accuse Czar the dismembered corpse of Cree at the verdict and not to express trial two of the women defende report cal union No. of the PMA and he was waiting for the street Just about this time the horse led Saturday that its William Bioff, czar of the hoslovakia, Roosevelt gave forth themselves until they were in the ants collapsed in the courtroom from strain and malnutrition. On stock of shotguns had been tled at once in the interest of the car stop that morning, so coming. The horse said: Cheese as a fervent prayer of thanksgiv. Union Hall AFL unions in Hollywood, was At 10:30 the jury filed in and Tuesday afternoon, during a par sold out to Negroes. One of employes, the company and com Joe was very puzzled when he it Joe, that my boss. If he finds receiving among other tops from Nobody has ever heard Roose was immediately apparent it ticularly cruelling Crows examine:. he biggest hardware stores munity welfare. To this end we heard a voice say, Hello Joe. out can talk, he will make me reported the largest sale of movie producers to keep the unvelt get indignant over British had heeded the plea of the United tion by the District Attorshells in its history the past pledge our full and complete co He looked all around, saw no yell loe too.
one. The voice again said hello. The motto of this tale is that ion in line. Subsequently, this de bombing of defenseless villages States District Attorney and the ney, Mrs. Sigrid Asunma, one of week to Negroes.
The cause of the dispute is the Joe looked up to the buildings, he we need a writer like Bill Morgan fense against the charge was that on the Indian frontier, the ruth instructions of the judge to find the 25 defendants, collapsed in court, forcing of the refusal of the company to con looked all around him again. By again, with his funny pokes at he had merely borrowed the mon less dynamiting of Arab towns all defendants guilty Defense Not a single juror could look case several in Palestine, or the brutal French tinue to recognize the division of this time he thought his studies the bosses, and fewer of these suppression by bombing plane, across the courtroom at the de times objected strenuously work which been in effect for of the occult had cussed him into multiloquenceists.
Conditions in the AFL unions machine gun and sword of rebel fendants sitting opposite. Anderson tactics involving the last six years and which was insanity, or maybe the work on St. Louis, Mo. Romer there created a basis for the en tribesmen in Syria.
The jury foreman LH Rouse, lengthy questioning and the won and maintained by militant the trim line was getting him. Many of the auto workers try of the CIO through an indus Roosevelt War Plans Minneapolis accountant, the only judge twice rebuked Anderson struggle on the part of the Then the voice again said Hel here are reading the Appeal.
trial union. National Labor ReRoosevelt moral indignation local person on the jury handed for covering ground often coverminers. This same tight over givlations Board election held this comes to light only in the cases a sealed envelope containing the ed before. Anderson persisted, ing the lower paid men more fail brought victory to the AFL or prospective enemies of Wall verdict to the clerk of court. The however, until finally the elderly hours of work during the slack opened the envelope, defendant crumpled in her chair.
season in order that their total determination to obtain a wage Japan, and new above all, the showed the verdict to the judge. The examining physician attribrevenue will be equal to that reincrease for all the employes, and Soviet Union. Above all, the Sov turned to the court and read it uted her collapse to hunger. Like ceived by higher paid workactually did negotiate raises for iet Union, because Roosevelt, quickly: We, the jury, find the most of the defendants, she is in 12, 000 craftsmen in the industry. helped by Stalin brutal course, following defendants guilty of desperate poverty.
CAIRO, III. The Labor Boarders was the cause of the militant Stimulated by this success, is moving rapidly into fresh e conspiracy: Eddie Alberts, Victor At the court insistence, the election which was scheduled for stay down strike in 1937.
greater sections of the AFL mem forts to transform the war Nicholas Margaret Schoenfeld, trial was convened on Thanksgiv Saturday, Dec. 2, was called off. The company is attempting to bership demanded wage increases, among the Powers into a war of Ralph Core. etc. etc. ing morning, but was adjourned at the request of AFL Federal Institute an hour for hour Negotiations began between Blof some or all of them against Rus courtroom. Not a single defend fendants, MAATIK There wasn a sound in the abruptly when another of the de Local 22199 because of the ac sion of work between the high and the producers.
Mrs. Lois Driscoll Lions of the Valley Steel Co. and and low paid employees which As we explained in last week date statements on bundle order Failure of the movie producers Roosevelt is not aiming at the ant man or woman, batted an Viens, collapsed. Mrs. Viens, wife the Cairo Association of Com. would automatically reduce the to yield an inch brought the rapacity or totalitarianism of eye. Reporters for the boss press of George Viens, a leader of the merce in attempting to buy votes wages of 75 per cent of the work.
threat of a strike, which could Stalin will be plenty to tiptoed hurriedly to the judge Federal Workers Section, had at 10 a throw. The moment the crs. The company claims that the issue of the Appeal, unfavorable accounts are being mailed out chambers to phone their papers. been under a physician care be union agreed to end month. union has resisted this by calling circumstances made it necessary this week.
have enlisted the support of the talitarian himself when war Subscriptions received during old strike for recognition by con a slow down strike and so, with for us to temporarily retreat to the last two weeks: entire with 40, 000 mov comest but against the very. The black robed judge turned cause of illness.
Refuses Dismissal Motion le projection woskers in 25, 000 basis of the workers state that to the defendants and told them senting to an election, the com out first calling the matter to weekly publication.
pany agents and the business the attention of the joint board We issued the Appeal twice NEW SUBS theaeres, tying up an industry of still remains despite the Stalin what he had told the elght deMinneapolis 250, 000 employes.
Barber Thanksgiving morning men began to circulate the rum a provided for in their contract, each week on the dot for a ten property, the national ownership two trials that he was referring Tom Davis presented a brief list for that the plant would move closed their mines and locked out month period. This was done during a period of great defeats for Allentown, Pa.
Columbus Win Increase of all the plants and factories.
their cases to the probation of ing 12 reasons for dismissing all the union won the election and the men.
the working class, culminating in Worcest fice prior to passing sentence. charges in the present times Die offering 10 to any man who in Progressive Gives Union Position the launching of the present imThis threat brought a last minute compromise which was acing counsel for the defense and sufficient to sustain the govern against the union provided. Oftrict Board member of the Pro sign of the vitality of our movePhiladelphia cepted by the union. ten per ment, that we were able thus to St. Paul cent wage increase was given to if they were satisfied with the also attacked the prosecution on election. As soon as these events gressive Miners, pointed out. In this instance, the Superior work against the stream. It is althe ground that the Roosevelt took place the union called off verdict was observed, after which Woodrum Relief Law was faulty the Akron 23, 000 technicians effective until Coal Co. elected to ignore the so a sure indication that our Feb. 15, 1940.
Evansville the defendants filed silently from the room and were driven to the as a criminal statute, and that lede election and decided to con contract, and locked out its em present retreat is only a tempotinue to show the company offThe employers submitted the New York City following written proposal to the Drivers Union Hall.
St. Louis the defendants had been denied clals their majority on the pick ployes. The miners being con rary affair and that we should fronted with an action that is en resume the twice weekly publicaPasadena union: On or about Feb. 15, 1940 The judge was praising the a fair trial, trial of 25 persons at et line.
tirely outside of the courts of tion before long.
Negro Strikers Firm Foreign you will give us an opportunity to jury as onlookers nied out after one time violating the constituReadjustments necessary tional rights of each defendant.
show you that the condition of TOLEDO, Ohio All our public the defendants.
The two other strikes in this joint relations, are compelled to (1) The Socialist Appeal is Total this industry makes a continua schools have been closed since The court overrode the defense town are still completely free meet the situation in a similar Union Hall Meeting motion in short order.
now published weekly and is oft manner.
tive with the 170 Negro workers RENEWALS tion of wage increases impossible, Nov. 22 and will remain closed At the Union Hall, no defend In this connection local No. the press every Wednesday of Washington, and further to show you that we until after Jan. a total of six and expressed himself or herself holding the lines militantly, and board member district No. the week.
Justify Conspiracy Law Chicago These strikes are in progress at of the PMA welcomes the assur (2) The price for each copy is Friday morning the federal Itwo at the verdict. They have taken every step possible weeks because the funds of the as surprisust does the courtroom was packed as Assist of the four cotton seed oilance that the miners of both un now cents. The price to the within our power to readjust our school board are exhausted.
mills in town.
understood, business so as to make it possible and Socialist Workers Minneapolis New York City to continue without recalling Party leaflets were issued on the which has supported them from lin concluded his closing argu: that their greatest contribution and the few conditions still remains the same as before. 00 labor movement ant District Attorney GibFlint. 3) The subscription that the miners organizations Worcester these wage increases.
San Diego The movie employers hope to the schools, and distributed at the had a chance. There was quiet, the government eagerness to bending every effort to stir up completely destroyed. This assur. This includes Bronx and ManhatDetroit prove that the wages cannot be high schools The Leaflet des coor bitter laughter at the judicial story to comprar en chasse racial antagonism between the ance of co operation by the Umw tan in New York City Los Angeles paid, and thus the raises would trasted the lack of funds for farce.
Trenton (4) All those who subscribed be rescinded from the day they schools with the growing expenAt the meeting which followed, ereign governments have had picket line and turn the strikes dered specifically because it is before suspension of the twicewere put into effect.
diture of public funds for the Youngstown In event of a disagreement, an army and navy. It denounced the George Murk, chairman of the conspiracy laws, Giblin argued into race riots. These business realized that if the Superior Coal weekly will be given the full benthe AFL WPA Defense Committee, The danger to the gov men deserted the town Minneapolis arbitration board will be agreed reactionary attempts to relaxed Dunne of the General Dr. eramente rifrem the Minneapoles there was a flood danger in the courts provided for by the conwhen Co. succeeds in setting aside the efit of their subscriptions upon with finu decision in their the teachers and the over taxed ers Union, and Walter Frank of Painstrike Washetheme winter of 1936 and returned only tract, it will thereby render the should take immediate steps to (5) Branch literature agents Total hands. Of course, there will be parents, and fixed the blame for the Lathers Union, spoke. Painting a horrendous picture of after the workers had saved the unions helpless in defending the readjust their bundle orders.
plenty of disagreement, since the the closing of the schools on the the strike spreading to all parts town by working day and night interests of the miners. The Branches and members of our union would hardly give up the and their political tools.
big industrialists and landlords Government Is Guilty of the nation and challenging the on the levee. They are the same courts referred to in this state Party are now completely used to make prompt payments on If the Party branches continue increases it has already won.
Murk, placing the blame for government, both Giblin and Dis: men who broke up the unemployment are the arbitration courts to handling the Appeal twice their bundle orders and if an atThe pay increases mean a total ATTENTION the persecution of these poor men trict Attorney Anderson defended strike early in 1937 with guns of miner and employer represen each week at a minimum. This tempt is made to obtain many of 3, 000, 000 more in wages for MINNEAPOLIS and women directly on the feded the Minneapolis police murs and bloodshed and then held the tatives provided for in the con means that every branch should new subscriptions for the Appeal, READERS! Christmas Tur eral government and its reaction derous brutality against the strike leader, Eddle Parker, intract. the workers in one year. Because key Party. Benefit Anti War ary accomplices in Minnesota and strikers and bystanders.
of the seasonal nature of present commleado for weeks.
Fund. Wednesday, December Minneapolis, pledged the group bundle orders of the weekly Ap to the twice weekly paper soonnamed Ed Palmquist employment the studio crafts20, 1939 at p. 919 Mar that organized labor would con and Max Geldman of the Federal place in the Valley Steel Co. test of strength will take Reactionary Against Unity peal.
er than we expect. The entire men actually earn only 900 a quette Avenue. Entertainment tinue to support them to the bit Workers Section of Local 544, as strike on Dec. when the com ally not been achieved without agents to send in greatly increas of the branches and their reThis fighting unity has natur We expect all branch literature thing depends upon the activity year, and the raises are a good Refreshments Adm. 10c. ter end, would stand by them, the very fountainhead of the pany will once more try to lead opposition from the reactionaries, ed bundle orders shortly. Up to sponse to our needs.
step forward.
would carry their case to the Minneapolis WPA atrike conspira back to work movement George Ritchie, state viceA Shady Past highest court in the land, and acy. He made a big point of the through the picket lines. As this president and a conservative evANNOUNCEMENT would not stop until it had vin fact that 24 of the 25 defendants is being written foremen are go en among the reactionaries, mutDuring the negotiations the dicated them, if not before the in the third trial are members of ing among the workers offering ters that neither Dave Reed, employers dug up an old convicgovernment, at least before the the Federal Workers Section, ten dollars bonus to anyone who state president nor John Battution against Blot for which he THEATER PARTY tendered by people of America.
has not yet served his time, in an that the FWs was the backbone will try to break the strike. The ello (the two leaders who negoDefense counsel had already of the strike, and that Workers last time this was tried, Nov. 13, tiated the unity move with the the Friends of the Russian Op announced the convictions would Alliance members, on the other thirty one scabs and one hundred UWM)
effort to discredit the union.
position Bulletin Actually, that conviction had Chaver be appealed to the United States hand, opposed picketing of pro and fifty aried deputies march thority to cooperate with the is vested with the nothing to do with unionism. BiNachman, by Singer, a circuit court of appeals. lects. Continued from Page 1)
ed up to the unarmed mass plek UMW of Ain such a manner.
off was convicted in 1923 in Chi Jewish play based on the Rus Dunne briefly explained that in his final argument Defense et line which didn yield an inch. Ritchie further claims that in se the Finnish puppet government of Wall Street and London.
cago of collecting money from sian Revolution, with Joseph the verdict was only the latest in Attorney Tom Davis told the At this point they found that curing the assistance of one of the Finnish Fourth Internationalists are partisans of an women in the red light section of the city.
Ben Aml, Celia Adler, and Lud. persecutions directed against or fendants may have been guilty through. The scab herders are America in their fight against the independent Soviet Finland and the irreconcilable foes of the Subsequently, he became the wig Satz. At the National The ganized labor, and that the de of individual acts, they could not having a hard time overcoming boss these two men do not ex treacherous and blood splotched Kremlin bureaucracy and hodyguard of George Browne.
ater, 2nd Ave. at Houston St. Pendants were being persecuted be found guilty of conspiracy the memory of this event.
president of the dur. on Tuesday evening, because they symbolized the against the government. All that ing a bitter and bloody inter untrict executive board. nor the its hand picked Kuusinen regime in Finland.
Dec. 12. Tickets are available struggle of organized labor. could be laid against the defend eyed jury of rural folk. am desires of the membership.
ion fight in Chicago marked by a One defendant arose to ask a ants could be covered by assault concerned with conditions within (c) For the Fourth Internationalists in the Soviet Union: at the National Office 116 question of Gilbert Carlson, de charges to be tried in state or our borders. Forty seven states cal No. 1, all of whose members Soviet patriotism the main enemy is world imperialism.
couple of mysterious killings.
University Pl. Get yours early fense attorney: Does this ver city courts.
From there he rose to vicefor choice seats.
are watching Minnesota and this are involved in the lockout re. Unconditional defense of the Soviet Union against the capdiet mean that we are deprived Government Is Real Conspirator jury Elghy seven president of the union, a position of our citizenship?
counties in plied, The question raised by he now holds. He was connected with the attempted raid of the Describing the trial as the this state are watching it, too, Vice President Ritchie is a re italist world. Only agents of imperialism, standing for the Yes, that is what it means. on the Actor union just wanted to know. don most unusual case ever tried in to see what tomorrow will bring grettable one. Since he should restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union, can desire the think much of this country any the United States, he defended derstands well that the cards are men in mind, how can he refuse defeat of the Red Army by the bourgeois Finnish outpost of this fall, an attempt that failed.
the right of workers to protest all stacked against their broth help from anyone.
The AFL unions in the movie NEXT WEEK. Union Goes On Industry would be in a much stronger position to defend themAnalysis of the Max Geldman, chairman, an: the strike. If there was any con: tem of picking federal juries and that the miners know it before proletariat and undermines the defense of the Soviet Union.
which were the issues involved in ers and sisters whom the govern. However, if he represents the the imperialist armies. Irreconcilable struggle for the overment is victimizing that the sys operators in this case it is well throw of the Stalinist bureaucracy, which betrays the world selves from the employers if the Chrysler Agreement neuncedee that the regular site spiracy in this case, it was a con. the court definition dictatorial rule of Bioff were ovards meeting of Local 544 Fed spiracy of the Department acy makes a guilty verdict al which he might be the judge. As Against the military bureaucratic annexation of Finnish tererthrown Lack of space kept out of Perhaps the present victories his LALIST vene this evening, and that the against these helpless defend most certain APPEAL an important article work of building the organization ants, Davis stated.
Next Trial Postponed of the union on the wage issue Vice President Ritchie to attend ritory. For the independence of Soviet Finland. Unceasing must continue exactly as before.
will spur the rank and Ale move dealing with the lessons of the Friday morning the judge in the local union meeting, when criticism and exposure of the Stalinist methods of starting This is the democracy my Brings in Moscow.
ments in their struggle against Chrysler lockout and an analthe Bioff leadership.
husband gave his life for in ysis of the agreement recentFrance, one woman defendant son put on a typical ham act in charged with conspiracy. would present controversy and of him. material and military support. The Fourth Internationalists District Attorney Ander trial, involving other defendants ficially what they think of the and conducting the war, but not the slightest relaxation of house cleaning from below ly signed by the Auto Union and the corporation. Watch adjourned.
observed bitterly as the meeting his sumation. Minneapolis, so be postponed at least until after rather than allowing the courts to settle the question is the only for it in next week SOCIAL in the three trials to date, five to be the Moscow of America. calendar in another part of the with a reply. Battuello only and inspire it to victory over the imperialst bandits and the long as am here, is not going he has completed a federal court Cignify Ritchie attack on them in the Soviet Union will be the best soldiers in the Red Army progressive method of removing IST APPEAL.
out of eight were convicted of have no fear of invasion by a state. The significance of the comment was, Who is George Bloff.
conspiracy in the first trial; three foreign foe, he told the bug postponement is not clear. Ritchle?
Stalinist betrayers.
TOLEDO SCHOOLS he United state element methodla charge at conspiracy Felinot the one on ose CLOSED DOWN. LACK OF FUNDS Columbus.
of Akron.
rete Party Statement on Stalin Invasion of Finland au