AnarchismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninNazismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST PPEAL NOVEMBER 24, 1939 ÅPPEAL ARMY In the War Camps Rumble with Revolt Labor Third Camp Raises Its STRIKES TIE UP Jobless Get 5c a Meal; Unions Head at Start of War THREE PLANTS Too High for Banksters IN CAIRO, ILL.
Chicago 13 over they have used promoter country to splendid sedentarnot continue its further course under en store bryster entre eles GIVE THANKS TWICE. WORKERS FORUM in The reports from branches The various agents point out and literature agents of the So that it is easler to sell the Socialist Appeal indicate that they cialist Appeal if there are stories are quite able now to distribute of local interest, such as those the twice weekly Socialist Ap dealing with trade union matpeal effectively and with increas. ters, factory conditions, etc. This By WIDICK ing success. Indeed, their legiti. is true, but for the Socialist ApThe democrats are trying to convince themselves that the 9, 000 Rochester Families Face Starvation; mate complaint in recent days peal carry such material, it is strong opposition group is has been the failure of the pa necessary also for the local com conducting a real fight against thunderbolts of revolution will strike only at their enemies. The the Stalinist machine directed by former agents. com German imperialism, the exiled leaders of the Vigilante Terror Fails FSCC Administrator Threatens to End Plan per to arrive on schedule on cer rades to submit the stories.
tain occasions. This is being remedied and, no doubt, this will aid New Haven, under the directhe International Woodworkers assured the emerwermaster that the thunderbolts can be harnessed to To Break United Ranks ROCHESTER, Nov. 19 Fiveties Corporation and the Roch the sale and circulation of the Appeal and is making special efthe branches in systematizing tion of Nick Lyons, is doing well now in the sale of the Socialist of America (CIO. Pritchett is being opposed for to bring the German Revolution within the confines of the Weimar safe voltage. They did it once before, in 1918, when they were able Of Negroes and Whites cents per person per meal. ester Clearing House Associa paper.
re election as president by Al Republic and of Hitlerism They will do it again, they promise.
That was Rochester helping tion.
Hartung, president of the Cohand to its citizens in need up the banks of the city have in days have not been too many. Subscriptions in the recent forts to obtain subscriptions.
The British are paying their money for goods which cannot be The Harvard unit at Camlumbia River District Council, in delivered! No more than Hitler was satisfied with the Sudeten mounCAIRO, III. Nov. 17 Cairo, to a few short months ago, when stalled a one percent service total of 14 new subscriptions and bridge, Massachusetts, has ina national referendum which will tains will the needs of Germany be satisfied with a monarcho demo the town that has never been it became evident that the needy charge on cashing the stamps 13 renewals were secured with creased its bundle order by an be completed on Dec.
given by grocers. As the local New York City securing new additional five coples and has cratic revolution. British leaflets and social democratic leaflets flooded. is up to its neck in a were starving to death Loggers Indictment will not break the iron hoops of Hitlerism; those hoops will be rent strike wave involving the major eral Surplus commodities Cor business a year, this means 30, renewals, Boston new subs and to secure subscriptions both for The Opposition CIO Bloc, as ander only by the shattering of the entire German social order, industrial plants.
More than two hundred busi poration, Rochester made a part 000 revenue from this source Chicago renewals. The list fol the Socialist Appeal and The ness men have been deputized as ah class of citizens on relief. alone to the local banks.
lows: New International ment against the stalinist rule Stalin Fears German Revolution Will Close Project Chamberlain does not understand this and hopes for a reason the strike movement. Attempts another two and one half cents special police officers to break Salvation was doled out with While there have been a few Mile Perkins, bureaucratic head New newal small decreases in bundle orders. What Wrong with the Pres able explosion in Germany. But Stalin does understand this, and to foment race riots against the per person per meal through em o the c, declared New York City. ent they have been sufficiently comAdministration of the fears it. Stalin knows that revolutions are contagious. Were the strikers, a majority of whom barrassingly conspicuous orange that the local project will be San Francisco. pensated for by similar increases IWA? It says: Boston in other localities. However, as Violation of the IWA, con social hatred stored up by the Soviet masses against the oppressive made. The Cairo Evening Citi relief clients to surplus farm banks do not discontinue their stitution: malicious St. Louis pointed out frequently in this colagainst members and officers for intervention. Capitalist encirclement today is Stalin best ally mob action.
Bankers Offer Less president of the Clearing House Philadelpia umn, the branches have been the purpose of purging all who against the Soviet masses. The German Revolution would provide the But where the vigilante bossNow, instead of remedying the Association, states that the quite weak in recent months in Minneapolis hola honest differences of opin Soviet working class with a new perspective, and that would mean es were successful in smashing situation, Rochester well fed banks will not change their Allentown obtaining renewal subscriptions, Pasadena, Cal.
as well as new subscriptions, so in the constitution, international his own resources but of the passivity of the worekrs over whom ers three years ago and fram the food out of the mouths ofernment and banks to discuss bankers have along with a cers has petitioned both the gov Washington, urgently needed in order to maintain the Socialist Appeal.
officers disregarding charges he rules.
Westport the matter.
The economic system of state property established by the Octo they have been unable to make the unemployed.
Wisconsin Ing that when and is a trial is ber Revolution plays as deadly a role in undermining Stalin as is a dent in the present strike and blue food stamp plan intioned the fate of nine thousand Moreover in the past month, So far Cleveland due to varying reasons, many of held they will sit on the jury played by the system of private property in undermining the rulers ranks.
the units have failed to maintain trying their own cases. in the capitalist countries. But with this decisive difference. Private Rochester depends now upon an families whose food will be cut Negro Workers Strike their payments on their bundles, Using the Communist Party property creates anarchy and convulsions which can only be done The strike movement began the Federal Surplus Commodi unit be removed.
agreement between the head of by third, should the Newark is making very deter and, as a result their indebtedmachine to maintain themselves away with by ending private property. The state property of the with the walkout of the workmined efforts to stabilize and in ness to the Business Department in office and put over their pro Soviet Union has demonstrated its infinite superiority over private ers of the Robets Cotton Seed crease its circulation. In recent is higher than at any previous gram. Affidavits and abundant property by multiplying the volume of production in that backward Products Co. With the exception months matters have improved period.
of three or four, this 100 perThe workers evidence is available for proof. country by ratlos unprecedented in history.
who were considerably, so that the Newark We are again publicly advising thrown off the WPA rolls.
What have they got to be unit was able to increase its bun these branches and agents that, Worker to attack the IWA mem the bridle of the ossified bureaucracy. It requires an entirely differ cal is composed of Negro workbers without preferring charges end kind of guidance. The crises in Soviet economy, its dislocations, ers. They struck after a year of thankful about? And the mildle and its sales. Newark is sell unless payments are forthcoming lions and millions starving on ing more papers now than ever prior to the next issue of the or presenting evidence to justi and the panic stricken answers of the bureaucracy in the form of Rutile attempts to bargain with before, but has to solve other socialist Appeal, they will be the relief hand outs. problems, including an old debt, sent their bundles This is (See the Timber Worker for tablished by the October Revolution is utterly allen to the bureauc tried to break through the pick(Continued from Page 1)
The migratory workers of to increase its bundle still fur imperative in order to insure June 3, 10, 17, 24; April 29; Au racy which has usurped the power. The defense of the nationalized et line by driving his car into the United States in the SecCalifornia, the beet pickers of ther.
regular publication gust 27; etc. Censorship property in the USSR requires the overthrow of the strangulating the strikers and brandishing a ond World War, Colorado, the sharecroppers of against those who oppose the bureaucracy. 45 revolver. Somebody, probably That he on the best neighArkansas, what have they got Communist machine.
Stalin, Fair Weather Friend a fellow deputy, shot him borly terms with certain to be thankful for? Their mis4. They have failed to organize statesmen In allying himself with Hitler, Stalin hopes to help Hitler pre through the head. He died immebelow the Rio erable wages, their underfed.
wives and children, their beatVadley. Klamath Falls, The Red Communist International is already, though still in cautious terms to pin his murder on a negro those ungrateful grensers in inge the hands of vigilantes?
woods and British Columbia, warning that Hitler overthrow would most likely bring a monstriker although the assailant their place, with their thousands of potential archten regime hostile to the Soviet Union, therefore this is the is unknown That he going to ride into What will the Negro masses The militancy of the strikers ANTI SOVIET PICTURE the White House for a third give thanks for? Their jimmarries rich and good looking bership in the IWA In 1937 of plain implication it is best that Hitler be not overthrown. This is crowed existence at the Roberts plant spurred an term making everybody be black IS CONDEMNED play boy and they live happily 100, 000. They reported 100. 000 the line so long as Hitler military position remains favorable, as organization drive in the Valley lieve he ll keep the country out ghettos? Lynchings at the forever after. don think, comDear Comrade Editor, members in 1989. The actual is likely to remain during the first year of the war.
Steel Products Corp. employing hands of the Ku Klux Klan?
But when Hitler situation grows dificult, Stalin will try to 300 white and 25 Negro workof war, the dopes.
membership does not exceed 35. leave the sinking ship and swim off toward the Allles. In returners. Before the organization Yes, Thursday is ThankagiyYes, there are people who about a movie saw last night, know that as far as they are am writing you to tell you rade editor, that poor people can because they 000.
will have many things to be ing Day. The Bourbons and Squandering the union funds for his services at this point, the Allies may permit him to Sovietize Ninotchka, with the Great Garconcerned happy ending is a thankful for their well paid flunkles will of bo. The first twenty minutes cer. Ite, like prosperity.
for two years by putting on the the Baltic countries, and call for the independence of Hitler Poland drive could be completed some in order to Sovietize it too. And with this new turn the Communist union struck 40 leaders were fired and the But, of course, there are fer up their many thanks.
tainly were funny and fast movBig Front without any means for International will sing still louder Stalin praises as a liberator some people who will balk at The unemployed, the underJ. PYTLAK ing, and the three Soviet trade New York Picket Despite Guns celebrating this great, tradi privileged, the ill fed, 111envoys who go to Paris to sell International Secretary has failBut all this can take place only on the basis of Hitler growing strike, Nov. 9, a deputized vigiOn the first night of the tional holiday.
clothed and in housed will pass confiscated jewelry were real life ed to make complete reports!
The locked out youth, for the day in their cold flats, their stuff. But when their straw boss, Dictatorial (Abe Muir) trc. difficulties. The consequent military defeat of Germany will inevitabante Broup armed with rifles example. What the hell have tics. Witness Orton at Carna ly be followed by the socialist revolution in Germany. That will ramshackle huts and their miANNOUNCEMENT Ninotchka (Garbo. gets to Parthey got to be thankful for? gratory fivvers. To them is to see what wrong everytion: Pritchett at Tacoma and mean the end of Stalin too, as the Soviet workers clasp hands with and pistols drove off the picket line. But as soon as it was light Let Mr. Roosevelt and the first Thanksgiving Day will be fust thing begins to slow up and THEATER PARTY tendered by Portland. The rule or ruin career their victorious brothers in Germany.
families of Virginia keep their The German workers state and the regenerated Soviet Union enough to see the workers reanother day. They have nothboys acting as floor leaders in wiu understand, as did the party of Lenin and Trotsky, that their turned ot the plant gates and leave a bad taste. At the railroad traditions and holidays they ll ing to be thankful for not unstation the three Commies misthe Friends of the Russian Optake jobs, thank you.
der capitalism take a Nazi for their comrade, position Bulletin. Chaver From time to time mysteri foremost task is to extend the revolution. They will put their re reestablished their picket lineous appointments of new editors sources at the service of the colonial revolutions against the demo with Negro and white workers which isn funny because it is a Nachman, by Singer, a ganizers without recommenda cratic empires. The twilight of the British Empire will become the marching side by side. before islation, anti. injunction bill, a ute later Ninotchka makes a flat dirty crack at socialism. minJewish play based on the Rusof the Timber Worker. New or dawn of a new life for the peoples of Africa and Asia. The epoch of the muzzles of two hundred guns.
little Wagner Act, the abolition joke about one of Stalin greatsian Revolution, with Joseph tion or approval of districts. wars and revolutions, Lenin called our times. In the first weeks of Four days later, the company of sweat shops and homework, est crimes, the mass trials, and Ben Aml, Cella Adler, and LudSome of them were known Com the Second World War we begun from the point at which the Russian launched its back to work moveetc.
munist Party members.
Revolution and the post war revolutions left off.
says they left fewer but better wig Satz. At the National The8. Using the IWA as a front That is the other side of the present picture of growing reaction ment by sending threatening Russians.
and disThe Fight Against Jim Crow ater, 2nd Ave. at Houston St. to build the Communist Party on The other is th world revolution, whose first rumblings are now patching foremen to plead and and repression, War and its attendant horrors are one side of the letters to the workers The Socialist Workers Party When Ninotchka falls in love on Tuesday evening.
on the members dues dollar.
being heard in Prague and Munich, Paris and Algiers, Bombay and strikers.
threaten in the homes of the paid particular attention to the with her play. boy enemy she Dec. 12. Tickets are available The back to work Calcutta, Leningrad and Moscow.
problem of the fight against goes from one extreme to the Opposition Program movement fizzled completely at the National Office, 116 Jim Crowism. Again it used the other. She gets drunk in a night The Opposition CIO Bloc of University Pl. Get yours early when only 35 stooges guarded record to show that the boss club and wants to win over all by two hundred armed deputies fers this as its counter program: to give the timber workers secfor choice seats.
parties were crafty enough to the stiff shirts. It is a silly specContinued from Page marched into the plant. Outside Strict adherence to the CIO ond class citizenship in the union, permit one or two Negroes to be tacle. Later she says, Bombs program. Political Action Non the lumberjacks thought they HOW THEY FIGHT the picket line was stronger the votes of the unemployed on elected on their ticket to the may fall and civilization may partisan. Drive out the political would be able to establish a milthan ever reinforced by ILA the way.
80 odd places in the State Leg die, but want to have a good machine control within the un itant, democratic union.
HITLERISM IN Notice dock workers and cotton seed Loewenthal, SWP candidate, islature. The record showed that time. This may be all right for ion.
plant strikers. Since then the pointed out: They have given six mild laws against discrimina bureaucrats, but it not so good Organize the major sections smooth operator, the Stalinists DEMOCRACY strike breaking drive has come Jus the choice of half a loaf ortion had been introduced by for those who are dyinng.
of the lumber industry before managed to capture control of to an abrupt end.
none. If you vote no on the ref Negro legislator, Frank Har There are a few funny scenes The Defense of Canada MEMBERSHIP MEETING moving out into the isolated dis this union. For three years, vaAt the present writing. the erendum, it means no money for grave Essex County, but that about stool pigeons and bad tricts.
rious tendencies appeared in opRegulations. under which an Governor personal representa relief. If you vote yes, it means the Republican Legislature had housing in Russia, but in the end ti war fighters are being jailed, Sunday, Nov. 26 P. Strict selection of organiz position to the rule or ruin tive, Vincent, Colonel Davis of you are voting to appropriate passed none of them, and that Hollywood wins and socialism ers upon recommendation of the clique.
read like a Hitler decree. Here the National Guard, NLRB rep less than half the money re the Democrats co operated com loses. Beautiful but poor girl Irving Plaza Gothic Room But not until this year were are the provisions under which districts, based upon knowledge resentatives and government quired.
pletely with the GOP.
of the industry and ability to or the various groups able to unite Frank Watson was jailed: conciliators have come to town The Socialist Workers Party As the result of this failure 39. No person shall by to pour oil on the troubled wa supported the referendum, call to answer any of the real ison rather than political affir behind a program which could word of mouth. a) spread rerally the workers to fight the CP ters. Strike ranks, however, are ing on the workers to vote yes sues, the workers voted against ports or make statements, solid as ever.
on the measure and to vote both the boss parties by staying Furnishing accurate finan effectively.
cial and membership standings Harry Bridges, California CIO false or otherwise, intended or against both parties which had away from the polls, hardly to the membership likely to cause disaffection to director (recently demoted) was failed to provide an answer to more than half the number votHis Majesty or to interfere Cannon Fodder Hard the relief, and to follow up the ing this year that did last year.
on a business like basis. Elimi rushed by the Stalinists to the Operate the International recent woodworkers convention elections with mass action The Republicans swept the elecesty forces or of the forces To Get in Canada the nate the extravagant expenses. to help head off a revolt against fight to force through a real re tions again, even gaining a few of any allied or associated Abide by the constitution. the Pritchett machine. This was Powers or to prejudice His (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
lief program based on making seats in the Legislature, al7. Full cooperation between how precarious the grip of the Majesty relations with forMONTREAL The workers of the wealthy parasites, the Sixty though the vote against their the International district, and Stalinists had become.
this section of Canada, as in oth Families, pay the costs. main plank, defeat of the relief local unions in securing the best The case of the Opposition eign powers, or (b) spread reports or make statements, er sections, are not taking to the Labor Legislation referendum, showed how much wages, hours and working con CIO bloc against the Stalinists 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE false or otherwise, intended or governments efforts to whip up Similarly on vitally needed they were trusted.
ditions for the membership. is borne out by all the available likley to prejudice the recruitwar sentiment.
bor legislation. It was easy to Greater expression by the evidence. However, the opposiNEW YORK, ing, training, discipline or adRecruiting in the French Can show by the record that neither rank and file. Extend the use of tion contains elements which can ministration of any of His adian regiments to proceeding at party had moved a finger to do FIGHT AGAINST THE Telephone GRemerey 0917 the referendum and initiative only be characterised as redMajesty Forces.
a very slow rate. Even the in anything about legislation WAR; within the IWA.
baiting. If the opposition is to 39A. No person shall print, ducement of unusually good pay called for by the trade unions of ow Over one hundred delegates, become a genuine progressive circulate or distribute any for soldiers, amounting to nearly the state: decent wage hour legalmost a majority, at the recent force in the labor movement, it third annual convention of the must relegate this tendency inbook, newspaper, periodical. 50 a month, fails to attract recruits in sizable numbers. Resulta IWA signed this program. It to the background, and reject an card, letter, writing, print, in other regiments are not much. Full Line of Books on Labor, a publication or document of What Your Dollar Can Do but nevertheless progressive, The opposition stands a very any kind containing any maOn several occasions, in movie Politics, Economics movement as against the Stalin good chance of winning the nahouses, British patriotic newsist machine.
terial, report or statement, ONE DOLLAR will distribute Afty free copies of the Socialtional elections for which it has false or otherwise (a) intended reel shots have been hissed at in ist Appeal or The influence of the Wobblies a full alate unless as the oppoor likely to (as above Par. a)
recent weeks. Street urchins Jeer The Center of Political Pamphlets of is quite evident in the emphasis sition fears something happens (b) intended or likely to (as and ridicule companies of soldiers Put an Appeal salesman on an important street corner for on rank and filism. They rep to the ballots or the Stalinistabove Par. c) or which as they march to drill through a full day.
resent but one of the tendencies controlled locals are given in would or might be prejudicial the streets.
FIVE DOLLARS will distribute free 300 copies of the Socialunited in bitter opposition to the flated voting strength.
One big mercantile establishto the safety of the state or Other candidates of the opporuinous course pursued by the 1st Appeal or the efficient prosecution of the ment has adopted the policy of Staliniats since this section Drop in and browse around sition, all of whom are men of Provide an Appeal salesman for a week.
discharging its young male emwar.
the labor movement was forced long experience in this field, ployees to allow them to join TEN DOLLARS will subsidize a local organizer for a week.
LATEST FICTION out of the AFL and joined the are: Les Cadieu, for vice presithe army. It is generally believed CIO.
that similar measures and even Send dent; Worth Lowry, for viceLending Library your contributions to: NATIONAL CAMPAIGN Greeting Cards After breaking wth the AFL president; Tucker for sec Join the Socialist conscription might have to be re FUND, Socialist Workers Party 116 University PL.
Carpenters Union and its Czar, retary treasurer; and sorted to in order to secure CanWillam Hutcheson, who bought Brown for trustee.
Workers Party ada quota of cannon fodder.
JERSEY POLLS STRONG ANTI WAR VOTE Announcing Modern Bookshop all shades of opinion George