AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

In the World of Labor Their Government works 10.
The Kremlin Aim In the Finnish Crisis in deadly fear of the possibility that, despite all Into the Abyss SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 1, 1939 that it compromises the Soviet Union and disSOCIALIST APPEAL orients the world working class these are our criticisms, which in all fundamentals runs counBy James Burnham VOL. III, No. 91 Saturday, December 1, 1989 ter to the standpoint of the Kremlin non revoPublished Weekly by the lutionary critics. By Paul Stevens SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS The social democrats and other lackeys of the at 116 University Place, New York, NY. democratic imperialists call upon the Finnish How the French Workers When you keep in mind the recent revolts in Tolephone: Algonquin 8547 Czechoslovakia and the reported disturbances in workers to defend Finland against the Red Are Mulcted for the War. the Reich you have here a more than ample exArmy. We, on the contrary, apply to Finland as Last week this column gave some general inplanation as to why all quiet on the Western Editors Front.
FELIX MORROW MAX SHLACHTMAN to every other bourgeois country our fundamen dications of the fact that the French workers are The situation just isn set for an enthusiastic tal attitude toward imperialist wars. The Finn bearing the brunt of the war economy on their The Federal Reserve Board index figure of induswar. It is much more ripe for revolutionary General Manager: Assistant Manager: shoulders and that they are in a state of incipient ish government refuses to yield to Soviet detion. What is lacking most is the existence of a trial production is currently reported as 125. In this MARTIN ABERN rebellion as a result. This week we are in a poslSHERMAN STANLEY mands for military outposts only because Finsimple number is coricentrated the agony of American tion to give our readers more concrete informafirmly knit revolutionary party, Here too, however, the trend is becoming more capitalism.
Subscriptions 00 per year: 00 for six months land is assured of the support of one or more tion on this score, as gleaned from illegal organs favorable. We learn from reliable sources that the This number means that industrial production in this country is now running at the higest rate in hisForeirn: 00 per year, 50 for six months, Bundle great powers against the Soviet. The New York that have reached us since then.
The 60 hour week has been established as a groups adhering to the Fourth International in rabra: cents per copy in the United States; cents tory. We have not merely returned to, but surpassed, imes makes that plain enough, in its Nov. 28 minimum, although in the more important war France, which were hitherto divided over tactics per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
the Golden Age of 1929! The average production rate with regard to work inside the Workers and Peas.
editorial calling for a holy war against the industries a work week of as much as 72 hours is for 1929 was only 119.
in force. Of the minimum 60 hours, 45 hours work ants Socialist Party (P. have recently Soviet Union. We are against the support of any Reentered as second class inatter September 29.
But where, then, is the rosy hue that colored the reunited and are carrying on comon activity.
required for the pay of 40 hours established by 1939, at the post office at New York, NY. under the land in 1929. Today, with production at its new imperialist power in any war, let alone a war Act of March 1, 1879.
an old decree. Taking 10 francs as an average The itself has undergone a consider height, there are still at least 10, 000, 000 unemployed, able change. At the outbreak of the war, the paragainst the Soviet Union which remains, des hourly rate, a worker receives 400 francs for 45 and millions upon millions more sub humanly housed, pite the Kremlin gang, upon the economic foundhours work. The 15 hours supplementary which ty seemed to have disappeared. Late in October, half starved, 111 clothed. 1929 is back, and more than now make up the 60 hour week are supposed to however, it began to show signs of life again back, and it has the taste of ashes in the mouth.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST ations laid down by the October Revolution.
be paid at the regular rate, that is, 10 francs for Its paper, Juin 36, has reappeared as a legal orWORKERS PARTY FOR: The task of the Finnish workers is to make the average worker. Thus, a worker should get gan. An Hegal edition, mimeographed, is also What Makes the Difference?
making the rounds of the Parisian working class their own socialist revolution. Nothing else can 550 francs for his 60 hours of work. Job and a decent living for every worker.
avail them. They must destroy the Finnish bourIn actuality, however, here is what happens quarters. The leadership of the party has passed 1939? There seem to the great gule between 1929 and, Open the idle factories operate them under One decree, established since the beginning of the over to elements designated as eft centrists.
The freemasons have been expelled from the or 600, 000 men in the labor market. All other things beEach year there is a net increase of approximately workers control.
geoisie before they can cope with Stalin de war, levies a 25 per cent tax on overtime or Twenty Billion dollar ganization. It is rumored that included among ing equal, therefore, production, in order to maintain publi mands upon Finland. If a struggle breaks out supplementary hours beyond the 45 originally set.
those expelled, is Marceau Pivert, former leader employment stability, would have to expand sumeientand housing program, between bourgeois Finland and the Soviet Un Thus, the average worker gets only 1124 francs of the party.
ly each year to be able to absorb these 600, 000. Thirty thirty. 80 weekly minimum wage 80 ion, it is the duty of the Finnish workers to be the remaining total salary goes to social insurThe Stalinists, who regained a measure of the Under the pressure of crisis, technological advances hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Soviet partisans in that struggle.
ance, and per cent goes to the government un workers confidence by their new fake turn. and new methods of speed up have during the past Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability are still paralyzed, and in spite of their tremenpension, If the Soviet Union were led by revolution der the Reynaud emergency decree established decade enormously increased the man hour output of before the war, leaving him a total of 482 francs dous apparatus and the aid of the display labor. In such industries as steel, where the changes aries, the Finnish revolution would be made by hardly more activity than the small revolution6. Expropriate the Sixty Familles out of the 550 francs he is supposed to get for 60 are especially striking, this means not only that fewer ary groups. Of late, there has been a steady trend All war funds to the unemployed.
the Finnish workers with the assurance that they hours of work.
men are required to keep the planta going but that of more advanced militants from their ranks go8. people referendum on any and all wars. would receive the aid of the Red Army against But even these 482 francs was deemed too much Increases in the rate of production do not require coring over to the responding increases in the number of workers emNo secret diplomacy.
intervention by the imperialist powers. Instead, to give a worker for the 60 hours he is now reployed. To run at 35 or 40 of capacity, the steel quired to work. So the war government of DalAn Independent Labor Party.
however, the brutish and provocative tactics of Note on the Work mills require far fewer men than in 1929. To run, as adier decided to slap another 15 percent war tax 11. Workers Defenso Guards against vigilante and the Kremlin against Finland drive the Finnish on his wage, reducing the average worker pay Of Our Belgian Comrades at present, at 95 of capacity (which, by the way, is considerably more than 100 of 1929 capacity. reFascist attacks.
workers into unity with the Finnish bourgeoisie. to some 409 francs. Thus he is really required to The circumstances surrounding the govern quires a still smaller fraction of workers than at 40.
12. Full social, political and coonomic equality for the Negro people.
In this incident as in all others, the tactics of work 60 hours for the same pay as he previously ment persecution of our leading Belgian comso that the proportionate dislocation is even greater the Kremlin serve to strengthen the imperialist that the cost of living keeps constantly mounting.
rades are only now coming to light. It seems third factor is the ever rising debt load, both pubthat, at the outbreak of war, a certain Vereecken, lic and private, which weighs down upon the whole front which will eventually attempt to destroy This last tax, however, may prove to be the the leader of an ultra left group which split from economy, and helps prevent expanding wages and the Soviet Union.
straw that breaks the camel back. For, although our Revolutionary Socialist Party (PSR) about profits from being fruitfully reflected in the consumer a year ago, took it upon himself to prepare the Here is but the latest proof of our conviction the 15 per cent has already been officially decreed, market. This effect was exaggerated in this past revolutionary vanguard for illegality. This decade because of the devices which were employed that the defense of the Soviet Union cannot be has up to the present refrained from enforcing it.
wide spread that the government was done by means of a mimeographed circular to forestall wide scale bankruptcies and reorganizaleft in the hands of the Kremlin clique. The containing detailed instructions which was tions which, in previous crises, though they smashed mailed, among others, to a list of our comrades (Continued from Page 1)
armed overthrow by the Soviet workers of the. And How the Prolos which he had purloined from the PSR when he up individual enterprises, acted as health giving surgery for the economic structure as a whole.
British are attempting to assassinate Hitler and Stalinist bureaucracy it will not yield its Answer in Action split.
Finally, the disproportions among the various secpower by any other means is vitally necessary At the Lorraine Dietrich works in Argenteuil, replace him by a regime which would agree to Naturally, the government, which was looking tors of the economy have become deepened and more the whole personnel carried on a strike for sev for just such a pretext, was greatly relieved of awkward during this decade. The general health of turn its guns against the Soviet Union. There if the Soviet Union is to be saved and become its trouble by this piece of stupidity. The result the economy depends not merely on the vigor of this fore this is plainly indicated by the Stalinist again what it was under Lenin and Trotsky: singing the International. They went back to was that every leading militant in the country or that sector or even upon the average level of the press Hitler should be defended against assasdrill ground of the world revolution.
work only when the management assured them was instantly picked up. Confronted with the that the 15 per cent tax would not be applied economy as a whole, but also upon a proper balance evidence, some of the comrades arrested found sination or overthrow!
between industry and agriculture, capital goods and there it hard to deny the identity of the perpetrator consumer goods, internal trade and foreign trade, etc.
At the same time, however, the Kremlin lives At the compteurs de Montrouge department before thte investigation judges. After being Monopoly control, far from being able maintain store, 300 women workers demonstrated for 20 held for weeks, all the militants arrested, includsuch a balance, introduces its own kind of planning minutes with the same object in view. Their dem ing Vereecken, were finally released.
latter into some sectors of industry only its courting of German imperial of a onstration met with a similar success.
Upon his release, Vereecken attempted to promore violent anarchy in the economy taken in its will make peace with Britain and turn on Russia. In this Thanksgiving season, it is not a pleas In the factory at Courneuve, the voke split in the ranks of the PSR because of entirety.
It is against that dread day that the Kremlin ant thought to realize that two out of three bosses announced the government decree would the repudiation of his document by some of be effective with the next pay envelope. The the comrades arrested. This attempt fortunately What of the War Boom?
moves in Baltic are calculated. The military Americans are sliding down into an economic night shift went on strike. As a result the 15 per has failed: At a recent congress held by our Bel Only comparatively small part of the present rise and naval outposts secured from the other Baltic and moral abyss from which there is no escape cent was not deducted from their wages. At the gian party under the most difficult conditions, in production directly traceable to war business.
countries, plus similar outposts from Finland, save by the bitterness of social reform at best. Petites Voitures factory in Aubervilliers, the this matter among others was settled definitively. Much of the increase has been due to domestic orders The llegal circular of Vereecken was condemn given in anticipation of a coming boom and is a would close the defensive circle of the Baltic or at worst by the bloody ladder of social up workers quit one hour earlier, carrying out a strike action along identical lines. Same result ed unanimously. The action of those comrades who guarantee that future war orders will not interfere against Germany.
here too.
identified the circular as hailing from Vereecken with the fulAllment of domestic requirements. Within But since the Kremlin is simultaneously woo These are highly interesting words. They From the looks of things, the French prolos was censured. The party swung into action after the past few months the curve of production has risen the congress, resuming publication of its weekly considerably above the curve of consumption, which, ing Hitler, it cannot very well explain the real come from Mr. Jay Franklin, pro Roosevelt are not going to take the war deal there lying organ, the Latte Ouvriere, and beginning a vig. Interpreted, means that inventories are piling up.
meaning of its Baltic moves. Hence one of the Washington correspondent of the New York down.
orous anti war campaign in the mining fields and War orders, not merely from Britain and France, most repulsive aspects of its propaganda its Post.
Need of the Hour: in the industrial cities. In spite of the initial but also from the home government, will undoubtedly patent fraudulence; as fraudulent as the declara Mr. Franklin wrote them while recling under Revolutionary Party crisis brought about by the government action increase in the days to come. But it is clear that they which has resulted from stupidity of the will not be sufficient to bring about a general progtion that the Stalin Hitler pact would help Pol the impact of the report of the National ReConditions at the front are not any better for ultra lefts, the party has remained intact. As a perity even of the 1929 variety, and in particular that and and the democracies, which the Stalinists sources Planning Board.
the French bourgeoisie then they are at the rear. matter of fact, the reports to the congress even they will not, by many millions, be able to absorb the Basing itself on a study of three representa Every bit of information coming from France is showed a substantial gain in membership, coming were making until the Red Army marched into unemployed. Indeed, with the increased inventories mainly from the ranks of the Stalinists in such and the lagging behind of consumer purchasing powPoland. This cynical lying confuses and disori tive income groups during 1935 36, the Board testimony to the fact that a tremendous ferment is making itself felt in the population as a whole. centers As Brussels and Liege.
er, it is not unlikely that after the first of the year, ents the class conscious workers everywhere, and discloses startling conditions.
even with increased war orders, production will denothing can so weaken the Soviet Union as the The income groups it studied are: the lower man who had drawn siek relief am, in fact, convinced that much of the talk we development of an attitude of suspicion and dis third, which earns 780 for five years for infected teeth have been hearing about a war boom has its source gust toward it among the workers in the capital. middle third, which earns from 780 a year and other results of undernour in deliberate propaganda designed to win the masses ist countries.
to 1450, and the highest group, which earns ishment; he was passed 1 by of the people over to the Roosevelt war measures. the army.
When, in the days of Lenin and Trotsky, the upwards of 1450.
believe, for instance, that many workers were led to mid. October the pressure an acceptance of the lifting of the arms embargo by Soviet power led its armies up to Warsaw and The lower third spends more than half its for conscription suddenly inat least the half formed thought that, at any rate, conquered Georgia, the ciass conscious workers income on food alone.
creased, with the announcement there would be plenty of jobs available.
of the British plan to spend sevunderstood the necessity of these steps and deThe business men do not spread these illusions en hundred million dollars yearly among themselves. In their own committees and pubfended them, for the foreign policy of the work on medical care than either of the two higher in Canada to make it the center lications they are very skeptical about the extent of ers state was clearly in the interests of the groups, showing clearly the close relations beof Empire airplane manufacture the war boom, and make clear. its probably limited world revolution, was developed and executed tween poverty and disease. II.
and air schooling. Twenty five thousand pilots are to be trained that in England unemployment has increased since character. They have noticed, among other things, before the eyes of the international working Exclusive of its expenditures on food, clothTORONTO. By the end of the second month of war, 60, 000 annually. Some are to be brought the start of the war, in spite of the entry of hundreds class. The contrast between this and the duplicity ing and shelter, it has only 31 a year, or sixty recruita had been enrolled for war or insurrection. The way from Australia, but the bulk wlul of thousands of young men into the army.
of the Kremlin policy is but one index to the cents a week, to spend other things: medical they got these volunteers illumines the nature of democracy. reed to be found here. Rememvast degeneration which has taken place in the care, amusement, dentistry, movies, sport, liter. Most of these recruits came from the unemployed. When war broke ber that ten men are needed on! There Is No Cure general conclusion that forces itself upon us is first workers state since Lenin died.
ature, drama, religion. Sixty cents a week! average married unemployed were getting, in a large center like member that the physical tests that capitalist economy is even sicker than we think.
The methods employed by Stalin in the Baltic Unable to make ends meet, this group goes Toronto, the equivalent of cents per meal per person, in return for airmen are so searching that The New Deal, as a set of primarily internal measare utterly alien to a revolutionary international increasingly into debt each year.
for hard manual labor two or three days a week. Canadian army pay the type of slum proletarian, des ures, was unable to cure capitalism. But even the ist policy. Lenin and Trotsky called upon the Each year it has an average deficit of 92. was boosted to 30 per day, plus 85 cents living allowance for perate unemployed, or patriotic drastic, present and projected, external measures of the War Deal cannot bring health back.
Polish and Georgian workers to revolt and came (This contrasts with the annual 19 percent sav who enlist are given an additioned, is proof of the reluctance of will meet these plans, for even enough comment on capitalism always that it could ods, only 60, 000 have been hook sweeping conscription of youth From a moral point of view, it has been a terrible to their aid with the Red Army. Stalin calls ings made by the highest income group, even al bonus. Several firms are set the Canadian masses to be butch the most fag blinded youth is keep going only by periodic wars, that war was an upon the Finnish people. not the workers after its outlays for gifts and taxes have been ting cheap advertising by promered in front of the German not anxious to enter a service integral phase of its life cycle. But capitalism has now to. change Premiers! Instead of arousing the deducted. Even the middle group, earning from ence for employees who enlist. Westwal Officers training units which can promise an average reached a point where even war cannot repair the masses within the Baltic countries to overthrow 780 a year to 1450, loses money, winding up Municipalities began laying off are booming at the universities life in active fighting of only ravaged organism. Peace or war: the choice is now their capitalist rulers, and establish Soviet Reonly of alternate roads to death.
relief workers of military age or is drilling on the University of a family deficit of 19 a year.
holding up their pittance to scare Toronto The high costs incurred in publics which would guard the Baltic against This is the real situation after seven years of This is known, we may assume, to the rulers of the campus. but mainly bribing unemployed into the capitalist world, and is not the least of those causes Germany, Stalin prefers pacts with their bour social reforms by Roosevelt. The inescapable Vancouver and elsewhere fred commit toch war service mean army is another factor leading which make this the strangest of all wars.
geois rulers. The only kind of revolution he fact is that the poor are getting poorer and the young workers and curefused toite while it prepares the student for have heen doubling their income wants in the Baltic is the kind he made in rich richer. The figures disclose that not one icate of military unfitness. Petty (a temporary answer to the presbach pointed out to the Senate.
backward Polish Galicia under the direction of third, but two thirds of the nation is, in Mr. thieves and drunks in Ontario sure of elderly professors and pa We could get five single men for Just Out!
the GPU.
Franklin words, sliding down into an ecnomIn our criticism of the military interventions ic and moral abyss.
alternative of six months or the to die for them. Student recruits has already responded by barring army, are not told, and not many stop enlistment by men with more of the Soviet bureaucracy, we sharply distin As fully aware as anyone of the bankruptcy WHY NEGROES SHOULD to think, that the mortality am than four dependents. Tomorrow Anti Semitic Act guish ourselves from the social democratic, an of his social program, Roosevelt has thrown it archist and bourgeois critics of the Kremlin: overboard for a more realistic one. Unable to Pressure on Jews and others to one second lieutenants is higher the generals will be demanding OPPOSE THE WAR than enlist takes many forms. In Tothat the cheaper bodies of single These anti revolutionary critics denounce the patch up the fabric of a rapidly disintegrating ronto, home of 50, 000 Jews, an Another factor which has held men be officially seized. message that affects the life Soviet for using military force and for violating capitalism with internal measures, the Roosevelt armory is reported to have dis up recruiting is that the natural of every Negro American Labor Ald existing borders. For us, however, the borders of administration is turning to the only other solu played the following sign: Re cannon fodder, the unemployed, cruits enrolled today: Christians have been so physically reduced 125 West S3 Street the capitalist world are not at all inviolate, and tion which capitalism provides. WAR!
By Johnson 265, Jews Jewish youth was by ten years of depression that New York City military force in the hands of a revolutionary From New Deal to War Deal, that is the road attacked by soldiers in the main most of them suffer from rotting Dear Friend: Price 5c per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50street and badly beaten. In an teeth, stomach ulcers, or plain government may very well serve the revolution travelled by Roosevelt.
PLEDGE MYSELF 8c per copy. 50 or more 24, per copy other case six men, including a malnutrition. This difficulty has That the Kremlin military intervention serves But, as Mr. Franklin fearfully suggests, if soldier, beat up a youth in the been partly solved by watering contributo. to the de SPECIAL RATES TO ORGANIZATIONS only the interests of the Kremlin and its imper not social reform, then social upheaval. street who had refused to tell down the medical tests. One fense of Frank Watson, imORDER NOW!
ialist ally (Hitler in Poland. that it is carried The spectre of the socialist revolution which them why he had not enlisted. glance at the undersized High prisoned by Canada governThree of the thugs, including the landers marching around Toronment for the crime of speakout without consideration of the will and feelings haunts both warring camps today in Europe and soldier, were not arrested; the to streets is sufficient proof.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS ing out as a worker against of the workers of the Soviet Union or the occu paralyzes their military operations casts its shad three others got light sentences. In Vancouver the press report116 UNIVERSITY PL. NEW YORK CITY the war of Imperialism.
pied territories or the international proletariat; ow across the war maps in Washington too. That, in spite of all these meth ed the case of an unemployed cline.
year or less; the Canadian Workers Take Their Sweet a tener en centre of this income, proportionately, Time in Enlisting to