Anti-naziBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 24, 1939 The Mirage 11 Their By James Burnham Government HOOVER UMEMP ww Willi Changes Bosses DEN Carlo One Frameup Flops SPARKS IN THE NEWS press.
You want to get rid of them you and your SOCIALIST APPEAL kind, Mr. Young. You see trouble ahead, so you want to intoxicate their minds with martial musVol. II, No. 90 Friday, November 24, 1989 ic and then herd them into the trenches to be Published Twice Weekly by the shot to pieces for the bloody gain of your gang SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
of parasites. Then they will be out of the way.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Dead men make no trouble, eh, Mr. Young?
Editor: But you are mistaken. The youth of this counMAX SHACHTMAN try is wise to your schemes. All they need is Associate Editors: FELIX MORROW EMANUEL GARRETT organization to make that knowledge effective.
It is very difficult to be sure just what has been Then there really will be a drift into war, Mr.
happening in Prague.
General Manager: Assistant Manager: reports sent to this counMARTIN ADERN SHERMAN STANLEY Young. But it won be the kind of war you try give the impression of a rather surprising candor.
want. It will be a warIn general, Germany has been permitting the foreign correspondents to send out far more news than have Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months.
Foreign. 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle to tear the billions your congress is spending France or Britain. So far the Nazis have not instiorders: cents per copy in the United States: cento per copy in all foreign countries Sonslero P1. 50 for six for battleships out of your hands and give to the tuted pre censorship of dispatches. This, of course, Bronx and Manhattan subcriptions are need not mean very much: post censorship, with its months: 00 for one year.
youth jobs building homes and schools, threat of expulsion if correspondent dispatches displease the regime, can be just as effective as pre Reentered as second class matter September 29 to tear the billions you and the Sixty families censorship: and several American correspondents 1939. at the post office at New York, under the have stolen from the people out of your hands Act of March 1879.
have, in fact, been recently expelled.
and make this country a paradise of opportunity, We cannot be sure just how widespread the diswell being and security for those who toil.
turbances have been in Prague itself, nor whether they have extended to other Czech cities. We cannot FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST And, Mr. Young, in that war it won be Gertrust the account of the extent of repressions. Most man, Russian or French workers who are in the important, perhaps, of all, we do not know what WORKERS PARTY FOR: slogans have been put forward.
opposite trenches.
Nevertheless, it seems possible to piece a few facta job and a decent living for every worker.
together Open the idle factories operate them under workers control.
The Uneasy Protectorate Twenty Blon dollar Federal public works The open demonstrations and clashes apparently beand housing program.
gan a couple of weeks ago, during the celebration of the Czech independence day. Prior to this, however, Thirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 30there were indications that trouble was brewing, and hour weekly maximum for all workers on all Jobs Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability French war camp is fighting for only one thing: Maybe you don know it, but the Anglothe clashes were not unexpected.
The high point was reached in the student riots at pension.
the University. What set these off remains obscure. a federated Europe. Don look so puzzled. It 6. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
One story is that they began when a Nazi professor in all there in black and white. In what document of one of the classes insulted the students. consider7. All war funds to the unemployod.
the Allied governments? In none. But you can able battle seems to have taken place at the University. people referendum on any and all wars.
read all about it in the Nov. 18 issue of the New There is no reason to believe that the puppet Czech No secret diplomacy.
Leader, Social Democratic Federation weekly. government in exile had any direct connection with 10. An Independent Labor Party.
Willi Schlamm, the author of the article in the demonstrations. This is shown by the statement 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilanto and of Jan Masaryk repudiating the actions as Il adFascist attacks.
question, has peculiar gifts and a specialized vised and premature.
The Nazis do not seem have been prepared for 12. Full social, political and economie quality for training for writing in this vein of politics. He the Negro people.
learned his business in the famous establishment disturbances on a scale that these in Prague reached.
The dispatches suggest hesitations, and shifts in polof journalists conducted by Willi Muenzenberg, icy. Up to now, they have been trying to utilize the the publishing impresario of the German StalinCzech protectorate regime, under Hacha, which they ist movement. There Willi Schlamm learned how set up, and a primarily Czech police force as the main to make black into white and vice versa. His em By Dwight Macdonald instrument of their rule supplemented. naturally, by concentration camps and the Gestapo. There were obployer was generous and that inspired Willi vious advantages in this policy: it was easier to keep Schlamm to some great Aights of fancy. But a the Czech people divided when Czech cops were used to beat up Czech dissidents, and when a Czech govMore than two years ago, amid a fanfare of sad day came when (thanks to what the Willi ernment proclaimed the laws and regulations de nasty publicity, District Attorney Thomas Schlamms taught the workers) Hitler came to cided on in Berlin.
Dewey of New York seized the books of Local power and all the Willis fied as the workers In the first demonstrations, the Czech police were assigned to keep order, and all along Hacha has the International Brotherhood of Electrical could not do.
In the youth of capitalism in the seventeenth been calling for quiet. But by the time of the UniWorkers. That was big news in the capitalist In the emigration Willi both Schlamm and Il Duce on War and eighteenth centuries, no one made any seri versity clash, it had become clear that the Czech poMuenzenberg discovered that Stalinism is unIf there is one thing that this war is making ous effort to pretend that there was anything lice could not do the job, and that many Czechs, esclear, it is that world capitalism has reached very real or eternal about the verbal rationaliza pecially the students, were not listening Hacha. In On Monday Dewey returned the books. His ethical. Willi went into another line of busi stage of decay so advanced that the distinction tions used in the game of power politics. The some instances, the police seem to have been going acstaff had worked its head off without being able ness in Europe and Willi came to New York between war and peace has broken down to find even a peg on which to hang a frameup. and made connections with the Jewish Daily Forcompletely. Or rather, there is no longer any such language of diplomacy, was, of course, highly tively over to the side of the demonstrators, as is inthing as normal, peace time conditions under eu lle; nor did statesmen fail to appeal to dicated by the fact that several Czech policemen were the human sentiments in covering up shot in the repressions.
Dewey wouldn comment on the return of the ward New Leader establishment.
capitalist economy.
books, and the capitalist press didn think it It became necessary to send in thousands of GesFrom this brief sketch of Willi Schlamm This point was developed at length in the last deserve they were perpetrating at the moment. it was tapo agents and heavily armed detachments of New International, in the editorial and in my own was news.
generally understood that these high minded column. And now it is stated boldly and explicitly men, their equipment including, according to reports, Dewey move against the union was, how background, it is obvious that he is just the man field artillery.
to write for the New Leader. very skillful by one of the chieftains of the enemy. According phrases were simply the poker chips of the game, to be shoved about from day to day among the ever, handicapped by the fact that the funds and Statements now issuing from Berlin say that the to a dispatch from Rome in today N. Times, mart, indeed. He quotes a flunkey of the British players as suited the tactical needs of the mos staff he has at his disposal are relatively limited. Ministry of Information (i. e. Propaganda. a Premier Mussolini, in a speech addressed signiprotectorate status may soon be altered in favor of ment. Statesmen went through the forms just as He must envy Attorney General Murphy who, ceremonial speech by the French president, a reficantly enough to the Supreme Commission for lawyers go through the forms of talking about some form of more open, direct and complete Nazi Autarchy, expressed himself as follows: rule.
justice in our courts today and with just as with the authority of the Federal government, mark of Winston Churchill, another by British There is not an economy for peacetime cynically realistic an understanding that it was What is Foreshadowed?
the funds of the Department of Justice and the Ambassador Lord Lothian all of it the usual and an economy for wartime. There is only all form and talk.
a war economy, because historically. It Enough has happened to show that the Czech peostaff of the FBI, can cook up a case out of noth clap trap of war time speeches. Willi does NOT has been demonstrated that a state of armed Then along came Rousseau and the rights of ple have not accepted Nazism, and that they are ing at all. The day of the local union buster is quote the one official declaration on war aimswarfare is a normal state of the people, at man and all sorts of other humanitarian and ready to fight against it. What a commentary these about over. The United States Government has that by Lord Halifax, and with good reason!
least of those living on the European con idealistic doctrines, finding their political expres brave students and the others who were with them tinent, because even in years of so called sion in the French Revolution. There also arose provide on the cowardly capitulators of the Benes retaken over this dirty work.
For it doesn say what he wants to convey. peace other types of war are waged, which the idea, hitherto unknown, that the people had Then he applies to these vagrant remarks the no gime who now, as eager servants of the British, prein their turn prepare our armed warfare. certain democratic rights and that policies must sume to call themselves the government of Czecho Therefore, it is the fact, or rather the im be justified their beneficial effect on the great accident formula which he learned in Muenzenslovakia!
minent fatality, of armed warfare that ought majority of mankind. The liberal bourgeois poliberg school. That all this occurred on the same That the demonstrations began among the students to dominate and that does dominate economy.
ticians of the nineteenth century spent their lives day, and November 11 at that, is no coincidence, and youth is in accordance with the usual pattern. He who fails to reach this conclusion is in eloquently enunciating these high minded, inThe most volatile element in the society, their moods but evidence of a deliberated common action.
an ignoramus who has not got the right to spiring principles. It is true that the necessities complain or be surprised at the catastrophe of capitalism forced them constantly to act in change more swiftly. While the broad masses of work. The continued pressure of unemployment on That provides the necessary transition mechaners and peasants remain passive, the youth can actoward which he is going.
sharp contradiction to their words. But if they wore an Ideological costume to hide the shocking complish only sporadic flare ups, but their actions are youth, in the midst of a war boom will add to ism to conclude: It is impossible to deny that In matters like these, Il Duce speaks with the authority of an expert.
nakedness of capitalist exploitation, it was at symptoms of what is going on beneath the surface, the degree of drifting into active participation in the Allied war aims as they now are stated corleast always the same costume. Gladstone was an and symbols of deepening revolt to come.
the war declares Owen Young Ameri respond exactly with the aims of decent people We re All Socialists Now old humbug, but he was eternally and consistent But what is to come will depend also on the perspective and direction which the movement takes.
can Youth Commission.
throughout the world.
ly false to the same set of principles.
The late Judge Gary of the Steel Corporation once said, We re all socialists now. The genBenes states his views from London: the actions in Why?
After due consideration we have come to the Prague, and others like them, he found, will greatly eral reaction to the Judge statement was in the Do the youth between the ages of 20 and 24 conclusion that it is still possible for decent peoThe Ideological Wardrobe aid the democracies in their prosecution of the war.
nature of a belly laugh. But those were simpler who constitute the largest group of the nation ple to deny what Willi Schlamm asserts. We of times. Today Gary might well be taken quite But where. Gladstone got himself up in the What would be the effect if the line of Benes were seriously.
same liberal costume all his life, Hitler and Stalto be accepted by the Czechs. It would doom them to unemployed, according to the commission find fer other matters, however, which are impossible proclamation was issued by a labor leader in have a whole ideological wardrobe. Just as the a terrible failure, and at the same time strengthen ings want to water the trenches with their to deny. It is impossible to deny that Willi the other day to the proletariat of a certain Eur King of England has one uniform for visiting the Schlamm is one of that foul coterie of German opean country: SOCIALISM AGAINST CAPI fleet, another for receiving the Lord Mayor of If Hitler can present plausible evidence to show to TALISM! THAT IS OUR BATTLECRY! These London, and so on, 80 Hitler, though he goes the German people that the Czech anti Nazi move Do the youth 80 percent of whom, according labor fakers who, having led the German workwords were addressed to the workers of Germany everywhere in the same belted uniform, changes ment is actually inspired by the imperialist enemyto a recent YMCA poll of New York City, are ing class to yield to Hitler without striking a by Dr. Robert Ley, head of Hitler Labor ideological costumes according to whether his states, whose sole aim is to crush Germany in their skeptical of specialization ability as an assur blow, now propose to go back to their pie cards Front. The war aims of Germany Dr. Ley de audience is made up of capitalists or workers. own imperialist interests, and is working for the vicfined as the complete destruction of England and Molotov recent remark about fascism being a tory of the enemy states, then the Czechs will appear ance of a job want to leave their bodies and behind British bayonets. It is impossible to deny the domination of her moneybags over the rest matter of taste as though it were a question to the German people as no more than another division limbs under little white crosses on some Flan that these democrats are every whit as corrupt of the people on the globe. It might be added of choosing a new hat is clearly in this spirit. in the opposing imperialist armies. In compensation ders field. as their Stalinist competitors. It is impossible to that the main point of Dr. Ley message to the What the totalitarian regimes are now showing for some undoubted practical difficulties, Hitler would deny that their stench pollutes the very air which German workers was that their working day Not on your life!
us is a weird combination of the eighteenth and be able to draw the German people closer around himwas to be increased two hours at no extra pay. the nineteenth century usages in these matters.
self and his regime. He can say: look, even the Czech The youth want jobs. The youth want a mini the working class breathes. It is impossible to Thus the Nazis are beginning to raise on high They feel the nineteenth century need for gainworkers are your enemies, in the service of the sated mum of security, a chance in this great land deny that their American patrons, the Jewish the banner of socialism. Perhaps even more exing mass democratic sanctions for their policies, imperialists of London and Paris; you have only me traordinary, the rulers of the Soviet Union have of opportunity. to extract just a little comfort Daily Forward and the New Leader, are the for shrouding their dirty work in high sounding to rely upon. And there could be no effective answer also taken this banner out of the Kremlin attic phrases of concern for the wellbeing of The Peoto him, for what he would say would be true.
and happiness out of this world. Jobs, not brom most brazen war mongering sheets in the United and have flung it to the breeze, exuding a strong ple. But at the same time, they manipulate these Already Hitler is exploiting these possibilities, and ides, about vocational guidance, Mr. Young. States.
odor of mothballs. Charlie McCarthy Molotov denounces the war as an imperialist blood bath.
ideological garments with the cynical abruptness playing up the Prague events as directed from Lon(that was the only recommendation of the comCharlie McCarthy Browder damns the Roosevelt don. The remarks of the traitor, Benes, and the gen: one cosmic, all embracing philosophy to its oppoof eighteenth century politics, changing from eral propaganda imperialist democrats about mission)
Administration as the tool of the bourgeoisie and site with the facility of a Metternich substituting German revolt for the benefit of London and Paris, Just Out!
The youth of this country, together with the even ventures few unkind words about the one diplomatic formula for another.
are what enable Hitler to get away with his demaRoman Catholic Church. And the puppet master rest of the unemployed, will get this security, gogy in the Kremlin smokes his genial pipe in approv In the last few months, the Kremlin and its Mr. Young. Even if they have to wrest it out of This is why the Czech anti Nazi movement, if it is WHY NEGROES SHOULD al, removing it only to ask for a few more islands mouthpieces have used indifferently, as instruto be successful and in the interests of the Czech peothe crooked fortunes of the 60 families, to which in the Gulf of Finland.
ments to be picked up or tossed aside according OPPOSE THE WAR to the turn of events from day to day, the idealyou belong!
ple, must orient itself on a firmly internationalist perRousseau to Ribbentrop istic phrases of liberal bourgeois democracy and spective, against both war camps. In that light, the That why you see a drift into active parIt may be objected that it is laboring the obvi the impassioned rhetoric of Marxist revolution. German workers, and the workers of France and message that affects the life ous to point such contradictions between the When these bewildering changes of costume are Britain as well, will be their alllies in the struggle ticipation in the war, Mr. Young. American of every Negro words of power politicians and their deeds. From possible, it is more important than ever for all against the common enemy.
pounding the pavements but they find time immemorial, statesmen have veiled their who sincerely believe in the revolutionary road to no jobs. Trained as engineers, mechanics, crafts By Johnson real policies the handsomest available ideolog cut through the jungle of phrases to the hard ical trappings. However, think there is an in political reality underneath. Also to make this men, they are rejected and told to starve.
TO NINE INCH GUN Price 5e per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50 teresting difference in the way such trappings clear to the workers, lest they fail to differenti They see your bankruptcy. Starvation in the 8c per copy. 60 or morp 2c per copy have been used in the past and the way they are ate between Stalin fake Marxism and the Whether your shell hits the target or not, used today.
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