BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMarxismParis CommunePrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Labor Movement in Strait Jacket of Dictatorship and Repression lies.
Locals to expel their staliated federations and PARIS 80 far missed the opportunity. Many of its rev a country with a population of seven million. affairs who today pose as defenders of Justice By JOHNSON.
olutionary elements are the front.
Sixty thousand died overseas and as many more in international relations. The fraud of just The revolutionists at the front are in grave French Workers Seek succumbed from injuries after returning. It is wars is beginning all over again. Johnson is giving a course on the Destiny of the danger, in spite of the little fighting that is go rare to find in Canada a veteran of the last war The workers of Belgium need not have too Negro at the Marxist School, 125 West 38 Street, New York ing on. For they are being systematically placed who was not a casualty. The city of Welland was many illusions about the neutrality of Belgium.
Leadership As Bureaucrats in the most exposed postions advanced ma still engaged in unveiling its expensive memor Everyone knows how precarious it is.
City, each Tuesday evening for the next six weeks, beginning The on Tuesday, November 21. To facilitate the study of Negro ial to the last war on the day the new war great Belgian press is now preparing public opinTrap Them in War Machine is being done consciously is quite certain. For broke out.
history, his column will outline each Saturday the subject of ion for entry into the war on the side of France the following Tuesday lecture. The series begins below.
example, in one case, when a well known revolu Nor is it forgotten that the decimination of and England. The social. patriots are PARIS, Oct. 31 (by courier) Not even after tionist was transferred from a combat unit to the younger generation was followed by the de shouting Long live France. They are unTo know where the Negro is going one must know where the liaison post out of danger, he was sent back to pression of 1919 20, civil riots, a general strike doubtedly speaking of the France of Daladier, Negro comes from. Capitalist history and capitalist science taken two months of the war is there any serious sign the front by direct order from ministry in Paris misery whose politics they endorse so aggressively.
as a whole, are designed to serve the needs of capitalist profit. Their of patriotism among the French workers. The What we love in France is the magnificent Canada is much less than in 1914, and the pro revolutionary tradition of its proletariat, the PRAGUE portion of non Anglo Saxons much greater. This, exploitation and degradation. They have excused the slave trade apathy; the best, a militancy looking for leader Paris Commune, the great days of the strikes The advanced workers are encountering exand slavery, and the present position of Negroes as outcasts in capiplus the strengthening of the social and econom of June 1936. The Belgian workers have notalist society, on the ground that the Negro in Africa had shown treme difficulties in re establishing communica Czech Students Rally ie ties with the over the last 25 has himself incapable of developing civilization, that he lived a savage tion with their comrades in other countries, even thing to gain from choosing between Hitler, the led to a strong and widespread isolationism, in butcher of the German workers, and Daladier, and barbarous life, and that such elements of culture the Africa with nearby England. The severity of English In Teeth of Most Savage addition to the traditional isolationism of the the man who broke the general strike of 1988.
French Canadians (who resorted to armed re Doesn every one know how anxious Daladier ence of Arabs and Europeans. All of this, from beginning to end, is but also the persons, of all people entering og Hitlerite Repression sistance to prevent their conscription in 1917. is to defend democracy in company with MusOn top of this, the smaller capitalists hoped solini, the assassin of Matteoti. paper, to be returned later by mall) is but one they might be left free by neutrality to enjoy Whatever their nationality, be they Belgian Negroes in African Civilization According to an Associated Press dispatch the prosperity of a war boom without paying or English, French or German, Italian or SpanFirst of all, the capitalist scientist attempts to isolate the example of the handicaps we work under.
from Prague, Adolf Hitler is getting his first the penalty war taxés, regimentation and ish or American, the workers are all exploited pure Negro from other African peoples is admitted today to be Militants sent to concentration Camps Under the pretext of rounding. Pari cause of indigestion over the Czech territories he gang conscription. Finally, nearly all sections and by capitalism alike. The real cause of pure rubbish. Though there are broad differentiations, the Negroes war swallowed a classes were united in a deep distrust of the is not Hitler, but capitalism with its imperialist in Africa are inextricably mixed. There are people of Hamitic stock sters, and keeping them in a concentration camp Daladier.
British government, which had not only muddled The report states that 2, 000 university students rivalries, Its greed for profits and its chase for who derive either from the Near East or the easternmost peninsula at the Stade Roland Garros, the police have also lain and a year ago with the aid of Chamber its way into war but had, in its relations to of Africa. today British and Italian Somaliland. There are the been rounding up the most militant of known demonstrated in Prague on November against the German protectorate government. Another Canada, persistently interferred against the na Hitler is himself only a product of decadent short statured Bushmen in the South, and the supposedly pure rank and file radicals, and sending them to the reason for the demonstration was the death of a tural development of Canadian autonomy.
Negro is found on the West Coast alone.
It is as if a scientist sala same place temporarily, for later transfer to capitalism. The only way of defeating Fascism that the pure European was found only on the coast of Portugal. larger camps in the Ariege and the Loire et Cher.
Czech student killed by rifle fire during clashes THE GOVERNMENTS STRATEGY and of ending war is the abolition of the capitalist regime which heads humanity towards the Those let me hundreds in number, Faced with such conditions, the King governwith police on Independence day. October 28.
There were Negro dynasties in Egypt. Queen Nefertari, one of the which had mayors or councils, were disworst kind of savagery, and its replacement by The students reformed their ranks, demonstrat ment took the line of intimidating the masses socialism.
great conquerors and rulers of Egyptian history was reputedly solved, and are ruled by prefectoral decree. All ing in various parts of the city, more than five with an accomplished fact. King had promised The Fourth International continues the proud Negress. Among the modern Ethiopian ruling class can be seen Stalinist headquarters have been seized, as well times after being dispersed by mounted police that parliament would decide peace or war; types ranging from the purely Semitic through the Mulatto to as their funds, including the private property of and Elite Guards threatening rifle fire. Ten artradition of the Third International of Lenin.
but parliament was not assembled until Britain It shows the working class of the world the only types indistinguishable from the Negro rests occurred during the demonstrations but no had begun fighting, and then it met to listen to a road to safety. That road alone leads to the aboThe chief object these scientists is of course to deprive the has had a martyring effect, which has stayed the reports are available of how many occurred sub speech from the throne, announcing that Canada was already in a state of war and that the Negro of any share in the famous civilizations of Egypt and Ethiopia. defection of many workers who were on the point lition of the capitalist system of the exploitaToday, ingenious Negroes call the Egyptians black men and by of leaving the Stalinist party. Practically all the sequent to the demonstration tion of man by man, to the foundation of a The protest actions of the students is only a War Measures Act abolishing civil liberties this means place all Egyptian civilization to the credit of the Stalinist intellectuals, on the other hand, have beprecursor to the real revolts bound follow in Union of Socialist Republics of Europe, to the had been in force since Sept. On this speech, establishment of socialism which alone can give Negro. Racial theories of this type, whether from white capitalist come tricolor patriots of the most disgusting dedue time when the solid contingents of Czech setting forth official government policy, no vote workers raise the banner of struggle against Hitto the people bread, peace and freedom.
was taken.
tory nor science, but political propaganda. This much is clear and Stalinists Expelled from Unions lerism in the factories and on the streets.
King had affirmed that no expeditionary force To paraphrase a Russian proverb: the student for the time being sufficient: the Egyptian civilization began where The top committee of the CGT (General Fedwould be sent abroad. But then he introduced DUBLIN it did and flourished because of favorable climatic and geographical eration of Workers) expelled its stalinist minor ity and protests are only the nationalist blossoms; the the War Appropriations Bil for a hundred milconditions, and the Negroes had a great deal to do with it.
lion dollars for military operations in and berevolutionary berries are yet to come.
The attempt to deduce from history that Negroes are subhuman those cases where the stalinists controlled the leaderships. In yond Canada. At this point the Canadian ComIrish Nationalist Patriots In continually breaks down. The Bushmen are among the most primiTORONTO hers forced a division on an amendment to monwealth Federation social democrat) memtive of peoples. Yet their drawings have been universally hailed as unions and refused to yield, the CGT tops, with Forty Day Hunger Strike some of the most marvelous examples of artistic skill. And since the aid of the police, seized the headquarters and funds.
How They Dragged the ment got the support of only six CCF and 10 Against De Valera Once this stage had been concluded, the socialAfrica the ruins of Zimbabwe are evidence of a great ancient civillFrench Canadian members zation. Whose? Nobody knows, but numerous professors are racking patriots passed on to the next, which consisted Canadian Workers Into The government still hesitates to impose conWhere are the Irish persecuted most? In their brains to prove that, whoever created it, it wasn Negroes of expelling from the unions any rank and file scription. It even pretended, for a while, to be England where the English Judges are sending Much good may It do them. They will not stop the world revoltulon Stalinists who did not publicly knuckle under. War They Don Want staging recruiting only for home defense. Now, to gaol every militant Irishman who dares to that way.
speak up against British oppression of Ireland. however, the newspapers announce plans to dis Everything Agreement Gives Bosses Ped.
But the greatest stumbling block in the way of the anti Negro Or in Ireland itself, where an Irish governWhen the CGT tops last week signed a general TORONTO Canada belligerency was set atch two complete divisions to Europe before Christmas. In Vancouver, three hundred recruits ment is mercilessly persecuting the Irish Rehistorians are the empires of Ghana, of Songhay, Mosl, and others, tled, not in Ottawa or even in London, but in were asked by an inspecting bolonel how many publicans?
which flourished in the basin of the Niger. People who sneer at the enement with the bosses at the Hotel Majestic, Washington, and herein lies the first of many Marxist phrase bourgeois ideology simply have no conception of Leon Jouhaux, CGT head, proclaimed that an end wished to serve overseas. Eight stepped forward.
mportant lessons which the American worker In the English courts, at least, the conthe dishonesty, corruption and scope of capitalist lies and propa. had been put to class struggle, causing the bosses can draw from study of Canada war. If The colonel merely remarked: That all right. demned can stand up and speak out, as did in the Comite des Forges (steel trust) bulletin young Christopher Kenneally, just sentenced You re all going anyway.
to crow: If these words from his mouth are Rooseveltian capitalism had any serious inten(Continued in next issue)
in the dock at Liverpool Assizes to three years The Ghana Empire truly meant, everything everything is possible.
tion of preserving American neutrality, it would have brought such economic and political presof servitude. The 19 year lad saidfi: For nearly a thousand years (300 1300) between the River Sen Leon Blum reaction, predictable enough, was to Today England and France say that they are sure to bear upon Ottawa that the belligerency egal and the Niger flourished the Ghana Empire. We do not know say that the Hotel Majestic agreement wasn and Mackenzie King and his trained parliamentBRUSSELS saving the human race from aggression. No how it was founded. Some people say that a Hamitic people from quite as good as the Hotel Matignon agreement country under God sun has suffered more ary seals would have disappeared overnight. East Africa migrated there. Others say that they came from Syria. but we must do the best we can.
What we do know is that this empire at its zenith embraced many (The Hotel Matignon agreement ended the rev country of eleven millions, in America sphere Belgian Fourth International from aggression than my country. The cause of influence, could not have moved without the be sentenced is a millions of people. It produced wool, cotton, silk, velvet; it traded in olutionary strikes of June, 1986, giving the fortybenediction of Washington.
cause which will never die.
copper and gold. Many houses in the chief towns were built of stone hour week, paid vacations, etc. all of which has Appeal For Workers But even that much the Irish arrested in IreThe American workers may learn from the At one time its army consisted of 200, 000 soldiers. Its schools, Its now been officially abrogated. land cannot do, for under the laws of the De On Sept. 16, the new wages and hours decrees Canadian experience not only how the masses in lawyers, its scholars were famous all over the Mediterranean area.
Valers government it is enabled to arrest men Action Against the War a capitalist state are plunged into war against And this empire for nearly a thousand years was an empire of black were put into effect two weeks early by the and hold them indefinitely without trial.
their will but also how they are exploited after bosses: the details are hair raising. seventyAfter a delay of several weeks, in the course men, of Negroes Only one means is left to these arrested men they are put into. Canada is in many ways of which comrades Walter Dauge, Leon Lesoll, Another famous empire was that of Songhay (600 1500) with two hour work week, etc. The workers called on to register their protest against such treatment, Lemmens, and other leaders were subjected to its dynasty of Asklas. Aska Mohammed (1499 1528. was not only their delegates to raise hell; the delegates pocket edition of the Its peoples reprethe dreaded means employed by Irish martyrs repeated arrests, La Latte Ouvriere, organ of a great ruler. He surrounded himself with scholars. Timbuktu and wouldn Foreign workers, particularly Belgians, against the British when they openly ruled in lems closely similar; their habits of thought, trasimply refused to accept the new conditions; they Gao were the centers of trade and learning.
the Revolutionary Socialist Party (PSR) has Ireland the hunger strike. And so, for a month ditions, reading, even their speech, are virtually once again resumed publcation as a weekly.
The latest edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (Volume 23, went home to Belgium.
now, four prisoners, Patrick McGrath, Richard like America The largest trade unions are In its first issue after the persecutions, LA page 522) says of these kingdoms, Long before the rise of Islam Some French workers tried to throw up their tied with the American unions. The farmers McCarthy, John Lynch, and Jeremiah Daly, have the peoples of this Northern part of West Africa, consisting largely, Jobs. But under the decrees requisitioning facLutte carries long appeal to the workers of been on a hunger strike. month! Think of the have the same marketing and climatic problems. Belgium entitled: The Struggle Against War heroie fortitude it means to undergo such sufals has been seen, of open plains watered by large and navigable torles, workers can throw up their jobs: they re What is happening now in Canada is what will is the struggle for Socialism.
rivers, had developed well organized states, of which the oldest tied to them exactly like serfs. Those who did, happen in the unless the American workSto Valera has stood up in the Dail Eiran and But they do it for Trish freedom. The present war, says the appeal, is the known, Ghana (or Ghanata. is thought to have been founded in the got two months in jail. The workers are ragingly ing class awakens to prevent it.
fatal and logical consequence of the Treaty of 3rd century Later arose the empire of Melle and the more angry, but so far feel baffled and helpless. martold Ireland that these men might die, but he WAR UNPOPULAR Versailles with which the last imperialist war of would not free them. The latest report is that famous and more powerful Songhoi (Songhay) empire. Marking vellous opportunity for a revolutionary party to This has been, from the start, an unpopular 1914 18 was concluded. The Anglo French im three of them are in hospitals, critical condithe importance, commercial and political, of these states, large cl come forward, and provide the workers with a war. Not only are there now more class conties were founded. The idea that Islamic Influence founded these new perspective. he PSOP, held down by its rightperialist bloc, rivalling the formidable imperial tion, and that the fourth, Jeremiah Daly, had scious workers in Canada than in 1914, as re ism of Germany, cut up central Europe into abandoned states is now exploded, and this is admitted by the Britannica ist leadership, has so far missed the opportunity.
hunger strike and been released.
flected in the growth of trades unions and a left strips of states which went contrary to the What is clear beyond all doubt is that prison writer. He follows, however, the theory of pure and Impure Revolutionists As Fortifications The one party that possibly could serve, the social democratic movement, but there is also a most legitimate national aspirations. Thus a Negroes. The Negroes on the coast were pure. But even these, he in Ireland is the place for Irish patriots as it is bitter living memory of the last mass murder. situation was created which engendered new in England. Trishmen are not ruled by themselves notes, founded civilizations. the Yoruba, the Ashanti, the PSOP (Socialist Party of Workers and PeasIn 1914 Canada sent half a million men from conflicts. They are responsible for this state of but by agents of the British Empire.
Dahomi, and the Bent created powerful and well organized king ants. held down by its rightlst leadership, has The Beni, better known as the Benin, are famous today for their ronze sculpture, of artistic merit and technical skill, unsurpassed LONDON ion locals where Fourth Interna. At the outbreak of the conflict, offensives in Central China from lists exercise influence. The their official organ published 1930 to 1934. As long ago as 1937, by any people of ancient or modern times. When after many cenMilitant has been increased statement of the Central ComStalinist leaders admitted only a turies they were discovered in 1891, the impudent imperialists at Only the Fourth International from a monthly to a twice mittee with the heading: Why once attributed the bronzes to Portuguese influence. That theory monthly.
Britain Must Win This War.
handful of the Kiangsi veterans has now joined the others in the waste paper basket. Fights In Revolutionary Opposition Their leader and party secreremained.
ILP Loses Ground Today the Red tary Harry Pollitt, the Earl (Continued from Page 1)
The High Water Mark army 18 To The War in Britain The Independent Labour Par Browder of England, issued a against Japan, the Stalinists nev mercenary forces of the Kuomin.
scarcely distinguishable from the West Africa was the high water mark. But all over Africa ty. Afliated with the London pamphlet outlining in detail the er breathed a word publicly un tang generals. Nevertheless, it organized civilizations flourished. The first Portuguese to visit Under the acid test of war, all On the outbreak of the war Bureau, has lost ground rapidly tactics and methods which the til now, when their master in the a force recruited, trained, and eerste Africa some five hundred years ago did not remark any notice the working class parties in Eng. thousands of leaflets analyzes because of its reversion to paciBritish ruling class must pursue Kremlin bids them prepare to cut tried in the struggle against Japihan difty years ago Emil Torday, the Belgian explorer discovered tional have crumpled and are thousand coples of an anti wantionary defeatism. Although its Pollitt has been dismissed from struggle in the Interests of a deal act, if Stalin orders abandonment Central Africa th Avise king, as far back as subscribing in one form or an manifesto together with a special Journal, the New Leader, edi oflice by Moscow and the Eng between the Soviet bureaucracy of the fight against the invaders and, away in th Interior, the tribe had survived. Torday found a pitalist war mongers. Only the tant, official organ of the Mill revolution in Germany it has out for peace on Hitler terms.
and converts it instead, into an International remains tant Labour League (Fourth In nothing whatsoever to say about The effect of this change in will the Kremlin now lead what in the west, remains to be seen.
Into what new muddy waters instrument for Soviet penetration mora utirali sme to read their sculpture, textem and household hos Home in stu revolutionary oppost: ternationally, we stributed.
Jects of a rare beauty. Political organization was a perfect democ tion to the Second World War be speciela nowa er meeting the Great Britain, Alleged secret cles of Stalin foreign policy Party? As a workers party, it place over the trampled and disthe possibility of revolution in itne dictated by the new exigen 18 left of the Chinese Communist In any case, the division takes servatives, two of them always women, were both regional and the British Section which has on street corners de la trade time have received from their sister following of the Communist Par strength has rested exclusively tionalist cause. In 1927 thousands vocational. Today they are degraded savages. Torday states that just been received.
before the coming of th Europeans such elvilizations, perfectly regarding unrest in Germany, supporters and fel controlled, the former pensant lives in a needless sacrifice to the adapts to their environment, were widespread over Africa. The capitalist apologists in defence of capitalist barbarism. Africans have been broadcast the Bri llow.
1906, Frobenius, traveling in the Belgian Congo, could still see that it was they who introduced metal work to Europe and Asia. part of the government aura Bo Trade Unions in traditional style the herotc force of peasant fight eration while Chiang Kal shek bepicture of warring tribes and savage cannibals is all lies. As late as worked in iron countless generations ago and many historians claim tish government as an official Red Army. Today that Red Ar misleadership of the Kremlin. But The leaders of the British my has nothing in common with they did fighting for Chinese libthe following And on all this flourishing material, civilization then was a bloom, here the bloom on ripe fruit, both tender and lustrous: the America and sent its navigators and explorers to Africa. In the ating with a petty bourgeois par are attempting to throttle the ers who resisted six Kuomintang came a spoke in the wheel of loc Imperialist charlot.
working hand in glove with the gestures, manners and customs of a whole people, from the young afteenth century began the use of Negro slaves on the plantations ifist organization caned the discontent of the workers and by In his subsequent development, of America. British capitalism drew one of its most powerful Christian Peace Pledge Union.
est to the oldest, alike in the familfes of the princes and the well to: sources of wealth from the slave trade. The greatness of Liverpool, In the recent Clackmannan government stifle any incipient The the ued to reflect the pressure AnChiang Kai shek merely contindo and of the slaves, so naturally dignified and refined est detail. know no northern race who can bear comparison with wealth of the French bourgeoisie was based upon the slave trade. elections, the pacifist anti war Thus they urge local bodics to rapid leftward swing among the they entered into pact with such a uniform levl of education is is found among the natives. The rise of modern Europe is inexplicable without a knowledge or candidate with the full support committee set up by the gov war, and new powerful move the same master. But now the cooperate with the local war masses as an early result of the him, the Stalinists were wooing Slave Trade Destroys Africa the economic ramifications of the slave trade.
of the polled only 1, 000 votes as against 16, 000 for the ernment Ministry of Informa ment of the workers towards so order is to switch camps. And It was the slave trade that destroyed Africa, the depredations Bibliography Labour Party candidate. Previ ate as part of the war machine. for this swing, the Fourth In amounts to, in China, as eisetion (Propaganda) and to oper cialist revolution. In preparation that is all the Stalinist turn of Arabs and European imperialists. They ravaged the continent for For a useful sketch of the early history of Africa see ously in this same district the The trade union chiefs are also ternationalists have been persist. where.
three centuries. What the travelers of the nineteenth century dis the opening pters of Carter Voodson, Tho Negro in our LL. secured 2, 000 votes.
covered was the wreck and ruin of what had existed four centuries History. For more detailed study the reader will have to The is only a shadow of government to avoid holding the mass organizations of the ation must and will go on, despite before, and even then enough remained to disprove the idea of the consult the writings of Emil Torday, Frobenius and MaurThe struggle for Chinese Ubersubhuman Negro. Africa is a vast continent and many millions of ice Delafosse. Admirable material can be found in Nancy report. It is now a skeleton with their regularly scheduled nation workers Cunard Negro. For easily obtainable material on slavery people in varying degrees of civilization have lived there over the and against both camps of Its bemost of the bones missing.
centuries. There was much Ignorance, barbarism and superstition. We can confidently assure trayers and enemies. Its standard and European capitalism see Africa and the Rise of Capitallasts. These labor lieutenants of you, the report ends, that the bearer is the small, herole organism, by Wilson Williams (The Harvard University StuStalinist Flip Flop but the history and achievements of Negroes in art, literature, polithe capitalist class so far have British section will play its partlation of the Fourth International tics, empire building, until Arab and European imperialism fell dies in the Social Sciences, Harvard University, WashingCommunist Party has done more to repress working in the struggle of the Fourth In which in many parts of China upon them in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, is an incontro ton, and the Black Jacobins by James, Chapmade complete about face class opinion than the governternational against imperialist continues in the forefront of the vertible refutation of the mountains of lies and slander built up by ters 3, particularly pages 35 41.
since the beginning of the war. ment itself.
war, doms.
Behind the Lines struggle.