BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 21, 1939 New Anti. War Pamphlet WORKERS FORUM Labor and the Second World War By Johnson Batutest scene contemne pogodna pon tour des repuesto be the one PAPER WHERE WORKERS at the summits of Staliniam, WILL FEEL AT HOME certainly not to the rank and Editor: file CP member or sympathizer When the Twice a Week Ap who cannot understand it and for peal first came out, fun of good this reason, ignores it, or looks workers and become a mass would like to again repeat attempting to address itself to two groups of college profesper, we used to take 200 an isVIII together. In 1914 no single voice in Germany was raised scape goat for the evils of capitalism. Socialism alone can sue, and dispose of them. Our the central slogan: The Socialist Committees calling themselves Keep America Out of against the war. Karl Liebknecht wanted to denounce the stop the persecution of Jews.
Sunday mobilizations, when the Appeal must be a paper in which war mongers and to rally the opposition for resistance, if War profess to be lovers of peace. One such was composed The revolutionary workers will encourage and assist the go door to door in the working Los Angeles comrades used to assemble to every worker will feel at home Curtiss of Lovestoneite communists, socialdemocrats, and isolation even it could not at that moment stop the war. But the labor millions of colonial workers to free themselves from their class sections of town with the ists like Hamilton Fish, the reactionary Senator from New leaders imposed party discipline upon Liebknecht and he imperialist jailers. This is one of the greatest crimes of im and good natured competition to THE ROAD TO REAL York. Once you understand that the fight against imperwas weak enough to submit to it. Some few months after perialism, its strangulation of the creative capabilities of see who would sell the most pa WORKERS NEWSPAPER ialist war is the fight against the whole capitalist system, he broke the discipline and spoke out. He was arrested. But mllions of colonials for the sake of a few hundred thousand pers. Alas, all that is slowing. Comrade Curtiss lettor merita it becomes patent that the anti war pretensions of these even from prison he and Rosa Luxemburg continued to bondholders in the leading imperialist countries. While hun up. To organize each mobiliza the attention, not only of the committees is demagogy on the part of Ham Fish and oppose the war by underground means.
dreds of millions work for ten cents a day, modern indus the previous one. Who is to of all party branches and workopportunism and publicity wooing on the part of the Love And in November, 1918, the German workers brought try cannot realise its vast potentialities and must continue blame?
ers who read our press. The facts Comrades Not At Fault he adduces are attested to from stonites and socialists. Fish is a die hard supporter of the to decay. And what but the socialist revolution against imthe war to an end by the revolution. The masses came to all parts of the country. Where capitalist system. Any communist worthy of the name Liebknecht point of view in time. They will come to ours, Some would say the comrades, perialism can release the colonials from their bondage? and without a doubt, this is true is the solution?
maintains as his first aim the overthrowing of the system. and they will not take four years.
It is in such a reorganization of American and world econ to a minor extent, as the work European comrade with the Is it any wonder that this united front of reactionaries and The German revolution gives us another great warning.
omy that the American Negroes will find equality. They began to become a familiar rou richest experience in the mass treacherous so called communists went to pieces even before will never get it under capitalism.
Our revolution must not stop at the mere destruction of most important factor. think mated the paper in these terms: the European war broke out? Whoever is not opposed to The world is crying for a true internationalism, not be more responsibility falls upon The paper is very well done one capitalist government and its replacement by another.
capitalism root and branch is not opposed to war.
The workers must sweep away the whole system and estabcause this is a noble ideal, but because world economy has the paper itself because the com from a journalistic point of view; Pacifists refuse to fight and instead go to prison. How lish the socialist state. For if not, then as Germnay shows reached a stage where it can go forward only by breaking rades find it more difficult to but it is a paper for the workers sell the paper now than when and not a workers paper.
the control of the finance capitalists and by abolishing na the Twice a Week first appeardoes that help to stop any war? How does it help to mobil As it is the paper is divided us, monopoly capitalism will take its predestined course.
ize the masses for the death struggle that stopping imperIt will resort to fascism, crush the revolutionary workers.
tional states. worldwide crisis, thirty million unemployed, ed. Our own comrades do not among various writers, each of ialist war demands?
enslave the working class. It will then seek to destroy its fascism and imperialist war that is what the capitalists have the will to sell the paper whom is very good, but collectrivals abroad by yet another imperialist war.
have to offer. They must be broken, and only the workers when it is not well written and vely they do not permit the revolution can break them.
Stalin Agents in America Before the Twice a Week, our of the Appeal. Each of them The war in Europe may come to a crisis so quickly that major outlet was the radical ga speaks for the workers (and The Stalinists, with a great revolutionary past and Roosevelt may not have had time to take America in. We The Struggle for the Fourth International therings and radical contacts. speaks very well. but nobody backed by the financial resources of the Soviet Union, have cannot go into all the possibilities here. But as long as With the appearance of the will hear the workers. In spite of Only along this road can the proletariat liberate itself Twice a Week, we had been hop its literary brilliance, to a certain for five years confused the workers with their talk of sup American imperialism remains, it will wage imperialist war.
from its dependence upon the chauvinist bourgeoisie and, ing for a change in the paper, degree the paper becomes a vicporting the democracies against fascism. Now that Stalin in one form or another, more or less rapidly, take decisive alized. In that period we at do not hear at all how the workis working so closely with Hitler, they wish to keep Roose Glorious Future for the Workers steps on the road to the real freedom of nations and on the tempted to address our paper not era live, fight, clash with the velt from joining Britain and France. They call the war The American workers must aim at establishing the road to socialism.
only to the old elements but get police or drink whiskey. It is an imperialist war. If the cooperation of Stalin and Hitler United Federation of American Socialist Republics. The Long live the international fraternity of the workers But that period seems to have a revolutionary instrument of the new readers among the workers. very dangerous for the paper as continues to increase, more of the leaders, corrupt as they workers of Europe must have as their aim the United So against the chauvinism and patriotism of the bourgeoisies come to an end.
party. The task is not to make are, will denounce the Soviet Union and seek cover under cialist States of Europe. While each people will retain its of all countries!
a paper through the Joint forces An Alarming Symptom a skilled editorial board, but to the wing of democracy, driving the masses into the imow nlanguage and national customs, together they will abol Today the Fourth International, with its cadres in every would like to take up an encourage the workers to speak perialist war. But those who stay with the Stalinist bureauish national boundaries, quotas, customs duties, tariffs, and country, hold fast to these words of Lenin. The Fourth tion of repeat sales. After sell. The whole party must particicracy will merely be carrying out orders and will change the burden of national armies, which now weigh like moun International seeks, by precept and example, to make ing a paper to a worker, when pate in the paper not only finan their policy as soon as Stalin makes a change in his. The tains of lead upon the common people in every country. Lenin doctrines a militant reality for the workers and we come back to sell it to him cially but politically and journalrevolutionary workers must see the Stalinists for what they The national rivalries and jealousies will disappear with farmers of the world, crushed and demoralised by capital again, we find greater sales re istically. The paper must have really are and must realize that they represent a corrupt the disappearance of the causes that give rise them. Free ism. Those American workers who recognize the enormous after reading the paper, which reporters everywhere. Three lines and treacherous bueaucracy and not the world revolution.
plebiscites will give minorities an opportunity to decide with importance of revolutionary socialism for the world today, we hoped would break down his from a shop or a meeting can which larger group they want to live. The Jews have no who see that we must be socialists or perish, will seek their indiference or hostility towards often give more than a well writKarl Liebknecht Great Example future except with the victorious working class movement. fellow revolutionaries and assist them in the building of the it is more difficult to sell the pa a paper can penetrate into the If the workers do not awake in time and stop Roosevelt, Wherever the workers still have their organizations the Socialist Workers Party, the American section of the per again. The answer to this masses and receive great support the revolutionary movement will see some dark days. But Jews can live. As soon as the working class movement in Fourth International.
dilemma is found in the differ from them a sense of historical perspective will help to keep our forces ence between our sales talk and radical and courageous any country is smashed the reactionaries make the Jews a THE END the paper. While attempting to change is necessary as a condisell the worker or working class tion of success. The paper is too housewife paper, we play up wise, too scholarly, too aristocratsmash labor fascist methods what we think the worker would ic for the American workors and and a fascist movement.
be interested in. In other words, tends to reflect the party more Today, Coughlin incites all we paint for him a picture of an as it is than to prepare it for its those who listen to him aaginst imaginary paper which arouses future.
the union movement. Tomorrow, his interest, but when the workhe will urge storm troopers to er looks at the Appeal, it is The course of the paper began Why We Halted march through the picket line.
Coughlin attempt to foment quite different than the descripto move in this proposed direcThe Socialist Appeal and the fried several statements on the the opening of the tion of it given by the comrade. tion; that was the period of which religious hatred and utilize relig Mexican press of the Fourth In Mexican elections. Our Mexican Of course, we, here, do not Comrade Curtiss speaks as the ious differences among the strikternational have on several oc section calls for no support to agree with the comrade from time when the Los Angeles comers received an immediate set casions exposed and refuted the either Avila Camacho or AlmaDetroit, who said that the work rades were able to sell the paper back when the Detroit Branch of Stalinist slander that our Mex zan, but rather campaigns to the Association of Catholic Trade ican section, the Partido Obrero spread sentiment for the eventu27 UNIVERSITY PLACE ers are not interested in India, easily. However, since the outIreland, etc. It is the task of the break of the war there has been, Unionists challenged his state Internacionalista (International al break from all bourgeois parNEW YORK, paper to show the importance of to a considerable extent, a retroments.
ist Workers Party. is support ties and candidates.
the events to the workers im. Igression. One reason is that the By WIDICK Estimates have been made that ing the reactionary Telephone GRAmercy 0917 mediate struggles, but it must comrades tend to separate the be done in an interesting fash daily events of the class struggle the strike now involves over 150. candidate Generay presidential The Trotskyists, thus, are bitThe Chrysler strike assumes shutdown of Chrysler plants is repeated by that paragon of slander is due either to abysmal 000 workers, as the complete Almazan. Now this same slander Cali repetition of the Stalinist around November 18 ion, and the interest and con from the war situation, and fail cern of the workers in interna to write into the portions with every new develop parts plants, etc.
greater and more significant pro brought the closing of related anti Bolshevik morality. The ignorance or deliberate lying.
tional problems will be built up the actual life in peal about which they are Call, Norman Thomas personal someone writing an article in the Call office in Chicago might What Is Needed ment.
engaged. This is the main explan.
Full Line of Books on Labor, Last week, a CIO endorsed The Union Shop remains one organ.
shamefacedly plead ignorance of An average worker does notation for the cessation of direct candidate defeated the incum of the major issues of difference, The November 18 issue of the Politics, Economics feel at home in our paper. It is reports from the fields of strugbent Mayor Reading, labor baiter, along with the many grievances Call carries an article on Mexico what he was writing about. But only the radical worker who gle.
creating quite a stir in Detroit. of speed up, etc. Under the Un by Clarence Senior. The article Mr. Senior wrote this plece of does. It is important to keep Another reason for the failure center of the strike.
ion Shop the employer may have supports the candidacy of Almathese informed of what goes on of the Appeal to continue its Of course, the new mayor is no the right to hire a non union man Zan rival, the bourgeois politi where, if he is at all literate, he The Center of Political Pamphlets of but, it is as important that the transformation into a real worklabor man, and a raw deal can but that after a 30 day proba cian, General Avila Camacho must have known that he was lying.
worker from the shop, or on re ers paper is the necessity, imbe expected from him in the long tionary period the employe must it attacks Almazan, candidate all shades of opinion is lief, also be interested in the pa posed by the war, of devoting a run, but the demonstration of la join the union. Union men should of reactionary forces. Then it Secretary of the Socialist Party per, and this is proven by the considerable part of the paper to fact that he does not write for analytical articles, in order to had a good paychological effect on main cardinal polnt in negtia handful of Trotskyites have right to presume that he knows Drop in and browse around the paper. Where is the worker arm the advanced workers for the strikers and the entire union tions, and resist every attempt to joined with the reaction in back how to read as well as to write.
correspondence that the paper the struggle against social patrlmovement.
LATEST FICTION trade it away in negotiations. ing Almazan.
should have? Where is the cor otism. But it is certainly possible The Socialist That fact gives us the right to Appeal, our assert that these Socialists of Lending Library Greeting Cards respondence from the unions? to combine this work with mateCoughlin Move Mexican press, and even the the Thomas stripe, so anxious to Where is the question box that a ral more directly attractive to This week interest was focused Names to Remember worker paper should have? the workers, to constitute a pabourgeois press of both Mexico cover up their surrender to soWhere are the interesting stories per with a popular tone.
on the arrogant intervention of In reporting the action of the and the United States, all carcial democratic patriotism by that a paper should have? Where What To Be Done Father Coughlin, fascist dema Canadian cio to support the ried the news of Rivera break attacking the revolutionary soare the absorbing lessons on the staff main shortcoming gogue, in the situation through British and Canadian govern several months ago. The Appeal, tional, have gone to the StalinWhat is Socialism, written sim along this line has been its faila radio appeal to the strikers. ply and understandable to all? ure to remain in regular contact He had the nerve to suggest did not publish the names of the as our Mexican press, has car list sewers to borrow lies.
This list could be continued with the field, suggesting subjects that the auto workers, after these people involved because they hope that this will not be for direct reports and workers many weeks of struggle, go back were reported in the last issue of to work and let the sell out ar the CIO News and they should Watson, here in Canada, has been confused with the phenomena correspondence, encouraging tists of various mediation boards be remembered by anti war millthrown into jail for a year bethat often appears in our move those who write in, etc.
settle the dispute!
ment of anti anti Stalinism. The The Staff, however, in and o Itants, cause he said, The government of course Coughlin painted a could not find any money for the struggle against Stalinism must itself, cannot solve the problem.
The Canadian national council The Fall Term of the MARXIST SCHOOL, which begins on not be given up, but neither widespread understanding of the unemployed, etc. but in out decision consists of: Silby but can find 30 a day and 85 Monday, Nov. 20, offers the prospective student a splendid oppor. must it be raised to the level among party members, Yipsels, stead of blaming the Chrysler cents living expenses to send tunity to get the Marxist viewpoint on a number of the important which only a few workers can and our worker readers, understand. The basis for our their voices must be heard in the Corp. for its anti union policy. Barrett chairman; Millard. Continued from Page 1) them overseas to serve as can problems of the day.
Coughlin seeks to divide the un secretary: Sol Splvak, Amal non fodder.
We urge all students to register at once. Reglatration can be opposition to Stalinism must be paper, is the beginning of the ion ranks, ruin the morale of the gamated Clothing Workers; Har men in Europe, while twenty mil REMEMBER that you, the made at the Labor Bookshop, 116 University Place, New York City, made clear to even the simplest solution. Let the workers write strikers, and turn the men into ry Hunter, Steel Workers Organ lion dead lie rotting in their war anti unionists.
izing Committee; Jackson, graves.
The APPEAL Staff to this imperialist war by ridding the Marxist School. All courses consist of sessions and cost one against Stalinism is atmed, if not They Died In Vain Coughlin revealed himself to be United Electrical and Radio a 100 percent strikebreaker, scab, Workers; George Burt, United REMEMBER that even from yourselves of the capitalist war dollar per course. Some scholarships are available for unemployed The following is the schedule of courses: Automobile Workers; Don miss it! good time is and fascist demagogue, Tom the patriot point of view, the lords who dragged you into it.
Church, Mine, Mill and Smelter twenty million did die in vain, beL. HOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY again by this latest move.
always assured at a Bronx 80ANNOUNCEMENT Workers; Joseph Mackenzie, cause today German imperialism Mondays, 7:15 8:40 New Strikebreaking United Rubber Workers; and once more challenges the hegeUnemployed Union Active SOCIALISM AND WAR Roger Irwin, Newspaper Guild. mony of France and Britain on In York Township, just outside Mondays, 8:50 10:15 BRONX ELECTION VICTORY It is very aginificant that the Morrison, president of the world market.
of Toronto, the Amalgamated SOCIAL. The Lowdown on how THEATER PARTY tendered by Chrysler Corp. had to use Cough District 26 of the United Mine REMEMBER the Armistice Unemployed Union calls upon the THE DESTINY OF THE NEGRO we dunnit. Guaranteed: One the Friends of the Russian Opin us stooge for its nefarious Workers represented the unions and the peace which followed it. jobless to join the organization Tuesdays, 7:15 8:40 hour of entertainment includ position Bulletin. Chaver plans. First of all it demonstrates in the maritime provinces, and Remember that the imperialists and fight for an immediate 60 ing Singing. Dancing, Imita Nachman, by Singer, e the power of the auto workers Robert Livett, IV. ELEMENTS OF SOCIALISM International on both sides ould not call percent increase in relief to meet expert Jewish play based on the RusTuesdays, 8:50 10:15 against all previous attempts to Board member of the UMWA halt until the soldiers demanded the increased cost of living. The magician. Absolutely no bubl slan Revolution, with Joseph defeat the strike.
represented those from western a stop to the blood bath by leaflet also calls for a continuaV. ORGANIZING LABOR lax or general fund. Saturday, Ben Ami, Celia Adler, and LudAll the old baloney against Canada.
threatening to shoot their own tion of annual elections so that Wednesday, 7:15 8:40 Nov. 18, at the newly renova wig Satz. At the National The strikers no longer gets anywhere officers, the workers may elect their own ted headquarters of the Lieb ater, 2nd Ave. at Houston St. in a city like Detroit with its REMEMBER the infamous labor candidates instead of the VI. THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION knecht Unit of the L, on Tuesday evening, Wednesday, 8:50 10:18 Versailles Treaty, which has been boss politicians who are starving 1334 Wilkins Avenue, Freeman many great struggles and experDec. 12. Tickets are available Join the Socialist iences of the recent years.
a major contributing factor to them. Elections to the municipal St. Station on the East Bronx at the National Office, 116 The big industrialists have to Hitler rise to power.
council have been cancelled for ALL CLASSES WILL BE HELD AT THE WORKERS CULline. Refreshment Specialty: University Pl. Get yours early turn to new and other means to Workers Party REMEMBER that Frank the first period of the war. TURAL CENTER, ROOM 201, 125 WEST 33rd ST. Old fashioned Apple Cider. for choice seats.
The Call Borrows Stalinist Slander In the Labor Unions Announcing Modern Bookshop An Unusual Opportunity Marxist School Courses Fight War cial!