CommunismEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly 167 VOL. III, NO. 90 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1939 THREE (3) CENTS RUMBLINGS OF REVOLT SHAKE WAR CAMPS His Turkey Dinner Hands off the Trade Unions, Mister Roosevelt!
Only Party with ProCorporation Makes Big AN EDITORIAL gram for Workers in Haul of Profits, Offers In Prague, Dublin, India, Paris, Moscow State Elections Hundreds of labor unions and central labor bodies have Slaves Slim Pickings War Makers Tremble at Spectre of Masses been sending to Washington their protests against the Official announcement was (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
In Rising Against Their Bankrupt Rule made this week that Alfred union busting campaign being conducted by the Roosevelt Lowenthal, candidate of the SoDETROIT, Nov. 22 Chrysler government through the Department of Justice and its Fed cialist Workers Party of Essex workers will go without their By FELIX MORROW eral Bureau of Investigation the Men.
County, New Jersey, had receivthanksgiving dinners Thursday, thanks to the lockout the corpor The first known large scale struggle of a section of the What they are protesting against was aptly summarized od 1, 306 votes in the November 7th elections for General Asation is maintaining in its stub masses against its own government during this war has by Thomas Smith, secretary treasurer of the General sembly.
born refusal to make any reason taken place. The Czech students and workers have the honor Drivers Union of Omaha, Nebraska, in a recent statement This vote, a few hundred lowable concessions er than that polled by the Thomto the Labor press on the FBI persecutions of the Midwest No agreement is yet in sight on of initiating the revolutionary struggle against the waras Socialist Party and the Stalthe question of wages the latest makers.
teamsters unions. inist Party, was generally reissue over which negotiations That this open clash came during the first months of The Department of Justice and its Federal Bureau of have bogged down. The UAWgarded as an encouraging reply Investigation is on a road which is surely leading to the workers Party, which had run to the campaign of the Socialist CIO originally demanded an all the war, whereas years elapsed during the first world war development of American soil of the same sort of anti labor throughout the campaign as the in wages. It revised this proposal the two epochs.
around io cents an hour increase before such a clash that is the difference in the tempo of political police which is the instrument of the ferocious dic party of revolutionary struggle downwards to five cents. In terms of annual wage increase the orig The main attention of the democratic press has been against the war and theh wartatorships in Europe and Asia.
inal sum of 18, 000, 000 was re concentrated on the dramatic resistance of the Czech students.
Arnold Cracks Down on Labor The capitalist parties, here as vised downwards to 8, 000, 000 It is clear now, however, that the workers also participated in elsewhere throughout the counCorporation officials countered The Department of Justice has answered these protests, try, were extremely careful to with an annual wage increase of the struggle. As early as Oct. 27, the Nazi officials of Prague avoid all mention of the main is 3, 000, 000 which the UAW justly officially branded labor agitation as the work of Trotskyin the form of a letter by Assistant Attorney General Thursue, the war. Not once did elrejected as ridiculous. The unite Communists the universal designation of revolutionists man Arnold, sent to the secretary of the Central Labor Un ther party candidates for any ion rejection is buttressed by by reaction. That strike calls were answered by the workers ion of Indianapolis and simultaneously published in the office in the state take any position on the war.
For the first six months of 1989 last Saturday is discovered from an official assertion that press on Nov. 20.
They insisted that that was a the Chrysler Corporation report the strikes were terminated by Monday. But that would indiThe Roosevelt government plainly declares in this letter national issue, and that the elecits intention systematically to employ the Sherman Anti tions were state issues. But even ing prices dig a deep hole into cate that the strikes were not for economic demands, but Trust Act the wages of the Chrysler work were political protest strikes, in solidarity with the students, gainst the labor movement, listing five types of on the state issues both parties showed how completely banker but they hardly make a dent called for a specific time period and then terminated.
union activity as unquestionably violations of the Sher rupt they were.
in the millionaire stockholders dividends.
man Act.
After the war question, the In addition to the execution of twelve student leaders The Sherman Anti Trust Act was passed by Congress in most important issues in the el.
Below Subsistence Wage and the herding of thousands of others into concentration 1890 as a law against the industrial monopolies, under the relief, pressing labor legislation. The subsistence wage for a camps, it is reported that the Nazis fired artillery into the pressure of mass discontent. By the most flagrant formal and steps against racial discrimfamily of four in Detroit, accord workers quarters of Prague. The desperate measures taken ism, the courts, in typical judge made law, proceeded to apination and Jim Crowism.
ment of Labor figures, is 1, 423. by the Nazis is a measure of the profound crisis undermining ply the Sherman Act, not against the monopolies, but peal, SWP election paper, made As the Newark Socialist Ap85, Thomas, union prest their rule.
dent said.
against labor unions as restraining commerce. In that clear, the two boss parties had Chrysler production workers Europe Sits on Powder Barrel way Debs was sent to jail, the famous Danbury Hatters no more of an answer to these do not earn anything near that But their rule is not the only one which is being undermined.
problems than they had to the union members stripped of their life savings, etc. As the amount. The average hourly wage As everybody understands, the measures necessary to a totalitarwar.
result of a national wave of labor revolt, Congress in 1914 You May Not Know It But Conditions Are in June of this year was 93 cents. ian regime mean that internal contradictions have reached an inThe Relief Problem Given forty weeks of work a year, tolerable tension only the most dreadful oppression keeps the inpassed the Clayton Act expressly exempting unions from So Good, Gave Us Thanksgivings at thirty two hours With a quarter of a million the anti trust laws.
a week, ternal contradictions from exploding. And this explosive situation Chrysler workers earn 1, 190. 40 a exista outside of Germany too.
unemployed and with no money year.
But the Clayton Act and similar legislation have been appropriated for relief, neither The Nazis, in answer to the democratic glee over the mean That is 233. 45 less than the ing of the Prague events, retort in the words of the Diplomatischwhittled away by the judges for the benefit of the bosses. It boss party dared to offer a real Thursday is Thanksgiving answer to the problem. After an That the big, fat contracts government says is required to Politische Korrezpondenz, Foreign Office publication that Engwas bad enough when bosses used the Sherman Act against month session the RepublicanDay.
are rolling in, keep a Detroit family of four in land and France, in Palestine and Damascus among other places, unions, but the climax came when Attorney General (Tea controlled Legislature had been bad, rich and poor, lithe and Young and old, good and That profits are sky rocket the ordinary necessities of life. have shown what methods they themselves are accustomed to ing. Continued or Page 3)
able to adopt only the idea of lame. all are supposed to Dickinson At It Again state referendum on relief to apAnd that, as a matter of pause, pray and give thanks.
propriate 21, 000, 000 through aft an olde American custom, fact, every day is ThanksgivThe other day our pious Gov France Under Martial Law bond issue for the years 1939 ing Day for the Sixty Fami: ernor broke into print again. This France is today also a totalitarian regime in the democratic and 1940. The minimum requireven older than the horsetime, however, he wasn on his form of martial law. To its previous repressive measures the govlies.
ed to maintain even the present nickel.
drawn trolley and the buffalo President Roosevelt will knees to Jesus, but to the Chrys ernment on Nov. 19 added new ones effective as long as France have many things to be thankler corporation. His pipeline to is under martial law under which Individuals dangerous for nalow standard for the two year By GEORGE STERN Naturally, there are many ful for. After the newsreel men God always makes a detour to the tional defense or the security of the state may be transferred from e who have things to be have left with their clips of back door of the auto companies, their place efectes dernieh, translated into plain language, meant By GEORGE STERN tle more than a year ago. It has The Republican Legislature panier whor.
the Chief Executive carving that the negotiations were reach that the decree gives these ministries power to proceed against The tight game of power poli by no means been abandoned, ev presented this referendum to the The. up the biggest turkey of them ing a settlement. So in jumped anybody without recourse tics involving the United States, en though the powers, driven people for a vote but the re ample, will have one helluva all, the Prez will pause and the usual legal procedures, courts, Japan, and the is be helplessly by forces they could publican Party before the elec time on Thanksgiving Day. little Dick in the nick of time etc. the ministries having the authority to define what individuals give thanks ginning to be played a little fast not entirely control, are at pres tions came out strongly against In their lavishly appointed to offer any scabs who wanted it come under the decree. With these decrees the government. says That he has in Frank Murer and more furiously. It is by in Europe the main hope of hoped to do its passage. In this way they mansions, they will sit around state protection. If the local cops the Times report, will be in a position to take drastic actwo things innumerable big, turkeys phy an Attorney General who far the most important sector of can get strikebreakers into the the diplomatic front of the war, carrying out these plans contin Avold appropriating money and in between their fowl knows how to frame up that plant, ll send down my National tion against any insubordination such as has been advocated in blankety blank Minneapolis la Guard, so the statement ran. Now that France, like Germany, is a smoldering volcano.
clandestinely circulated propaganda. These Hitlerite methods mean far more important than any in ues to be the hope that Hitler for relief. Avold the responsimouthfuls and burps, give bor movement, Europe, because its outcome will will be displaced by another re bility for not appropriating the thanks if the corporation wants to put That the President is a big That he was able to ram decide in large measure the form gime, preferably a dictatorship of money. The Hague Democrats on the kiboshon negotiations and Uprisings in North Africa and tempo of entry into the the moderate Reichswehr gen the other hand came out for the Navy man, through Congress juicy part start some strikebreaking war itself and will have a de erals and possibly even a restored referendum, hoping to pick up That the war has finally of his program for involving knows where to look to for sup What does the Nazi taunt about Damascus mean? There are (Continued on Page 2)
started, cisive effect upon the further evo Hohenzollern monarchy. With (Continued on Page 2) port.
rumors current in Paris about uprisings in French North Africa.
lution of the conflict.
such regime, the British and ican press in weeks! The French censorship is even stricter than Not a single dispatch has been published from Algiers in the AmerFresh signs of approaching French indicate they will find it make a deal that will that of the Nazis, all dispatches being subject to censorship before agreement between Japan and possible the Soviet Union have forced end the stalemate on the western being sent. The volcano is smoldering.
Washington to increase its pres front and turn war spearhead Cordell Hull eastward again.
sure upon Toss roll out their Indian Volcano Seething and Sumner The Game with Japan Britain is in no better plight. At the very beginning of the war In the Far East the strategy verbal batteries. Once again the By MARTIN ABERN the jewel of the Empire, India with its 375 millions of revolting inviolability of Wall Street n consists of keeping Japan and terests in China are reaffirmed Russia at sword points and to The second half of the National 10, 000 Organization slaves, demands in irreconcileable language its freedom from British rule. Even Gandhi, who himself wanted to give unconditional and Japan is angrily informed ensure thereby Japanese partiel and Press Fund Drive must go over the top on scheduled support to Britain in the war, has now been compelled to threaten that these interests will be vis. Driver We have said in this con time. The twice weekly SOCIALIST APPEAL is at stake. PARIS, Oct. 21 (Delayed) ed on the first day of mobiliza civil disobedience if the British do not yield. Remove India from the. Paris is putting the finishWithout doubt our Party and its sympathizers are quite tion, reopened soon after, and foundations of the British Empire, and the entire structure comca Without any effort to deplet it un repeatedly that it is a quesing touches to her wartime reclosed on the day the Rus crashing down.
25. colncidence, the Navy Do: trance hapenkirendy Barbat with capable to insure the maintenance of our most important inwardrobe. Women are go sians marched into Poland. Yet so impotent are the British rulers that they can do nothing strument for spreading the program of the Fourth Inter ing practical along the crease in the submarine force at drawn to the sidelines and it is Lanvin was a rock in the about the inspiring symbol which shows the way to the five hundred tached to the Asiatic Fleet. imperialism that is left to national and the Socialist Workers Party.
line. We are wearing short storm. She kept her place open million colonial peoples oppressed by Britain: at England very skirts at all hours, we insist The largest and newest submar play the game of combined presand, with one door is Ireland which, despite a government pliant in England Our semi weekly paper has been maintained without mannequin, on keeping smart, but we showed her winter collection hands, will have nothing to do with the imperialist war.
Ines in the navy will take their sure, wheedling, promises, threats, have no heart for frivolities.
places in the first line of pros and counter threats that is called missing a single issue since our twice a week was establishto the few intrepid clients who Fritz Thyssen, who financed Hitler rise to power, has left GerWe have put away our plumed many because of a lack of faith in Hitler war program. awn.
still wanted to see it.
ed. One must not even contemplate a retreat, but, on the Such a pective action against the Japan modern diplomacy.
ese fleet in the Pacific. The an The Russians, fully conscious, hats and our splashy jewelry; break within the ruling clique is one of the harbingers of contrary, must look forward to increased frequency of the The couturiers are on their call of a regime. But the British have little to be happy about. For maybe we ll begin to take nouncement comes as little naturally, of the stakes, are pushmettle, and the French never them out when the boys begin work so well or fight so well who conducted the last war and who now at the very beginning!
semi colon or dash punctuating ing ahead with all their might to SOCIALIST APPEAL.
among their own ruling caste are such figures as Lloyd George, The Party branches in the past have responded to the to return home on leave. Hair the diplomatic barrage. semi get in first with a deal at Tokyo.
is coming down or off; coifcolon or a dash because the General agreement in principle parently impossible obstacles. has so little faith in the ruling class ability to withstand the shocks fures are being simplified, for has already been announced and requests for the necessary financial assistance to sustain matter is far from concluded.
There been a lot of talk of of war that he wants, someway, somehow, to reach an understanding we can look for sizeable Soviet the SOCIALIST APPEAL. By a similar response in the high, formal hair dos are inThe Main Strategy concessions the suspicions of second half of the campaign there can be no doubt but that compatible with gas mask the possibility of transferring with Hitler.
the couture to Biarritz Asked The Spectre Haunts Europe Let us reiterate once again the the Japanese militarists.
our Press can be maintained and established on a sounder about this, central significance of this diplo For them it is a question of be The day after war was de Never! Paris is the style cap But if they could not reach a stable understanding in the years matic tug o war: it still remains ing convinced of greater immedi footing than ever.
clared, nearly every dressmak ital. It would never be the or peace, they can find none now Each imperialist power needs the essential strategy of the Al ate gains to be had through elimThe reports from the Party branches throughout the lies, including of course this coun Ination of the western powers inghouse in Paris, except Lan same anywhere else. And Ag what the other also needs, and only arms can settle the argument.
country indicate their readiness to proceed with full speed vin and Paquin, was closed. nes sald, What an idea! When There are no bridges back to the peace of Munich. long and deal try, to transform the war into a from China than through Molyneux kept the ground you get to Biarritz, you can pilless war is ahead and its vistas frighten the ruling class of war against the Soviet Union as with the Western powers that to fulfill their quotas. We are confident that all supporters the most convenient and least will involve Japan in an early war of our revolutionary Press will make every effort to fulfill floor shop open just to sell think of designing anything every country. For at the end of it they see the spectre which is such things as perfumes and but a beret.
haunting Europe today more than ever before: the spectre of revodamaging way out of the present against Russia that would take lipsticks; the rest of the place Feminine Fashion Dept. in lution.
Impasse. This was the hope rais all that remains of her material their quotas for the National Organization and Press Fund was shut tight. Chanel closCampaign before February 1st.
The New Yorker of Nov. 11. Continued on Page 2)
ed so high at Munich only a lit resources Behind the Lines The Appeal Needs Your Aid!