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Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. III, No. 92 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1939 FIVE (5) CENTS STARVATION STALKS AMERICA CITIES: ROOSEVELT FEEDS BILLIONS TO WAR FUNDS Stalin Invasion of Finland FDR INCITES FBI Railroads 25 Workers to Prison; WAR AGAINST SOVIET UNION They Fought for Relief in Minnesota Stalin Crimes Are Charge Was The. Enemy Is in Our Own Country War Boom?
Conspiracy Brings Few Against the Jobs; Less Governmemt Relief 3841 Statement of Policy by the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party Springboard for War Deal Drive The invasion of Finland by the Red Army is an incident in the Second World War which is now only in its tentaLed by President Roosevelt in tive and initial stages of development.
person, the chorus of war incite2. The character of the Second World War is that of ment against the Soviet Union has reached a new pitch of vioan imperialist struggle for the redivision the earth. Despite lence following Stalin invasion present alliances, or future changes in the alignment of the of Finland. Poor little Finland is being Hunger Fighters Feel powers, the class antagonism between the imperialist states crammed down the throats of Social Workers Head and the Soviet Union as a degenerated workers state retains. millions who face a winter of Fist of the War starvation.
its full force. From this must follow an inevitable attemp: For Democracy NEW DEAL Says Relief Cuts Poor little Finland is being on the part of the imperialists of one camp or another or in offered as a substitute for relief ARMS PROGRAM Not Justified a combination, to attack the Soviet Union in order to destroy checks, to millions of workers.
Exclusive to Socialist Appeal the economic conquests of the October Revolution and open drummed up as Cause No. for By CARL SHEA By TONY CHAPMAN up the territory of the Soviet Union for capitalist exploita dragging the workers of this MINNEAPOLIS, Dec.
Cleveland 16, 000 needy tion.
country into the imperitlist war! If you won starve in silfamilies are without food.
for the re division of the earth. ence, you re guilty of conspirToledo unemployed have Finland is not an independent small state fighting for Stalin invasion of Finland is acy against the governmentnot been fed for the past six its independence against an imperialist power. Bourgeois Fin crimes against the cause of the that was the verdict handed weeks.
land is and always has been a vassal state of the imperialists world workers revolution. We down last night against fourand an outpost of imperialism on the Russian border. condemn it, on our part, because teen women and eleven men Sixty percent of Chicago relief budget has been slashed. In the present conflict the imperialist powers of the Russian revolution, which stalin in Federal court, in the third Colorado jobless live beUnited States and Great Britain stand behind Finland and usurped, and which we seek to trial of WPA and relief workdefend against the united assault ers who in July participated low subsistence levelse inspire its foreign policy in relation to the Soviet Union. The ot world reaction and against in the nationwide WPA strike The situation in the South diplomatic and propagandistic intervention of the Roosevelt Stalin.
is described as as desperate.
adminstration on the side of bourgeois Finland is not moti Roosevelt, Hoover, and all the against the wage cuts and disAnd while the unemployed vated by humanitarian considerations but by the class inter boss newspapers condemn the missals dictated by the Roosevelt Woodrum Relief Law.
starve and shiver, the Rooseests and the future miltary designs of the Wall Street masters cause it provides them with powBy instruction of Atvelt Administration proposes of the government.
erful weapons in their effort to destroy what remains in the Sov torney General Frank Murto spend two and a quarter bil5. Stalinist policy in the conflict with Finland is char tet Union of the workers con phy, the strikers were indicted lion dollars this coming year acteristic of Stalinist policy as a whole. the protection of quests. for the Army and Navy.
We have been fighting the for conspiracy to violate In the face of a rapid worsenthe interests and privileges of the bureaucracy in utter disre. butcher Stalin for years but we the relief law which Roosevelt ALLOWANCED ing in relief conditions throughgard of the sentiments and interests of the world proletariat. do so in the Interests of the signed June 30. Murphy repreout the nation, the conservative The means and methods it employs to gain military and strate workers revolution. We tell the sentative here, District Atbut alarmed American Associagic advantages repel the sympathy and support of the worktion of Social Workers warned (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
yesterday that the cuts in relief ers and oppressed peoples, and thus undermine the real de appropriations cannot be justified fense of the Soviet Union to such an extent as to outweigh by the boom in Industry by far the immediate military and strategic advantages that Improvements in industry have not substantially affected may be gained by the conflict with Finland. From this point any decrease in the size of the of view that is, the real defense of the Soviet Union against By GEORGE STERN national relief burden, declared Miss Dorothy Kahn, asistant the imperialists the Fourth International has always conAs in every other move he Unable to conceive, no less exExecutive Secretary of the A980demned the foreign policy of Stalinism and condemns it in makes in defense of the power ecute, a policy which would bring ciation, interview at her offices in the Russel Sage Foundation, October Revolution requires, now more than ever, an un vaston of Finland deals another to a firm world front of defense the present situation. The real defense of the conquests of the and privileges of his bureaucrat. the united workers of Finland 130 East 22nd Street, New York ceasing struggle of the workers for the overthrow of the heavy blow to the cause of the of the workers cause against But Governor Refuses to Call Legislature No Food For City. On the basis of the heavy load Stalinist bureaucracy by means of a political revolution. international revolu capitalism, he uses against them In Special Session to Vote Relief Funds; of relief cases throughout the tion.
the same methods of blind terror, 41, 000 Toledo country, she stated, neither the Proceeding from the foregoing points, in accord with Throughout capitalist lies and open assault which he Passes Buck Back to Cities cuts in relief nor their complete the progam of the Fourth International, our basic attitude in world rulers whose own hands employed to usurp and hold powelimination is justified.
the present military conflict between the Soviet Union and and subjugated peoples have in doing so he repels the Fin (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
The recent WPA cuts put Finland is as follows: clutched greedily at the new wea nish workers and the workers of CLEVELAND, Dec. Over 1, 000 unemployed jammed through at the last regular seysion of Congress were also unpon Stalin has placed in their the entire world, and makes them the meeting of the City Council here last night to demand the (a) For the Fourth Internationalists in the United hands Schools Close Down; Justified, Miss Kahn said in answer to the writer question States. Revolutionary defeatism the main enemy is in our To workers caught in the vic for the lying war propaganda restoration of relief to the 75, 000 men, women and children Boss Politicians The WPA cuts are not just fied on the basis of disappearing own country! No support. direct or indirect, to the imperial war, the boscopholdet presies hand en Weitement of the bosses ev struck by the relief crisis.
ist government of the United States or its Finnish satellite. rible example of Stalin. Identify. He throws the Finnish workVote No Funds need. she declared, The demonstration was called jointly by the Federal Asked to comment on the RooseExpose and denounce the policy of Washington as political ing him with Communism, with ers into the arms of the butcher Workers Union and the Association of Unemployed. Special to the Socialist Appeal) velt Administration policy of and diplomatic preparation for war against the Soviet Union. Workers power, they seek to Mannerhelm and the Finnish capFor the unconditional defense of the Soviet Union. Expose hopes and aspirations that all decades ago hip deep in working and the Department of Welfare to restore the relief cuts im moving into the worst relief cris military budget, Miss Kahn statTOLEDO, Dec. Since Sept. engineering heavy cuts In WPA The Council passed a resolution calling upon the Mayor 15 this city has been steadily In marked contrast to its policy and denounce the methods of Stalinism which compromise the kind ver asseclated with the He hands to Roosevelt ready mediately. Mayor Burton stated to the Council, amid resound. Is in its history, worse even than ed, We do not believe that monthe Soviet Union and weaken its defense.
October revolution in Russia. b) For the Fourth Internationalists in Finland: revolu They can use the fact of stal detail down to the mercilessing boos from the assembled workers, that he would not initi. In the Hooverville days.
tionary defeatism the main enemy is in our own country In murderous tyranny a thou bombing of women and children ate the bond issue from which funds would be secured for re: ers refused to extend any further er purposes. It weakens our naOn Sept. 15 the wholesale groecial program and diverted to othy! sand times more effectively than the propaganda The first task of the Finnish workers remains an irreconcil. In all these years they have used Roosevelt needs to whip up anti lief, as the Council motion re which the Mayor has requested credit to the city. By October 15 Questioned on the governable struggle for the overthrow of their own bourgeoisie. Not lies to besmirch the shining Soviet war incitement among the quested. Such legislation must for Wednesday. They also urged the city stopped feeding the un ment policy of dodging direct a man, not a gun, not a cent for the war of the Finnish bour. They use Stalin crimes to But let not fall for the croc be initiated by the Mayor. action in the neighborhoods employed altogether. That in ald to the needy and shifting rewhich would include picketing of cludes not only the 41, 000 per shoulders of municipal agencies, for relief onto the geois. government against the Soviet Union. Work for the cloak their own. They use stal odile tears over poor little Fin.
The Council members re the homes of the Council memdefeat of the Finnish bourgeois government in the war. Aim in grotesque deformation of the land and for the carefused to introduce a motion bers. The workers cheered and song on relief on Sept. 15, but the Miss Kahn declared, If the Fedat the creation of an independent Soviet Finland free from edge of threatened revolutions in er and majesty of the starvation to revolution Russia to dull the notion that for the powapplauded the fighting words of many others who sought relief eral government discredits assist ance it discredits the people who the domination of the Stalinist bureaucracy. If that is not their own countrise. They use regime of Wall Street Roosevelt to permit the representatives the speakers. stalinist mem since then.
need it.
possible in the immediate situation because of the unfavor Stalin gross violation of the en Daladier Chamberlain Co. we of the unemployed to address Workers Amance followed the During the last six weeks the Commenting on relief condiable relation of forces, political unpreparedness, and military tightarehere their own cause con into a bioodyware out of which it. Fearful of exposure, they two speakers for the organiza only public relief that has been tions in the south, Miss Kahn weakness as is almost certainly the case in the present cir war incitement against the work can come only greater misery hastily made and passed an onstration, to state lamely that those certified as ill, the very old ate right along. Except for limcumstances utilize the defeat of the bourgeois Finnish ers of Russia.
and privation for peoples every adjournment motion. his organization had not issued and children.
ited WPA funds, the needy have Army by the Red Army to arouse the mas to press forward This is Stalin crime of all where.
The workers in Russia will put mass meeting was held any call as we were here mere One way to eat is to have the received little assistance there.
for the complete expropriation of the Finnish capitalists and of the Soviet Union to mean the an end to the bloody regime of on the steps of the City Hall ly as observers.
ravages of hunger make you il The WPA cuts have been un landlords immediately after the victory of the Red Army. defense of his own power and Stalin and we here have the job immediately following the. ad(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
enough to be admitted to a hos evenly distributed throughout the Organize for the maximum independence of the workers pell. To his nationalist, totalitar of putting an end to the boss journment. Cowan of the CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. pital. Then a few days of food, country, she pointed out. Cerfrom the Stalinist bureaucracy, and thus prepare its future san mind a few miserable strate power that offers us starvation Association of Unemployed and Almost 100, 000 men, women and certification that you have recov tainly business improvements dia not overthrow. In the present military struggle a victory of the few square miles of territory, the future. That the road away ers Union addressed the meeting, tion in this great industrial city. The only energetic action takOnly a small number of cities Red Army is a lesser evil than the victory of the army of outweigh the solidarity and sup from tyranny, away from wars, calling upon the workers to con 12, 000 cases on rellef, including en by the authorities has been account for the bulk of the pres port of the masses throughout a and toward the real liberation of tinue the fight and to reassemble single men and women and police action against picketing of ent relief expenditures, she said. Continued on Page 2)
war torn crisis ridden world. all peoples everywhere. at a special session of Council (Continued on Page 4) relief stations. Continued on Page 4)
Carlo Behind the Lines Cleveland Jobless Demand Food; City Council Passes the Buck workers the Unemployed weapons