BolshevismHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMoscow TrialsMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 5647 tial amount of capital available for that kind of You Can Tell the Minn. BRONX JOBLESS Frame up Is Raw Even PICKET FOR Congressman Raps It CLOTHING They Alibi For Social Patriots; Insult Leninists Subscriptions: 60 per year: 00 for six months. For sen: 00 per the United States: cents per copy in Ki foreign countries single coples: sent Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 50 for six markotitered As second matter September 29, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the act of March reward. Undeveloped natural resources in many of our countries offer possible fields for such investment.
When Mr. Welles talks about sufficiently assured reward for American capital, he has in mind such things as puppet dictators, their official and unofficial gunmen to rid the scene of anti imperialists, efficient police forces, prisons filled to the brim with those who don like American business methods in the colonies, and, in the background, the American marines ready to plunge into the breach.
So when he plays the genial grandmother to the little Red Riding Hoods from down South, let the little folks beware. Grandma has great big teeth to eat you with 1109 ditor: MAX SEACHTMAN Associate Editor BANUEL GARRETT FELIX MORROW General Manager Assistant Manager MARTIN ABERN SHIRMAN STANLEY sroup he basis of this vietous attempt is the Minneapolis WPA strike we gote e penge the phenomenon and groups sind themselves in the theme comme le teine FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST One Law for All WORKERS PARTY FOR: Job and a decent lying for every worker. Washington is a great place for circuses. The Open the idle factoriesperate them under best performance is usually staged at the monopworkers control.
oly investigations. Out of one of these carnivals Twenty Bullion dollar Federal publlo works came the Sherman anti trust law.
and housing program.
Thirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 80To the simple minded person who believes the hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. law operates like it reads, the Sherman anti trust Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability law was meant to prosecute trusts.
The other day a Federal Judge in Indiana fined Expropriate the Sixty Familles.
four General Motors finance corporations 5, 000 All war funds to the unemployed.
each for forcing dealers to finance sales of cars people referendum on any and all wars.
through the General Motors Acceptance Corp. No secret diplomacy.
At the same time all the big shots of General 10. An independent Labor Party 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Motors who were engineering this squeeze play Fascist attacks.
on the dealers were exonerated.
12. Full social, political and economic equality for Less than a year ago a Federal judge in Philthe Negro people.
adelphia had before him another case of restraint of trade. It concerned the Apex hosiery workers who staged a sit down strike in their mill to compel better working conditions. The judge socked a fine of almost three quarters of a million dollars. 711, 932) on the union.
The Sherman anti trust law, as we said, was One of the banners carried in the gigantic enacted to prosecute trusts. The Sherman antidemonstration of the Detroit auto workers trust law, as it operates, prosecutes unions. Or, against the Chrysler Corporation read: Cough if you want to be accurate to the dot, it fines a linism Is Chryslerism!
rich corporation 5, 000 and a union of the poor In that slogan the auto workers summed up in three quarters of a million.
three words the role of the fascist priest far The law that is made to prosecute poor men better than all the mountains of words written by and workers prosecutes poor men and workers.
book worm college professors and professional The law that is made to prosecute rich men and liberals. corporations prosecutes poor men and workers.
Coughlin is not the tool of Adolf Hitler, the Heads they win, tails you lose.
mouthpiece of the German American Bund or a crackpot priest too insignificant and ludicrous to be given any serious attention. That is the opinion of the harebrained crew of intellectual jugCoughlin and Chrysler HEARING ON APPEAL OF ANTI WAR MILITANT THIS WEEK glers, just as it was their opinion of Hitler and Labor Looks Through The Press By Arthur Hopkins PEACE RUMOR BRINGS SCARE TO WALL STREET heading in Minneapolis Star Journal. Reprinted from the Nov. 16 Northwest Organizer, organ of the Minneapolis Teamsters Joint Council)
Horse Lives Better By FELIX MORROW When even a congressman can stomach the assault of the federal government upon the unemployed workers of Minneapolis, that Than Relief Clients, To all our concrete analysis of their course, the Stalinists have always answered: The Trotskylsts ifornia took the floor in the House of Representatives to protest Placard Reads are fascist agents. Now, presumably, we are no the persecution of the local WPA workers. Even more, Geyer named longer that, but Anglo French agents; our alliances names. protest it to the Congress. protest it to the Attorchange always, in the Stalinist picture, to the opposite ney General. protest it to the President of the United States, NEW YORK Spurred by the of Stalin This answer has served them as a suband invite every man present who believes in the fundamental present City Council refusal to stitute for specific answers on the issues we raise.
rights of the people to join me in this protest so the people in Minne make adequate provision for the apolis and elsewhere in the country may know that there are men winter needs of the unemployed, The Norman Thomas socialists have borrowed this on the floor of Congress who refuse to allow such flagrant attacks Local of the Unemployed and leaf from the Stalinists. To all our concrete analysls upon their and our civil liberties to go unchallenged, Geyer said. Project Workers Union carried of their course, the Thomasites answer: BolshevismThe California solon started his talk by saying he believed the through last week a series of proTrotskyism leads to Stalinism. Having said that, members of the House should know how, in Minneapolis, Minne test picket lines in the Washing they need not answer us (they hope. The Lovestonesota, a law recently passed by this body is being used in an attempt ton Avenue area of the Bronx.
ites have evolved a similar formula for the same purto destroy the civil rights of labor, to persecute American citizens, Whole picket lines formed be pose: Trotskyism is inverted Stalinism.
and to further the political advantage of certain individuals and fore Relief Bureau 48 at 1946 In this, as in so much else, the Thomas Lovestone Webster Avenue a horse democratic war mongers. The Louis Waldmans, James and the present mass trials of 163 defendants charged with criminal Unemployed toured through the Oneals, etc. have always insisted that Lenin, Stalin conspiracy as a result of participating in that strike.
Middle Bronx.
Geyer then briefly listed the details of the strike, known to work While hundreds of and Trotsky are of one flesh. Thomas and Lovestone workers lend fuel to that fire for the same reason that they ers throughout the nation, that the strike was a spontaneous pro looked on the wagon rode slowly support the pro war resolution of the American Labor test against the new relief law, that it was led in Minneapolis by along Washington Avenue bear Party. They simply cannot conceive of standing on the unions, that strike leaders asked Glotzbach to close the projects, ing the sign, When You Ask For that the papers Hied upon a Minneapolls cop being killed in the Broad, Rent and Clothes, District conceive only of the tactic of joining one or another.
their own feet. Where two camps exist, they can strike, and that the strike ended when the cops attacked the picket Office 48 calls you Neurotie.
The fact that the two camps of any size in the labor sign alung across the side of line at the sewing project, wounding scores and killing one man. Why Only In Minneapolis. the horse read, Live Better movement are both pro war camps the Hitler Stalin war camp and the democratic war camp of HillGeyer denounced, among other phases of the government con Than People on Home Relief.
man, Lewis, Green et al does not deter them from duct of the case, the excessive bail requirements and the inept Demand Clothing their usual strategy of joining one of the camps.
manner in which public officials handled the situation.
Protesting the LaGuardia Ad am putting myself on record, he stated, in protest against ministration open refusal to ap To build the third camp, which is today small in permitting under the name of prosecution of lawlessness the per propriate funds for winter needs, its actual existence, but the only one which holds out secution of scores of decent, law abiding fellow citizens. am main another sign declared, We De a real future for humanity the camp of revolutiontaining that under the cloak of bringing the guilty to justice we mand Winter Clothing.
ary struggle against war this is beyond the mental should not permit an attack upon labor hard won rights organ Bernard Ross, an official of Loand moral grasp of the Thomas Lovestone groups.
ize and a further attack upon the basic rights of citizens generally cal 5, pointed out that overcoats, In a series of articles in this paper, attempted to If some strikers become hot headed and get into fist fights, suits and shoes for male relief ollwhy were they not dealt with as police court cases, which is cus ents are as yet not avas already concrete meaning of the struggle against war. engage these groups in a serious discussion of the tomary? Why were they, instead, charged with conspiracy and though cold weather faced with penitentiary terms? Is awful consequence of strike set in. The winter clothing allot number of articles devoted to the issues raised by participation a threat to intimidate labor? Why was there such a ment for women, he stated, is Labor Party, and in other articles the pro war resolution adopted by the American dealt wholesale round up of Minneapolis people whose crimes were no frightfully inadequate.
greater than mere presene where a fist fight occurred, or who were At the same time, Ross de with the pro war positions adopted by the CIO and not even present but were simply officers of a group agreeing to clared, needy families are be AFL conventions, the danger of non Stalinists who call themselves revolutionists, yet identify themselves leave their project when the picketing began, WHILE IN NO ing thrown off the relief rolls.
OTHER CITY IN THE COUNTRY WHERE WPA EMPLOYEES Even Commissioner Hodson of with democratic imperialist attitudes toward the soPARTICIPATED IN THE NATION WIDE SRIKE WERE STRIKthe Welfare Department takes viet Union, etc. etc. and on each concrete question ERS PERSECUTED: pride in the fact that the city dealt conscientiously, if sharply, with the false postNeedless to say, not a single boss paper printed the Californian saved two million dollars the tions which, believed and sought demonstrate, remarks. The boss press is too interested in joining in the frame up.
last few months as a result of had been taken on all these questions by the ThomasLovestone groups.
And needless to say, neither Roosevelt nor Attorney General the transfer of relief clients to Frank Murphy and his men, nor Victor Anderson, nor Stassen, the WPA rolls. That two milnor Leach, has answered Congressman Geyers pointed questions. tuting a saving of funds, might lion dollars, instead of constiTheir Answer Avoids the Issue easily have been alloted for the purpose of caring for new The only replies made by them to our detailed analcases.
ysis has been New Cases Ignored The Call, Nov. 18, carried a half column article New cases, according to Local whose whole point is contained in its title: Trotsky5, receive scant attention. Only when famills are actually evicted ism, a Chip from the Stalinist Block. It refers to onto the cold streets do the relief the vindictive misrepresentation in our press about the socialists and Lovestoneites, which is rapidly TORONTO, Nov. 16 Preparations for the appeal against the authorities show any sign of conone year prison sentence imposed on Frank Watson under the re cern. And even then there is a approaching that of the Daily Worker in its old Third Period days. In the one sentence on the ALP quespressive War Measures Act are completed, public interest mounts maze of red tape to push through tion in the article It says that we hid the fact that in support of the young English Canadian worker arrested here on before families are saved from Sept. 15 for making a street corner speech described by the author actual starvation.
this was not made a matter of discipline by the ALP ities as likely or intended to prejudice recruiting of His Majesty The Bronx Locals of the and socialists indorsed by the ALP publicly recorded Forces. are carrying on an active their disagreement with this position.
The appeal against the sentence imposed on Watson will be campaign to organize the bulk of The fact is, that when The Call finally broke its heard in Toronto on or about November 22.
the unemployed workers. As a embarrassed silence on the Oct. ALP resolution Watson was Canada first victim of war time repression, but result of the Local militant acseveral weeks later, in its Oct. 28 issue, wrote an adothers have followed him to jail.
tions, numerous emergency cases ditional article dealing with that publicly recorded Among the most recent adalhave been opened up and clothing explanation.
tions to the Watson Defense distributed during the last two Committee here is Dr. Carlyle weeks. Within the next few pointed out that The Call did not print the resoluKing, member weeks, the Local announced, the tion, and with good reason, for its description of the an Provincial Committee of the Bronx organizations of the Unresolution continued to be utterly dishonest. Of the Canadian Commonwealth Federaemployed Union will hold a mass fact that the fundamental motivation of the resolution tion.
indoor rally to protest the severe is pro Ally, The Call says not a word. Of the fact plight of of the jobless.
that the resolution denounces Stalin from a democrat Most Notable Case (Continued from Page 1)
ic imperialist standpoint and from no other standThe Canadian Forum, leading of thing is missionary work point, The Call breathes not a hint of the fact that Liberal Journal, in its November going among strikers to demorthe Socialist party member, Frank Crosswaith, ALP issue, refers to the Watson case alize them and covincen them to candidate, expressed unqualified approval of the resas the most notable of the pros go back to work.
olution as a whole, including the sections supporting ecutions under the War Measures Roosevelt proposal to lift the embargo, The Call says Act, linking the case with that of Government Witnesses Backfire not a word. In previous articles had analyzed in the seventy five clergymen of the Two or three of the witnesses, rable detail the contention of the SP that it was correct to vote for the anti Stalinist section of United Church of Canada who whom District Attorney have been threatened with arrest Anderson thought he had propPASADENA, California The the resolution, and had demonstrated that that section for issuing an anti war manifesto. erly primed, backfired on the Pasadena Chronicle, student was what its authors intended it to be: war mongerranadians, writes the editor to witness stand, denying that they weekly newspaper of the Pasat ing declaration for the democratic imperialists.
the Forum, are not all united in had been pushed or intimidated dena junior college, came out approving our participation in by the pickets.
The Call answers, as said, by the methods employed by the Stalinists to avoid answering us.
this war, and a wise government will not insist on too much enDuring the government pre using the slogan Let the Peosentation, defendants forced uniformity.
ple vote on War.
amused To express the campus antiThree thousand miles away, in with each other than her croweate war sentiment the editorial statt Will Herberg Plods to the Rescue Victoria, British Columbia, the chairs alotted them. New witnes of the Chronicle adopted the pol The Lovestoneite Workers Ago indirectly seeks Democratic Book Club has enses, who had evidently been told icy of supporting a war referen to answer us in an article (Nov. The ALP and the War Issue. Its author is an extremely ingenious dorsed the Watson Defense Fund by men where a certain per dum. Results of a poll on the and indicated its support of the son was sitting, were thus often wis or the 7, 000 student body fellow, Will Herberg. He is the author of the cleverest case with a check for sixteen dol caught identifying one defendant participated showed clearly defense ever made of the Moscow trials he drew an lars. Similar support and dona as somebody else.
analogy between the Moscow trials and the trials of tions have come from the Scar Today the defense begins to stand. They are opposed to ly asked who remembers today whether the French where the junior college people the latter days of the French Revolution, triumphantboro Womens Cooperative Guild, develop its case. Watch for America entry into any forfrom farmers in Wiseton, Sask. some surprises when Defense eign war.
trials were true in detail, and concluded with the from workers in Saskatoon, Attorney Tom Davis places depregnant assertion that Stalin represented the correct Sask. and from individuals of fendants and their witnesses on movement for a war referendum.
The Chronicle is pushing the course of History and that was enough for him. It varying occupations and political the stand, was the word among From the methods proposed to is, therefore, the merest child play for Herberg to views in Toronto, Montreal, Win union leaders this week. Defend keep this country out of war, get around the ALP resolution.
nipeg and Vancouver.
ants are confident they can ex the referendum was selected for The main part of his article consists of a friendly, American Workers Help plode the lurid lies told about support. It was judged u most in fact comradely, discussion with the ALP warGreat encouragement has been ernment witnesses.
them by the FBI couched gov effective for rallying the opposi mongers in which he points out to them that their tion to the war.
position in support of the war is incorrect. Then, given the Canadian Defense Fund Distrust of Congress is what while the reader is still reading or so he thinks by the support of the American Labor Ald. Also as a result of the the editorial reveals. The deci all this is whisked away, and the reader, rubbing his campaign launched by the Social sion on war or peace should nev eyes, reads: It is manifestly not on the war question ist Appeal on behalf of the Wat. New International Sorial states with the people they themselves and the Trotskyites both pretend it er rest with Congress, the edi that the Stalinites are being purged, even though como ins from persons in the Is Negro Number rest the decision of war or not.
servants of Russian international (foreign) policy, has come in from the American as the ALP resolution very properly puts it, and that Labor Aid and has been welcomed The December number of The editors.
they function as forces of disruption wherever they are found.
here as an act of international New International will be a speworking class solidarity.
cial Negro number. All major articles will be devoted to an eluciSome of the articles in the De The consummate dishonesty of the Herberg sleightThe Committee is prepared to dation of the various aspects and cémber number are: of hand will only be apparent to those who read the extend its activities to the de problems of the Negro masses. The Social Revolution and ALP resolution. The resolution, having declared its fundamental orientation as pro Ally, then denounced of the War Measures Act or aid given, as well as reviews on the Politics by Jack Weber.
fense of other cases arising out Complete historical surveys are the Negro by Johnson in the Staliniats for their callous disregard of the fate accredited organizations carrying immediate pressing and political of the democracies. That was the crime of the Stalinou the defense of persons victim perspectives for the Negro peo3. Negro Slavery in the North ists for the democratic war mongers, who, like. Leon American Colonies by George ized by war time repression. ple in the United States.
Blum, had lived at peace with the Stalinists when they Novack.
were in the democratic war camp.
It is also hoped here that a Featured are articles by broad movement can be launched Johnson, outstanding exponent Apart from these two sentences, quoted above, the for the repeal of the Defense of of the Negro problem; by George FIGHT AGAINST THE Thomas Lovestone groups have maintained a dignified Canada Regulations incorporated Novack, Jack Weber, Robert silence. For thats all they have with which to cover in the War Measures Act. Birchman and others.
up their nakedness.
Mussolini before they became all powerful dictators.
Coughlin is the agent of big capital in America. The auto workers have him sized up to a His role in the present Chrysler lockout denouncing the union over the radio in the same invective he denounces Jews and reds, giving aid and comfort to back to work movements, organizing and officering fascist gangs against the union makes the auto workers understand that all the fine spun speeches against international bankers is demagogy to keep his real backers, America sixty ruling families, out of the spotlight.
Coughlin talks against bankers, profiteers. war mongers. Coughlin is really against the working class, organized labor.
The auto workers say: Coughlinism is Chryslerism. We might add. Coughlinism is Morganism. Coughlinism is Rockefellerism. Coughlinism is DuPontism. And the workers in all industry can add to this list the names of their employers and exploiters. NUFF SAID Messrs. Sharp and Fox are the authors of a recent book entitled Business Ethics.
SURPRISE ITEM: hit run driver kills a St.
Paul WPA worker; no money was found in his pockets, the story relates.
ber of the Surikatero se FBI FRAMEUP IN MINNESOTA DAILY DOUBT According to Winchell, the people who fear that Tommy Manville extravagance is what brings on revolutions, should be reminded that there are Sodles of other sons of rich men who offset Man deville nonsense. Such sons, for example, as Edsel Ford, Jock Whitney, Sonny Whitney, Phil Wrigley, Ed Stettinius. The list could go on for miles. But it doesn And those he names are no better than Tommy.
STUDENTS FOR ANTI WAR VOTE Tommy Manville embraced Elinor Troy, 23, New York and Hollywood beauty, when she arrived at Newark Airport on his specially chartered plane, and he explained that he had sent for her because the war news was boring to me.
It going to be a long war, in the opinion of Lord Marley, deputy speaker in the British House of Lords, who just arrived in the United States. He said that the British are determined to fight to he end, e. to the end of the last worker life.
Says Robert Olson, president of the Minnesota Federation of Labor: It must be admitted that after the action of the last convention of the AFL) in endorsing a particular candidate to run on a party platform for governor, and losing our endorsee, we were not in a very good position to ask for favors fro mthe successful candidate. This is the cap inhand theory of labor leadership, happily extinct in most sections of Minnesota Just Out!
Grandma Has Teeth Sumner Welles, Under Secretary of State, is a great friend of the peoples below the Rio Grande.
In fact he has made a vocation out of being friendly to Latin Americans.
Not so long ago that we can remember, Mr.
Welles was United States Ambassador to Cuba.
The workers and peasants of that island who were fed to the sharks or pumped full of bullets by the then dictator Machado gunmen grew to appreciate Mr. Welles. Welles was Machado advisor and some pleasant advice he gave him, as you can see. When Machado was booted out of Cuba by a mass rebellion, Welles hung around to help with new advice. This advicewe say it in a whisper was backed up with all the financial might of Wall St. and all the gunboats of the Atlantic fleet. He overthrew the Grau San Martin government and engineered the murderer Batista into power. Washington is still advising Cuba, along the line carved out by Mr.
Welles Now we are pleased to learn that Mr. Welles has expanded his field of operations. The other day, he was appointed Chairman of the InterAmerican Financial and Economic Advisory Committee. He began his new function with a pretty generous dose of advice which the Latin Americans should soon learn to appreciate much as the Cubans learned to appreciate his advisory gifts. Said Mr. Welles. There exists in this hemisphere a large potenWHY NEGROES SHOULD OPPOSE THE WAR message that affects the life of every Negro By Johnson Price 5c per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 508c per copy. 50 or more 20 per copy SPECIAL RATES TO ORGANIZATIONS ORDER NOW. PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 UNIVERSITY PL NEW YORK CITY WAR;