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Labor Big Chance Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Is Now. Don Muff the Ball!
50, 000 Auto Workers Blast Neutrality Law Chrysler Union Busting Plans Full of Loopholes For Intervention The War Boom NEW DEAL of Gole 02 100 FUNDS FBI ATTORNEYS unfamiliar enough to make CLOSE FRAMEUP CASE IN MPLS Bar VOL. III, NO. 89 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1939 107 THREE (3) CENTS AN EDITORIAL Ruthless labor leaders were going to take advantage of the war boom to advance their campaign for the closed shop, and all that implies, in such basic industries as steel, automobile and packing houses, complained a boss spokesman the other day Well, we certainly hope so! The industrial pickup provides organized labor with a new opportunity to regain lost ground and make the gains which were possible in 19351937 and which were unfortunately not realized.
Organized labor has been on the defensive since the loss of Little Steel in the Fall of 1937. One of the main causes for this situation has been the decline in production; it is tenfold more difficult for the trade unions to advance when factories are slowing up and many are shutting down.
But that organized labor could make gains even in the midst of industrial production has been demonstrated by the one bright spot in the unions the phenomenal transformation Union Strength Forces of the Teamsters Union from an old line craft setup into a semi industrial organization of over 400, 000 men.
NLRB Revision of Early State Department Interpretation of Law The new type of leaders in the Teamsters Union who Ruling on Bargaining Maks Clear that Pacifist Talk Covered made this growth possible didn make the mistakes which stopped the CIO in its tracks in steel, packing and other Plans for Speedy Participation in War basic industries. They didn lean on the National Labor DETROIT, Nov. 16. More Board and the government, but put everything into organiz than 50, 000 automobile workers jammed into Cadillac Square toing the fighting strength of the workers on the job.
day in a solid front of defiance The loopholes in the Neutrality Law enacted Nov. are As was shown by the warning uttered by the CIO con to the Mohawk Valley plans of wide enough, with the help of government interpretation, vention against much use of the Labor Boards, the CIO the Chrysler corporation, the to send through them to England and France enough arma back to work movement leadership now appears to have a more sober estimate of ment for an endless war; and to extend sufficient credits to Homer Martin and the fascist them to link America fate to theirs and make America the role of the Roosevelt Administration toward the work gangs of Father Coughlin and ers. If it sticks to this, we shall have no repetition of Little Gerald Smith.
participation in the war inevitable.
Some 4, 500 Murray Body workSteel, where the strikers cheered the incoming National That is the meaning of the detailed analysis of the law ers quit work on the day shift Guard. and had the strike broken.
two hours before closing time which was issued Thursday night by the US State DepartThe industrial pickup means that the bosses have plenty and the night shift men went in ment two hours late to take their Issued in a technical form of money to disgorge, if the unions go after them. Earnplace in the demonstration. Hudings of leading industrial corporations for the full year son and Packard workers were 1939 are expected to be 70 per cent above 1938 levels and provided with a special fleet of difficult reading for the averclose to 1936 and 1937 levels, according to the conservabuses and automobiles to transage reader and unostentaport them to the square.
tive estimate of the AFL Monthly Survey of Business. tiously published on inside For the second time in two Especially in the following industries, earnings may be and a half year period the workpages by the daily press, the expected to improve: Aircraft, chemicals, machinery, metal ers of Detroit dedicated their analysis cleared away, the fabricating, non ferrous metals, petroleum, railroad equip great assemblages on Cadillac last lingering doubts of AmerSq. to the education of the coupment, shipbuilding, steel, sugar, automobiles, automobile on clippers of the Chrysler Corp.
ican financiers and industrialCoaches Witnesses to ists. Go the whole hoge was parts, paper, railroads, retail trade and textiles.
The demonstration results even before the men came into Here, then, are the fields upon which the labor movement Perjure Evidence its dfinite implication.
the streets.
Roosevelt hypocritical speechcan immediately concentrate. NLRB Backs Down Against Pickets es and the equally hypocritical Wage increases are necessary even to provide the workdebate in Congress led many On the same morning the Naers with the same purchasing power that they had a few tional Labor Relations Board andown a strict policy of cash and carry under which the belmonths ago. Labor Department figures show that retail pounced that the UAW CIO had (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
exclusive MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18 The pay cash for everything they ligerent powers would have to prices of basic foods were 11 per cent higher on October been certified as bargaining agency for the ChryFederal government yesterday bought here and transport the 17 than on August 15, and prices have continued to rise sler Corporation, thus changing DEUS afternoon concluded the presenta products in their own vessels.
its previous decision of certifyARMAMENTS tion of its case against the 14 The exceptions provided by the Labor has the opportunity, it has the wisdom based on ing the union on a plant basis.
women and 11 men charged with law, however, nullify the fundaactual experience with the anti labor strategy of the RooseThe demonstration took place conspiracy in the third WPA mental conception of cash and in a setting of the complete fizstrike trial.
velt Administration if only the labor leaders will use that zle of Homer Martin scab berdcarry. Here are the loopholes, as The government had taken made plain by the State Dewisdom and it has a case for higher wages and better con ing back to work movement. Oneighteen days pump an out partment analysts. ditions which the bosses will find it hard to controvert. ly a few hundred men, even acstate jury full of hatred against cording to the heavily biased activity of the American vessels can carry The next few months will be an acid test for every man WPA local press, turned up to return the orkers during the na cargoes to all parts of the in a position of trust and leadership in the unions. The rank to work at the Chrysler, Ply.
THE SECOND OFFENSIVE tion wide WPA strike last sum British and French Empires mer.
mouth and De Soto plants. And outside the small war zone surand file should see to it that any man who fails to meet the most of these were foremen and As in the first two trials, rounding the British Isles. That test is put aside, to make room for militant progressives vessels maintenance workers. This des which resulted in eight convic means American with backbone enough to lead their men successfully pite the fact that no pickets tions and four acquittals, the take over from Britain and through the coming battles.
guarded these plant gates.
government is attempting to France the task of provisioning prove that the WPA strike con the huge empires of the de and supplying manufactures to The industrial pickup has created this opportunity with Where Martin gets nowhere in breaking the solidarity of the stituted a conspiracy to Snout, however, providing many additional jobs. Some ten Chrysler, Coughlin takes up the timidate WPA workers. Under mocracies in Africa, Asia, etc. Britain and France do not million unemployed remain to be taken care of. This vast cudgels for the corporation. The Second Offensive is about to begin.
Armistice Day Leaflet Law, intimidation of project have to pay one cent cash for With the aid of daily free pubreservoir remains as a reserve army an army of labor or This is a war communique. But it isn from the Western front.
outlined Distributed Despite workers constitutes a crime. Un their purchases as an army that can be turned against labor. The employed licity in the boss press, he is der the judge ruling in the first the law is limited to the purin 1! The cash provision of It war news from the revolutionary front for socialism in the workers must link their fortunes with those of the unem Oak Church which was built by United States. It the General Start of the Socialist Workers Party Rigid Censorship two cases, the conspiracy non union labor. It is to be hop, making ready for a big frontal attack.
need not have actually resulted chase of arms and other matered that if any sizable group of in intimidation for the jury to als going to the small combat The general slogans under which the labor movement zone in Europe.
Chrysler workers turn up for his The battalions are organized. They have thelr orders. All they convict the defendants.
should fight the coming battles are clearly indicated. They meeting they will turn it into a need now is the fighting equipment. Special to the Socialist Appeal) The next exception makes Men Coached witnesses TORONTO, Nov. 14 Despite a joker out of the cash proare Jamboree the yellow priest will The never forget. Early last summer the first offensive in our war was organized the barsha wartime repressions well coached by the FBI agents so far as concerns al materials rising scale of wages as prices rise!
Pressure on Welfare Bosses in the form of a 10, 000 press organization fund drive.
imposed on labor organizations who prepared the trial, reeled off except arms! For, says the State 30 hour week with no reduction in pay! 30 mini Steady pressure of the auto More than one third of this sum was raised by the branches vigilance of the police, the Social Stories of the events of four forbid the extension of credit here, coupled with the constant the most astonishingly detalled Department, the law does not mum wage on all jobs!
union on Welfare officials has al of the party from New York to Frisco. It was all done without ist Workers League of Canada, months ago. The stories are all to any person in a belligerent job and a decent living for every worker!
ready forced a retreat from their any big nolse, without any ballyhoo. The branches just came through Canadian section of the Fourth too good, too pat, too well re State who is not acting for or on Twenty Billion Dollar Federal public works and hous original hard boiled attitude to quietlybut effectively.
behalf of a belligerent governfight against war in the best tra Many of the witnesses are ment. Articles and materials ing program!
With the new ammunition provided by the funds raised, the aitions of the class struggle.
workers for relief. But their first All war funds to the unemployed!
concessions are still made with party machine worked on more cylinders than ever before espe As the authorities prepared for by the men, giving every evi be sold on credit to private WPA workers, evidently cowed other than arms may, therefore, enough loopholes to smash the cially in the usually dead summer months.
workers ranks. Joe Pagano, the annual memorial service in dence of being under strain, in Arms or persons in belligerent Ass National Welfare Director activity.
Local branches developed a systematlo and concentrated political connection with Armistice Day. timidated and tearing the loss states. Through this loopThe opportunity is there. Labor must not let it slip by!
they were confronted by the ap of their jobs if they don per hole a repetition of the Morgan of the UAW CIO characterized the work relief the administra The twice a week Appeal was lifted out of its financial dol. Pearance of an openly circulated form according to schedule. Oth loans of 1914 1918 is facilitated, leaflet tion offering forced labor. drums. During the first weeks of the war crisis frequency of issue The leaflet was distributed in all the characteristics of being ing from contracting the indebter government witnesses show the belligerents merely refrainThe general sentiment of Chrys was jumped to three times a week.
what the comrades call Blitz pald stool pigeons.
ler workers is for a continuance national Negro department was organized and a full time it es had chance to even read edness in the names of the govand a strengthening of this Missionary ernments.
By GEORGE STERN pressure to force the welfare of director maintained.
the leaflet, it had already been were particularly interested in loopholes Minneapolis union leaders Through these three major ficials to feed the workers lock More held organlers and more assistance for field organizers widely circulated in the working the testimony of a Mrs. Eliza can take the road to war.
American business Twelve years ago the first Kuo. this is! When it suited the needs ed out by the Chrysler corpora provided than ever before.
class districts of Toronto.
mintang Communiat united front of their master in the Kremlin, tion.
beth Thom, employed on the That what the loopholes are was shattered when Chiang Kai the Chinese Stalinists came to The Cadillac Sp. demonstra Several new pamphlets were put on the Socialist market.
sewing project where the pickets there for deliberately contrived Chiang Kal shek tion roared its approval for a Entitled, Remembrance Day, were who are now on trial. In by Roosevelt but covered up by falists and sealed it in the blood nearly three years ago. Although resolution calling for an investi. Ofensivo y It an alternative against the car and from the trevolution November 11th, the leaflet de 1984 the art were supervisor neutrality speeches and of thousands of workers and they also spoke then about demi sation by the City Council of the ary socialist program.
peasants. Remember the last war! Now er she came to Minneapolis she gress.
Today it begins to look as a hypocritical phrase, for the administration towards Chrysler By Feb. we want to be over the top with the 10, 000 fand that Canada is once more en was for fourteen months a memthough the second united front Kuomintang dictator, naturally workers. It also adopted resolu: quota met 100 percent. So that we can have moro organizers in the cased on the bloodstained fields ber of the Federal Workers Secder between stalin and the Jap that part of the bargain. Instead tence given Tracy Doll union or: tional program for workers action against the ruling families war was fought to make the by the General Drivers Union tion of Local 544, the organiza. HOW THEY FIGHT REMEMBER that the Great tion of WPA workers sponsored anese. like do ganizer, for violating the anti solid floor built under our twice woelcy Appeal and monthly Now the Staliniste particel Peo picketing injunction in the red International so that the striking power of our press shall not be world safe for democracy, and and attended its meetings up to HITLERISM IN Although the Moscow Tokyo cile lackeys in the negotiations are still only in a ple Council which Chiang seterick Stearns strike.
affected by some silly financial shortago.
yet today there is less democracy and even after the strike. DEMOCRACY preliminary stage, they have al up to simulate the appearance of han at any time in the last fifty Mrs. Thomas identified 17 of Wo sent a letter to the branches to find out how they felt about years.
the 25 defendants as being at the EAST ST. LOUIS, ni. The the issure between the Kuomin. Throughout the course of the MEMBERSHIP making good on the rest of their obligations. They can be summed REMEMBER that the Great strike scene. Every day of the Library Board here has orderup best in the succinct comment of Oscar Coover for the Minne War was a war to end all wars strike she came down and ed the Hbrarlan to burn his Matters have on several occa the workers and peasants have MEETING SUNDAY apolis Branch: and not a single year has elapsed watched the picket line, observ three copies of John Steinsions apparently already reached been bled while the big capitalists An important membership since, in which wars, great or ing in minute detail everything beck Grapes of Wrath, You may tell the world that Minneapolis will be on the line small, have not been fought.
the stage of actual armed con and bankers rode high, wide, and meeting of Loca INew York that transpired. She would go the famous novel describing before the date set.
handsome in the treaty ports held flict between them.
of the Socialist Workers Par REMEMBER that we went to among the pickets, urging them the plight of California age Mao Tse tung, the Chinese by the Japanese. Against all the ty will be held this Sunday, You have your quotas. The branches need only go to work. Make the last war singing to the tune to return to work. In the lang ricultural workers.
and Stalinist chieftain, is quoted now venality, half heartedness, November 19th, Beethoven We ll hang the Kaiser on sour uage of the professional strikethe Minneapolis motto your own!
The waiting list for the apple tree, and today the Kaiser breakers who testified before the as accusing Chiang Kai shek of outright treachery that Hall, 210 East 5th Street, at book is the longest in the 11not establishing democratic marked the Kuomintang fight p. sharp On the line by February 1st! Every last dime raised for the still lives as one of the richest LaFollette Committee, this sort brary recent history.
government. But what fraud (Continued on Page 10, 000 organlation prese fund drive. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
FIGHT GOV WAR MACHINE IN CANADA can Push for the 10, 000 Organization. Press Fund ployed.
Behind the Lines hus