CapitalismCommunismDemocracyGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International 107 VOL. III, NO. 91 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1939 FIVE (5) CENTS BRITISH BID. TO GERMANY AIMED AGAINST USSR Democracy on the Home Front PACKINGHOUSE The Kremlin Aim WORKERS WIN In the Finnish Crisis NLRB ELECTION RACE RIOT Roosevelt AGAINST AUTO Also Seeks UNION FIZZLES Jap USSR Corporation Organ Conflict ROOSE MINN. ARRESTS CIVIL LIBERTIES LABOR Carlo Defense Riddles FBI Frame up Against Mpls. WPA Workers Until a few days ago it appeared that the original demands Dies Investigation of the Soviet government upon Finland would be peaceably compromised. Suddenly, however, all indications of comproFails to Break Solizes New Vigilante mise seem to have disappeared. Why? What has happened? idarity of Workers Groups in Detroit You cannot tell from the preposterous and wild vituperation In the very midst of intenin the Soviet press or its repetition in the Stalinist press. Nor sified warfare on the sea, By WM. SIMMONS can you tell from the anti Soviet propaganda which dominates (Special to the Socialet Appeal)
CHICAGO, II. In spite of the the democratic press. As in all other questions connected DETROIT, Nov. 27. The Great Britain this week made most adverse high pressure pubwith the Second World War, we in the third camp the licity the CIO packinghouse Chrysler Corporation is now tak a new and very definite bid to ing the first active steps In Germany for a reshuffling of camp of revolutionary struggle against the war must make workers union won an election for collective our analysis independently of both the warring camps.
ment. This morning 200 Negro the cards in the European war Armour week at the Chicago last The general international situation is characterized by con plants, by about two to one.
strikebreakers were escorted under heavy police guard through a deck.
tinuation of the attempts of Britain to reach an agreement It just so happened that the picket line of more than 5, 000 None of us know how long workers into the Dodge plant.
with German imperialism, minus Hitler. Such a peace would Dies Committee reopened its be made at the expense of the Soviet Union. Every big war, days prior to these elections. And The scabs were jeered by the this war will last, said Champickets and a clash was averted berlain in the House of Comirrespective of its initial motives, must pose squarely the by a mere coincidence it chanced only because of shouted orders by question of military intervention against the USSR in order to pick on this particular union Richard Frankensteen, mons on Tuesday, in what Executive Board member, and direction it will develop or, to transfuse fresh blood into the sclerotic veins of capitalism. as the first victim to be investiPat Quinn, President of the These words, from our international theses on war (1934) are American tendencies. Naturally Dodge local.
when it is ended, who will be now receiving fresh confirmation. Chamberlain in the House the daily papers made the most It was clear to observers here standing at our side and who of Commons on Tuesday made a new bid to Germany the tion the scheduled elections jointthat this strikebreaking move can have no other significance against us.
very same day that the Soviet government denounced its non ly with the hearings Both Herbert Marsh of the than as a provocation by the coraggression pact with Finland. The Soviet bureaucracy is This unmistakable bid to poration. The 200 Negroes are alaware of the mortal danger which the prospect of a British packinghouse workers union and most exclusively foundry work Germany came at a time when ers and the corporation cannot Stalin seemed to be readying his German peace would signify for the Soviet Union. It en were cited to appear before the hope to operate its Dodge plant, deavors to ward off that danger. But its endeavor is condi Dies Committee. Both denied with a normal capacity of 25, 000 grab of Finland, a move that tioned by the nature, history and ingrained methods of the membership in the Communist workers, with twenty times the Germany cannot possibly relish, Party. Yet the predominant StalSoviet bureaucracy.
number that was escorted for it would put Soviet Russia Inist influence in the leadership through the picket line today. astride Germany vital northern of this union is no secret. It Only Real Defense of the USSR nothing else the miserable recAttempt to Foment Race Riot trade routes.
Union leaders accurately pegIt is at this hour that ChamberThe only real way to defend the Soviet Union against the ord of belly crawling and kowged the aims of the corporation lain once again says to the Gerencircling capitalist world is to put an end to that capitalist practically all of the higher om when they called it an attempt to man generals and to any of the encirclement. Only successful proletarian revolutions in the cials would be a sufficient indicafoment a race riot in Detroit. Nazi leaders who care to listen: advanced countries can save the Soviet Union; otherwise the tion.
The clash that company officials It is still not too late to stop Also cited to appear was the tapitalist world is certain to put an end to the Soviet Union. Former president of the Chicago hope to provoke between Negro war between us and join hands and white workers is intended to against the Russian monace. An But this method of defending the first workers state is one Armour local, who complained create a battle between the work you ve got to do is remove Hitler which the Kremlin will not and cannot undertake. It has no that several times the heat had ers themselves on a racial issue and we re ready to talk business.
faith in either the Soviet masses or the international working ed joining the and that tiand thereby facilitate widespread The alternative the British of strikebreaking and ultimate state fer is strangulation of Germany class. Its own rule at home is based on a totalitarian political nally, when he persisted in his intervention through its blockade on imports The corporation is persisting in and exports.
system, which can last only so long as the Soviet masses re refusal, found another occupant its denial that it has no intention main passive; revolutions abroad would break that passivity Protest was made to Dies of of organizing a back to work US Anti Soviet Moves and put an end to the Kremlin oligarchy. It fears socialist his arbitrary manner of picking movement. But it is obvious that Washington and Wall Street revolutions as much as do the imperialist rulers.
on only one union while there Government Acted as Scab and Strikebreaker running scabs through the picket are meanwhile working might and was another in the field contendHaving no faith in the international working class, the ing for the favor of the packing In Enforcing Woodrum Law With Armed line has no other purpose than to main toward the same end the break the morale of the union transformation of the war into a Soviet bureaucracy has placed its fate on pacts with one im house workers. So as a matter of men who have now been starved war against the Soviet Union.
perialist power or another. For five years it deluded the form he subsequently invited a Force, Attorney For Defense Proves in this lockout for some 46 days. It is to this end that American workers with slogans for defense of the democracies. Now couple of officials from the AmalNegro Appeal for Solidarity ery day. This is the meaning of pressure on Japan is growing evand that Hitler is the ally, the Stalinist press whines that the Butcher Workmen (the AFL long step towards creating the threats of an embargo against (Continued on Page 4)
affiliato) to appear and have their. when cooperation between Negro and Japan. e. the threat of open white workers was taken in a war. Just as Chamberlain says to have been much nobody payed strike trial finally came to an end, the defense has been prestatement issued by Detroit Ne Germany: tie your wheel to our gro community leaders in a leaf chariot or we will crush you:total of these valiant efforts by senting its case.
let of 15, 000 coples distributed in Roosevelt is now in effect warnMr. Dies is a resounding victory As was expected, Judge Joyce denied the defense motions Company Stalls in the Negro district. The leaflet ing Japan to stop its dealings for for the CIO.
for dismissal of the case, although the parade of government condemned the back to work a pact with Russia, to become the Negotiations with movement stating that, By GEORGE STERN Win Resounding Victory witnesses had failed to establish the indictment charges that spearhead of an attack against Steel Workers Any effort to put Negroes Russia, or else feel the might of There is a feeling of unrest There were 7, 253 workers elig the strikers had violated Section 28 of the Roosevelt Woodback to work in the factories Wall Street Navy.
fully created by Roosevelt, by in Hawali, this paper says. ible to vote in the Chicago Arrum Relief Law by intimidating WPA workers and that over the majority of the work This is the real essence of what the State Department and by the American battleships are enter mour plants elections those in entire press, naturally assumes ing and leaving Pearl Harbor. the production and maintenance they had conspired to that toric case and one of the new contract between the Cruci workers must not allow them man for the British Empire at ers will spell doom to Negro is wrongly called the phoniness NEWARK Negotiations for a workers in the factories. Negro of the war. Chamberlain, spokesits sharpest forms the closer you Their comings and goings are departments who were on the end.
get to the probable zones of us practically under a censorship. payroll Oct. 28, excepting certain In his first participation in actual hostilities While Wall Street diplomacy can be heard from time to time total 785 did not vote, and 161 jury, defenspeech to the Strangest in American juris ble Steel Company and the Steel selves to be used by irrespon war, saya ten weeks after war In the sky above Honolulu supervisory employees of the prudence.
Workers Organ Committee, sible leaders.
outbreak that it is impossible to attorney Tom The indictment, he said, heal breakdown and pending ment, as in all other cases in the friends and who the foes.
This latest back to work move predict who will prove to be hopes to bring Japan into con the roar of planes, that are being of the baliots cast were disqusl Davis termed the trial an his(Continued on Page 2)
strike this week, as it became apto parent that the Company atti(Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
itself part of the overhead ex bases, now functioning on the Isl tion showed 4, 006 votes cast for tude of temporizing on union depenses of the war, Japan remains ands that make us America the CIO union, 1, 017 for the AFL the principal prospective foe. For biggest Maginot line in the Pa union, and 1, 254 workers voting even if it realizes its cherished cific. Other planes are taking off for neither union. Obviously a rank and file militancy.
hope of smashing the Soviet in formation for the Philippines. large majority of the packingThe fight for the new contract Dies Commitwas instituted last June by the the primary task of crushing the latest type drop into Hawaii ports Committee or Jersey City and Harrison Jodges Japanese threat to its supremacy and then under secret orders toe, are perfectly conscious of the of the Swoc. Working conditions in the Pacific.
toward the weat in the Pacific fact that they want a union right The most spectacular Amerl America is on guard in the in the yards, an industrial un Owing to extraordinary finansources, plunge us into debt and in these plants had reached such can war moves are consequently Pacific. There is some grim busi ion, which they know to have cial dificulties, the Socialist Ap disrupt the proper balance be miserable state of affairs that the life of the union was endandirected at Japan for the imme ness afoot. Hawall is the hub or been associated with militant ac peal is obliged, for the time between literary propaganda angered. The Company refused outA New Series of Special Articles, Beginning in This Issue.
tivities. Hence they voted for the ing, to discontinue twice weekly organizational work. Under these diate purpose of exerting pres that grim business.
sure upon Japan own policies Which brings us to the ques. CIO. They have done so once be publication and to return to a circumstances a temporary re right to bargain with union representatives Minor grievances We Want To Go Home!
and for the ultimate policy of tion: when is Uncle Sam going fore. To disappoint these work weekly basis, beginning with this treat became unavoidable.
ending forever the were referred to impartial arbiJapanese to move into Hawaii and see that ers would be criminal.
issue. The price of single coples This alone will give us the pos trators for settlement. Major dream of conquest.
THE MUTINY OF THE RUSSIAN BRIGADES ON THE the elements behind America returns to the original price of sibility of readjusting our bud cases were deterred from month WESTERN FRONT This is apparent enough from Maginot line in the Pacific are five cents. The subscription rate get and preparing for another to month. Unsettled grievances the public declarations of high not a menace to all this grim ac NEUTRALITY LAWS remains as before step forward.
were the rule.
At Least Know Why Am Dying!
For nearly ten months we have from the inflammatory editoriais Hawaii, whether she likes It DON APPLY TO published the Appeal twice a This step, dictated by economTHE 1917 MUTINIES IN THE FRENCH ARMY The Company insisted on the week without skippirig a single ic necessities, does not, however, use of the stagger system. a in leading papers like the New or not, is being prepared for a III. We ll Make Peace Ourselves!
York Times and Herald Tribune. grim role. Her silly days, as the BANKERS issue. Following the outbreak of relieve us of the extremely diffi plan of work week whereby the the war crisis we even managed cult financial problem of the mo workers are fleeced out of time THE KIEL AND WILHELMSHAFEN MUTINIES IN But in Hawali, Wall Street playground of silly tourists, are principal Pacific outpost, these over; as is her role at playing inTHE GERMAN FLEET to bring out the paper three ment. In view of our accumulat and one half for Saturday and moves are felt, seen, and heard dulgent godfather to Shinto OTTAWA. American bankers times a week. All this was done ed and pressing debts the main Sunday work under this system in their most substantial form. Americans.
IV. We re Fed Up!
do not worry about United States at the cost of exceptional efforts tenance of the weekly publication the plants would be in operation THE POST ARMISTICE STRIKES IN THE BRITISH There the inhabitants are closest in Hawaii the Japanese form a neutrality laws or the Johnson and financial sacrifices on the and the development of our field 365 days of the year. Officers.
ARMY to the actual war preparations. good third of the population; and Act which prohibits loans to be part of our party membership organization work will be pos shop stewards and grievance There the war jingoes in the the number of those born in the ligerent nations and those who and the friends of our movement. sible only if the organization committee men were constantly press are loudest, most blatant. Islands, thereby making them defaulted on the debts owed from In the recent period, as a re press fund campaign, provided intimidated and discriminated Comrades! Why Are You Shooting Take for example an editorial American citizens, is fast reach the last war. They expect to get sult of a combination of circum for by our last convention, is against. new contract granting Your Brothers?
in the Hawaii Sentinel, a Honolu ing the point where they will nor their share of war profits through stances, the financial strain has carried through to a successful these basic demands became gret all conclusion life death issue for the union.
THE BLACK SEA MUTINIES IN THE FRENCH lu weekly, which has taken as mally come into vote control of loans to Canadian munition corFLEET its holy and sacred mission to permitted to do so.
porations. In recent The plans and provisions for get Washington to crack down That is why also when the sentatives of New York repre economics and the generous coninvest tributions of party members and the completion of this campaign Rising Prices An Issue Another important factor aglVI. Your Only Enemies Are Your Officers!
on the large Japanese popula grim business comes to the ment bankers have been frequent friends, the weekly deficit which which are now before the party LESSONS AND CONCLUSIONS tion of the islands as spies, al point, Hawali will be one of the visitors to the offices of Canadian had to be made up by contribu branches will be reported in sub tating the rank and file was the lens, and tools of the hated Nip first to feel the heel of the war armament concerns arranging for tions continued at such a figure sequent issues of the weekly rise in the cost of living. The dictatorship.
ponese emperor.
loans for plant expansion. as to absorb our financial re Socialist Appeal. Continued on Page 2)
PREPARE STRIKE IN NEW JERSEY e what they are and how het dhe parade of 158 government witnesses in the third wh CRUCIBLE STEEL Behind the Lines The Socialist Appeal Returns and more temple to weaken Announcing MUTINY!